Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Tzom Gedalya Lakewood 5780

צום גדליה תש''פ Lakewood  Weather  High of 93 Sunshine and Hot
Shkia 6:37 fast is over 7:18 (41 minutes after shkia)

- Bingo Kaporos today only $3.99. sukkos sale Folding tables 6 feet $24.99, 8 ft $39.99

-Members against animal cruelty meeting at W Kennedy and rt 9 at 4 pm visiting kaporos locations

Daled Minim one day sales:
-Esrogei Soloveitchick At Orchos Chaim 410 Oberlin3:30 7 pm
-Gratter Building 100 Park Avenue 2 - 10 pm 50% -70% 0ff
-Bais Faiga 1:55 pm - 6:00 pm and 8:15 - 11
-Prospect Vines simcha hall Westgate Simcha hall 1 day sale 50% off 2-6 pm 8- 12 pm
-Tiferes bais Yaakov hall 613 oak , R Blech shul 1250 Madison poskim on hand 2-6 8:30 -11pm
-Bnos Devora hall 1- 6;30 pm 8:00 pm - 11:30
-Ateres Yeshaya 6:00 pm - Maariv

BMG Evening of Chizuk for Women at Lake terrace hall 8:45 pm Rav Malkiel Kotler shlita, Rav Moshe Sheinerman shlita, Rebbetzin Reena Tarshish


  1. In short the women will get chizuk:
    1. Lakewood Flavor
    2. Brisk Flavor
    3. Telzsa Flavor
    Aye. Its America - the melting pot.

  2. How to get chulent on a taanis!!!
