Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Lakewood Poskim: It's Permitted to Call Police on Shabbos To report A Burglar

Matzav- reports in light of recent burglaries and break ins at homes on Friday night Lakewood poskim Permit Calling Police on Shabbos to Report Burglars. The rabbonim signed the letter saying that it is a safek pikuach nefashos if a burglur is seen attempting to enter a home that one should call the police even on shabbos  although if possible to dial  with a shinui assuming they can do so.


  1. Its chiyuv. And don’t concern yourself with shinui

  2. It like “Bah beMach’teres” which by definition is “Pikoo’ach Nehfesh”.

  3. I would love to see the halachic basis. We have been having burglaries since I moved here, over 15 years ago. Has a SINGLE person been hurt?

  4. 1. The headline is misleading. Rabbi Miller says that if we see a burglar looking for a house to burgle, one may call the police. He does NOT say that if you wake up in the middle of the night and there is a burglar in your house, you may call police. In fact, he quotes a Magen Avraham that clearly says you may not.

    2. He says you should do it with a shinui, unlike the previous commenter

    1. Your understanding of this letter is incorrect factually and logically.

  5. Some of these comments are quite surprising. We all know the mishna of haba bmachteres right? The mishna wasn’t written in Lakewood so it doesn’t say to kill him with a shinui but one thing is clear you can certainly call the police.

    1. Checking up the Mage Avraham that Rabbi Miller quoted should make you smarter

  6. Don’t need to check anything. The mishna is very clear. Were you absent the day your class learned the mishna in 3rd grade?

    1. please don't ever pasken a shailah based on something you learned in third grade!

  7. It’s not a shaileh that it needs a psak.
