USDA Extends Free Meals for Kids Through December 31, 2020 (this is not the regular school lunch but the summer program.)
Summer meal programs can continue operating as funding allows
(Washington, DC, August 31, 2020) – Today, U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Sonny Perdue announced the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) will extend several flexibilities through as late as December 31, 2020. The flexibilities allow summer meal program operators to continue serving free meals to all children into the fall months. This unprecedented move will help ensure – no matter what the situation is on-the-ground – children have access to nutritious food as the country recovers from the COVID-19 pandemic. USDA has been and continues to be committed to using the Congressionally appropriated funding that has been made available.
A voice for the Tzibbur by the Tzibbur- overcoming challenges. We take no responsibility for comments posted you are solely responsible for any comments you make and their accuracy. We take no responsibility and assume no liability for any comments posted by you or any third-party.
Monday, August 31, 2020
Oif Simchas Lakewood יב' אלול תש''פ
Spiegel - Roberts Fountain Ballroom
Heiman - Weisberg Ateres Chana
Grynhaus - Felzenstein Lake Terrace
Mutzen - Soloff Ne'emas Hachaim
Kelemer - Broyde Ateres Reva
Engagements: Vivaser
Spiegel - Roberts Fountain Ballroom
Heiman - Weisberg Ateres Chana
Grynhaus - Felzenstein Lake Terrace
Mutzen - Soloff Ne'emas Hachaim
Kelemer - Broyde Ateres Reva
Engagements: Vivaser
Monday August 31 Lakewood News Updates
Weather: More clouds than sun. High 78F. Humidity 65%
- USDA Extends Free Meals for Kids Through December 31, 2020 allowing summer meal program operators to continue serving free meals to all children into the fall months.
- 18 new covid cases in Lakewood total 2855/196
- Matzav: Exposing the Lies We’ve Been Told About Covid, Shutting Shuls, Supposed “Upticks” and More read at Matzav .com
- Chai4Ever lunch distribution 6:15 pm 1221 Madison
-Lakewood Physicians Dr. Cohen and Lampel submit letter posted on TLS
"All adults and children, who can, should wear masks-whether or not they have had Covid infections in the past-at all times when indoors and when outdoors in groups. Social distancing of 6 feet or more should be religiously upheld. Senior citizens and those with comorbidities and immunosuppression should avoid contact with anyone who does not observe these restrictions"
The doctors pointed out" that Until this point, we have allowed other physicians to speak publicly, but they have voiced concern for asserting the appropriate message due to fear of “backlash from the community”. We, however, fear backlash from the Ribono Shel Olam if we don’t clearly proclaim our viewpoint and reduce illness & perhaps death.
-High schools send out text message to parents postponing first day of school since there are many girls still not placed. Orientation is this Wednesday and schools may start Friday or Monday.
-Tefillos for Rav Yitzchok Scheiner, rosh yeshiva of Yeshivas Kamenitz in Yerushalayim who is in need of a refuah All are asked to daven for Rav Yitzchok Aryeh ben Perel. (Matzav)
- Murphy: Restaurants statewide will be able to open for indoor dining beginning this FRIDAY at 25% capacity and with social distancing between tables.
-Shiva for Harav Yosef Neuschloss zt'l at 3 Central avenue getting up tomorrow morning. Parking on S. Lake drive or Carraneta
-Lakewood school teachers planning a strike on Tuesday against reopening plan. News12 NJ reports Lakewood Board of Ed. attorney Michael Inzelbuch: "if we see by Tuesday our staff is not here I have been preparing with co council papers to file in order to show cause and they will be dragged into court to answer to a judge it is illegal to strike in NJ."
-Lunch distribution Gelbsteins 9 am at public school locations last one for the season.
-Rav Chaim Kanievsky shlita has resumed serving as sandek afer not doing so since the virus started in March. Going forward the brissim will take place daily with social distancing guidelines.
-Temple University in Philly has announced a two-week halt of in-person classes after COVID-19 cases rose to 103 active cases
- USDA Extends Free Meals for Kids Through December 31, 2020 allowing summer meal program operators to continue serving free meals to all children into the fall months.
- 18 new covid cases in Lakewood total 2855/196
- Matzav: Exposing the Lies We’ve Been Told About Covid, Shutting Shuls, Supposed “Upticks” and More read at Matzav .com
- Chai4Ever lunch distribution 6:15 pm 1221 Madison
-Lakewood Physicians Dr. Cohen and Lampel submit letter posted on TLS
"All adults and children, who can, should wear masks-whether or not they have had Covid infections in the past-at all times when indoors and when outdoors in groups. Social distancing of 6 feet or more should be religiously upheld. Senior citizens and those with comorbidities and immunosuppression should avoid contact with anyone who does not observe these restrictions"
The doctors pointed out" that Until this point, we have allowed other physicians to speak publicly, but they have voiced concern for asserting the appropriate message due to fear of “backlash from the community”. We, however, fear backlash from the Ribono Shel Olam if we don’t clearly proclaim our viewpoint and reduce illness & perhaps death.
-High schools send out text message to parents postponing first day of school since there are many girls still not placed. Orientation is this Wednesday and schools may start Friday or Monday.
-Tefillos for Rav Yitzchok Scheiner, rosh yeshiva of Yeshivas Kamenitz in Yerushalayim who is in need of a refuah All are asked to daven for Rav Yitzchok Aryeh ben Perel. (Matzav)
- Murphy: Restaurants statewide will be able to open for indoor dining beginning this FRIDAY at 25% capacity and with social distancing between tables.
-Shiva for Harav Yosef Neuschloss zt'l at 3 Central avenue getting up tomorrow morning. Parking on S. Lake drive or Carraneta
-Lunch distribution Gelbsteins 9 am at public school locations last one for the season.
-Rav Chaim Kanievsky shlita has resumed serving as sandek afer not doing so since the virus started in March. Going forward the brissim will take place daily with social distancing guidelines.
-Temple University in Philly has announced a two-week halt of in-person classes after COVID-19 cases rose to 103 active cases
Democrat Insider Details Mail-In Voting Fraud Operation in NJ Elections
“There is no race in New Jersey — from City Council to United States Senate — that we haven’t worked on,” the operative told the New York Post. “I worked on a fire commissioner’s race in Burlington County. The smaller the race the easier it is to do.”
Breitbart: A Democrat operative is telling all about the massive voter fraud operation deployed to rig elections for Democrats through paying homeless voters off, taking advantage of the elderly, posing as registered voters, and printing up fake ballots. An exclusive report by the New York Post‘s Jon Levine tells the stories of a Democrat operative who has personally led a staff to produce false election results via voter fraud for years now — a scheme that he suggests will be utilized in the upcoming local, state, congressional, and presidential elections on November 3:
“This is a real thing,” he said. “And there is going to be a ... war coming November 3rd over this stuff … If they knew how the sausage was made, they could fix it.” [Emphasis added]
In one story, the operative explained how he and his staff make fake mail-in ballots by simply running ballots sent to registered voters through a copy machine. The envelopes used for the ballots, though, are much more difficult to recreate, so instead his staff goes door-to-door convincing voters to let them deliver their mail-in ballots for them.
Breitbart: A Democrat operative is telling all about the massive voter fraud operation deployed to rig elections for Democrats through paying homeless voters off, taking advantage of the elderly, posing as registered voters, and printing up fake ballots. An exclusive report by the New York Post‘s Jon Levine tells the stories of a Democrat operative who has personally led a staff to produce false election results via voter fraud for years now — a scheme that he suggests will be utilized in the upcoming local, state, congressional, and presidential elections on November 3:
“This is a real thing,” he said. “And there is going to be a ... war coming November 3rd over this stuff … If they knew how the sausage was made, they could fix it.” [Emphasis added]
In one story, the operative explained how he and his staff make fake mail-in ballots by simply running ballots sent to registered voters through a copy machine. The envelopes used for the ballots, though, are much more difficult to recreate, so instead his staff goes door-to-door convincing voters to let them deliver their mail-in ballots for them.
Campaign: First Yartzheit Harav Shlomo Gissinger ZT"L
Yartzeit and Hakomas Matzeiva tomorrow
To Join and Donate HERE
To mark his first yahrzeit and perpetuate his legacy, there will be a multi-faceted evening of events: Hachnosas Sefer Torah, Binyan Shlomo Building Dedication, and Asifas Zikaron featuring a Siyum and divrei zikaron v’hisorirus. Join his family on Tuesday, 12 Elul, September 1, for an historic celebration of his life and legacy.
Rav Shlomo Gissinger zt”l was a legend - a giant in Halacha, an innovator in the field of Kashrus, renowned for his medical advice, an amazing resource in the area of fertility, and endlessly available around the clock to the klal for every matter, big or small. The Rav’s care and concern for every Yid, and respect for every human being, made him the final hope and destination for all those in need.
To Join and Donate HERE
To mark his first yahrzeit and perpetuate his legacy, there will be a multi-faceted evening of events: Hachnosas Sefer Torah, Binyan Shlomo Building Dedication, and Asifas Zikaron featuring a Siyum and divrei zikaron v’hisorirus. Join his family on Tuesday, 12 Elul, September 1, for an historic celebration of his life and legacy.
Rav Shlomo Gissinger zt”l was a legend - a giant in Halacha, an innovator in the field of Kashrus, renowned for his medical advice, an amazing resource in the area of fertility, and endlessly available around the clock to the klal for every matter, big or small. The Rav’s care and concern for every Yid, and respect for every human being, made him the final hope and destination for all those in need.
Sunday, August 30, 2020
A Call to Stem Covid19 Uptick With Safe Simchos and Gatherings
Public statement from Agudath Israel Of America - August 30 2020
Nationally, in recent days and weeks, Agudath Israel of America has received concurrent reports of an uptick in COVID-19 cases in communities in Lakewood, Cleveland, Rockland County, Five Towns, Brooklyn, Passaic, and Baltimore. With yeshivos imminently reopening for the school year, it is critical to bring this trend under control. For months, COVID-19 rates in many areas have, boruch Hashem, been low. But our communities are tight-knit and closely linked. Therefore, trends within our communities must be closely and holistically monitored, and every community must remain vigilant to protect all our communities. Kol Yisroel areivim zeh ba’zeh.
Simchos are wonderful, once-in-a-lifetime events. But we must conduct them legally and safely. We must minimize the above factors to protect all our communities.
Oif Simchas Lakewood י' אלול תש''פ
Rozansky - Shamgan Ateres Reva
Hoffman - Senderovits Fountain Ballroom
Bloch - Blitz Ateres Chana
Vort Hachosson Yosef Dov Hess to Hakallah Fraidy Green Estreia 7:00pm
Engagements courtesy of Vivaser: To receive email
Rozansky - Shamgan Ateres Reva
Hoffman - Senderovits Fountain Ballroom
Bloch - Blitz Ateres Chana
Vort Hachosson Yosef Dov Hess to Hakallah Fraidy Green Estreia 7:00pm
Engagements courtesy of Vivaser: To receive email
Agudah Responds to Article
Agudah responds to an article recently published as an op-ed column in The Jewish Press
By Rabbi Chaim Dovid Zwiebel
A number of people have called my attention to an anti-Agudath Israel screed that was recently published as an op-ed column in a Jewish periodical. The article defames Rabbi Moshe Sherer z’l, distorts the words of my colleague Rabbi Avi Shafran, and slanders the Agudah. I feel I must respond.
By Rabbi Chaim Dovid Zwiebel
A number of people have called my attention to an anti-Agudath Israel screed that was recently published as an op-ed column in a Jewish periodical. The article defames Rabbi Moshe Sherer z’l, distorts the words of my colleague Rabbi Avi Shafran, and slanders the Agudah. I feel I must respond.
Sunday August 30 News Updates Lakewood
Weather: Plenty of sunshine. High near 80F. Humidity 62%
- Gelbsteins lunch distribution tommorow 9 am final one for the season.
-United Airlines says it listened to customers and is dropping an unpopular $200 fee for most people who change a ticket for travel within the United States.
-For a list of Lakewood Covid -19 Minyanim email :
For minyan information email:
-7 new cases in Lakewood since yesterday totals 2837/196
-Jackson School district: Bus Passes for All Students will be posted on Monday, Aug. 31, 2020 at 9 a.m. Transportation begins September 8
-While over 50 new cases have been reported just last week, doctors expect that there are many unreported cases currently in Lakewood.
- Petition: Time of year again untold amount of girls still not in school while last minute maneuvering going on to get them in, hundreds have signed a petition not to open schools untill everyone is placed in a school. Sign HERE
-3 new covid cases in Lakewood since Friday totals 2830/196
-S. Carolina congressman Rep. Jeff Duncan (R-SC) has begun to circulate a letter among his House colleagues calling for the Trump administration to pressure the Ukrainian government into allowing religious exemptions for breslov chasidim to make their annual pilgrimage to Uman.
- Ocean county begins construction to install traffic light at intersection of 14th street and Hope Chapel rd
- American Dream, indoor ski and snowboard park, will reopen thid Tuesday with 25% capacity and other precautions in place.
- Gelbsteins lunch distribution tommorow 9 am final one for the season.
-United Airlines says it listened to customers and is dropping an unpopular $200 fee for most people who change a ticket for travel within the United States.
-For a list of Lakewood Covid -19 Minyanim email :
For minyan information email:
-7 new cases in Lakewood since yesterday totals 2837/196
-Jackson School district: Bus Passes for All Students will be posted on Monday, Aug. 31, 2020 at 9 a.m. Transportation begins September 8
-While over 50 new cases have been reported just last week, doctors expect that there are many unreported cases currently in Lakewood.
- Petition: Time of year again untold amount of girls still not in school while last minute maneuvering going on to get them in, hundreds have signed a petition not to open schools untill everyone is placed in a school. Sign HERE
-3 new covid cases in Lakewood since Friday totals 2830/196
-S. Carolina congressman Rep. Jeff Duncan (R-SC) has begun to circulate a letter among his House colleagues calling for the Trump administration to pressure the Ukrainian government into allowing religious exemptions for breslov chasidim to make their annual pilgrimage to Uman.
- Ocean county begins construction to install traffic light at intersection of 14th street and Hope Chapel rd
- American Dream, indoor ski and snowboard park, will reopen thid Tuesday with 25% capacity and other precautions in place.
