Thursday, October 24, 2019

General Election Sample Ballot for Lakewood Township

The general elections are on November 5, 2019 2 weeks after Sukkos 7 Cheshvan. Lakewood committeeman R' Issac Akerman is up for reelection.
below 3 candidates running for seats on the BOE


  1. Supposedly there are some vaad members that are pushing for a non endorsement. This tactic is used when they want to squeeze a candidate.

  2. Either you’re our puppet and do our every bidding and that of our developer donors or we don’t endorse you. Is that how it’s supposed to work?

  3. Hakoras Hatov only when it's good for them otherwise they could care less. Let's see if the vaad is ready to bring machlokes and divisiveness

  4. They are definitely trying to squeeze Ackerman. Their other candidate will do the Vaads and Developers bidding.

  5. This is an old truck they keep doing to squueze candidates the same shtick was pulled when the contract was up for the attorneys on one of the township boards they first pretend to appoint another lawyer and than go back to the incumbent who is more beholden to do their bidding.

  6. Isaac is the one to vote for!! He will never allow the State to outlaw vaping!!

  7. Zlatkin was BOE president when he got the BOE to unamiously vote to not join my case when I warned them that the record in Bacon was dismal. They went with David Sciarra (who I introduced to them) and Bacon and not only Lakewood lost, but the all the Bacon districts were dismissed with prejudice. He told Rabbi Levin he does not trust me even though I never met him.

    As for the others, they did not even know that I was on the agenda when they voted to demote me. What kind of ha'karos ha'tov? The BOE attorney, perhaps for the first time, did not let the BOE go into private session before the public session. Hence, there was not discussion over Ms. Winters' decimation of the high school by transfering me, Mrs. Marshall and Mr. Riley. She will be the first to go when we are done.

    At any rate, the Lakewood BOE, like its chief school officer, is irrelevant and likely will be abolished soon. IY"H. I cannot see winning the case and the legislature fixing the formula but leaving the incompetant corrupt system in place.

    1. What was the excuse for transferring you?
