Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Lakewood Election Notice


  1. Go away vaad no one knows or cares who you are. You do not represent Lakewood.

    1. Careful. If they find out who you are, they’ll get their hired goon to sue you for defamation.

  2. Check out their ad in the BP they couldn't write a few nice words about the candidates but made sure to write nice things about themselves on the vaad stationary

  3. The olam should make sure to vote for Akerman in spite of the vaad. The vaad was contemplating not to endorse hypocrites that they are preaching hakaros hatov only when it suits them.

    1. Says you. As a 'Never Vaad voter', you lose my vote with their endorsement!!

  4. 2-3 actuve members on the vaad who were not voted on or appointed by the tzibbur they claim to represent should have no say in any decisions pertaining to the taxpayers period. neither can they be taken seriously.

  5. Don't vote anyone for BOE.

    Send a message that they don't matter. They don't.

    Have they ever promoted the public interest?

    They need to step aside & let someone else get the job done.

    (Not that it really makes a difference. We'll win with or w/o them.)

    A Lang

    1. We can write in Akerman and Raitzik for BOE. Let's see how that works for them. Personally, I wish Moshe Newhouse would have run for reelection.

  6. Also, it's telling that each BOE candidate is unopposed. They are so irrelevant. Happy will be the day when the Lakewood BOE is abolished.

    Once the BOE is gone, and the obstruction and interference comes to an end, we will build an engine of growth and an infrastructure of opportunity for all our young people and all posterity.

    A Lang