Friday, August 28, 2020
Lakewood Zmanim עש''ק פרשת כי תצא תש''פ
Friday, August 28, 2020 / ח׳ אלול תש״פ
ערב שבת פרשת כי תצא
Candle lighting 7:15 pm
Shkia/Sunset 7:33 pm
Weather Shabbos day Thunderstorms A few storms may be severe. High 83F. Chance of rain 80%. Humidity 89%
ברגע קטן עזבתיך וברחמים גדלים אקבצך
כי ההרים ימושו והגבעות תמוטנה וחסדי מאתך לא ימוש וברית שלומי לא תמוט אמר מרחמך ה׳
ערב שבת פרשת כי תצא
Candle lighting 7:15 pm
Shkia/Sunset 7:33 pm
Weather Shabbos day Thunderstorms A few storms may be severe. High 83F. Chance of rain 80%. Humidity 89%
ברגע קטן עזבתיך וברחמים גדלים אקבצך
כי ההרים ימושו והגבעות תמוטנה וחסדי מאתך לא ימוש וברית שלומי לא תמוט אמר מרחמך ה׳
NJ Gas tax to Increase by 9.3 cents a Gallon in October Due to Coronavirus
The New Jersey gas tax will jump as the state says tries to dig itself out of a financial hole causes by the coronavirus crisis, officials announced on Friday.
The Department of the Treasury announced on Friday that lower fuel consumption trends, which have been exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic, will necessitate a gas tax increase of 9.3 cents per gallon. Due to the formula explicitly outlined in the law, the tax rate on gasoline and diesel fuel will increase on Oct. 1 from 30.9 cents to 40.2 cents for gasoline and from 34.9 cents to 44.2 cents for diesel fuel, officials said.
When coupled with the current 10.5 cent motor fuels tax rate on gasoline and the 13.5 cent rate for diesel fuel, the total tax rates for gasoline and diesel fuel will be 50.7 cents and 57.7 cents, respectively.
Friday August 28 News Updates Lakewood
Weather: Mixed clouds and sun this morning. Scattered thunderstorms developing this afternoon. High 89F Chance of rain 40%. Humidity 65%.
- Erev shabbos Candle lighting 7:15 pm Shkia 7:33 pm
-Tehillim Yosef Kalman ben Toba patient with covid19
-Severe Thunderstorm Warning continues for Toms River NJ, Lakewood NJ, until 5:45 PM
-Shuls reiterate that anyone who came in contact with someone who tested positive should Not come to shul even with a mask.
-Murphy Announces $250M Child Care Initiative from Coronavirus Relief Fund to Support Working Families to ensure high-quality child care is accessible and affordable for New Jersey families more
-7 new coranavirus cases in Lakewood yesterday totals 2827/196
-Price of gas up in Lakewood gas stations ranging in price from 2.19 - 2.69
-Viznitz Lakewood Yerushalayim Rebbe Rav Lazer Hager shlita will conduct Tefillos and Tish at Tashbar on Oak st.
-Hamodia: Lakewood Sees Uptick in COVID Cases The severity of symptoms has largely remained low with patients experiencing mild to moderate cases. The cause of why cases have so far been largely less severe than during the initial outbreak is unknown. Those involved in testing reported that the vast majority of positive cases were linked either to large events or travel to hot spot states, especially Florida.(Hamodia)
-Lunch Distribution Bais Tova Box 10:15 am
-With uncertainty about the pandemic several shuls are renting larger facilities for minyanim during the Yomim Noraim or splitting up to smaller minyanim for social distancing.
- Trump acceptance speech: we don’t look to career politicians for salvation. In America, we do not turn to government to restore ourselves. We put our faith in almighty God
-NJ study: Heart disease and diabetes are the leading underlying conditions among those who have died of COVID-19.
- Morris County officials demand JCP&L refund customers for bills, food after days-long outages. The company said A customer can file a claim and it will be reviewed on an individual basis, However, losses and damages resulting from natural events such as tropical storms are not reimbursed under Section 4.01 of JCP&L’s Board approved tariff. This includes damages from the loss of power, as well as personal items such as food.
- Erev shabbos Candle lighting 7:15 pm Shkia 7:33 pm
-Tehillim Yosef Kalman ben Toba patient with covid19
-Severe Thunderstorm Warning continues for Toms River NJ, Lakewood NJ, until 5:45 PM
-Shuls reiterate that anyone who came in contact with someone who tested positive should Not come to shul even with a mask.
-Murphy Announces $250M Child Care Initiative from Coronavirus Relief Fund to Support Working Families to ensure high-quality child care is accessible and affordable for New Jersey families more
-7 new coranavirus cases in Lakewood yesterday totals 2827/196
-Price of gas up in Lakewood gas stations ranging in price from 2.19 - 2.69
-Viznitz Lakewood Yerushalayim Rebbe Rav Lazer Hager shlita will conduct Tefillos and Tish at Tashbar on Oak st.
-Hamodia: Lakewood Sees Uptick in COVID Cases The severity of symptoms has largely remained low with patients experiencing mild to moderate cases. The cause of why cases have so far been largely less severe than during the initial outbreak is unknown. Those involved in testing reported that the vast majority of positive cases were linked either to large events or travel to hot spot states, especially Florida.(Hamodia)
-Lunch Distribution Bais Tova Box 10:15 am
-With uncertainty about the pandemic several shuls are renting larger facilities for minyanim during the Yomim Noraim or splitting up to smaller minyanim for social distancing.
- Trump acceptance speech: we don’t look to career politicians for salvation. In America, we do not turn to government to restore ourselves. We put our faith in almighty God
-NJ study: Heart disease and diabetes are the leading underlying conditions among those who have died of COVID-19.
- Morris County officials demand JCP&L refund customers for bills, food after days-long outages. The company said A customer can file a claim and it will be reviewed on an individual basis, However, losses and damages resulting from natural events such as tropical storms are not reimbursed under Section 4.01 of JCP&L’s Board approved tariff. This includes damages from the loss of power, as well as personal items such as food.
Thursday, August 27, 2020
Thursday August 27 News Updates Lakewood
Weather: Partly cloudy. A stray shower or thunderstorm is possible. High 93F Humidity 61%
- HaRav Yechiel Moskowitz Shlita will give his weekly Shiur on Parshas Hashavua at 10:30. To join, please call 605-313-5894 PIN# 783618#
- APP headline: 'I don't want to die': Lakewood teachers rally against 'dangerous' reopening plan
-Oif Simchas : Chasunas:
Chasuna at Tiferes Bais Yaakov 613 Oak out of town please be mesamech chosson vekalla
Fisher - Karp Ne'emas Hachaim Hall
Landau - Halberstat Ateres Reva
Beer - Ferrell KMY Cheder
Sacks -Fisher Lake Terrace
-Yeshiva Ktana 5 day lunch box distribution 6-8 pm at 120 Second street final one for the season.
-Yidden in NY at JFK Airport headed to
Uman before the border is closed.
-Speaker Pelosi ‘I Don’t Think There Should be Any Debates’ Between Joe Biden and Donald Trump "I wouldn't legitimize a conversation with him." I think that he'll probably act in a way that is beneath the dignity of the presidency,
- 6 new covid19 cases in Lakewood totals 2820/196
- Ocean county Freeholder Kelly on Gov Murphy “It’s time for this left-wing, socialist dictator to stop telling the people of this county and this state what we’re allowed to do,”.
-BMG Rosh yeshiva Harav Yeruchom Olshin delivered the first shiur klali of the zman today in the Bais Yitzhok B"M (Blaaz)
-TBY Distribution 2:00 pm Oak st
-Klausenberg food distribution going on now from 12- 3 at the school behind Evergreen market
- Ukrain allows entry for now as closure will take effect tomorrow midnight.
-Hundreds of Breslev chasidim in Kiev airport trying to get to Uman for Rosh Hashana refused entry into the country by Ukrainian authorities and are being sent back to Israel as Ukrain shuts the borders due to the pandemic.
- HaRav Yechiel Moskowitz Shlita will give his weekly Shiur on Parshas Hashavua at 10:30. To join, please call 605-313-5894 PIN# 783618#
- APP headline: 'I don't want to die': Lakewood teachers rally against 'dangerous' reopening plan
-Oif Simchas : Chasunas:
Chasuna at Tiferes Bais Yaakov 613 Oak out of town please be mesamech chosson vekalla
Fisher - Karp Ne'emas Hachaim Hall
Landau - Halberstat Ateres Reva
Beer - Ferrell KMY Cheder
Sacks -Fisher Lake Terrace
-Yidden in NY at JFK Airport headed to
Uman before the border is closed.
-Speaker Pelosi ‘I Don’t Think There Should be Any Debates’ Between Joe Biden and Donald Trump "I wouldn't legitimize a conversation with him." I think that he'll probably act in a way that is beneath the dignity of the presidency,
- 6 new covid19 cases in Lakewood totals 2820/196
- Ocean county Freeholder Kelly on Gov Murphy “It’s time for this left-wing, socialist dictator to stop telling the people of this county and this state what we’re allowed to do,”.
-BMG Rosh yeshiva Harav Yeruchom Olshin delivered the first shiur klali of the zman today in the Bais Yitzhok B"M (Blaaz)
-TBY Distribution 2:00 pm Oak st
-Klausenberg food distribution going on now from 12- 3 at the school behind Evergreen market
- Ukrain allows entry for now as closure will take effect tomorrow midnight.
-Hundreds of Breslev chasidim in Kiev airport trying to get to Uman for Rosh Hashana refused entry into the country by Ukrainian authorities and are being sent back to Israel as Ukrain shuts the borders due to the pandemic.
Watch: Inside ArtScroll Episode 4 - Interview with Rabbi Yaakov Feitman, Author of Blueprints
The newest episode of Inside ArtScroll features a full-length interview with Rabbi Yaakov Feitman, author of the new book “Blueprints” and rav of Kehillas Bais Yehuda Tzvi in Cedarhurst, NY. As one of the most prominent students of Rav Yitzchak Hutner zt”l, Rabbi Feitman shares fascinating stories about his interactions with the rosh yeshivah, as well as sage advice and insights gleaned from over four decades in the rabbinate
Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Wednesday August 26 News Updates Lakewood
Weather: Abundant sunshine. High 81F. Humidity 47%
-Kiddush Levana oppurtunity 11:15 pm
-Hurricane Laura is an extremely dangerous Category 4 storm with 150 mph winds heading for a destructive landfall near the Texas and Louisiana border Wednesday night into early Thursday morning raising fears of a 20-foot storm surge that forecasters said would be “unsurvivable” and capable of sinking entire communities.
-Petirah of Rebbitzen Rochel Leah Rosenbloom, a”h, the almanah of Hagaon Harav Yosef Rosenbloom, zt”l, Rosh Yeshiva of Bais Hamedrash Shaarei Yosher in Boro Park. The levayah is scheduled for Thursday morning, at Bais Hamedrash Shaarei Yosher, 4102 16th Ave 10:30 AM. ( Hamofia)
-Lakewood public school teachers are protesting the school district reopening plan outside the BOE meeting by driving around in their cars for an hour and honking their horns close to 200 cars participated (App)
- Doctors have traced the majority of the new cases to several Chasunas locally and out of town. Some of the cases have been connected to travel to or from hotspot communities in different states, and some to children who became infected at camp. The cases are mild some with no symptoms at all and b"h no hospitalizations.
- 26 new covid19 cases in Lakewood reported by the OCHD, deaths revised down by 3. Totals 2814/196. Over 100 cases since August 14
-NJ has increased security funding for private schools by $25 per student to a total of $175 per student
- Murphy:
Hopes to allow indoor dining to resume before September 15th.
-Baby Bond children could keep the bond untouched after they turn 18 and parents can access the money early.
-Moadim L'simcha order for Succos 5781-2020 deadline is tomorrow Thursday, August 27th, 2020 to place order Call the hotline at 732-415-4290 or order online
-CDC uptades testing guidelines: The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has changed its Covid-19 testing guidelines to say some people without symptoms may not need to be tested, even if they've been in close contact with someone known to have the virus.
-BD"E: Rabbi Shai Ochayon,HY"D a 39-year-old father of four, a Breslov Chasid was murdered today by a Arab terrorist in Petah Tikva. He was returning home from Kollel when the attack took place in broad daylight
-Bingo children's shoe sale today $40 a pair
- L'chaim event took place last night for the new Belz Cheider off rt 70
-Kiddush Levana oppurtunity 11:15 pm
-Hurricane Laura is an extremely dangerous Category 4 storm with 150 mph winds heading for a destructive landfall near the Texas and Louisiana border Wednesday night into early Thursday morning raising fears of a 20-foot storm surge that forecasters said would be “unsurvivable” and capable of sinking entire communities.
-Petirah of Rebbitzen Rochel Leah Rosenbloom, a”h, the almanah of Hagaon Harav Yosef Rosenbloom, zt”l, Rosh Yeshiva of Bais Hamedrash Shaarei Yosher in Boro Park. The levayah is scheduled for Thursday morning, at Bais Hamedrash Shaarei Yosher, 4102 16th Ave 10:30 AM. ( Hamofia)
-Lakewood public school teachers are protesting the school district reopening plan outside the BOE meeting by driving around in their cars for an hour and honking their horns close to 200 cars participated (App)
- Doctors have traced the majority of the new cases to several Chasunas locally and out of town. Some of the cases have been connected to travel to or from hotspot communities in different states, and some to children who became infected at camp. The cases are mild some with no symptoms at all and b"h no hospitalizations.
- 26 new covid19 cases in Lakewood reported by the OCHD, deaths revised down by 3. Totals 2814/196. Over 100 cases since August 14
-NJ has increased security funding for private schools by $25 per student to a total of $175 per student
- Murphy:
Hopes to allow indoor dining to resume before September 15th.
-Baby Bond children could keep the bond untouched after they turn 18 and parents can access the money early.
-Moadim L'simcha order for Succos 5781-2020 deadline is tomorrow Thursday, August 27th, 2020 to place order Call the hotline at 732-415-4290 or order online
-CDC uptades testing guidelines: The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has changed its Covid-19 testing guidelines to say some people without symptoms may not need to be tested, even if they've been in close contact with someone known to have the virus.
-BD"E: Rabbi Shai Ochayon,HY"D a 39-year-old father of four, a Breslov Chasid was murdered today by a Arab terrorist in Petah Tikva. He was returning home from Kollel when the attack took place in broad daylight
-Bingo children's shoe sale today $40 a pair
- L'chaim event took place last night for the new Belz Cheider off rt 70
Viznitz Lakewood Yerushalayim Rebbe will Spend Shabbos with his Chasidim
The Viznitz Lakewood Yerushalayim Rebbe Rav Lazer Hager shlita will spend this coming shabbos in Lakewood with his chasidim of khal Imrei Chaim at the Oak and Vine area. The Rebbe's shul is currently building his kehilla of kiryat viznitz on Rt 70. See below for schedule.
