Wednesday, September 22, 2021

Chol Hamoed Sukkos 5782 Lakewood

A Gut Moed

הושענא רבה/ערב שמיני עצרת שמחת
Monday, September 27, 2021 / כ״א תשרי תשפ״ב
Weather Sunny. High 82F. 
- Candle lighting 6:27 pm shkiah/sunset 6:45 pm
- Yizkor lecht

- 129 new covid cases in Lakewood over the weekend totals 15179/320
- 50 new cases in Jackson totals 7519/117
- 55 new  cases in Toms River totals 12612/334
- P- EBT cards arrive in the mail

-Simchas Torah Hakafos by BMG at B"M Bais Aron  starting 7:10 pm drasha by R"Y Rav Yisrael Nehman shlita krias Hatorah 11:30 pm, 
day Hakafos at Bais Aaron 10:15 Drasha by R"Y Harav Malkiel Kotler shlita 12:40 7th Hakafa 2:15 mincha 4:00 pm

- Vasikin minyan at BMG Bais Yitzchok

Leil Hoshana Raba/ משנה תורה
Kavasikin Netz 6:48 am

- Mishna Torah at B"M Kol Aryeh 8:45 pm
- B"M Lutzk Mishna Torah 9:15 pm, drasha by Rav Yitzchok Sorotzkin 11:00 pm
-B"M Bais Mordechai mishna Torah 10:00 pm
- Somerset walk 9:15 pm
- Sets of הושענות available at BMG Sukka 7th st

-Chayeinu: Leil Hoshana Raba for ladies at 7:30pm - Amiras kol sefer Tehillim At Bnos Melech Auditorium - 550 James Street. Bring a tehillim or listen live by calling: 712-832-5656  PIN: 500# Divrei Hisorerus from HaRav Yitzchok Sorotzkin Shlita 9:30 pm

Sunday 4th day of Chol Hamoed

Weather: Plentiful sunshine. High 74F. 
- Trip ideas for visit beentherdonethatrips
- Roberts carnival at Lakewood Cheder campus on Vasser Ave 11:30 am free for the community
- Bingo advertised set of Hoshanos for $1.99 open today untill 1:00 am
- Shachris/ Hallel with R' Eli Beer at the Kahal in Arlington
- American Dream all attractions open except big snow skiing. Kosher food and Sukka on premises
- Masmidim program for children at Bais Faiga hall 10:45 am - 11:45 am
-  Ripley's Believe it or Not open in Atlantic city nob human remains Sep 22-26 coupon in Lakewood shopper pg 230

- Israel covid numbers 138 ppl died this week
- NJ positivity rate drops slightly 

Motzei Shabbos Chol Hamoed

Simchas Bais Hashoeva in Lakewood tonight

- Simchas Bais Hashoeva/Farbrengen with R' Sholom Mordechai Rubashkin at 645 Cross st Lakewood 9:00 pm live music
- BMG simchas Bais Hashoeva  Motzei Shabbos chol Hamoed 9:30 pm at BM Bais Aaron
 - Lutzk: Simchas Bais Hashoaiva Motzei Shabbos Melava Malka Zemiros by Chezki Levi
- Seret Viznitz at 284 chestnut St Lakewood 10:00 pm
- Sanz Klausenburg Oak & Vine 10:00 pm
- Skulen 10:15 pm 
- Hisvadus with Reb Yosef Yitzchok Gourarie 30 Bluejay way Lakewood 10:00 pm
- Spinka 615 Bergen ave Lakewood 9:30 pm 

Gourmet Glatt both locations open tonight
Roberts carnival tomorrow at Lakewood cheder
- Simchas bais hashoeva in Crown Heights live tonight here 

Shabbos chol hamoed: Remember to check your pockets for Muktzah or for carrying.
אכטונג! נישט פארגעסן ארויס צו נעמען אלע מוקצה זאכן פון די בגדי שבת!

- Second day Chol Hamoed Friday ערב שבת חוה''מ סוכות
Candle lighting 6:32 pm/ Shkia/sunset 6:50 pm
-  Cloudy early,  sunshine later with. Slight chance of a rain shower. High 75F. Shabbos day Sunny high 77 no rain.

