Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Agudah to Announce Barclays Center as Additional Siyum HaShas Venue

Hamodia-  Agudath Israel of America has booked the Barclays Center as a livestream venue for the upcoming Siyum HaShas, as the main venue, MetLife Stadium, has nearly sold out, Hamodia has learned. The news will be officially announced at the Agudah Convention on Thursday night.

Most of the program at Barclays, located in Downtown Brooklyn, will be a live video feed of the program at MetLife, in East Rutherford, New Jersey. Barclays will have one unique speaker, its own minyanim for Mincha and Maariv, its own kaddish following the siyum, and possibly its own hadran. Barclays will also have its own live musicians and singer.

The vast majority of seats at the Barclays Center will be priced at $36 or $54. Barclays has over 15,000 seats. Read more at Hamodia


  1. I would much prefer Barclays if it is bad weather on January 1st since it is indoors.

    I'm also assuming that for health reasons that Rabbonim like Rav Shmuel Kamenetsky and Rav Dovid Feinstein who are in their 90s will be in the indoor Barclays rather than the outdoors Metlife stadium.

    Plus for those who live in Brooklyn it is a lot easier to get to Barclays than to Metlife.

    Are they offering a way to switch?

  2. if you want to refund your met life tickets ( 25, 36) because barcaly works better for you ) send an email to and we will attempt to flip it for you at face value
    ( personally i dont need any tickets but some people in shul do )

  3. Sounds like a scam

  4. Are they actually sending rabanim there?