Lakewood BOE Meeting
Lakewood Board Of Education meeting today August 26 meeting 7:30 pm
Watch Live stream Here
See Agenda Here
To discuss, action may be taken:
Dome Facility with Hand washing Stations various proposals ranging from - $2,481,250.00
- $2,897,500.00
Watch Live stream Here
See Agenda Here
To discuss, action may be taken:
Dome Facility with Hand washing Stations various proposals ranging from - $2,481,250.00
- $2,897,500.00
-Approve Towne School Nurses to provide 50 bus assistants to join bus routes and take
students temperature readings and log them.BDH: Rav Yosef Dovid Neuschloss ZT”L
Call in info for Levaya: 712-832-5744. Participant ID: 612526
Petirah of Rav Yosef Neuschloss ZT"L Rav of Agudas Achim on Circle place in Lakewood. He suffered a heart attack last night and was niftar early this morning he was in his 50's. He was an einikel of Rav Moshe Neuschloss zatzal Rav and Posek in Skver.
The levaya will take place at his shul 23 Circle place at 12:00 pm. Kevurah in New Square at the bais olam.
Petirah of Rav Yosef Neuschloss ZT"L Rav of Agudas Achim on Circle place in Lakewood. He suffered a heart attack last night and was niftar early this morning he was in his 50's. He was an einikel of Rav Moshe Neuschloss zatzal Rav and Posek in Skver.
The levaya will take place at his shul 23 Circle place at 12:00 pm. Kevurah in New Square at the bais olam.
Chevrah Hatzolah Important Community Advisory

in Coronavirus cases, urging everyone to follow all guidelines.
The Flatbush Hatzolah as well issued an internal memo to members warning of an uptick in Covid cases, including a 57-year-old on a ventilator, and reminding them of rules instituted during the first wave. (Kol Haolam)
Crownheights Info reports Yet all is not doom and gloom, as a multitude of recent cases have given rise to the belief that most of the recent infections are significantly milder, and are likely not as deadly.
Tuesday, August 25, 2020
JHS: The Ruzhin Dynasty & the Age of Succession
With Sadigura in the news, here's an overview of the Ruzhin dynasty and which branches are still active today. Some like Shtefanesht, Husyatin and Chrotkov are pretty much gone. Boyan is here but without the Friedman name. Buhush and of course Sadigura are still around with the direct Friedman link.
Interestingly enough, there have been young successors to positions of power throughout history. Rav Chaim Brisker, Rav Moshe Feinstein, Rav Ovadiah Yosef, the Ben Ish Chai, Rav Isser Zalman
Interestingly enough, there have been young successors to positions of power throughout history. Rav Chaim Brisker, Rav Moshe Feinstein, Rav Ovadiah Yosef, the Ben Ish Chai, Rav Isser Zalman
Oif Simchas Lakewood 5 Elul. 5780
Kulik - Wilhelm KMY/Cheder
Heller - Weiss Masoras Avos
Ferbach - Lederer Ne'emas Hachaim
-Yahrtzeit Seuda of the Zera Shimshon at 1880 W County Line rd 8:15 pm
-Rav Amnon Yitzchak shlita will speak at River Terrace hall 1106 River Avenue Lakewood 7:00 pm Free admission
Kulik - Wilhelm KMY/Cheder
Heller - Weiss Masoras Avos
Ferbach - Lederer Ne'emas Hachaim
-Yahrtzeit Seuda of the Zera Shimshon at 1880 W County Line rd 8:15 pm
-Rav Amnon Yitzchak shlita will speak at River Terrace hall 1106 River Avenue Lakewood 7:00 pm Free admission
Tuesday August 25 News Updates Lakewood
Weather: Sunny skies this morning. Scattered showers and thunderstorms developing during the afternoon. A few storms may be severe. High 92F. Chance of rain 50%. Humidity 54%
- 10 New Covid cases in Lakewood totals 2788/199
- Bingo shoe sale tomorrow August 26 at $40 a pair
-2 Lakewood teachers resign over district’s 5-day-a-week school reopening plan, president of the Lakewood teacher’s union, said teachers shouldn’t be put in a position where they feel they must resign in order to keep themselves or a loved one safe.
“Every teacher, every staff member, has a right to feel safe, but every student has an equal right to an education,” Inzelbuch told NJ Advance Media. (
-Schools reminder: Students must wear a mask on the bus if they don't have one they will have to be picked up and will not be allowed on the bus.
Murphy Budget address:
-Increase the cigarette tax to $4.35 per pack, which would generate $143.1 million.
-Murphy proposes $1000 for new born babies New initiative "baby bonds" program a savings accounts for babies born into low-income families should receive a $1,000 deposit that can be invested and eventually tapped when they turn 18 to buy a home, start a business or go to college, Murphy said. It would cover an estimated 72,000 infants born in 2021 to a certain income level.
-P-EBT cards are still coming in the mail for those who still have not received them.
- Last week of the lunch box distributions: With school starting, the lunch box distributions will no longer be given out next week. Some places have already stopped others will have 1 more distribution.
-LSTA bus pass arrive in the mail as busing resumes tomorrow
- 10 New Covid cases in Lakewood totals 2788/199
- Bingo shoe sale tomorrow August 26 at $40 a pair
-2 Lakewood teachers resign over district’s 5-day-a-week school reopening plan, president of the Lakewood teacher’s union, said teachers shouldn’t be put in a position where they feel they must resign in order to keep themselves or a loved one safe.
“Every teacher, every staff member, has a right to feel safe, but every student has an equal right to an education,” Inzelbuch told NJ Advance Media. (
-Schools reminder: Students must wear a mask on the bus if they don't have one they will have to be picked up and will not be allowed on the bus.
Murphy Budget address:
-Increase the cigarette tax to $4.35 per pack, which would generate $143.1 million.
-Murphy proposes $1000 for new born babies New initiative "baby bonds" program a savings accounts for babies born into low-income families should receive a $1,000 deposit that can be invested and eventually tapped when they turn 18 to buy a home, start a business or go to college, Murphy said. It would cover an estimated 72,000 infants born in 2021 to a certain income level.
-P-EBT cards are still coming in the mail for those who still have not received them.
- Last week of the lunch box distributions: With school starting, the lunch box distributions will no longer be given out next week. Some places have already stopped others will have 1 more distribution.
-LSTA bus pass arrive in the mail as busing resumes tomorrow
Lakewood Planning Board Meeting
New Wave of COVID-19 Cases Hits Frum Communities
Hatzolah organizations in frum communities have reported an uptick in cases of covid19 with some patients in the ICU. Hamodia reports of dozens of cases of patients who became infected with the virus again. The gabbaim of the Bobov kehillah in Boro Park on Monday issued a warning that new cases of coronavirus are cropping up. They said that people at risk should be careful not to be in places where social distancing is not possible. “At risk” is defined as anyone over the age 60, if he or she has underlying conditions, or doesn’t have antibodies.
Williamsburg Hatzolah told their members that they have also received reports that some people in the community have tested positive for coronavirus.
Monsey Hatzolah issued a emergency
Williamsburg Hatzolah told their members that they have also received reports that some people in the community have tested positive for coronavirus.
Monsey Hatzolah issued a emergency
Monday, August 24, 2020
Oif Simchas Lakewood 4 Elul 5780
Birnhak - Cohen Bais Faiga
Berman - Michael Ateres Reva
Friedman - Brailofsky Lake Terrace
Muller- Gastwirth KMY/ The Cheder Jurkanski - Furman Masoras Avos hall
Engagements courtesy of Vivaser: To receive email
Birnhak - Cohen Bais Faiga
Berman - Michael Ateres Reva
Friedman - Brailofsky Lake Terrace
Muller- Gastwirth KMY/ The Cheder Jurkanski - Furman Masoras Avos hall
Engagements courtesy of Vivaser: To receive email
Monday August 24 News Updates Lakewood
Weather: Mostly sunny. A stray shower or thunderstorm is possible. High around 90F.
Humidity 71%
- Monsey Hatzolah of Rockland County is warning that new Covid cases have been appearing, including some who required hospitalization, and are urging people to sociall distance or weat a mask
-Bobov Kehilla Warns of new covid19 cases within its its members in Boro park including hospitalizations and some in ICU.
people at risk or with no antibodies should be careful not to be in places where social distancing is not possible. Bp24
- 6 new covid19 cases in Lakewood totals 2778/198
- Chai4Ever box distribution 6:15 pm open to the public 1221 Madison Ave.
-7 Day box distribution will be at 4:30 today on the corner of South Bell Avenue and Bellinger Street.
-Severe weather coming Tuesday to the Northeast forecasters warn of potential power outages.
- Crowd of protesters rallied Monday outside an Ocean County diner in Lacey that has been cited numerous times for offering indoor dining in defiance of state rules
-Murphy: We have created regional metrics for health and safety risks that further helped guide reopening decision making. Ocean county is moderate
Humidity 71%
- Monsey Hatzolah of Rockland County is warning that new Covid cases have been appearing, including some who required hospitalization, and are urging people to sociall distance or weat a mask
-Bobov Kehilla Warns of new covid19 cases within its its members in Boro park including hospitalizations and some in ICU.
people at risk or with no antibodies should be careful not to be in places where social distancing is not possible. Bp24
- 6 new covid19 cases in Lakewood totals 2778/198
- Chai4Ever box distribution 6:15 pm open to the public 1221 Madison Ave.
-7 Day box distribution will be at 4:30 today on the corner of South Bell Avenue and Bellinger Street.
-Severe weather coming Tuesday to the Northeast forecasters warn of potential power outages.
- Crowd of protesters rallied Monday outside an Ocean County diner in Lacey that has been cited numerous times for offering indoor dining in defiance of state rules
-Murphy: We have created regional metrics for health and safety risks that further helped guide reopening decision making. Ocean county is moderate
Videos: Mir Rosh Yeshiva Visits Bochurim In Quarantine
The Mir Rosh Yeshiva Harav Lazer Yudel Finkel shlita went to give chizuk to the Chutz Laaretz bochurim who are in quarantine at the campus in Ein Gedi. He said how lucky they are to come learn in E"Y on their own will and in their zechus they are holding up the world. see Videos below
Sunday, August 23, 2020
Sunday August 23 News Updates Lakewood
Weather: Mostly cloudy this morning. Scattered thunderstorms developing this afternoon. High around 85F. Winds SSW at 5 to 10 mph. Chance of rain 40%.
Humidity 77%
-Edison residents asked to close windows, stay inside due to chemical leak. Vapor cloud seen over the NJ Turnpike in Edison.
-Lakewood Bikur Cholim tweets to president Trump after he announced authorisation to treat coronavirus with convalescent plasma "Recovered COVID-19 patients from Orthodox Jewish communities are behind 60k+ patients receiving plasma donations, Plasma drive going on in Lkwd, NJ"
-Lakewood School district re-opening plan approved by the state Education Department. BOE to add 15 buses to minimize students per bus from 54 to 41.
-1 new covid case reported over shabbos in Lakewood (8 cases on Friday 9 on Thursday) totals 2772/199
Hamburger - Skorsky Ateres Reva hall
Back - Petegorsky Eagle Ridge
Vort Nosson Mintz to Sara Naiman
at R' Gissingers 7:00 pm
Vort of Yaakov Chaim Rabinowitz to Shani Goldman 7:30PM 1382 Lanes Mill Rd,
-Elul Zman begins tonight
- 8 new covid cases in Lakewood Friday totals 2771/199
- Evergreen Lakewood Fun filled day with prizes Young ones will Learn the art of paper Airplanes and how to fly them! 2-5 pm
-The number of people hospitalized in New Jersey for the coronavirus fell below 400 for the first time since the pandemic began five months ago
Humidity 77%
-Edison residents asked to close windows, stay inside due to chemical leak. Vapor cloud seen over the NJ Turnpike in Edison.
-Lakewood Bikur Cholim tweets to president Trump after he announced authorisation to treat coronavirus with convalescent plasma "Recovered COVID-19 patients from Orthodox Jewish communities are behind 60k+ patients receiving plasma donations, Plasma drive going on in Lkwd, NJ"
-Lakewood School district re-opening plan approved by the state Education Department. BOE to add 15 buses to minimize students per bus from 54 to 41.
-1 new covid case reported over shabbos in Lakewood (8 cases on Friday 9 on Thursday) totals 2772/199
Hamburger - Skorsky Ateres Reva hall
Back - Petegorsky Eagle Ridge
Vort Nosson Mintz to Sara Naiman
at R' Gissingers 7:00 pm
Vort of Yaakov Chaim Rabinowitz to Shani Goldman 7:30PM 1382 Lanes Mill Rd,
-Elul Zman begins tonight
- 8 new covid cases in Lakewood Friday totals 2771/199
- Evergreen Lakewood Fun filled day with prizes Young ones will Learn the art of paper Airplanes and how to fly them! 2-5 pm
-The number of people hospitalized in New Jersey for the coronavirus fell below 400 for the first time since the pandemic began five months ago
- President Donald Trump will hold a press conference Sunday evening to announce a “major therapeutic breakthrough” for coronavirus. 6pm
-Rav Chaim Kanievsky says there is no excuse for parents to keep their kids home from school because of the pandemic as Torah is protection.
-Rav Chaim Kanievsky says there is no excuse for parents to keep their kids home from school because of the pandemic as Torah is protection.
Friday, August 21, 2020
Zmanim Lakewood עש''ק פרשת שופטים ראש חודש אלול תש''פ
Friday, August 21, 2020 / א׳ אלול תש״פ ערב שבת פרשת שופטים ראש חודש אלול
- Candle lighting 7:26 pm
-Shkia/ sunset 7:44 pm
weather shabbos day Cloudy skies. A stray shower or thunderstorm is possible. High 86F
- Candle lighting 7:26 pm
-Shkia/ sunset 7:44 pm
weather shabbos day Cloudy skies. A stray shower or thunderstorm is possible. High 86F
מה נאוו על ההרים רגלי מבשר משמיע שלום מבשר טוב משמיע ישועה אמר לציון מלך אלהיך
( מן ההפטרה ,אנכי אנכי הוא מנחמכם )
Friday Rosh Chodesh Elul News Updates Lakewood

-Candle lighting 7:26 pm Shkia 7:44 pm
- 9 new covid19 cases in Lakewood and 4 deaths totals 2763 cases and 199 deaths reported by OCHD.
-Lakewood public school parents question the BOE about bus safety and protocols how often buses were going to be cleaned since the private school children will be riding the same buses and they see that they are not wearing masks or social distancing and don't seem to care. BOE lawyer Inzelbuch said that buses would be cleaned after each run. Public school students also will be required to wear masks and face shields. but the district doesn't determine what rules the non public schools follow. "That's not our responsibility (enforcing mask use in nonpublic schools), the school district has been working closely with nonpublic schools, which are crafting their own reopening plan (APP)
-Teachers union: Questioned Lakewood school district's plan "it places our students, our educators and the entire community of Lakewood in immediate harm."
