Sunday, October 27, 2019

The New York Mets Have a Better Shot at Success Than Israel Has at Forming a Coalition

By Arik Arak

 Days after  Simchas Torah in the Holy Land the memshala seems to be stuck in middle of the 6th hakafa - !עוזר דלים הושיעא נא Nothing seems to work; All the king's horses and all the king's men can't put Herzl back together again. No party has been able to Garner a majority as of yet.

Now Kachol Lavan has 28 days to form a government. If you spin the Chanukah Dreidel and it lands on 'ג' for "Gantz", chances are you will end up with nothing , if the past few weeks  are any indication.

 As Netanyahu said early on, my inability to form a government, is slightly less than that of my opponent. The prospect of yet a 3rd election is silly - if the Yankees lost to the Astros will a "do over" make a difference? The current situation may well be a watershed moment. It makes you think -  connect the dots Jewish etho dictates, there's no thing as a random event!

The writer of these lines readily acknowledges that the future may prove this piece wrong, still the current  extraordinary situation seems to be text book precise, preordained by the one above who micro manages all that takes place.

Apparently, the אדון הכל is discounting any functional government in Eretz Yisrael for the foreseeable future, as he charts the course of  men and nations in the אחרית הימים.

Can you imagine a coalition with blue & White's choice for שר החינוך, Moshe Yaalon? - when it comes to Judaism, think train wreck!  A seasoned general - chief of staff, would normally serve as minister of Defense or security. Sir, must you turn your gun sights on yeshivos ktanos and Bais Yaakovs?!

Your military and intelligence apparatchiks always brim with bravado that they're two steps ahead of Iran, but the reality is that the borei olam is constant light years ahead of anything that exists in the universe - including Medinas Yisrael.

Here's  great news for klal yisrael from a credible source, within the Israeli Agudah. The number of rigid shomrei Torah joining Tzahal is markedly down from last year, although it isn't clear exactly why.

I wonder how Mishpacha Magazine and  YWN will take this 'Besurah' -  c'mmon guys put on a smile!

Let's hope Hashem will bring a שנת גאולה וישועה  soon in our time. אמן כן יהי רצון.


  1. A disgruntled met fan

  2. The gedolei yisrael always tell everyone to vote in the treifeneh medina the charedi parties are part of the government. Why should things change now.

  3. They tell everyone to vote in the Treifa Medinah so that people like you can Live with your Religious rights and get your fare share af Tax money and Whatever money the American Government gives to Israel to disperse to its citizens...similar to the Anti Vaxers who rely on the vaxers not to get sick

  4. There will be a coalition if the peleg faction votes it's another seat for UTJ and if the right wing parties unite. If you care about the future it's a chiyuv to vote.

    1. I have some news for you, the so-called peleg does not exist anymore in EY. They are still trying to convince the Americans of their existence. There are a couple who keep busy inventing 'credible sources' within the Aguda, but b"h those in EY have stopped their shenanigans of trying to undermine the shtadlanus of the shluchim of the charedi tzibur, while not providing a single credible solution on their own. They are now mired in their own internal machlokes, as their own politicians fight who should be the one to denounce the 'other politicians'.
      Let them keep those 'credible sources' coming, maybe in the newspaper that Lakewood knows to take from the mailbox straight to the garbage unopened. The one that claims to 'understand'.

  5. דברים כדורבנות

  6. The article sounds very Unintelligent. It would pay to get at least a HS diploma before you decide to become a groiseh writer.

    1. Can you show us your writing skills or is something else bothering you..when you attack with no substance it means that the point struck a nerve.

  7. Boruch Hashem our esteemed ben torah correspondent, who knows how hashem runs the world from the vast amounts of torah he learns in between inventing quotes from 'sources', is here to provide us with an update. He also found time in his busy schedule to find out about the chances the mets have of winning something. Spoken like a true ben torah, unlike those compromisers who don't read lehovin or block cars and busses on their innocent way. We need true blood bnei torah in the world, who represent the best the olam hatorah has to offer.

  8. I don't understand the need for sarcasm over here. The writer is obviously a ben torah, as we see from his knowledge of sports. Therefore whatever he says is Torah. When he says he knows what is going on in Eretz Yisroel, how dare we second guess him?

    1. The sport analogy is obviously to drive home a point. Please tell me you know nothing about what goes on outside the koslei Bais medrash even during beIN hazmanim.

    2. If you honestly don't understand why knowledge of sports is a contradiction to being a ben Torah, you have a lot to learn.

      I have found often by kanoim, they are usually nothing close to the ideals they espouse, making me wonder if the kanous isn't just a way of compensating for their own perceived failures.

  9. Gefilte Fish with ChrainOctober 28, 2019 at 10:45 AM

    How about a coalition between the Blue and White and the Blue and Orange

    1. To Gefilta mit chrain,

      Very good. Real כשרון Yasher Koach
