Thursday, November 14, 2019

Lakewood News Nov 14. 2019

- NJ state prosecutors  appealed the 60 sentence of Reb Osher Eiseman calling it too short and want  the sentencing revisited for a longer sentence r'l App reports Lawyers are confident  that no crime was committed. donate here for pidyon shvuyim

-At the Planing Board Meeting the Eagle Ridge application was heard with professionals giving their testimony.  The board announced that at the next meeting the public will finally have a chance to speak they will allocate 2 hours for the public comment. Officials asked that residents from Eagle ridge coordinate their remarks so they should not be repetitive. The board will than have a hour to deliberate and decide. The next meeting is scheduled for Nov 25th.

-At the LDC Meeting on Tuesday a board member lashed out at a member of the public for not addressing him with the correct title. The mayor was asked who will be appointment Lakewood mayor next year he said doesn't know will have to wait until December 31.

- Lakewood Chaveirim: Reminder: Winterize your sprinkler system Do it right! Cleanup can be way more costly.

-Matzav Shmooze The Disaster that is Lakewood Traffic HERE

-Jackson- Town wide Eruv ordnance got pushed off again, the Kapores ordnance passed 2nd reading.


  1. It's ok to publicly shame innocent frum yidden calling them BAD APPLES but oh boy if someone calls a rabbi as mister.

  2. It's ok to hire lawyers to fight shuls...