- Murphy on Friday signed a bill to end the use of freeholder as a title for county leaders. Under the new measure, all current freeholder positions will be retitled as “county commissioners
-Murphy preparing stockpile of PPE equipment for the next outbreak. " We cannot again find ourselves in the situation where we must rely on the federal government, or corporate and philanthropic partners".
-7-day lunch box will be distributed today at 1815 Swarthmore Avenue at 12:00pm
-Today a special shofar was blown at the Mir yeshiva in Ein Gedi. It’s the one used by the Chevron Yeshiva in the days following the 1929 massacre and continues to be symbolic of Mesiras Nefesh for Torah. It now belongs to Rav Aharon Chodosh, whose parents survived the heinous attack. (Jewish History soundbites)
Video Of Rav Aharon Kotler In Eitz Chaim 1956
A Video has surfaced taken at Yeshiva Etz Chaim in Yerushalayim 1956 showing Harav Aharon Kotler zt"l walking and giving a shiur, there is no audio. The video was filmed by Rabbi Joseph Lichtshein Z"L who was niftar this week in Chicago.
Photo of the Day
BMG Roshei Yeshivah Rav Malkiel Kotler shlita and Rav Yeruchem Olshin greeting each other Thursday evening at theBar Mitzva of Rab Yeruchom's einikel in Lakewood. Rav Olshin is inside a glass booth in order to maintain his health amid the coronavirus outbreak. The rosh yeshiva made a prior publicappearance at a chasuna a few months ago. (B'Laaz)
Thursday, August 20, 2020
JHS: Great American Jewish Cities - Los Angeles
The rich Jewish past of Tinseltown is worth at least a full length feature. The architects of Hollywood were Jewish immigrants, who were joined by many talented Jews heading west, who created an entire industry and cultural revolution.
Orthodox Judaism took a bit longer to strike roots, but Rabbi Simon Dolgin and other intrepid pioneers planted the first seeds which blossomed with the arrival of many survivors in the post war era. From Beth Jacob to YICC, from Toras Emes to YULA, from Venice Beach to Pico Robertson, LA has a Jewish story to tell.
Orthodox Judaism took a bit longer to strike roots, but Rabbi Simon Dolgin and other intrepid pioneers planted the first seeds which blossomed with the arrival of many survivors in the post war era. From Beth Jacob to YICC, from Toras Emes to YULA, from Venice Beach to Pico Robertson, LA has a Jewish story to tell.
Thursday Rosh Chodesh Elul August 20 News Updates Lakewood
Weather: Sunny to partly cloudy. High around 80F
אומרים לדוד ה' אורי וישעי
-11:30 PM - Chumash Shiur by HaRav Yeruchum Olshin Shlita 646-726-9977
-HaRav Yechiel Moskowitz Shlita will give his weekly Shiur on Parshas Hashavua at 10:30. To join, please call 605-313-5894 PIN# 783618#
-1 new covid19 case reported in Lakewood totals 2754/195
-The Lakewood BOE will consider three dome projects that could cost between $2,481,250 and $2,897,500. This purchase would be funded, in part, with the proceeds from the sale of a 4.2-acre plot for which the district accepted sealed offers. Bidding started at $1,000,293.53 and ended at 11 a.m. Thursday. (APP)
-Dans Deals: JetBlue Egregiously Kicks Mother And 6 Kids Off Flight Due To 2 Year Old’s Mask Refusal, Retroactively Amends Policy On Website After The Incident
-Bingo will sell line of Cheeta shoes for $40 starting next week Wed August 26
Lunch distribution:
- Yeshiva Ktana 2nd street 6:00 pm weekly box Box
- Klausenburg 4:15 behind Evergreen
-Tashbar 11 day box 7:30 pm this will be the last distribution
-BD"E: Petirah of Dayan Harav Zalman Nechemia Goldberg ZT"L he was 88 years old and a son in law of Harav Shlomo Zalman Auerbach ZTl. Levaya at Shamgar Kevura in Har Hazeisim
-Video: Lakewood business Streamline Verify helps to collect 1,000 units of blood plasma from Lakewood residents who survived COVID-19 Here
-Leaders of ‘We Build The Wall’ online fundraising campaign charged with defrauding hundreds of thousands of donors including former Trump advisor Steve Bannon arrested read more Here
-The Lakewood school district will continue to provide free breakfast and lunch to all students who reside in Lakewood until school resumes September 4th.
- LPD enforcing curfew for minors last
אומרים לדוד ה' אורי וישעי
-11:30 PM - Chumash Shiur by HaRav Yeruchum Olshin Shlita 646-726-9977
-HaRav Yechiel Moskowitz Shlita will give his weekly Shiur on Parshas Hashavua at 10:30. To join, please call 605-313-5894 PIN# 783618#
-1 new covid19 case reported in Lakewood totals 2754/195
-The Lakewood BOE will consider three dome projects that could cost between $2,481,250 and $2,897,500. This purchase would be funded, in part, with the proceeds from the sale of a 4.2-acre plot for which the district accepted sealed offers. Bidding started at $1,000,293.53 and ended at 11 a.m. Thursday. (APP)
-Dans Deals: JetBlue Egregiously Kicks Mother And 6 Kids Off Flight Due To 2 Year Old’s Mask Refusal, Retroactively Amends Policy On Website After The Incident
-Bingo will sell line of Cheeta shoes for $40 starting next week Wed August 26
Lunch distribution:
- Yeshiva Ktana 2nd street 6:00 pm weekly box Box
- Klausenburg 4:15 behind Evergreen
-Tashbar 11 day box 7:30 pm this will be the last distribution
-BD"E: Petirah of Dayan Harav Zalman Nechemia Goldberg ZT"L he was 88 years old and a son in law of Harav Shlomo Zalman Auerbach ZTl. Levaya at Shamgar Kevura in Har Hazeisim
-Video: Lakewood business Streamline Verify helps to collect 1,000 units of blood plasma from Lakewood residents who survived COVID-19 Here
-Leaders of ‘We Build The Wall’ online fundraising campaign charged with defrauding hundreds of thousands of donors including former Trump advisor Steve Bannon arrested read more Here
-The Lakewood school district will continue to provide free breakfast and lunch to all students who reside in Lakewood until school resumes September 4th.
- LPD enforcing curfew for minors last
Lakewood BOE Meeting Today
Lakewood Board of Education virtual meeting Thursday August 20 at 7:30 pm
Live stream Here 7:30 pm
Agenda Here
Email comments to:,)
Approve the Emergency lease/purchase of 8 additional trailer classrooms at LMS, not to exceed $1,014,000.00 through Mobile Lease.
The Lakewood BOE will consider three dome projects that could cost between $2,481,250 and $2,897,500. This purchase
Live stream Here 7:30 pm
Agenda Here
Email comments to:,)
Approve the Emergency lease/purchase of 8 additional trailer classrooms at LMS, not to exceed $1,014,000.00 through Mobile Lease.
The Lakewood BOE will consider three dome projects that could cost between $2,481,250 and $2,897,500. This purchase
Wednesday, August 19, 2020
Oif Simchas 1st Day Rosh Chodesh Elul 30 Av/Aug/19/20
Mardi - Serruya Fountain Ballroom/Cheder
Lebovics - Judowitz KMY/Cheder
Shechter - Silverstein Ateres Reva
Mardi - Serruya Fountain Ballroom/Cheder
Lebovics - Judowitz KMY/Cheder
Shechter - Silverstein Ateres Reva
Covid Compliant Indoor Minyanim For Yomim Noraim
If you need to daven with a covid compliant minyan for Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur Please email: and provide name, address to map the need for various locations in arranging local minyanim where it is needed.
For current covid minyan list: Email
Erev Rosh Chodesh Elul 5780 Yom Kippur Koton Minyanim in Lakewood
Minyanim for Mincha and Yom Kippur Koton in Lakewood ,'לכו ונשובה אל ה
-BMG- 1:45 pm at Bais Shalom, Maariv B"M, Princeton upstairs, Forest B'M
6:45pm at Yoshon B"M, Bais Shalom.
-Satmar on Forest avenue every hour till shkiah
-Lev Avos 1:20 pm
- kol Shimshon 1:45 7:00 pm
-Somerset Walk 1:35 pm and 7:00 pm
-Kol Aryeh 1:30 pm and 5:30 pm
-Alumni B'M 1:45 pm
-Pine River Village 1:30 pm
- Lutzk 1:45 pm
-BMG- 1:45 pm at Bais Shalom, Maariv B"M, Princeton upstairs, Forest B'M
6:45pm at Yoshon B"M, Bais Shalom.
-Satmar on Forest avenue every hour till shkiah
-Lev Avos 1:20 pm
- kol Shimshon 1:45 7:00 pm
-Somerset Walk 1:35 pm and 7:00 pm
-Kol Aryeh 1:30 pm and 5:30 pm
-Alumni B'M 1:45 pm
-Pine River Village 1:30 pm
- Lutzk 1:45 pm
Wednesday Erev Rosh Chodesh Elul 5780 News Updates Lakewood
Weather August 19- Mixed clouds and sun with scattered thunderstorms. High 79F. Winds light and variable. Chance of rain 60%. Humidity 78%
-4 new covid cases in Lakewood totals 2753/195
Lunch distribution today:
-7 day lunch box distribution at 1820 Old freehold Rd. Toms River 4:15
-Satmar school at 800 Princeton 4:30 pm
-De Blasio- 16 cases of coronavirus in Boro Park is an early warning, some are linked to a recent large wedding in the community.
-A Jewish Family was taken off JetBlue flight this morning because the 2 year old baby did not have a mask on despite saying their policy on their website that "young children who cannot wear a mask on their own are exempt from wearing a mask".
-Tehillim Bachur from camp Nitra in Woodbourne, NY in critical condition after a rotted tree gave way and fell on his head. He was flown to Albany מנחם מנדל בן צירל שלומצע
-Murphy: If vote-by-mail is good enough for the President, it’s good enough for us.
As the President and his team try to delegitimize our election and impact the health and safety of millions of New Jerseyans, we will defend our rights vigorously and we will not back down.
Bring it on.
-Trump campaign sues N.J. to stop Murphy’s vote-by-mail order, calling it ‘brazen power grab'.
-Masa Umatan rental list August 19 Here
-Optimum will automatically credit accounts in the next several weeks for the time Optimum service was not available when power was restored because of Tropical Storm Isaias.
-APP reports on Levaya of Rav Chaim Dov Keller ZT"L pointing out that "none of the mourners wearing masks or any other face covering and stood just inches apart. Those who were seated typically were fewer than six feet apart". Funerals are protected under the First Amendment must be limited to 100 people. Rabbi Aaron Kotler, president of Yeshiva Beth Medrash Govoha, noted Keller's strong family connections to Lakewood and his prominence in the Orthodox world and BMG's place as a central Jewish cultural gathering place where "some of the prominent Jewish funerals in recent years have been held." He added that many in the area are not concerned with COVID-19 "with near zero cases in recent months and the few cases all mild." "We keep reinforcing mask and social distancing message but after so many months locals are not focused as much and there is little fear by them of any recurrence," Kotler said.
-Lakewood DMV has met it's capacity early this morning and will not be servicing any new customers
-Long Branch school district will start school with remote learning only after After requests from parents for remote instruction "skyrocketed," the district has changed course and will start the school year with all-remote learning.
-4 new covid cases in Lakewood totals 2753/195
Lunch distribution today:
-7 day lunch box distribution at 1820 Old freehold Rd. Toms River 4:15
-Satmar school at 800 Princeton 4:30 pm
-De Blasio- 16 cases of coronavirus in Boro Park is an early warning, some are linked to a recent large wedding in the community.
-A Jewish Family was taken off JetBlue flight this morning because the 2 year old baby did not have a mask on despite saying their policy on their website that "young children who cannot wear a mask on their own are exempt from wearing a mask".
-Tehillim Bachur from camp Nitra in Woodbourne, NY in critical condition after a rotted tree gave way and fell on his head. He was flown to Albany מנחם מנדל בן צירל שלומצע
-Murphy: If vote-by-mail is good enough for the President, it’s good enough for us.
As the President and his team try to delegitimize our election and impact the health and safety of millions of New Jerseyans, we will defend our rights vigorously and we will not back down.
Bring it on.
-Trump campaign sues N.J. to stop Murphy’s vote-by-mail order, calling it ‘brazen power grab'.
-Masa Umatan rental list August 19 Here
-Optimum will automatically credit accounts in the next several weeks for the time Optimum service was not available when power was restored because of Tropical Storm Isaias.
-Photos- Satmar Rebbe Rav Zalman Leib shlita attends a parlor meeting in Loch Sheldrake, NY on behalf of Mosdos Satmar in Lakewood view Here
-Levaya of Rabbi Nechemia Rockove Zt"l, Mashgiach of Yeshiva Ner Yisroel Toronto, will be held at 10:30am at the Cheder Bais Medresh, 725 Vassar Avenue. Kevurah at the 7th St Bais Olam. (LNN)-APP reports on Levaya of Rav Chaim Dov Keller ZT"L pointing out that "none of the mourners wearing masks or any other face covering and stood just inches apart. Those who were seated typically were fewer than six feet apart". Funerals are protected under the First Amendment must be limited to 100 people. Rabbi Aaron Kotler, president of Yeshiva Beth Medrash Govoha, noted Keller's strong family connections to Lakewood and his prominence in the Orthodox world and BMG's place as a central Jewish cultural gathering place where "some of the prominent Jewish funerals in recent years have been held." He added that many in the area are not concerned with COVID-19 "with near zero cases in recent months and the few cases all mild." "We keep reinforcing mask and social distancing message but after so many months locals are not focused as much and there is little fear by them of any recurrence," Kotler said.
-Lakewood DMV has met it's capacity early this morning and will not be servicing any new customers
-Long Branch school district will start school with remote learning only after After requests from parents for remote instruction "skyrocketed," the district has changed course and will start the school year with all-remote learning.
Tuesday, August 18, 2020
Sadigura Update: 3 Admorim Will be Appointed
In a turn of events it now appears that there will be 3 rebbes in the court of Sadigura following the intervention of the rebbetzin and backed by a letter of agreement signed by all the brothers and sons in law of the rebbe accepting the decision in the name of shalom. The dayanim of sadigura signed a letter in support and approving of the proposal.
The oldest son הרה"צ רבי מרדכי שלום יוסף will serve as Admor Sadigura of Yerushalayim and its mosdos there.
הרה"צ רבי אהרן דב בער will become Admor Sadigura of London, and the relative mosdos. The younger brother הרה"צ רבי יצחק יהושע העשיל will take over his father and serve as the Rebbe and Admor of Sadigura Bnei Brak. A Official proclamation is set to take place.
