Monday, November 18, 2019

The "Rub Out" Do You Have to Rub it in?

By Isser Harel
Har Herzl - Jerusalem

RE: Avigdor Lieberman- A Spitemaster, in the land of Bilk and Money

A Bellicose kingmaker, his idle threats  holds Israel's  comatose govt (at the moment) at bay.
Yisrael Beiteinu's chieftain runs Israeli politics like a Russian car service - when you call to cancel the ride, the dispatcher yells back at you into the receiver, I know who you are! We'll never take you again!

In a few weeks we will read the Torah portion of פוטיפר שר הטבחים unlike the rest of us, about 10 days ago, Mishpacha magazine moved the clock ahead with a cover story about the head of the mossad;- his charisma and cunning - will he pivot into politics?

When you think about what he does for Parnassah, it gives you the Heeby Jeebies feeling, because even if arguebly he is מציל נפשות still he's not the person you have in mind when you daven על הצדיקים ועל החסידים in שמנה עשרה.

Well deserved mockery should be heaped on whoever decided to publish this piece, because:
1. The process of elimination this organization employs, maybe a necessary evil but why glorify the enabler as a role model?
2. Their seal, or imprimatur is, in Talmudic parlance, מזויף מתוכו , it reads, בעין תחבולות יפול עם without tactics the nation shall fall, this means if we take care of business we will be safe and secure. In other words our destiny is up to us. Instead, the reality is the  inescapable truth אם ה׳ לא ישמור עיר שוא שקד שומר the only one above decides everyone's fate.
3. If you expedite your goals by transforming Bnos Yisrael into Bnos Midyan R"L  [והמבין יבין] then we are not the Jewish people at all.

Why must kids and impressionable teenagers read about someone who's proud of this unseemly stuff?

The editorial board of this Jewish "Weakly" can all use a transmission flush, or Jiffy Lube of honest genuine Yahadut.
You've got to realize that "The Mastery of Brisk" "Pesach in Beijing"  & Mossad all in 1 publication is plain insanity - The inability to sort things out!


  1. Wow Isser Harel was chozer bitshuva. why is he only upset at mishpacha when other publication are just as guilty.

    1. The other ones were not around yet but more so mishpacha has an agenda to push onto the frum Torah world

  2. Who protects us from Arab terrorist looking for Jewish blood?
    The soldiers and mossad agents sacrifice their lives to protect the Israeli Jews. They are kedoshim.

  3. Mishpacha is a modern orthodox magazine which maquerades as Haredi. It is written and run by a bunch of "Charedim Mitchadshim" from Israel and openly Modern Orthodox women in America.

    1. I agree. Mishpacha has become recently a Zionist magazine, although it’s wee hidden under their “black hat,” so to speak.

  4. Hefkervelt accusing Shlomo Hamelech of all people of being a kofer. And I thought I'd seen everything.

    1. חס ושלום להזכיר דבר כזה! עיין שם ברש'י משלי י'א י'ד כשצרה באה על ישראל ואינן נותנים לב להבין ולהתענות ולעשות תשובה יפול עם
      Rashi in mishlei explains the pasuk of באין תחבולות יפול עם to mean, when a צרה befalls klal yisrael and they don't take to heart, to comprehend why it happened in the first place, and as a result, fast and repent then יפול עם the nation will fall חלילה.
      Obviously the Mossad took this pasuk out of context and used it to further their self imposed view of the Jewish people of ניקח גורלנו בידינו we will take control of our own destiny. If only they would incorporate the Rashi into their personality and put it into practice instead.

  5. "Obviously the Mossad took this pasuk out of context." No they did not. They interpreted the pasuk lfi pshuto. It is you who are taking Rashi's interpretation of the pasuk out of context to further your own self imposed view of opposition to Medinat Yisrael/IDF/Mossad/Zionism/whatever. For a more holistic view of Rashi's opinion on relationship between tefilla and hishtadlus, see him on Shemos 17:12.
