Monday, November 25, 2019

Eagle Ridge GDP Application Approved

After a lengthy application process 30 hours of testimony the Lakewood Planning board approved the general development plan for The Parke development at Eagle Ridge Golf course.

Attorney for the residents said it will be challenged in superior court

The board voted on a motion to approve with some stipulations for improvements on future developments.
The attorneys for both sides made closing statements. The board deliberated for 30 minutes and members pointed out how Lakewood and the fairways enclave developments used to be wooded pristine areas and that they miss the golf course as well but now times have changed. Lakewood is now more condensed and this is the Lakewood we live in. The board said they take both sides and concerns into consideration.  On issues of storm water and traffic the board applauded the attorney for the residents to bringing it to their attention otherwise it would have been a potential flaw. As far as traffic the first 3 phases are clear but the board would like to focus on the outside plan.

There were the conditions:
The roadways should follow the masterplan recommendations
There should be one lane in and 3 lane outs on Augusta blvd giving a left and right turning lane
Cross street must be widened to have turning lanes from rt 9 to E Veterans as long as its  consisting  with county improvements and design before issuing phase 1 co's
A traffic signal be installed at the Augasta blvd intersection prior to phase 2 co's
There should be a plan for Cross street to be dualized at phase 3
Before phase 4 there should be a plan for a second entrance into the development but not mandated only reserving the right to require
There should be a fiscal impact report prior to each phase
All storm water matters should be addressed before all phases.


  1. Sounds all good until they sue to say all the additional requirements and not required by law and Lakewood didn't have the right to request it. Another win for the developers, and a loss for the oilam in Lakewood. Who will gain???

    1. You’re wrong. The developer cannot sue on this because it was his own suggestion to include those conditions.

  2. It's conditioned on the county to improve if the county does not do anything the development continues.
    Even with traffic improvements it will all bottleneck once it hits ty 9 or prospect James etc there's not enough thoroughfares for all the cars.
    Taxes will go up as more development has proven to cause a tax increase on the rest of Lakewood. Lakewood taxes went way up despite all the new building.

  3. What an act by the board.
    this does nothing for Lakewood Youngeleit only at their expense sitting more hours in traffic more bittul Torah and not helping with affordable living options.

  4. clown show the optics look bad when some members look like they are sleeping and not focusing or paying attention.

  5. Very obvious which way the town professionals were pushing. The traffic study did not factor in the basements that will double the amount of cars.

    The traffic impact on Cross Street and prospect will mean daily gridlock to an already bad situation.

    And this is only with the current application. What happens if they decide to build on the other half that was now left as open space.

  6. The biggest joke was how the board kept changing and amending the motion after a member read off a script of conditions to approve.

  7. PR statements after the vote will not improve the traffic situation in town who are they attempting to fool.

  8. all this blog talks about is traffic , im from brooklyn and its not bad here as long as you dont drive into manhatten

    1. Obviously your not in Lakewood long enough. How long does it take you to go to yeshiva or work in the morning

    2. Saying our traffic in Lakewood is "not bad" because it's better than Brooklyn is playing right into the hands of the greedy developers and their cronies on the boards. Lakewood is a suburb, or at most a small city. Most of us do not aspire to just be better than Brooklyn. (and I'm not even so sure our traffic is better than Brooklyn!)

  9. Which chasidim are moving to eagle ridge

  10. Are the roads lining up with other roads? Is the street going out hitting Prospect or is it going to just miss it like the corner of MLK and Forest Park?

  11. Traffic in almost all major cities is terrible. When I come to Lakewood I use an e bike to get around. Why don’t the yungeleit start using electric bikes to get around?