The oldest son הרה"צ רבי מרדכי שלום יוסף will serve as Admor Sadigura of Yerushalayim and its mosdos there.
הרה"צ רבי אהרן דב בער will become Admor Sadigura of London, and the relative mosdos. The younger brother הרה"צ רבי יצחק יהושע העשיל will take over his father and serve as the Rebbe and Admor of Sadigura Bnei Brak. A Official proclamation is set to take place.
Tuesday August 18 Lakewood News Updates
Weather: Sunny to partly cloudy. High 84F. Winds WNW at 5 to 10 mph. Humidity 66%
-Yeshiva and Kollel Bonei Yerushalayim is opening for the coming Elul Zman in Lakewood for 250 bochurim and Yungleit who were planning on going to Eretz Yisroel. Call 732-994-7228 email
Oif Simchas: Epstein - Weinberg Lake Terrace, Zargari - Kahan Wedding Fountain Ballroom
- 23 new covid19 cases in Lakewood totals 2749/195 according to OCHD reports the petirah of Rav Nechemia Rockove zt”l. Rav Rockove was a R”M at Yeshiva Ner Yisroel of Toronto for over 35 years, first as a maggid shiur and then as a mashgiach. Levaya in Lakewood tomorrow read more here
-Updated list: You should self-quarantine for 14 days if travelling to NJ from;
-Citations were issued for violating the executive order for an event at a restaurant on River Avenue in Lakewood on Sunday night, State Police superintendent Pat Callahan said during Monday's briefing. A reporter at the briefing asked whether police waited until the event was over to hand out citations, but Callahan didn't answer that question directly.
-Schools notifying parents if they went to any of the states on the list of covid areas the children can not come until after 10 days of returning
-The U.S. Postal Service has warned New Jersey officials that mail-in ballots may not be processed in time for the November election,
- Levaya in Lakewood for Harva Chaim Dov Keller Zatzal at 12:00 pm in Bais Medrash Govoha Bais Aaron B"M 10th street Madison and Clifton. Audio hook up 563.999-1235
-In a joint statement the Israeli and Ukrainian governments urge pilgrims planning to take part in the Rosh Hashanah celebrations in Ukraine to avoid visiting Uman due to the threatening epidemiological situation. However, for those who decide to visit Uman anyway, we emphasize that distancing restrictions apply to all public events and will be strictly enforced
Despite this warning thousands still plan to go as long as the skies are open and entry to the country is permitted. They will hve to quarentine on return to EY through Yom Kippur or part of Sukkos
-Lakewood DMV has met it's capacity and will not be servicing any new customer
-Elul Zman starts early in Eretz Yisrael yeshivos in EY started the zman with bochurim in quarantine. Yeshivas Brisk rented out the diaspora yeshiva building in the old city and will allow 250 bochurim to stay there while they quarantine. Mir rented a campus in Yam Hamelach for the Chutz Laarets bochurim to quarantine before they return to the yeshiva in bais yisrael neighborhood.
-Yeshiva and Kollel Bonei Yerushalayim is opening for the coming Elul Zman in Lakewood for 250 bochurim and Yungleit who were planning on going to Eretz Yisroel. Call 732-994-7228 email
Oif Simchas: Epstein - Weinberg Lake Terrace, Zargari - Kahan Wedding Fountain Ballroom
- 23 new covid19 cases in Lakewood totals 2749/195 according to OCHD reports the petirah of Rav Nechemia Rockove zt”l. Rav Rockove was a R”M at Yeshiva Ner Yisroel of Toronto for over 35 years, first as a maggid shiur and then as a mashgiach. Levaya in Lakewood tomorrow read more here
-Updated list: You should self-quarantine for 14 days if travelling to NJ from;
-Citations were issued for violating the executive order for an event at a restaurant on River Avenue in Lakewood on Sunday night, State Police superintendent Pat Callahan said during Monday's briefing. A reporter at the briefing asked whether police waited until the event was over to hand out citations, but Callahan didn't answer that question directly.
-Schools notifying parents if they went to any of the states on the list of covid areas the children can not come until after 10 days of returning
-The U.S. Postal Service has warned New Jersey officials that mail-in ballots may not be processed in time for the November election,
- Levaya in Lakewood for Harva Chaim Dov Keller Zatzal at 12:00 pm in Bais Medrash Govoha Bais Aaron B"M 10th street Madison and Clifton. Audio hook up 563.999-1235
-In a joint statement the Israeli and Ukrainian governments urge pilgrims planning to take part in the Rosh Hashanah celebrations in Ukraine to avoid visiting Uman due to the threatening epidemiological situation. However, for those who decide to visit Uman anyway, we emphasize that distancing restrictions apply to all public events and will be strictly enforced
Despite this warning thousands still plan to go as long as the skies are open and entry to the country is permitted. They will hve to quarentine on return to EY through Yom Kippur or part of Sukkos
-Lakewood DMV has met it's capacity and will not be servicing any new customer
-Elul Zman starts early in Eretz Yisrael yeshivos in EY started the zman with bochurim in quarantine. Yeshivas Brisk rented out the diaspora yeshiva building in the old city and will allow 250 bochurim to stay there while they quarantine. Mir rented a campus in Yam Hamelach for the Chutz Laarets bochurim to quarantine before they return to the yeshiva in bais yisrael neighborhood.
Lakewood Planning Board Meeting
Monday, August 17, 2020
Monday August 17 News Updates Lakewood
Weather: A mix of clouds and sun this morning followed by mostly cloudy skies and a few showers this afternoon. High 81F. Chance of rain 30%. Humidity 75%
COL Live- Outbreaks of coronavirus in three different Chabad Bungalow colonies in the NY Catskills have led to a lockdown for at least one of them this week...The Shul and Mikvah will be closed and they will hold outdoor Minyanim. No kiddush or social gatherings. Ideally, everyone should wear a mask, they said. The Day camp will continue to operate with greater vigilance.
- Police responded to reports of a large gathering inside of a Lakewood restaurant on Sunday night. The Ocean County Sheriff’s Department says that citations were issued for violating the executive order banning large gatherings. (NJ12)
-Chai4Ever food distribution 6:30 pm 1221 Madison Ave
-Lakewood positive covid19 cases revised down by 2, totals 2726/196
-Lunch Box Distribution Bellinger corner Yesodei ct 4:30 pm
-Murphy: 316 new positive cases and 4 deaths. 316 cases reported last week have been removed from the NJ count as, upon further review, they were out-of-state reports.
It’s the knuckleheads who think the rules don’t apply to them, or who think this pandemic isn’t serious who ruin it for everyone. We will continue to monitor this closely, in partnership with local law enforcement, and we will not hesitate to take action against those who think they can revert back to bad practices after a week or two.
-Levaya Hook up info: Rav Chaim Dov Keller ZTL. 5pm Video HERE phone hookup dial (563) 999-1235
-Reversal - Newark’s school district will reopen the academic year with all-remote classes and no in-person instruction for the first marking period and reassess in October the school district initially planned on opening 5 days a week with in person classes.
-Approximately 12 people were injured when one New Jersey Transit bus rear-ended another on a New Jersey Turnpike exit ramp this morning at 7:15 am, officials said. The crash took place when a No. 139 bus originating in Lakewood hit the back of a No. 113 bus as both were traveling from Exit 16E to Route 495 east in Secaucus headed to Port authority. Ten passengers and both drivers were hospitalized, their injuries were considered moderate to minor.
COL Live- Outbreaks of coronavirus in three different Chabad Bungalow colonies in the NY Catskills have led to a lockdown for at least one of them this week...The Shul and Mikvah will be closed and they will hold outdoor Minyanim. No kiddush or social gatherings. Ideally, everyone should wear a mask, they said. The Day camp will continue to operate with greater vigilance.
- Police responded to reports of a large gathering inside of a Lakewood restaurant on Sunday night. The Ocean County Sheriff’s Department says that citations were issued for violating the executive order banning large gatherings. (NJ12)
-Chai4Ever food distribution 6:30 pm 1221 Madison Ave
-Lakewood positive covid19 cases revised down by 2, totals 2726/196
-Lunch Box Distribution Bellinger corner Yesodei ct 4:30 pm
-Murphy: 316 new positive cases and 4 deaths. 316 cases reported last week have been removed from the NJ count as, upon further review, they were out-of-state reports.
It’s the knuckleheads who think the rules don’t apply to them, or who think this pandemic isn’t serious who ruin it for everyone. We will continue to monitor this closely, in partnership with local law enforcement, and we will not hesitate to take action against those who think they can revert back to bad practices after a week or two.
-Levaya Hook up info: Rav Chaim Dov Keller ZTL. 5pm Video HERE phone hookup dial (563) 999-1235
-Reversal - Newark’s school district will reopen the academic year with all-remote classes and no in-person instruction for the first marking period and reassess in October the school district initially planned on opening 5 days a week with in person classes.
-Approximately 12 people were injured when one New Jersey Transit bus rear-ended another on a New Jersey Turnpike exit ramp this morning at 7:15 am, officials said. The crash took place when a No. 139 bus originating in Lakewood hit the back of a No. 113 bus as both were traveling from Exit 16E to Route 495 east in Secaucus headed to Port authority. Ten passengers and both drivers were hospitalized, their injuries were considered moderate to minor.
A New Rebbe in Sadigura
The youngest married son of the Sadigur rebbe ztl has been accepted by the chasidim as the heir and will serve as the 7th Sadigura Rebbe of the Ruzhyn dynasty. There was no formal or official announcement but according to some reports the latest Tzavaah stipulated that he take over. The new Rebbe, Rav Yitzchok Yehoshua Heshel Friedman shlita the 5th son is 24 years old, he currently lives in Antwerp. He learned in the Gateshead and Mir yeshivos is a close talmid of Rav Asher Arieli shlita. The rebbe will be moving to Bnei Brak to lead the chasidus. The older sons may be appointed as rav in their communities of Yerushalayim and London.
Exciting Learning Program For Boys
תורה תורה חגרי שק Harav Chaim Dov Keller Zatzal Rosh Yeshivas Telshe Chicago
Levaya in Chicago 5:00 pm and in Lakewood tomorrow 12:00 pm in BMG. Kevura will be on Wednesday in Eretz Yisrael.
-Levaya Hook up info: Rav Chaim Dov Keller ZTL.
Video hookup HERE
Matzav Report- Born in New York City in 1930, Rav Keller attended Yeshivas Rabbeinu Yitzchok Elchonon and then joined Telshe Yeshiva in Cleveland, Ohio, where he learned under the roshei yeshiva, Rav Chaim Mordechai Katz and Rav Eliyahu Meir Bloch, the latter of whom became his rebbi muvhak. He became renowned for his brilliance and hasmadah, and was recognized as a budding talmid chochom. He married his wife, Rebbetzin Chaya Devorah Keller a”h, a daughter of Rav Leizer Levin zt”l, rov of Detroit.
-Levaya Hook up info: Rav Chaim Dov Keller ZTL.
Video hookup HERE
- phone hookup dial (563) 999-1235
Matzav Report- Born in New York City in 1930, Rav Keller attended Yeshivas Rabbeinu Yitzchok Elchonon and then joined Telshe Yeshiva in Cleveland, Ohio, where he learned under the roshei yeshiva, Rav Chaim Mordechai Katz and Rav Eliyahu Meir Bloch, the latter of whom became his rebbi muvhak. He became renowned for his brilliance and hasmadah, and was recognized as a budding talmid chochom. He married his wife, Rebbetzin Chaya Devorah Keller a”h, a daughter of Rav Leizer Levin zt”l, rov of Detroit.
Sunday, August 16, 2020
JHS: A Fatherly Warrior: The Satmar Rav Part II
Listen to part 1 HERE or below article.
Scion of the Sighet Chassidic dynasty, Rav Yoelish Teitelbaum continued the legacy of his illustrious forbears on all fronts. As a Rosh Yeshiva, communal Rabbi, Chassidic leader and fiery warrior against the various modernist trends of his time. With his escape from Hungary on the Kastner Train and subsequent settlement in Williamsburg following a brief stint in Israel, he focused his energies on rebuilding.
As a visionary and at the same time a very practical realist, he created the infrastructure of full "kehilla" - community,
As a visionary and at the same time a very practical realist, he created the infrastructure of full "kehilla" - community,
Saturday, August 15, 2020
Sunday August 16 News Updates Lakewood
Weather: Rain. High 71F. Winds NE at 10 to 20 mph. Chance of rain 100%. Rainfall possibly over one inch. Humidity 96%
-Teaneck Shul Announces Covid-19 Restrictions for Yomim Noraim Davening: No Bathrooms, Shofar Under a Tallis, and More Read more at
-Oif Simchas: Chasuna- Weintraub - Cooper Fountain Ballroom
-1 new case reported in Lakewood by OCHD totals 2729/195
-Update: The 12 adults in Lakewood confirmed to have COVID-19 spread from a Simcha held in New York around ten days ago non of whom hospitalized.
-Belz spokesman spokesman: contrary to rumors, the Belzer Rebbe shlita is not hospitalized and was at his home today.
-The Satmar Community sends its deepest sympathies and heartfelt condolences to the President of the United States Donald Trump and his entire family on the unfortunate passing of his younger brother Mr. Robert Trump, a staunch supporter of the Jewish community #RIP
- Lockdown over sukkos in EY:
Coronavirus commissioner Professor Ronni Gamzu said a nationwide lockdown during the yomim tovim in Tishrei is a “possibility,” but he has not discussed it “in depth on the other hand, there are tefillos, these are the Yamim Nora’im; it’s complicated.”
-41st Yartzheit today of Satmar Rav ztl Thousands expected at the tziyun In the Town of Palm Tree Kiryas Joel.
-Groups of Yeshiva bochurim are heading back to Eretz Yisrael this week, will go into quarintine with health ministry guidelines. Hundreds of bochurim are still stuck in the US. Yeshivos are planning on opening for Elul in the tri state area to accommodate.
-Murphy: Donald Trump and I spoke earlier today, and I extended my heartfelt prayers for his brother at this difficult time. I know the grief the President is feeling, having also lost my brother.
-Teaneck Shul Announces Covid-19 Restrictions for Yomim Noraim Davening: No Bathrooms, Shofar Under a Tallis, and More Read more at
-Oif Simchas: Chasuna- Weintraub - Cooper Fountain Ballroom
-1 new case reported in Lakewood by OCHD totals 2729/195
-Update: The 12 adults in Lakewood confirmed to have COVID-19 spread from a Simcha held in New York around ten days ago non of whom hospitalized.
-Belz spokesman spokesman: contrary to rumors, the Belzer Rebbe shlita is not hospitalized and was at his home today.
