Thursday, November 7, 2019

Sukkos to Remember for Kosher Retail and Travel

Kosher Today - Lakewood NJ..
Theg growing kosher community has a myriad of options for shopping, including branches of such stores as Gourmet Glatt, Evergreen, Season’s, and Bingo as well as many long-time local stores. Yet, Lakewood residents spoke of crowded stores and long checkout lines in the days before the recently concluded holiday of Sukkot. These scenes repeated themselves in many stores in Brooklyn as well as Monsey. In a survey of kosher retailers, sales on average were said to have increased by 8% – 10% with some saying that they experienced double-digit growth. “There were many meals during the holidays which always is good for business,” said one retailer. Many of the stores said that they experienced sporadic shortages, specifically on some meats and in the dairy case.

It was also a big season for travel as an estimated 50,000 people travelled to Israel for the holidays. One popular destination was the David Citadel Hotel in Jerusalem which seemed to win back clients it had lost in previous years to the luxury hotel Waldorf Astoria. Popular amongst the Israel holiday travelers was travel through Europe with Turkish, Lot and Austrian Air being primary carriers. One group of travelers on Norwegian Air were stranded in Barcelona on their return to North America. Weather was a factor in many countries blowing away some Succos. Central Israel had a rare windstorm as did New York, Toronto and some areas in Florida. Hundreds of vacationers rented homes in Orlando, a popular vacation model during Passover as well.


  1. Klal Yisroel is now super rich. Look around your life and see how many young shnooks are making serious money. Let's hope they will not waste it this time around and they will use it to further Kvod Shomayim. The Yaaros Devash writes that this will happen before the Geula, Klal Yisroel will have an opportunity to fix what they did when they were in Eretz Yisroel, living off the fat of the land. If this time we do not botch it up, we will have the zechus of repairing one of the reasons for the geula.

    So if you are one of those who has something extra, you can buy an extra cut of meat for your leil shishi chulent, or you can give it to someone who needs it, or use it to build another method of learning Torah and furthering kvod shomayim. It is your choice.

  2. ובחרת בחייםNovember 7, 2019 at 9:39 AM

    Ask the grocery stores how much they are owed.
    Ask the car mechanics how much they are owed.
    Ask the schools how much tuition they are owed.
    What is the budget of Tomchei Shabbos?
    What is the budget of Ahavas Tzedaka?
    What is the budget of Kupas Yom tov?
    Rachmonim bnei rachmonim, use your affluence to help your fellow Jew.

  3. You could build shuls or pay lawyers to stop them

  4. Nobody pays lawyers to stop shuls unless there is a good reason and in that case the money is being put to good use.

    1. Still feeling guilty?

    2. Is there such a thing as a good reason not to build a shul?

    3. Sure there’s a good reason. When it’s going to hurt others and cause crazy traffic and many other issues there’s a good reason.

    4. Why would I feel guilty? I had and have nothing to do with it but get such a kick out of your bitter comments. I don’t see why the people involved would feel guilty either though. They did the right thing.

  5. Only a Shoiteh puts his money for bad use.חגיגה ג Most evil people believe that they are doing good things and their money is being put for good use.
    that is the reason for all the hashchassa in this town
    איזהו שוטה המאבד כל מה שנותנים לו

    1. There’s hashchasa in this town? And you know the reason for it all? Wow!

  6. Its very obvious, if prominent people use there money for wicked purposes in the name of the Torah that is HASHCHASA. I am sure you are familiar with such scenarios.
    It is even worse when they do bad things to hurt other without the need to spend their money. And it is always lshem shomayim, at least that is what they are convonced.

  7. Who said what they did was wicked? You! That’s up for debate.
