Thursday, November 28, 2019

An Altruistic Rant; for Lieberman, a kick in the Pants

By: Zion-Nisht Kain'aar

 Years ago, Benny Begin, deserted by his party faithful ruefully remarked, אני חזן בלי בית כנסת!

Last week, unbeknownst to him the Rebbe of Satmar played the role of Chazzan
to the entire Knesset and others with a fire and brimstone drasha, about inequity in ארצינו
Apparently, Yisrael Beiteinu’s leader was traumatized by the polemic – by Sunday he still hadn’t gotten over it. He remarked:
רק באיראן אפשר לשמוע דבר כזה, שמדברים נגד המדינה, נגד חיילי צה"ל ונגד החכי"ם החרדים בעצמם. אם הוא היה נואם נגד ארצות הברית ונגד צבא בארצות הברית, היו מעיפים אותו בלי לחשוב פעמיים.
"Only in Iran will one hear [i.e. such incendiary talk] such as this – to speak against the medinah, חיילי צה"ל ,and against chareidim chavrei Knesset.
Were he to speak [in America] against the U.S. and its army, they’d deport him without thinking twice".

Mr. Lieberman should blame himself first. For the longest time, he stirs the pot and stokes the fires of intense dislike among Israelis against Torah,  ר''ל and what he calls "Messianic Chareidim."

Witness his rhetoric:
"ליצמן וסמוטריץ שאומרים שיפעלו לסגור את המערך של התחבורה בגוש דן בשבת – אנחנו נפעל בדיוק
ההיפך, שגם תושבי אשדוד, נתניה, ואשקלון יוכלו להגיע למוקדי הבילוי."

Litzman and Smotritz want to close down transportation in Gush Dan for Shabbos – we’ll be proactive to exact the opposite [ר''ל] and permit Ashdod, Netanya and Ashkelon to have services available to reach venues of entertainment.

Torah supersedes Avigdor Lieberman’s aspirations. Since the inception of the State, there has been a status quo in place – Shabbos is a day of rest, without any public transportation – decades before this totalitarian made it out of the U.S.S.R.

If you incite hatred, there’s going to be pushback. In Russia the rules for a game of dodgeball may vary, but worldover, there’s one standard rule: In Chinese it’s called,
 אז מען ווארפט די באל, ווארפט מען צוריק

 If you lash out at K'lal Yisrael’s heritage, someone’s going to return the favor,
.הרבה שלוחים למקום, this time a hearty yasher koach goes to the Admor Reb Zalman Leib shlita- גם ברוך יהיה!


  1. Lieberman is an Aroni

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. You are comparing apples to oranges. You can't equate what Gedolei Torah or Manhigim said or did to the incitement of a secular Jew against the Torah.

  3. ... you really knocked it out of the park . A judgian blast . Russian atheistic sadist . He never appreciated the right to be free and the concept of resting at ease with yourself on the holy shabbos or for that matter any day . The concept of “ I’m free to do nothing “ will get you Siberia where he comes from.

  4. I don’t think Lieberman is capable of seeing the irony.

  5. Lieberman has Russian goyim in his party

  6. When I was leaning in Brisk I was a real kanoi. Back then these type of rants made sense.

    I first started to change my mind when I was busy sounding off against the "Zionists" and how in America...but in Israel...blah, blah, blah.

    The guy I was sounding off to responded that "In America it would be unthinkable for Frum people to try to dictate the behavior of secular Jews. Even in Satmar they have cordial relations with secular Jewish politicians who are a lot more hostile to religion than some of the "Zionists" they rail against and take any opportunity to fight with etc."

    Today I don't think that frum Jews in Israel should make anymore effort to prevent secular Israelis from riding public transportation on Shabbos than frum Jews in America do to secular Jewish Americans

    Such efforts

    (1)Result in tremendous amounts of hatred for yiddishkeit and frum people

    (2)set the precedent for one group telling the other that "we can dictate your lifestyle and force our lifestyle on you"

    And in the end without public transportation secular Israelis will be mechalael Shabbos anyway. In ways that are probably a lot worse than riding a bus or watching public entertainment.

    1. Which Brisk did you learn in?

    2. berel,
      Rav Eliyahu Lopian said (during Eiphoh yossele saga)

      “when they give us blows,kumpt unz. kumpt unz!