- 24 new covid cases in Lakewood totals 15050/321 
- 19 new cases in Jackson  totals 7469/116
-  39 new cases in Toms River totals 12557/334
- local clinics resupplied with Monoclonal antibody treatment

Motzei shabbos Simchas Bais Hashoeva/Farbrengen with R' Sholom Mordechai Rubashkin at 645 Cross st Lakewood 9:00 pm live music

- BMG simchas Bais Hashoeva will be Motzei Shabbos chol Hamoed 9:30 pm at BM Bais Aaron

- CDC endorses COVID booster for millions of older Americans and those that are high risk

-Chol Hamoed event at Tiferes Bais Yaakov 613 Oak st Girls 10:45 Boys 1:45 featuring Rebbe Hill Raffles, contortionist $15 a person or 4 for $50
- Shiur in B"M Lutzk By Rav Shmuel Yaakov Gibber R"Y Nesivos Hatorah at 1:00 pm

- Greater adventure learning program at Bais Faiga 10:45 am - 11:45 am

- Climbzone, Skyzone, Chuke e cheeses I Play America, Jenkinsons all open.  
- 45 minutes from Lakewood Dave & Busters Woodbridge, trampoline park and urban air nearby

First Day Chol Hamoed Thursday
Weather: Heavy rain to start at 3:00 pm

Simchas Bais Hashoeva Thursday night
-  Live simchas Bais Hashieva in the streets of crown heights here

- Mordy's Shteibel 8:00 pm
- Breslov 423  6th st 9:45 pm - 12:00 pm
- Skulen Park Ave 10:15 pm
- 345 Squankum Rd hosted by Munk family 8:30 pm music hot buffet
- Kosson 82 Oak st 8:45 pm

- Due to earlier storms sukkas around town collapsed or blew away damaged from wind and rain

- Blackout in Squankum area. Restoration estimated at 9:30 pm

- Bingo will be open tonight until 12:00 am
- US house has just approved $1 Billion for Israel’s Iron Dome defense system with an overwhelming majority.l days after progressive Democrats successfully managed to get it removed from a stopgap spending bill.

-Thunderstorms later today If you have a schach mat its important to tie it down as a wind can blow it right off. Many poskim permit to tie the schach down with a 100% natural string.

-15 new covid cases in Lakewood  totals 15026/321
- 19 new cases in Jackson totals 
- 79 new covid cases in Jackson since Erev Sukkos totals 7450/116
- 119 new covid cases in Toms River since erev Sukkos totals 12518/334

- Watch live Simchas Bais Hashoeva in Karlin Stolin EY Here

- Some local hospitals and clinics have run out of Monoclonal antibody treatment for covid

- All passengers must wear face coverings at all times within Staten Island Ferry terminals and aboard the ferry.

-Trip ideas for visit beentherdonethatrips
 for indoor trip ideas click HERE

- Things to do on Chol Hamoed do near Lakewood by LNN

- Ripley's Believe it or Not open in Atlantic city nob human remains Sep 22-26 coupon in Lakewood shopper pg 230

- Greater adventure learning program at Bais Faiga 10:45 am - 11:45 am
- Keansburg amusement park open rented by Pirchei $16 full day bracelet

- American dream mall and attractions open special chol Hamoed code for 10%discount at Nikelodian Chol10. Sukkah and kosher food on premises. Mens swim tonight

- NCSY will be at Six Flags Great Adventure on  Thursday, September 23rd! Due to the weather, Six Flags has agreed to honor our tickets on Sunday, September 26th as well! (Seasons Pass holders usually pay $15) 

- Diggerland open Thurs & Friday chol Hamoed special $36.95 a person

- I-play America closed today will be open to the public tomorrow Friday the 24th

- Cherry Crest farm in Lancaster closed today Thursday Sept 23 per website due to large amounts of rain forecasted. They plan to open as scheduled on Friday.

