Thursday, October 10, 2019

Lakewood News Briefs

-Orthodox Jewish Chamber of commerce on Twitter:  "Outrageous 911 operator hangs up Twice on Heroic 16 year old girl pleading for help as she saves her younger siblings from a second floor blaze yesterday in Lakewood NJ!!" The blaze happened on Erev Yom Kippur a few hours before Yom Tov there will be several parlor meetings tonight to help the family during this difficult time.

-Lakewood to repay HUD $1.4 million after it didnt follow the rules and made rental payments to a non profit using grant money.  The agency is reviewing the conflict of interest question, whether Committeeman had a conflict because his company manages the building where the township paid rent. (APP)

-Serious Car accident took place Erev YK at the busy intersection of Route 9 and Cushman by the shopping Plaza

-Cops arrest driver they say struck, killed 15-year-old Lakewood boy and drove away (

-Video Kaporos photos go viral on social media. Proprietor defends the minhag (Nj12)


  1. Lakewood to repay HUD $1.4 million after it didnt follow the rules and made rental payments to a non profit using grant money. The agency is reviewing the conflict of interest question, whether Committeeman had a conflict because his company manages the building where the township paid rent. IF a Committeman is owning a property and collecting HUD while being a non profit Sounds Like a Biden Story however since he is democrat it will not be looked into

    It sounds Super FISHY

    1. The committee guy doesn't own the building he manages it but there is still reason to look at it since management companies fill rental spaces for their clients. They get companies and stores to lease office space. In this case the township is paying for the non profit to rent a office there.

  2. Is there audio of the 911 call

    1. There is indeed an audio tape of every single 911 call.

  3. Even if the committee guy recuses himself from voting it's a joke because the buddies on the committee vote for it.
