Thursday, October 31, 2019

Oif Simchas Lakewood October 31 '19

- Silber - Stengel at Ateres Chana Hall  Bais Faiga
-Ziegler  Lowy  at Ne'emas Hachaim hall
-Godlewsky -  Webber at Fountain Ballroom Lakewood Cheder

 Vort: Hachosson Yitzy Klahr to Hakallah  Chaya Zaks Bas R' Avrohom at 540 Spruce Street  Lakewood 7:30 pm

Vort: Hachosson  Shaya Efroymson to Hakallah Chani Levin  at 225 11Th Street Lakewood 6:00 pm

Lakewood News Briefs 10/31/19

-Potential for severe thunderstorms across much of the East today and tonight. A squall line is expected to develop ahead of a cold front this afternoon. Damaging wind gusts will be the primary threat from these storms, localized flash flooding are also possible.
-Halloween  Trick or Treating times 5:30 -9:30 pm

-Yated Ne'eman Lakewood bureau: FIRST REPORT: A judge awarded over $86K in legal fees to frum Enclave residents who alleged religious discrimination by the HOA. The lawsuit was settled in February with the HOA reversing the discriminatory bylaws, and a judge ruled today that the HOA must also pay legal fees.(Yated)

- BMG Rosh Yeshiva Harav Malkiel Kotler Shlita gave  Divrei Chizuk  this morning at Kollel Ohr Shmuel in Lutzk B"M, founded in memory of Hayeled Shmuel Gellis Z"L. (LNN)

-LPD will begin ticketing illegally parked cars in the newly paved and striped municipal parking lot at 10th & Clifton near Bais Sholom/Bais Aaron.

BOE Meeting Lakewood school District Tonight

Will LSTA continue to contract for private busing after November 1?

Lakewood BOE meeting tonight 6:30 pm 855 Somerset Avenue (Valid Photo ID needed to enter)
Watch Live stream HERE
See Agenda HERE

Updated resolution to Reappoint Laura A. Winters, as its Superintendent  for a 4 year term at a salary of $204,500 Laura A. Winters will receive an increase of 2% , for the 2020-2021 school year, a 4% increase for the 2021-2022 school year a 3.5% increase, and a 3.5% increase for the 2022-2023 school year for the four year (4) term,

Difference in Election Notice from Last Year

The official Vaad election notice last year 2018 had nice words about the candidates running for township and for other offices. This time around they did not say anything about the candidates besides for a general endorsement was this an oversight or done purposely? shouldn't the public servants and incumbent politicians get some extra chizuk and support? what happened to Hakoras hatov?

New Seminary תתהלל to open in Lakewood Next Year

A new seminary for girls by the name of Seminar תתהלל has announced it will open in Lakewood for next year. The seminary is opening as a response to a growing  public interest in having it open in Lakewood. It will offer an all encompassing seminary experience with a in depth and inspiring academic program. There will also be a Parnassah track with courses to equip the girls with appropriate knowledge and skills that will enhance their future parnassa opportunities. such as computers, Accounting,Graphic design and Reading Remediation.                                                                                                                                                        The seminary is under the guidance of the Lakewood Roshei yeshiva and harav shlomno feivel Schustal shlita the Director Mrs. Penina Alster and  menaheles Ruchni Rebbetzin Chana Tabak.

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Oif Simchas Lakewood October 30, 19

-Goldstein -  Godfrey at Ateres Chana Hall  Bais Faiga
-Fischer - Sonenschein at  Lake Terrace hall
-Iskowitz -  Wulliger at Ateres Reva hall
-Mandelbaum -  Kushner at Fountain Ballroom Lakewood Cheder
-Frankel -Shtendig at Ne'emas hachaim hall

Vort: Hachosson Tzadok Shapiro to Hakallah  Rivky Rappaport Bas R
Avrohom Dov at R' Forcheimers shul 418 5th St, Lakewood 8:00 pm

Lakewood Election Notice

Photo: Seuda celebrating Publication of ספר שערי עזרא ח''ב

A seuda was held yesterday in honor of the new sefer written by  Rabbi Ezra Zafrani shlita Rav of kehilat Etz Chayim of Lakewood. In Attendance was the Lakewood Rosh Yeshiva Harav Yeruchom Olshin shlita. The sefer is called  שערי עזרא this is  חלק ב .