-The Satmar Community sends its deepest sympathies and heartfelt condolences to the President of the United States Donald Trump and his entire family on the unfortunate passing of his younger brother Mr. Robert Trump, a staunch supporter of the Jewish community #RIP
- Lockdown over sukkos in EY:
Coronavirus commissioner Professor Ronni Gamzu said a nationwide lockdown during the yomim tovim in Tishrei is a “possibility,” but he has not discussed it “in depth on the other hand, there are tefillos, these are the Yamim Nora’im; it’s complicated.”
-41st Yartzheit today of Satmar Rav ztl Thousands expected at the tziyun In the Town of Palm Tree Kiryas Joel.
-Groups of Yeshiva bochurim are heading back to Eretz Yisrael this week, will go into quarintine with health ministry guidelines. Hundreds of bochurim are still stuck in the US. Yeshivos are planning on opening for Elul in the tri state area to accommodate.
-Murphy: Donald Trump and I spoke earlier today, and I extended my heartfelt prayers for his brother at this difficult time. I know the grief the President is feeling, having also lost my brother.
Friday, August 14, 2020
Lakewood Zmanim עש''ק פרשת ראה שבת מברכים חודש אלול תש''פ
שֶׁתְּחַדֵּשׁ עָלֵינוּ אֶת הַחֹדֶשׁ הַזֶּה לְטוֹבָה וְלִבְרָכָה, וְתִתֶּן לָנוּ חַיִּים אֲרוּכִים, חַיִּים שֶׁל שָׁלוֹם
Friday, August 14, 2020 / כ״ד אב תש״פ ערב שבת פרשת ראה-Candle lighting 7:36 pm
-Shkia/sunset 7:54 pm
-Rosh Chodesh Elul is Thursday and Friday Aug 20&21
-Molad: Wednesday morning, 54 minutes and 16 chalakim after 1:00 am
weather shabbos day Sunshine and clouds mixed. High 81F. Humidity 66%
הפטרת פרשת ראה - עניה סערה לא נוחמה
הסגולות המיוחדות בשבת הקרובה, שבת מברכין חודש אלול
רבי אהרן מקרלין כתב במכתב לבנו כי "היות ואין מברכים את חודש תשרי בשבת שלפני תחילת החודש, יש לכוון בברכת
Friday August 14 News Updates Lakewood
Weather: Cloudy early with peeks of sunshine expected late. A stray shower or thunderstorm is possible. High 81F. Humidity 79%
- Erev Shabbos Candle lighting 7:36 pm - shkia 7:54 pm
-16 New positive cases in Lakewood yesterday totals 2727/195
-Trump will be in NJ for the weekend at his golf club. Will stop in NYC to visit his brother in the hospital who is reportedly very sick
-Ocean county deputy fire marshal
apologizes five months after Lakewood anti-Semitic posts on Facebook.
-Cedarbridge avenue briefly closed by MLK after a motorist pointed a gun at another motorist.
-16 New positive cases in Lakewood yesterday totals 2727/195
-Trump will be in NJ for the weekend at his golf club. Will stop in NYC to visit his brother in the hospital who is reportedly very sick
-Ocean county deputy fire marshal
apologizes five months after Lakewood anti-Semitic posts on Facebook.
-Cedarbridge avenue briefly closed by MLK after a motorist pointed a gun at another motorist.
-Baltimore: There has been a increased number of cases of COVID in our community. Many of these have occurred after travel to other states, including New York and New Jersey, and particularly after participation in weddings and other large gatherings.
Music Video: Lekavod Shabbos
שלום זכר - עקיבא גרומן, מקהלת מלכות, מאיר אדלר, אהר'לע סאמט, מענדי ווייס, דוידוביץ Malchus Choir
Baltimore Rabbonim- Increase in cases from Large gatherings
In a letter to the community Baltimore Rabbonim say that our guard has been let down when it comes to social distancing at chasunas. There are new cases of covid19 in the community, these cases have been traced to those who attended chasunas in NY and NJ where social distancing and masking were not followed.
Thursday, August 13, 2020
Oif Simchas 23 AV Lakewood
Amsel - Kipper Fountain Ballroom
Goldberg - Udman Ateres Chana hall
Goldman - Bauman Lake Terrace hall
Amsel - Kipper Fountain Ballroom
Goldberg - Udman Ateres Chana hall
Goldman - Bauman Lake Terrace hall
Thursday August 13 Lakewood News Updates
-Flash Flood Watch from Thursday 8:00 AM until FRI 12:00 AM Slow moving showers and thunderstorms are expected to develop in the region today. Locally heavy downpours are anticipated. Rainfall amounts as high as 2 to 4 inches are possible in a short amount of time.
-HaRav Yechiel Moskowitz Shlita will give his weekly Shiur on Parshas Hashavua at 10:30. To join, please call 605-313-5894 PIN# 783618#
-Driving to New York from NJ? You might get stopped at a quarantine checkpoint at the river crossings.But don’t take it the wrong way. Even though New Jersey isn’t on the list of 33 states with spiking cases, a car with Jersey license plates could be stopped in a spot check, New York officials said. “Anyone from any state may be stopped, just because it’s based on number of cars (like every 10, for example). “Someone from New Jersey or Connecticut could be stopped and educated about the law, but, because they aren’t from one of the 35 states, they won’t have to quarantine.”
-NJ has 699 new positive cases, Lakewood 2 new cases total 2711
-New York State Emergency Medical Services Council voted in favor of Ezras Nashim a all female EMS service in Boro Park and Flatbush they can now operate with a Ambulance. The has plans to branch out and operate in Lakewood and other Jewish communities.
-Tehillim: please Daven for Reb Michel Zilber Sh'lita who is ill with Carona. His name is Yechiel Michel Ben Chava Yehudis.
-HaRav Yechiel Moskowitz Shlita will give his weekly Shiur on Parshas Hashavua at 10:30. To join, please call 605-313-5894 PIN# 783618#
-Driving to New York from NJ? You might get stopped at a quarantine checkpoint at the river crossings.But don’t take it the wrong way. Even though New Jersey isn’t on the list of 33 states with spiking cases, a car with Jersey license plates could be stopped in a spot check, New York officials said. “Anyone from any state may be stopped, just because it’s based on number of cars (like every 10, for example). “Someone from New Jersey or Connecticut could be stopped and educated about the law, but, because they aren’t from one of the 35 states, they won’t have to quarantine.”
-NJ has 699 new positive cases, Lakewood 2 new cases total 2711
-New York State Emergency Medical Services Council voted in favor of Ezras Nashim a all female EMS service in Boro Park and Flatbush they can now operate with a Ambulance. The has plans to branch out and operate in Lakewood and other Jewish communities.
-Tehillim: please Daven for Reb Michel Zilber Sh'lita who is ill with Carona. His name is Yechiel Michel Ben Chava Yehudis.
NJ Schools Required to Submit Certification to Meet Executive Order
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Lakewood school district |
-Executive Order 175 allows institutions of higher education to resume broader in-person instruction than what was previously authorized, as long as health and safety requirements are adhered to.
-Districts are required to certify to DOE that they can meet the health and safety protocols outlined in the Order, and further detailed in the “Road Back,” before resuming in-person instruction. Private school districts will also be required to submit this certification;
-Districts that can meet the health and safety protocols shall open to students for in-person instruction in the fall;
Even if school buildings are open for in-person instruction on the first day of the 2020-2021 school year, districts must provide a remote learning option for parents or guardians who request it for their children;
Lakewood Planning Board Meeting
Wednesday, August 12, 2020
JHS: The Steipler Story
Yartzheit is tonight
Born into a chassidic home in Ukraine, Rav Yaakov Yisrael Kanievsky (1899-1985) subsequently studied in the Novardok Yeshiva later becoming a Rebbi at the Pinsk branch of the network. Upon his move to Israel in 1934, he joined his famed brother in law the Chazon Ish and also assumed a position in the Novardok branch in Bnei Brak.
Oif Simchas Lakewood 22 Av 5780
Pinter - Gruskin Ateres Reva
Shoshana - Goldstein Lake Terrace
Liebovitz - Dorfman Ateres Chana
Pinter - Gruskin Ateres Reva
Shoshana - Goldstein Lake Terrace
Liebovitz - Dorfman Ateres Chana
Lakewood BOE Virtual Meeting
Lakewood Board of Ed will hold a virtual public meeting today August 12 at 7:30 pm
Watch Live stream HERE
See Agenda HERE
Anyone who desires to ask a question must email to,
between 6:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. the evening of the meeting, and provide their proper name, full
address and the question
-1.1 Million dollars to LSTA Approval to render payment to Lakewood Student Transportation Authority (LSTA) in the amount of $1,112,084 for 2020/2021 Summer Camp Student Transportation and LSTA pass through.
-Approve to advertise a Bid for the sale of Board of Education real property which was
approved on July 19, 2019, 855 Somerset Ave, a Portion of Block 209, Lot 1.01 for a
minimum price to be met of $1,000,293.53 for approximately 4.212 acres in accordance
Watch Live stream HERE
See Agenda HERE
Anyone who desires to ask a question must email to,
between 6:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. the evening of the meeting, and provide their proper name, full
address and the question
-1.1 Million dollars to LSTA Approval to render payment to Lakewood Student Transportation Authority (LSTA) in the amount of $1,112,084 for 2020/2021 Summer Camp Student Transportation and LSTA pass through.
-Approve to advertise a Bid for the sale of Board of Education real property which was
approved on July 19, 2019, 855 Somerset Ave, a Portion of Block 209, Lot 1.01 for a
minimum price to be met of $1,000,293.53 for approximately 4.212 acres in accordance
Wednesday August 12 News Updates Lakewood
-Weather: Thunderstorms likely. Rainfall will be locally heavy at times. High 87F. Winds light and variable. Chance of rain 100%. Rainfall possibly over one inch. Humidity 81 %
- 2 new covid19 cases in Lakewood yesterday total 2709
-Many high school age girls still dont have a school to go to when classes start.
-Camp Chaveirim held a parade to honor the Lakewood police department
-Murphy: Today, I’m signing an Executive Order officially clearing both our public and nonpublic pre-K through 12 schools and our colleges and universities to reopen for upcoming academic year.
NJ DOE has put forth strong guidelines that put a premium on the health & safety of students & staff while providing avenues by which in-person instruction can safely resume.
Public & nonpublic schools must certify to the Dept that they’re able to meet these standards
- A severe thunderstorm warning remains in effect until 130 pm for northern Ocean county
-Dr. Zelenko: Please sign petition The reason for the resistance against the Zelenko Protocol is because it really saves lives and prevents hospitalizations. This is contrary to big pharma interests and anti-Trump forces.
-Video: Siyum Maseches Shabbos At Breslov Shul In Lakewood here
- Jackson township council passed an ordinance last night banning all short term rentals, such as Airbnb and it includes a 30-day minimum on rentals.
-Lakewood based company Streamline verify in partnership with Bikur cholim is sponsoring blood plasma donation drive in Lakewood. Residents can now give plasma localy without driving 2-3 hours. The initiative named "Antibody Everybody" aims at collecting 1,000 units of convalescent plasma from Lakewood residents who survived COVID-19 and have high antibody counts. Organizers plan to keep it going at least twice a week for the next four weeks.(APP)
-JCP&L: Crews have replaced more than 53 miles of wire, repaired or replaced more than 550 poles and 2,500 cross arms, and worked through 700+ road closures.
-Lakewood Planning Board heard an application for a 5 story, Courtyard by Marriott hotel at the corner of Pine and New Hampshire, with 193 parking spaces. After 3.5 hours of testimony, including opposition, the board decided to carry the application to this Thursdays meeting .(LNN)
-BDE: the levayah of Harav Ovadiah Yudkowski Z"L father of the Stutchiner Rebbe will be in the Lakewood Chapel 613 Ramsey Ave at 12 pm
- 2 new covid19 cases in Lakewood yesterday total 2709
-Many high school age girls still dont have a school to go to when classes start.
-Camp Chaveirim held a parade to honor the Lakewood police department
-Murphy: Today, I’m signing an Executive Order officially clearing both our public and nonpublic pre-K through 12 schools and our colleges and universities to reopen for upcoming academic year.
NJ DOE has put forth strong guidelines that put a premium on the health & safety of students & staff while providing avenues by which in-person instruction can safely resume.
Public & nonpublic schools must certify to the Dept that they’re able to meet these standards
- A severe thunderstorm warning remains in effect until 130 pm for northern Ocean county
-Dr. Zelenko: Please sign petition The reason for the resistance against the Zelenko Protocol is because it really saves lives and prevents hospitalizations. This is contrary to big pharma interests and anti-Trump forces.
-Video: Siyum Maseches Shabbos At Breslov Shul In Lakewood here
- Jackson township council passed an ordinance last night banning all short term rentals, such as Airbnb and it includes a 30-day minimum on rentals.
-Lakewood based company Streamline verify in partnership with Bikur cholim is sponsoring blood plasma donation drive in Lakewood. Residents can now give plasma localy without driving 2-3 hours. The initiative named "Antibody Everybody" aims at collecting 1,000 units of convalescent plasma from Lakewood residents who survived COVID-19 and have high antibody counts. Organizers plan to keep it going at least twice a week for the next four weeks.(APP)
-JCP&L: Crews have replaced more than 53 miles of wire, repaired or replaced more than 550 poles and 2,500 cross arms, and worked through 700+ road closures.
-Lakewood Planning Board heard an application for a 5 story, Courtyard by Marriott hotel at the corner of Pine and New Hampshire, with 193 parking spaces. After 3.5 hours of testimony, including opposition, the board decided to carry the application to this Thursdays meeting .(LNN)
-BDE: the levayah of Harav Ovadiah Yudkowski Z"L father of the Stutchiner Rebbe will be in the Lakewood Chapel 613 Ramsey Ave at 12 pm
Lakewood Industrial Commission Virtual Meeting
Tuesday, August 11, 2020
Oif Simchas Lakewood 21 Av 5780
Ungarischer – Gross Ateres Chana hall
Halpern – Fried Lake Terrace
Hochman – Moskowitz Ateres Reva
Schnitzer – Koening Fountain Ballroom
Ungarischer – Gross Ateres Chana hall
Halpern – Fried Lake Terrace
Hochman – Moskowitz Ateres Reva
Schnitzer – Koening Fountain Ballroom
Lakewood Planning Board Meeting
Lakewood Planning Board virtual meeting Tuesday August 11 at 6:00 pm
Live stream Here
Agenda Here updated HERE
During the meeting, you may submit written questions and/or comments via email to the following email address: You must include your name and address in your submission.
