Thursday, October 24, 2019

A self Imposed Deadline for 2 Year old Playgroup

In previous years attempts were made to hold off registration until Tu bshvat thanks to Mrs. Ziva Krieger A"H
A girl going to high school may not know which school she is going to until a day before but for 2-3 year old playgroups the deadline to apply is Isru Chag Sukkos 10 months in advance.

If you don't get in quick enough you are told "Sorry We are full."  parents must apply for their 2 year old child 10 months in advance or they will miss the self imposed deadline. The culture of grabbing first only creates a artificial hysteria where parents and even morahs are forced to open registration early because they are scared of loosing out if they wait a few more months. Its not fair for the parents and for the children. So much can change in 5-6 months a child may be held back they may need special services among other factors. We created a panic that only serves the "oischappers" that always look to beat everyone to it, causing a ripple effect that no one gains from.

In previous years attempts were made to hold off registration until Tu bshvat but not everyone was on board and once a few playgroups start taking privately, others follow and break the agreed upon start time.


  1. what do u lose by knowing an important item on your list is checked and done since many details.. location hours... of a playgroup can be an important factor. as to the small pecentage of ppl who might be moving , or services...u can easily pull out pesach time with minimal damage

  2. A two year is way different than a child of three or almost three. It is hard to know what a two year old will be like closer to the school year.

  3. Yes crazy my sister called yesterday afternoon and the more was already full after opening registration in the morning

  4. I don't like to take until Peasch unless you sent before. When you register before and don't know me most of the time you will find something that will work better with your life. There is a big shortage of 2 year old this year I and evryone that I know who does this age is still getting phone calls. People started calling for next year I'am wait wait but I can under stand that some people are scared that they will be left with nothing.