Winter Zman תש''פ/5780 Begins in Lakewood

The bnei hayeshiva have returned to the Koslei bais hamedrash ahead of the long winter zman. The stretch from Sukkos to Pesach is the longest zman of the yearly cycle with.  It's back to the daily yeshiva schedule in Lakewood. BMG will be learning Maseches baba Kamma this zman, Hatzlocha to all.

Video: Minyan Shelanu Extreme Runner Event

Jackson township Pushes off Resolution for a Township Wide Eruv

 The council did not vote on the Eruv resolution last  night. Jackson township proposed a ordnance for the creation of a Eruv that will circle the entire town. The Township wishes to express its approval for the creation of an Eruve encircling the entirety of the Township of Jackson, in order to afford the members of the Jewish community increased observance of their faith. This would make it that it will not violate property rights or impair the right of way (meaning smaller private eruvin).
See full text below

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Oif Simchas Lakewood Rosh Chdesh א' מרחשון October 29, 19

Night Seder begins
-Perlman -Smith at Ateres Chana Hall Bais Faiga
-Karp -  Feder at Fountain Ballroom Lakewood Cheder
-Bikel - Drew at Ne'emas Hachaim Hall
-Berl - Greenberg  at Ateres Reva hall
-Schustal - Bergman at  Lake Terrace Hall

-Vort: Hachosson Pinchos Horowitz to Hakallah Miriam Bronspiegel at B"M Ohr Meir 30 5th Street Lakewood, NJ

Gourmet Glatt South Opens in Lakewood

Gourmet Glatt South of Lakewood opened today at the Seagull Square shopping Plaza at the Border of Lakewood and Toms River. A Ribbon cutting ceremony took place at 12:00 pm on Tuesday as the store officially opened. The other Lakewood location is to the North on Madison avenue. The new location will have many features an array of takeout selections by the GG chefs. The Lakewood Rosh Yeshiva and Rabbonim from Lakewood and TR were on hand at a private Kvias Mezuzzah event.

Tonight: Lakewood Planning Board Meeting

Lakewood Planning board meeting today Tuesday October 29, 2019 6:00 pm
watch Live stream HERE
 See Agenda HERE

• Proposed Ordinance Section 18-200-B
• SD 2396, Block 417, Lots 20, 21, & 23: changes to variances for previously approved

Atzeres At Liberty Science Center גזירת חינוך in NYS

A group of Chasidishe Rabbonim are calling on  Orthodox Jews to gather today, at the Liberty Science Center, Jersey City NJ, 8 p.m., to demonstrate against the new substantial equivalency regulations of New York State.  NO changes or compromises in our education.

Monday, October 28, 2019

Oif Simchas Lakewood Rosh Chodesh מרחשון תש''פ ל ' תשרי October 28

Halpern- Greenwald At Ateres Reva Hall
Singer - Edelman at Ne'emas Hachaim hall
Friedman - Rosenbaum at Lake Terrace hall
Levin - Weinberg at Fountain Ballroom Lakewood Cheder

-Tefilos for Rebbetzin Gittel Kaplan, wife of Harav Nissan Kaplan of Yerushalayim, and daughter of Harav Avraham Gurwicz, Rosh Yeshivah of  Gateshead, who is hospitalized in critical condition. Name is Gittel bas Sarah.

 -BMG Hischadshi Teleconference @ 9:15 pm 732-645-9444 R' Avi Shulman on Chinuch

Daas Torah At Every Juncture

Lakewood Committeeman and former Mayor Isaac Akerman is up for reelection on November 5th. Please show Hakaros hatov for a  shliach Tzibbur. As always Rabbonim stress its imperative for the community to go out and vote even when you think your vote wont make a difference.  Here's a excerpt from a recent  article in the Pesach issue of the Yated Ne'eman newspaper.

Rav Shmuel kamenetzky Photo: Yated
Throughout his years on the planning board, and subsequently on the committee, Isaac would often seek out daas Torah, bringing his dilemmas to various gedolim. "Rav Shmuel Kamenetsky would always tell me when I was on the planning board that my job was not to be a frum Yid, but to do what I thought was yoshor," he shares. "Rav Zelig Epstein zt"I told me the same, and he added that if we tried to bend the rules, a tremendous sinas Yisroel would ensue." This would serve as his guidance throughout his career, though at times it would prove challenging to strike the right balance. "This field is called 'public service," he points out. "It is the job of a committeeman to help people. We are supposed to be helping people, and there is nothing wrong assisting any constituent. But sometimes the responsible thing to do is to say no. That is when it gets difficult, and that is where daas Torah comes into play. As Rav Shmuel said, if my hasharas hadaas as a committeeman tells me that it is wrong to do the favor, won't do it."