SP 2109A RD Lakewood, LLC
Pine Street & New Hampshire Ave Block 961.01, Lots 2.02 & 2.03
Amended Preliminary and Final Major Site Plan for a hotel
Live stream Here
Agenda Here updated HERE
During the meeting, you may submit written questions and/or comments via email to the following email address: You must include your name and address in your submission.
SP 2109A RD Lakewood, LLC
Pine Street & New Hampshire Ave Block 961.01, Lots 2.02 & 2.03
Amended Preliminary and Final Major Site Plan for a hotel
Daf Yomi Begins Maseches Eruvin
Overview of Eruvin below, Telephone Poles & Communication Wires
Overview of Maeches Eruvin below
Overview of Maeches Eruvin below
Tuesday August 11 News updates Lakewood
Weather: Sun and clouds mixed. High 89F. Humidity 65%
-375 teachers in the Elizabeth, NJ school district say they will not show up for in person learning this September because of health concerns
-Joe Biden picks Kamala Harris for his Vice presidential running mate
-New Jersey has 498 new positive cases, and 14 new confirmed COVID-19 deaths 7 in August five in July, and two in April
-Updated list: If you're traveling to New Jersey from the following 33 states and territories, you should self-quarantine for 14 days: AL, AZ, AR, CA, FL, GA, HI, ID, IL, IN, IA, KS, KY, LA, MD, MN, MS, MO, MT, NE, NV, NC, ND, OK, PR, SC, SD, TN, TX, UT, VA, VI, WI
-The Lakewood Board of Education is looking for buyers for a 4.2-acre plot adjacent to Lakewood High School a Portion of Block 209, Lot 1.01 at 855 Somerset Ave. APP report that it could be used for 15 homes minimum bid price to be met is $1,000,293.53
-JCP&L restores power to all Lakewood customers
-Livestream Levaya of Sadigura Rebbe ztl Here
- DMV has met it's capacity and will not be servicing any new customers.
-Video: Siyum of Masechtes Shabbos last night in Lakewood Here
-375 teachers in the Elizabeth, NJ school district say they will not show up for in person learning this September because of health concerns
-Joe Biden picks Kamala Harris for his Vice presidential running mate
-New Jersey has 498 new positive cases, and 14 new confirmed COVID-19 deaths 7 in August five in July, and two in April
-Updated list: If you're traveling to New Jersey from the following 33 states and territories, you should self-quarantine for 14 days: AL, AZ, AR, CA, FL, GA, HI, ID, IL, IN, IA, KS, KY, LA, MD, MN, MS, MO, MT, NE, NV, NC, ND, OK, PR, SC, SD, TN, TX, UT, VA, VI, WI
-The Lakewood Board of Education is looking for buyers for a 4.2-acre plot adjacent to Lakewood High School a Portion of Block 209, Lot 1.01 at 855 Somerset Ave. APP report that it could be used for 15 homes minimum bid price to be met is $1,000,293.53
-JCP&L restores power to all Lakewood customers
-Livestream Levaya of Sadigura Rebbe ztl Here
- DMV has met it's capacity and will not be servicing any new customers.
-Video: Siyum of Masechtes Shabbos last night in Lakewood Here
Monday, August 10, 2020
Oif Simchas Lakewood 20 Av 5780
Silverstone - Soloveitchik KMY/ Cheder
Fischer - Kaszirer Ne'emas Hachaim Hall
Gifter - Sochet Fountain Ballroom Cheder
Rotenberg - Schwab Ateres Reva
Silverstone - Soloveitchik KMY/ Cheder
Fischer - Kaszirer Ne'emas Hachaim Hall
Gifter - Sochet Fountain Ballroom Cheder
Rotenberg - Schwab Ateres Reva
BD"E: The Sadigur Rebbe, Zt"l Harav Yisrael Moshe Friedman
The olam haTorah and chassidus is saddened by the petirah of the the Sadigur Rebbe, Harav Yisrael Moshe Friedman, zy”a.
The Rebbe had been ill in the past, and he collapsed this afternoon in Bnei Brak. He was rushed to Sheba-Tel Hashomer Hospital, and was niftar a short while later.
Hamodia - The Rebbe, who was a direct descendant – ben acher ben – of the Ruzhiner Rebbe and the Maggid of Mezeritch, zy”a – was the only son and successor of the Ikvei Abirim, Harav Avraham Yaakov Friedman, the Sadigora Rebbe, and Rebbetzin Zipporah, a”h, the daughter of Harav Yosef Aryeh Feldman, z”l. He grew up in the court of his paternal grandfather, the Sadigura Rebbe, Harav Mordechai Shalom Yosef, zy”a, known as the Knesses Mordechai, with whom he had a very close bond.

Hamodia - The Rebbe, who was a direct descendant – ben acher ben – of the Ruzhiner Rebbe and the Maggid of Mezeritch, zy”a – was the only son and successor of the Ikvei Abirim, Harav Avraham Yaakov Friedman, the Sadigora Rebbe, and Rebbetzin Zipporah, a”h, the daughter of Harav Yosef Aryeh Feldman, z”l. He grew up in the court of his paternal grandfather, the Sadigura Rebbe, Harav Mordechai Shalom Yosef, zy”a, known as the Knesses Mordechai, with whom he had a very close bond.
Daf Yomi סיום מסכת שבת
-Lomdei Daf Yomi will be making a siyum on Maseches Shabbos tonight. A מסכת that was learned by thousands in challenging conditions during the coronavirus pandemic. The All Daf APP has reportedly seen there no drop off in the number of daily listeners since the beginning of maseches Berachos, actually a slight increase.
A live siyum will take place online at 7:30 pm watch HERE
A live siyum will take place online at 7:30 pm watch HERE
The Folly of the Frum Never Trumpers
Yated Ne'eman The Folly of the Frum Never Trumpers
This article is printed in the current issue if Yated.
By Rabbi Avrohom Birnbaum - Aug 5, 2020
Never Trumpers, Conservatives who would rather have anyone running the country – even the strong progressive wing of the party led by the likes of AOC – other than President Trump, are primarily longtime Conservative pundits. Some are has-beens, who are pining after their glory days. Some are rigid baalei shitah who cannot tolerate veering from the script with which they define Conservatism. President Trump is a person not bound to ideology, but rather to pragmatism. He is also a tremendous disrupter of the old order. That irks them to no end.
This article is printed in the current issue if Yated.
By Rabbi Avrohom Birnbaum - Aug 5, 2020
Never Trumpers, Conservatives who would rather have anyone running the country – even the strong progressive wing of the party led by the likes of AOC – other than President Trump, are primarily longtime Conservative pundits. Some are has-beens, who are pining after their glory days. Some are rigid baalei shitah who cannot tolerate veering from the script with which they define Conservatism. President Trump is a person not bound to ideology, but rather to pragmatism. He is also a tremendous disrupter of the old order. That irks them to no end.
Monday August 10 News Updates Lakewood
weather: Partly cloudy. High 91F. Humidity 65%
Lunch 7 day Box from Chai4ever 6:30 pm 1221 Madison Ave
-Lakewood covid numbers revised downwards again. The Ocean county health dept has revised lakewood down by negative 18 cases after reporting 24 new ones. The total now stands at 2708/195 with no new cases since August 5.
-Murphy: Trump’s executive orders on stimulus a ‘hollow political gesture'
It’s time to get a true stimulus and response bill to the President’s desk.
-258 cases and 4 #COVID19 deaths none of these deaths occurred in August.
-Young bar-goers at Shore bars need to wear masks and social distance But if we have to shut places down to protect public health, then we will.
-We’re at lows for ICU beds and ventilators we haven’t seen since early March.
- Trump Raises $5M at Gala Event at Deal, NJ Home of Friend Stanley Chera ob"m (Jewish Voice)
- The Howell Township Police Department broke up a "pop-up party" of over 300 people in the Ramtown neighborhood of Howell on Sunday evening, requesting mutual aid from Wall, Brick, Jackson, Freehold, Monmouth and Ocean County Sheriffs Departments, as well as New Jersey State Police, according to authorities. The host reportedly charged a hefty entrance fee
- Howell resident who posted threatening statements on Facebook against the Jewish community of Lakewood has pled guilty to Bias Intimidation and threatening to travel to Lakewood with the purpose of assaulting members of the Jewish community with a baseball bat.
-Lakewood Busing Thread:(Imamother) Will there be busing next year, why are bus companies getting paid in full when not providing services, why is LSTA charging money upfront, why not refunding for non used months read more HERE on forum
-Lunch distribution:
7 day box at the public schools location 9:00 am - 11:00 am Menu: Rye bread Bakery fresh cake Deli pastrami Hot dogs Kugel Milk Grape juice Mango Cucumber pickles Cherry tomatoes
-NYT Magie Haberman white-house correspondent: Spoke to multiple attendees at POTUS fundraiser at the late Stanley Chera’s house in Deal, NJ. Chera’s son Haim thanked Trump for supporting his father, who died of coronavirus. Said Trump called him/the family every day that he was sick. Said he was a true friend who didn’t have an ounce of “envy” in him, according to Chera’s son, whose father backed Trump in 2016. Deal has a large Jewish community, which Chera’s son mentioned, and many of the attendees wore yarmulkes. Others wore MAGA hats. It was something of a celebration of Chera’s life. Haim Chera introduced the president, who began with a joke asking if there were any Christians in the crowd. Some laughter followed. Then the president talked about Stanley Chera; attendees said they were appreciative.
Lunch 7 day Box from Chai4ever 6:30 pm 1221 Madison Ave
-Lakewood covid numbers revised downwards again. The Ocean county health dept has revised lakewood down by negative 18 cases after reporting 24 new ones. The total now stands at 2708/195 with no new cases since August 5.
-Murphy: Trump’s executive orders on stimulus a ‘hollow political gesture'
It’s time to get a true stimulus and response bill to the President’s desk.
-258 cases and 4 #COVID19 deaths none of these deaths occurred in August.
-Young bar-goers at Shore bars need to wear masks and social distance But if we have to shut places down to protect public health, then we will.
-We’re at lows for ICU beds and ventilators we haven’t seen since early March.
- Trump Raises $5M at Gala Event at Deal, NJ Home of Friend Stanley Chera ob"m (Jewish Voice)
- The Howell Township Police Department broke up a "pop-up party" of over 300 people in the Ramtown neighborhood of Howell on Sunday evening, requesting mutual aid from Wall, Brick, Jackson, Freehold, Monmouth and Ocean County Sheriffs Departments, as well as New Jersey State Police, according to authorities. The host reportedly charged a hefty entrance fee
- Howell resident who posted threatening statements on Facebook against the Jewish community of Lakewood has pled guilty to Bias Intimidation and threatening to travel to Lakewood with the purpose of assaulting members of the Jewish community with a baseball bat.
-Lakewood Busing Thread:(Imamother) Will there be busing next year, why are bus companies getting paid in full when not providing services, why is LSTA charging money upfront, why not refunding for non used months read more HERE on forum
-Lunch distribution:
7 day box at the public schools location 9:00 am - 11:00 am Menu: Rye bread Bakery fresh cake Deli pastrami Hot dogs Kugel Milk Grape juice Mango Cucumber pickles Cherry tomatoes
-NYT Magie Haberman white-house correspondent: Spoke to multiple attendees at POTUS fundraiser at the late Stanley Chera’s house in Deal, NJ. Chera’s son Haim thanked Trump for supporting his father, who died of coronavirus. Said Trump called him/the family every day that he was sick. Said he was a true friend who didn’t have an ounce of “envy” in him, according to Chera’s son, whose father backed Trump in 2016. Deal has a large Jewish community, which Chera’s son mentioned, and many of the attendees wore yarmulkes. Others wore MAGA hats. It was something of a celebration of Chera’s life. Haim Chera introduced the president, who began with a joke asking if there were any Christians in the crowd. Some laughter followed. Then the president talked about Stanley Chera; attendees said they were appreciative.
Sunday, August 9, 2020
At Trump Fundraiser in Deal
Earlier today, Mincha prayers are recited at the Trump fundraiser in Deal with Orthodox Jewish donors. Photos Courtesy of @jaketurx
Video below supporters greet the president
Video below supporters greet the president
JHS: Brisk In The Holy Land
Escaping from war torn Europe, Rav Yitzchok Zev (Velvalleh) Soloveitchik known to posterity as the Brisker Rov, arrived in the Holy Land in the spring of 1941. Though tragically his wife and three of his children weren't able to make it out, the Rov and his seven remaining children continued the Soloveitchik dynasty in Israel.
His oldest son Rav Berel became Rosh Yeshiva, while his daughter Lifsheh ran the house and eventually married Rav Michel Feinstein. Rav Rephoel was his father's dedicated right hand man and
Saturday, August 8, 2020
Sunday August 9 News Roundup Lakewood
Weather: A few isolated thunderstorms developing this afternoon. High 87F Chance of rain 30%. Humidity 69%
- OCHD revises lakewood covid cases to minus 1 from 24 yesterday bringing the total yesterday to 23 new cases
-BDE: Hayeled Chaim Iluz, the son of R' Shloimy and Olga, was niftar today after being found unresponsive in the family's home in Westgate. Levaya will be taking place tomorrow. (LNN)
- BDE: petirah of R' Yankel Goldberg, a steady mispalel of Rabbi Gruber's Shul and a steady learner at Kol Shimshon. He was niftar today at age 86. The Levaya will take place tomorrow at 1:00pm at the Lakewood Chapel
-APP reports on tbe Trump visit with pro and anti crowds HERE
- video footage Trump Motorcade ready to go follow The Belaaz on Twitter HERE
-Balloon event at Evergreen 1:00 pm- 5:00 pm
-Israel new Coronavirus restrictions: A distance of 2 meters must be maintained between people in the public sphere, Gathering of more than 10 people in closed space or 20 people in an open space is forbidden, Only two passengers who are unrelated may travel together in the same car
-Marine 1 schedule Trump fundraiser in Deal/Elberon. Motorcade is 5 minute drive from Elberon park to the home.
4:15 p.m. Trump departs his golf course in Bedminster via helicopter.
4:45 p.m. He arrives at Elberon Park.
4:55 p.m. Trump departs Elberon Park for the Chera home.
7:05 p.m. Trump departs the Chera home.
7:10 p.m. He arrives back at Elberon Park
7:20 p.m. Trump departs for Morristown Municipal Airport, where he will then transfer to plane and head to Joint Base Andrews, en route to the White House.