- Franklin institute in Philly Masks are required for unvaccinated and fully vaccinated guests ages 3+.
- Visitors age 12 and up to the Liberty Science Center in Jersey city have to show proof of vaccination and a valid photo ID for over 18 to enter.
- Shachris at Mordy's shteible with musical Hallel at 9:00 am

Motzei Yom Tov

Weather tonight Partly cloudy skies earluy will give way to cloudy skies late. Slight chance of a rain shower. Low near 70F. 
Weather for tomorrow -  Cloudy with showers. Potential for heavy rainfall. High around 80F. Chance of rain 80%

- 111 new covid cases in Lakewood since Erev YT +4 deaths totals 15011/321

- Covid outbreaks in NJ school have prompted at least seven schools to implement schoolwide virtual remote instruction

- FDA authorizes Pfizer "booster shots" for those aged 65+ and adults at "high risk."

- Simchas Bais Hashoeva 
Chayeinu Motzei Yom Tov, Bais Horah, 9:15 Divrei Halachah - Rav Refoel Levi Yitzchok Leiberman Divrei Hisorerus
Zmiros V'rikudim Ezras Nashim is open
- B"M of Westgate
- B"M of Kelmwoods
- Hisvaadus Bais Hashoeva with Rav Leima Wilhelm at 304 Carey street 10:00 pm
- Arlington shul
- Skulen 10:15 all nights

Rav Chaim Kanievsky in his Sukka today


  1. Ballots for the November election are arriving in the mail. Vote for Jack for Governor! Save our children from this vaccine!

    1. Basically Republican straight down?

    2. Yup, except for R' Lichtenstein instead of Fuentes for Township Committee.

    3. Yup. Except for Miller

  2. Can you please reach out to the Tzibur & find out if there are any Minyanim for Bnei Eretz Yisroel to practice Simchas Torah on Shmini Atzeres in Lakewood?

  3. Anybody have any clue why Vermont Avenue from Chestnut to 70 remains CLOSED????

    1. What's the rush to open it?

    2. The Mayor says he's looking into it and will get back with an update.

    3. A weak before the election it will open with special thanks to the incompetents in office that are up for election this year.

  4. The hospitals in NJ are running out of the antibodies by design of the White House which has purposefully redistributed them away from where they are needed most. They want vaccinations, even at the cost of killing peiople.

    1. Monoclonal antibodies are wildly more expensive and difficult to produce than the vaccine. If people refuse to vaccine and rely on mca, it's inevitable that it'll run on.

    2. Chemed ran out kimbal and community hospital have

    3. But MCA is cheaper than the vax + MCA & far cheaper than Remdesivir that they were pushing when it was politically convenient for them so I dont want to hear about what's cheap. Govt should not be withholding medication from its own citizens. period.

    4. Fellows- How about considering simply doing all you can to protect yourseles like getting a vaccination. I'm not sayimg its guaranted to work, but it seems like its the thing to do. It should go without saying that those refusing vaccination are endangerig OTHERS as well.

    5. Here's a fact nobody will tell you...

      A great portion of the monoclonal antibodies treatment is being used for those who are taking the booster shot. It's not just Reb Osher Arieli. Many older people are coming down with Covid a few days after getting the booster. It happened to a few people I know right here in Lakewood. That is why there is a shortage.

      The their doctors send them for the plasma treatment since they are elderly.

      When they ask the doctors if the booster gave them the Covid, the (liberal) doctors explain to them that it is just a coincidence, and they must have been exposed somehow at the same time.

      For months they went around without masks (since they were vaxed) with no issue. All of a sudden, around three days after booster they get Covid. Like the Gerrer Rebbe too.

      They'd be better off without the booster. Anyway they end up relying on the plasma treatment.

    6. It should go without saying that those who have had covid and get the 'vaccine' are endangering others.

      There's absolutely ZERO proof that the vaccines add any benefit to those who have had covid. The opposite is true

    7. Antibodies are gone from the vax and the average Joe can't get a booster shot. It's not looking good, folks. I smell another lockdown coming.

