Thursday, November 7, 2019

Lakewood Math Teacher Job Restored after Demotion by District

Attorney and public school teacher and advocate for school funding  R' Aaron Lang got his old teaching position back after going to the Public Employment Relations Commission last week and reached a settlement. The Lakewood school district will give him back the high school job for the 2020-21 school year. He wrote on Twitter that  he is   Still, actively looking for another district that will appreciate my contributions.
 R' Lang a BMG alumnus who was there for 16 years was recently demoted from his math position at the high school by the school district  with no explanation or reason given, the BOE approved it.  He is also in middle of a lawsuit against the state to provide  more funding for the Lakewood school district. The case is now waiting a decision after 5 years of litigation.


  1. חזק ואמץ שכרך הרבה מאוד הרב לאנג

  2. I stand with mr Lang! Keep fighting for the truth and for lakewood! We need more people like you!!