      {roughly translated :we deserve it.we had it coming.}

      Their silent cry is :you proclaim to be concerned about chinuch,about your Tradition.

      What about us? how come you were/are unconcerned about us?”

    3. Ignore the screams of “k’fiah datit”. Battle for Tradition in every front and all will fall into place

      kol Yisrael areivim zeh l’ more than a fuzzy feel good mantle donning. It bears with it obligations to reprove others (It is the basis with which we are yotze another jew ,because we bear their performance obligation)
      cf.D’vorim 29:28

    4. wow! A lone voice of reason in a culture hijacked by extremists.

    5. Chaim,et al
      Dare you to find a shred of it anywhere in any text
      conflated your selfish Western libertarianism with our religion

      come out and admit



    6. שֶׁלִּי שֶׁלִּי וְשֶׁלְּךָ שֶׁלְּךָ
      is Midas Sodom for רוחניות also

    7. We've been deemed extremist & other attempts to marginalize us throughout the Millennia
      Welcome to the Club ,Chaim

      we wasted sideline them aligned with at her I'd homonyms you'll just like the rest of them

  7. I see a child enveloped in flames. The bystanders are afraid; they do nothing, or else they are only trying to save the building. I see the child. I rush in. Should I first ask my neighbor whether he, too, sees the child? Should I worry whether, in my haste, I am jostling someone, or perhaps hindering the salvage of the building by running in? Perhaps I am causing a draft, fanning the fire?
    “‘But,’ you might ask, ‘what if you are too late? What if the building collapses on top of the child in a roaring conflagration before you reach it?’ To this I reply: ‘Were I to be buried under it, I would at least have done my duty.’” (Rav Shamshon Raphael Hirsch, Letter Nineteen, The Nineteen Letters).

    Ramban on Devarim 27:26

    One who shirks their obligation to uphold everyone’s Judaism (as much as is possible) is “Arur”

    "1)Result in tremendous amounts of hatred for yiddishkeit and frum people"

    you've been brainwashed and indoctrinated
    whatever the media tells you
    the average Israeli actually appreciates
    just the opposite

    '(2)set the precedent for one group telling the other that "we can dictate your lifestyle and force our lifestyle on you"'

    Like it or lump it
    this is the foundation of our religion
    if you got a problem with that file chapter 11
    most of the other stuff that you observe are just frills

    "And in the end without public transportation secular Israelis will be mechalael Shabbos anyway. In ways that are probably a lot worse than riding a bus or watching public entertainment"

    Cop out
    even non-jews of all Stripes it's obvious the difference between national observance Vs individuals non-observance

    1. I'm not going to argue with you .
      Telling me "You've been brainwashed" "like or lump it " etc. isn't going to bring me closer to believing what you refer to as this is "the foundation of our religion" . It certainly won't do so for the Tinokos Shnisba you claim to care so much about.

      One general question however that I've never gotten an intelligent answer for. (If you can't resist personal attacks don't bother answering it)

      Why do you have to go to Eretz Yisroel to fight Tinokos Shnisbah?... where are you in America?

      Are you learning partners in Torah with a secular Jew? (I do)

      More importantly where are you when AMERICAN Jewish groups fight against Torah? Why don't any of those big talking Kanoim show up to protest at a place like a graduation of Reform rabbis. They openly say they will devote the rest of their lives fighting against authentic Torah and leading people astray.

      Where is the big (ostensible) concern for Kovod Shomyim then?

  8. Berel,

    "... where are you in America?"
    I would agree partially on this one
    everyone should be doing more everywhere
    Some of us have devoted ourselves
    still it is a red herring to bring it up here
    How could one compare individuals or even individual communities with a collective in our Holy Land
    that the whole world and Jews of every level of observance turn to as a lodestar and have revolve around And do go up or down with the atmosphere of Israel

    And for the record when we pushed more level of observance governmentally such as during the 80s the country started becoming more observant collectively

    "More importantly where are you when AMERICAN Jewish groups fight "
    Superbly well put
    it is unacceptable
    some of my best colleagues are actively involved in things like this
    would you like to be provided with names to get more involved?
