Thursday, October 10, 2019

Oif Simchas/ Events Lakewood י''ב תשרי תש''פ October 10

Kiddush Levana 🌕 moon in and out of Clouds
-Weather cloudy skies late Slight chance of a rain shower. Low 53F.  Coastal flood warning issued at the Jersey shore  until 1 am Saturday.

-Vort: Hachosson Yitzy Rubin to Hakallah Esti Siegfried  (Cleveland) at 30 Ashford Rd Jackson  7:00 pm -10:00 pm
-Vort: Hachosson  Rotberg to Hakalkah Bas R' Aaron Shlomo Svei at B"M Ishei Yisrael 110 Miller Rd Lakewood 8:00 pm

-Tehillim- The olam is asked to daven for Harav Yaakov Busel shlits Rosh yeshiva of Edison yeshiva who is in need of Rachmei Shamayim. Name for tehillim is Yaakov Ben Faiga.
There will be atzeres tefilla in Lakewood tonight at Rabbi Goldblatt's Yeshiva, 613 Route 9, beginning with Maariv at 7:45.Rav  Yisroel Newman shlita and Rav Yitzchok Sorotzkin shlita  will speak briefly following Maariv and Tehillim 

-Emergency Parlor Meeting for a neighbor whose house burned down on Erev Yom Kippur in Lakewood. Will take place at  714 South Lake Drive 8:00 pm

Daled Minim:
-shuk at BMG 7th street campus 
-Shuk at 1000 Cross street Lakewood/Jackson  across Neiman rd 
-Shuk at 978 River avenue opening Friday
-Seasons Lakewood extended hours open Motz"sh  9:00- 12:30 am
-Yapchik tasting at Gourmet Glatt 6-11 pm tonight
Bingo open  till 1:00 am Thursday