    8. If you have natural immunity then how can a vax add to that? Immunity, by definition, means that nothing can affect you. Why does that need a vax in addition? If someone had chicken pox do they need a vaccine too? No! There's something fishy here.

    9. @Anonymous September 23, 2021 at 7:45 PM

      It's literally not possible to contract Covid from the vaccine. Thats like blaming a flat tire on a recent oil change, it's just not possible.

      The vaccine teaches your body how to fight the virus, there is no 'dead/inactive' covid in it. Your statement is just plain wrong.

    10. I was in the er/hospital this week for cause unrelated to covid. The nurse told us that the people coming for the plasma treatment are all people who were vaccinated she said they are tired of the lies being fed to people. She herself was not vaccinated but had natural immunity and explained based on all medical science how that has always been seen as stronger.

  5. Blackout in Squankum area. Restoration estimated at 9:30 pm

  6. Thanks for posting the link to Karlin in E"Y. If there are any others - please post as well!
    Gut Mo'ed to all!

  7. To all those unwilling to think:

    I really hate allergy season. I take my Claritin, Zyrtec etc. It just doesn't work because you don't take it.

    Good luck.

    1. Talk about dude effects.
      I can go to the bathroom for a month after taking those.


  9. There is a big difference between anti vaxxers and those that are anti Covid vaccine. This is not like other vaccines that have been studied for years it was rushed and nobody really knows what if any side effects there could be. Besides putting politics aside most of us had it and have natural immunity which is better than any vaccine so there is absolutely no reason for most of us to take it. Saying I should take it to protect you is silly at best and certainly not a compelling argument.

    1. Before Americans were overcome with conspiracy theories the Salk vaccine was tested on 1.3 million American kids based on the fact that the outcome of the disease was far worse than the side effects of the vaccine. This was all without the longitudinal data studies many people want with Covid vaccines.

    2. Anon 11:13 am

      Pshhhh. Woweeee. Big word there, "longitudal".

      Stop labeling people who didnt take this vaccine as conspiracists. It's new and it's questionable if it is even effective. Certainly the reply was right; if we had the virus there is no reason to get it. Stop trying to sound so intellegent.

  10. ISRAEL let my daughter go there for Seminary with just a positive COVID test from last May! They must know something about natural immunity that some Americans are unwilling to admit.

    1. They let you into Israel with a positive covid test result if positive and recovered within the last 6 months. If your daughter got covid in May then it was within 6 months of her entry. Unless, you mean she got it in May 2020.

    2. Yes. I should have clarified. My daughter tested positive in May 2020 and just went to Israel this month, right before R'H 5782.

    3. Israeli student visas were based on recovery with no time period, so even May 2020 was ok for this year.

  11. If you had chicken pox you don't take the vaccine. Same with many other diseases. Why is covid different?

    1. Mechanisms of disease vary from virus to virus. This novel virus mutates quickly. (Thats the short of it. Anything else would take a basic science class to explain it.)

    2. If you claim that natural immunity doesn't work due to 'mutations', then the vaccines will certainly not work for mutations.

      However, no proof has ever been presented that natural immunity doesn't work for covid.

    3. Yet the current data shows that if you had the original covid you have strong immunity to the variants- for now. And that doesn't take a science class to explain.

    4. The virus mutating doesn't explain why a vaccine would be better than natural immunity. They aren't modifying the vaccine based on the variants.

  12. Special Feature shiur about The Thin Border Between Sukkos and Shmuli Atzeres today Sunday 20th Tishrei by Horav Michoel Sorotzkin shlita 3:00 pm on Zoom TV45?pwd=MEIzQVlhR3h3VGFJcGhvcnpWcXduUT09
    Meeting ID:81790422045 Password:168485 One tap mobile +16465588656  ID: 81790422045 PW:168485

  13. Any Mishna Torah on the south side?

  14. Here is a link to the Shiur of Horav Michoel Sorotzkin shlit"a of this evening about the borderline Between Sukkos and Shmini Atzeres

  15. There’s mishna Torah all over north and south but what’s the reason for it?
