Sunday, November 17, 2019

Girls Still Not in School

It's November, Chanukah is in 6 weeks you would hope not to report because it doesn't make sense, it can't be true. Unfortunately  THERE ARE 8 GIRLS STILL NOT IN HIGH SCHOOL.
Every time you think it won't happen again it seems to be a yearly recurring problem in Lakewood that stretches out until 3-4 months into the school year until Chanukah.
Blame can go around and around but if everyone involved cared, all girls can be placed in no time.


  1. The schools cannot say " Yadeinu Lo Shufchu Es HaDam haZeh.
    There is a tremendous Kitrug on Lakewood with this being the cause of so much Chilul Shabbos and Chilul Hashem with many of these children going off

  2. Does not look like anyone is loosing sleep over this. The olam went away for yom tov and no one cares. They are loosing sleep over spotty cell phone service from Verizon that seems to be the biggest issue facing Lakewood.

  3. Whom are you petitioning with your taanos that kids are out of school? Those who profited from the influx of newcomers should have taken the initiative with schools and mosdos to absorb the incoming families. Verifying the chinuch possibilities for your children is the responsibility of any family before moving.

  4. Don't forget some people care for 100's of kids in their school and can not abandon them for a few yechidus. So don't blame the whole town. Yes blame some including but not limited to the parents but not all.
    Anyway, these anonymous posters should also care a bit more and open a school for these school-less kids. Oh this....... and that.......and the other...... So you don't care that much either, other then posting about others to care..

    1. Why would those 100s of children be abandoned if those children had a school? What does one have to do with the other?

  5. CLOSE ALL THE SCHOOLS until every girl is placed - That is what the Mashgiach paskened and that is what should be done -

  6. it's actually a worse situation than you are posting. There is a phenomenon where there is a school cleansing process in many of the high schools where they force out and/or make it very unwelcome to about 20 students every year. Many of these girls are just not fitting in exactly into the box but are still basically good girls. Unfortunately, when made to feel low about yourself and unaccepted, it starts a downward spiral This is happening in more than one school and there is basically nowhere else for them to go except the streets. Many end up OTD and they are not from the ones even looking for schools anymore. So, it's really not just 8 girls

  7. data? 2 questions
    its terrible either way !
    1. but are these families who recntly moved in or reg lakewood
    2. are these girls very difficult to have in a school ( behavior or academics
    they still need a school but the above questions play a huge role in the context

    1. I know of at least a few cases and the answer to both questions is no

  8. it simply does not happen in other cities.
    Ask anyone from Cleveland, Toronto, Detroit, Los Angeles, Chicago, Baltimore, Montreal, Miami, Denver, Passaic, and another dozen jewish communities.
    They don't make children feel unwelcome in their schools. PERIOD.
    In 5 years from now there may be other schools in Lakewood for everyone to fit into their exact box, but at this point it is just so wrong.
    it's a LAKEWOOD sickness.
    No rational reason is enough to leave one child behind

  9. WOW!
    It's only in Lakewood that you have anyone saying that we should toss the Yechidos to protect the hundreds of girls following in the box. Shocking. Selfish. Holding back the Geulah.
    It's really sad
    Many of these children come from the best families who do all the right things.
    Most of the parents are thrown into the situation of kids spiraling down because their kids were made to feel unwelcome.Most parents are not in a situation where they can just go and open another school. Before talking, does anyone know how many of these children are from old time Lakewood families. Yes - it is a very high percentage. It's really sad that those who do not have this Nisayon just want to throw everyone under the bus with the attitude that those parents don't know how to raise their kids.

  10. The problem is not a lack of energy or willpower. There is a deep-seated mistaken attitude that cannot be simply and easily eradicated.
    People in Lakewood opened schools many years ago on the belief, or to cater to those with the belief, that children need segregation, that to educate bnei Torah they should be kept far from those that don't live like bnei Torah. That belief is fallacious. As long as the children are religious and want a religious education, they can be in the same school and taught the same subjects. Even if they have televisions and internet. The school must deal with this situation, they would need to create an atmosphere that pushes their education goals, even if some parents are not on board. But a school can educate children of various persuasions, successfully and in one classroom. Many of us are proof to that, people who grew up 'out of town' or for some reason did not go to a school whose parent body were in any way similar to each other.
    Once this mistake was started, with people thinking that the more religious and responsible thing to do would be to ensure their 'geklibenneh esrogim' don't have to mix with the riff-raff, it started feeding itself. The schools would sometimes begrudgingly accept people from outside of their target audience, but it was always viewed as a problem, and those children suffered.
    When people learn that the parent body is not an important part of the school, that children will generally follow their parents' path if their home is a happy healthy one, outside influences notwithstanding, that even if a child at the age of 11 copies the hairstyle of the more modern child in his class, it is a short-term thing, they will be on the way to solving the problem.
    Look at Lakewood. There were some parents, from a super yeshivish belief system, that decided 35 years ago to send their children to YTT or Tashbar, for whichever reason. Look at those yungeleit, are they less bnei Torah than their peers from Yeshiva Ktana? When checking out a school, use this criteria; How far did the children veer from their parents, not how objectively good are the children.

    1. Excellent. Your insight is so right. It is an entire approach to chinuch that has failed

  11. BTW - this is not just with HS girls - there are still Aters Tziporah girls that have not 'landed' anywhere yet.

  12. Writing a real long comment doesn’t mean that you know what you’re talking about, because you obviously don’t know the first thing about Chinuch in today’s challenging society. In short; you most definitely should keep girls and boys separate from other children that have internet or access to internet!!! End of discussion. It has nothing to do with being Yeshivish or a Ben Torah like you wrote. But it sure has a lot to do with one such girl or boy totally destroying the yiddishkeit of an entire class! Do your homework, and learn the unfortunate truth.

  13. Well, I had some things to add, but you said 'end of discussion', so I can't any more.

    Btw, it is all nonsense. Boys and girls with internet can be in a class with boys and girls without. Boys and girls with televisions were in a class with boys and girls without televisions with no problem.
    And the segregation has nothing to do with internet. Even families without internet are segregated against. It is to do with 'type'. I receive calls from my school about neighbors asking if they are the right type or fit for the school. This helps nobody and is the cause of today's problems. Many 'types' can be in the same school, harries, yeshivishe people, heimishe people, hungarians and sefardim. They will all turn out fine, if the parents do their job with sechel.