-Drive Thru census giveaway event at Blueclaws stadium 11:00 am - 3:00 pm
- Jcp&l 16 customers without power in Lakewood Estimated Restoration: Today at 11:30 PM
- 24 new positive covid19 cases reported in Lakewood yesterday totals 2726/196
-JCP&L restored Power to Lakewood Jackson Toms River residents number of those out of power are in the single digits. Howell and Brick have 200 without power
- OCHD revises lakewood covid cases to minus 1 from 24 yesterday bringing the total yesterday to 23 new cases
-BDE: Hayeled Chaim Iluz, the son of R' Shloimy and Olga, was niftar today after being found unresponsive in the family's home in Westgate. Levaya will be taking place tomorrow. (LNN)
- BDE: petirah of R' Yankel Goldberg, a steady mispalel of Rabbi Gruber's Shul and a steady learner at Kol Shimshon. He was niftar today at age 86. The Levaya will take place tomorrow at 1:00pm at the Lakewood Chapel
-APP reports on tbe Trump visit with pro and anti crowds HERE
- video footage Trump Motorcade ready to go follow The Belaaz on Twitter HERE
-Balloon event at Evergreen 1:00 pm- 5:00 pm
-Israel new Coronavirus restrictions: A distance of 2 meters must be maintained between people in the public sphere, Gathering of more than 10 people in closed space or 20 people in an open space is forbidden, Only two passengers who are unrelated may travel together in the same car
-Marine 1 schedule Trump fundraiser in Deal/Elberon. Motorcade is 5 minute drive from Elberon park to the home.
4:15 p.m. Trump departs his golf course in Bedminster via helicopter.
4:45 p.m. He arrives at Elberon Park.
4:55 p.m. Trump departs Elberon Park for the Chera home.
7:05 p.m. Trump departs the Chera home.
7:10 p.m. He arrives back at Elberon Park
7:20 p.m. Trump departs for Morristown Municipal Airport, where he will then transfer to plane and head to Joint Base Andrews, en route to the White House.
-Drive Thru census giveaway event at Blueclaws stadium 11:00 am - 3:00 pm
- Jcp&l 16 customers without power in Lakewood Estimated Restoration: Today at 11:30 PM
- 24 new positive covid19 cases reported in Lakewood yesterday totals 2726/196
-JCP&L restored Power to Lakewood Jackson Toms River residents number of those out of power are in the single digits. Howell and Brick have 200 without power
Friday, August 7, 2020
Lakewood Zmanim עש''ק פרשת עקב תש''פ
כי ה' אלהיך מביאך אל ארץ טובה ארץ נחלי מים עינת ותהמת יצאים בבקעה ובהר ארץ חטה ושערה וגפן ותאנה ורמון ארץ זית שמן ודבש ארץ אשר לא במסכנת תאכל בה לחם לא תחסר כל בה ארץ אשר אבניה ברזל ומהרריה תחצב נחשת
Friday, August 7, 2020 / י״ז אב תש״פ ערב שבת פרשת עקב
-Candle lighting: 7:45 pm
-Shkia/sunset: 8:03 pm
-Weather: Shabbos day Partly to mostly cloudy skies with scattered thunderstorms in the morning. High 82F. Chance of rain 40%.
כִּי נִחַם ה׳ צִיון נִחַם כָל חָרבֹתֶיהָ וַיָשֶם מִדְבָּרָה כְּעֵדֶן וְעַרבָתָה כְּגַן ה׳ שָׂשׂוֹן וְשִמחָה יִמָצֵא בָה תּוֹדה וְקול זִמרָה
הפטרת עקב
Friday Erev Shabbos August 7 News Updates Lakewood
Weather: Variable clouds with thunderstorms, especially this morning. High 79F. Winds E at 5 to 10 mph. Chance of rain 60%. Humidity83%
7:15pm under 1000 in Lakewood without power
-Trump is in NJ at his golf resort for the weekend will attend fundraiser in Deal on Sunday
-Forest park area has power back on
-4:30 pm Down to 1,007 customers in Lakewood without power
-A tornado that spun across parts of Ocean County as on Tuesday packed winds estimated at 110 mph, the National Weather Service has determined.
The twister started as a waterspout near Brant Beach on Long Beach Island, then touched down at about 10:50 a.m. Tuesday near Ship Bottom and traveled 3 miles before lifting up in the Mud City section of Stafford Township at about 10:54 a.m.
-OCHD revises Lakewood cases yesterday from 7 down to 1, only 2 covid19 cases reported in Ocean county totals for lkwd 2702/195
-NYS Police are out full force this week till Aug 12 for speeding crack down state troopers all over Rt 17
-2:00 pm JCPL customers w/o power Lakewood 1,853, TR 769, Jackson 1919
-1:00 pm Customers without power Lakewood 2,259, TR, 908, Jackson 1924, Howell 3,927
-The Dutch Conference of Rabbis a orthodox rabbinical body said today the shofar should only be blown sparingly and outside this year because of the coronavirus, Rabbis “should consider inviting congregations to go out to the synagogue’s yard and blow the shofar there, outside the actual building. (JTA)
- Flash Flood watch for Ocean county until 2am heavy rains expected.
-Lakewood DMV has met it's capacity and will not be servicing any new customers
-Lunch distribution: Bais Tova Box10:30 am, Pizza on Wheels 11:00am daily
-JCP&L- Based on current outages and damage assessments, we expect to restore 85% of affected customers by the end of the day Friday.
7:30 am
-Lakewood 2872 Without Power, Jackson 1951, Toms River 2960, Howell 5790, Brick 2298, Long Branch 4525, Deal 103
-Lakewood Chaveirim: We are getting a large amount of requests from elderly as well as other residents who are still quarantining due to Covid 19 for a place to stay until the power is back on. We are asking if you have a house, apartment, or basement where you can host an elderly who has been (and continues to be) quarantining and who is currently out of power into the weekend to please call or text 848-245-6993 and we will try to match you up with a family in need
-Two bachurim who were lost while hiking with a group were found after a massive search that brought in reconnaissance teams and helicopters. The boys, both of whom are 17 years old, had gone hiking at Neversink Gorge Trails in Rock Hill, New York, with about 100 others. They were found to be missing early in the evening and a search ensued. The boys were found near the water on a rock (Hamodia)
-BDE: Bde Rabbi Adin Steinsalz ob"m wrote a pirush on the talmud Bavli translated it to modern Hebrew, he was 83. In the summer of 1989, a group of gedolim led by Harav Shach zatzal placed a ban on all of Steinsaltz's work.
Steinsaltz added his own commentary, in Hebrew, alongside the text., and was criticized for altering the צורת הדף and placing his pirush in the space of Rashi.
7:15pm under 1000 in Lakewood without power
-Trump is in NJ at his golf resort for the weekend will attend fundraiser in Deal on Sunday
-Forest park area has power back on
-4:30 pm Down to 1,007 customers in Lakewood without power
-A tornado that spun across parts of Ocean County as on Tuesday packed winds estimated at 110 mph, the National Weather Service has determined.
The twister started as a waterspout near Brant Beach on Long Beach Island, then touched down at about 10:50 a.m. Tuesday near Ship Bottom and traveled 3 miles before lifting up in the Mud City section of Stafford Township at about 10:54 a.m.
-OCHD revises Lakewood cases yesterday from 7 down to 1, only 2 covid19 cases reported in Ocean county totals for lkwd 2702/195
-NYS Police are out full force this week till Aug 12 for speeding crack down state troopers all over Rt 17
-2:00 pm JCPL customers w/o power Lakewood 1,853, TR 769, Jackson 1919
-1:00 pm Customers without power Lakewood 2,259, TR, 908, Jackson 1924, Howell 3,927
-The Dutch Conference of Rabbis a orthodox rabbinical body said today the shofar should only be blown sparingly and outside this year because of the coronavirus, Rabbis “should consider inviting congregations to go out to the synagogue’s yard and blow the shofar there, outside the actual building. (JTA)
- Flash Flood watch for Ocean county until 2am heavy rains expected.
-Lakewood DMV has met it's capacity and will not be servicing any new customers
-Lunch distribution: Bais Tova Box10:30 am, Pizza on Wheels 11:00am daily
-JCP&L- Based on current outages and damage assessments, we expect to restore 85% of affected customers by the end of the day Friday.
7:30 am
-Lakewood 2872 Without Power, Jackson 1951, Toms River 2960, Howell 5790, Brick 2298, Long Branch 4525, Deal 103
-Lakewood Chaveirim: We are getting a large amount of requests from elderly as well as other residents who are still quarantining due to Covid 19 for a place to stay until the power is back on. We are asking if you have a house, apartment, or basement where you can host an elderly who has been (and continues to be) quarantining and who is currently out of power into the weekend to please call or text 848-245-6993 and we will try to match you up with a family in need
-Two bachurim who were lost while hiking with a group were found after a massive search that brought in reconnaissance teams and helicopters. The boys, both of whom are 17 years old, had gone hiking at Neversink Gorge Trails in Rock Hill, New York, with about 100 others. They were found to be missing early in the evening and a search ensued. The boys were found near the water on a rock (Hamodia)
-BDE: Bde Rabbi Adin Steinsalz ob"m wrote a pirush on the talmud Bavli translated it to modern Hebrew, he was 83. In the summer of 1989, a group of gedolim led by Harav Shach zatzal placed a ban on all of Steinsaltz's work.
Steinsaltz added his own commentary, in Hebrew, alongside the text., and was criticized for altering the צורת הדף and placing his pirush in the space of Rashi.
Thursday, August 6, 2020
Oif Simchas 16 Av 5780 Lakewood
Gerber - Pecker Ateres Malka
Szmerla - Green Wedding Ateres Chana
Reidel - Stefansky Lake Terrace
Schulgasser - Borchardt Fountain BallroomSzmerla - Green Wedding Ateres Chana
Courtesy of Vivaser to receive Vivaser via email daily send a request to:
Thursday August 6 News Updates Lakewood
Weather: Rain showers early becoming more intermittent for the afternoon. High around 80F. Chance of rain 50%.Humidity 73%
-Forest park area expected to have power restored by tomorrow according to memo sent to residents
9:00 pm Live shiur Rav Simcha Bunim Cohen Halacha Lemaaseh hilchos shabbos HERE
8:30 pm Lakewood 3285 without power, Jackson 1,932 Toms River 3124, Howell 7,377
Power restored at 14th and Hope Chapel area
7:45 pm 5,268 still out of power in Lakewood
-Forest park area still out of power
-Township Committee today authorized spending $1 Million + for a new communications tower which will improve radio communications for all the paid and volunteer first responder agencies in Lakewood. The tower will be built in the Public Works yard. (Reporter Moshe)
-Lunch Box distribution:
Klausenberg behind Evergreen 5pm Yeshiva Ktana 6:00 pm Tashbar 7:30 pm
-5:00 pm JCPL update customers without power: Lakewood 4522, Jackson 2706, Toms River 4874, Howell 8310
-Bde: 24 youngerman father of 1 drowned in the Kineret in EY
-Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis rescinded an order requiring people traveling from New York, New Jersey and Connecticut to the Sunshine State to quarantine or isolate for 14 days
- NJ 411 new cases of coronavirus, 8 additional deaths
-7 New Positive covid19 cases in Lakewood 2 deaths totals 2708/194
1:00 pm Lakewood 4789 Customers W/0 Power, Jackson 3933, Toms River 6,056, Howell 10,371
-Fireworks show tonight at Blueclaws stadium beginning at 9:30 pm and the show is more than double a show (both in length and height) that follows a typical BlueClaws game.
-Gourmet Glatt south open, NPGS Jackson location is open
- Out of state Utility workers from Indiana Michigan power gathered in Howell and are being dispatched by JCPL to Lakewood & Jackson (NJ12)
-Check the Eruv: Many Eruvin have been damaged and wires down during the storm additionally those that rely on electric wires should check it too. Some poskin are of the opinion that after a severe storm there are no more chazakos to rely on the kashrus of existing eruvin and they must be checked.
-Forest park area expected to have power restored by tomorrow according to memo sent to residents
9:00 pm Live shiur Rav Simcha Bunim Cohen Halacha Lemaaseh hilchos shabbos HERE
8:30 pm Lakewood 3285 without power, Jackson 1,932 Toms River 3124, Howell 7,377
Power restored at 14th and Hope Chapel area
7:45 pm 5,268 still out of power in Lakewood
-Forest park area still out of power
-Township Committee today authorized spending $1 Million + for a new communications tower which will improve radio communications for all the paid and volunteer first responder agencies in Lakewood. The tower will be built in the Public Works yard. (Reporter Moshe)
-Lunch Box distribution:
Klausenberg behind Evergreen 5pm Yeshiva Ktana 6:00 pm Tashbar 7:30 pm
-5:00 pm JCPL update customers without power: Lakewood 4522, Jackson 2706, Toms River 4874, Howell 8310
-Bde: 24 youngerman father of 1 drowned in the Kineret in EY
-Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis rescinded an order requiring people traveling from New York, New Jersey and Connecticut to the Sunshine State to quarantine or isolate for 14 days
- NJ 411 new cases of coronavirus, 8 additional deaths
-7 New Positive covid19 cases in Lakewood 2 deaths totals 2708/194
1:00 pm Lakewood 4789 Customers W/0 Power, Jackson 3933, Toms River 6,056, Howell 10,371
-Fireworks show tonight at Blueclaws stadium beginning at 9:30 pm and the show is more than double a show (both in length and height) that follows a typical BlueClaws game.
-Gourmet Glatt south open, NPGS Jackson location is open
- Out of state Utility workers from Indiana Michigan power gathered in Howell and are being dispatched by JCPL to Lakewood & Jackson (NJ12)
-Check the Eruv: Many Eruvin have been damaged and wires down during the storm additionally those that rely on electric wires should check it too. Some poskin are of the opinion that after a severe storm there are no more chazakos to rely on the kashrus of existing eruvin and they must be checked.
Lakewood Officials Blame JCP&L for Lack Of Planing and Manpower
Lakewood township committee calls out JCP&L for not having enough manpower and not planning ahead for the storm. The mayor said that when there's a forecast of a snow storm they dont wait for 8 feet on the ground before calling in the plows. Township offered to have a tree cutting crew at every location of downed trees but the utility company did not have enough linemen to dispatch. Despite millions of dollars in upgrades the utility does not have enough manpower. Committeeman Ackerman said JCP&L is not under our control. The committee intends to let the BPU and jcpl know of their frustrations and hope to have it fixed one day.
Lakewood Catskills Bus Service Schedule for 2020
Bus service from Lakewood to the Catskills Sundays and Fridays
From the Catskills to Lakewood Thursday's and Sunday
$40 one way children under 3 free per adult. For more info call 718-599-5040
To the Catskills from Lakewood:
Locust Street @ Harmony Park Sunday 4:40 pm Friday 9:55 am
Seasons supermarket Sunday 4:45 pm Friday 10:00 am
Forest and 9th street Sunday 4:55 pm Friday 10:10 am
Squankum and Kennedy Sunday 5:00 pm Friday 10:15 am
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