 Rav Shmuel also instructed him to use his yashrus as a barometer to know when it would be time to step away. "He once said that as long as my judgment remains impartial, I can rely on it. But as soon as I feel it has been tainted or distorted, it is time for me to leave the committee." Isaac takes Rav Shmuel's directive seriously and often consults with others to hear what the public truly desires in order to make balanced decisions. "I will vote a certain way because that is what is best for the public, even though it has no bearing on me personally," Isaac relates."For example, although the traffic in this town is very heavy, it does not affect me at all. However, most of the people I speak to are greatly affected by it, and I therefore made a priority to try to improve congestion."

Lakewood Zoning Board Meeting tonight

 Lakewood Zoning board meeting Monday October 28, 2019 7:00 pm
Watch Live stream HERE at 7:00 pm
See Agenda HERE

Appeal # 4114 – 118 Ocean Avenue, LLC, Block 836 Lot 1, Spruce Street, Block 837 Lot
1, R40/20 zone. Use variance for single family homes on undersized lots.

Appeal # 3787A – TILWY, Inc. Squankum Road, Block 172 Lot 9, B-4 zone. Revised
Site Plan and floor plans.

Appeal # 3935B – Ketan Mehta, Route 70, Block 1160.01 Lot 256.02, B-5 zone. Preliminary
 and final major site plan for hotel.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Oif Simchas Lakewood October 27, 2019 / 28 Tishrei 5780

- Nussbaum -  Fishkind at Ateres Reva hall
 -Cohen -  Friedman at Fountain Ballroom Lakewood Cheder
- Burnsztyn -  Braun at  Lake Terrace Hall

-Vort: Hachosson Shmuel Horowitz to Hakallah Gitty Eckstein bas R' Moshe Yosef  at
Ner Dovid, 1405 Tanglewood Ln Lakewood 6:30 pm
-Vort: Hachosson Menachem Herzka ben Rav Yissocher to Hakallah Rosi Joseph bas R' Avrohom at KZY R' Gissinger shul 175 Sunset Rd Lakewood  7:30 pm
-Vort: Hachosson Eliezer Shain to Hakallah Fraidel Grozovsky Bas Rav Baruch Ber at the Bais faiga Gratter Building hall 100 Park Avenue Lakewood
-Vort: Hachosson  Sruli Lurie to Hakallah Rivky Kilberg Bs R' Moshe  at Madison Manor Simcha Hall, 401 Madison Ave  Lakewood 6:30 pm
-Vort: Hachosson  Meir Strauss to Hakallah Bracha Pessel Sender Bas Rav  Shraga at B"M D'Cedar wood Hills 1 Flannery Avenue Lakewood 7:15 pm
-Vort: Hachosson  Avraham Boxer to Hakallah Huvi Hoberman at Bais Nosson Tzvi, 1445 Willow Court Lakewood 7:00 pm
-Vort: Hachosson Baruch Bernath to Hakallah  Shayna Berkovits (Toronto) at 1742 New Central Avenue Lakewood 7:30 pm
-Vort: Hachosson Mordechai Birnbaum at 230 Ocean ave Lakewood

The New York Mets Have a Better Shot at Success Than Israel Has at Forming a Coalition

By Arik Arak

 Days after  Simchas Torah in the Holy Land the memshala seems to be stuck in middle of the 6th hakafa - !עוזר דלים הושיעא נא Nothing seems to work; All the king's horses and all the king's men can't put Herzl back together again. No party has been able to Garner a majority as of yet.

Now Kachol Lavan has 28 days to form a government. If you spin the Chanukah Dreidel and it lands on 'ג' for "Gantz", chances are you will end up with nothing , if the past few weeks  are any indication.

 As Netanyahu said early on, my inability to form a government, is slightly less than that of my opponent. The prospect of yet a 3rd election is silly - if the Yankees lost to the Astros will a "do over" make a difference? The current situation may well be a watershed moment. It makes you think -  connect the dots Jewish etho dictates, there's no thing as a random event!

The writer of these lines readily acknowledges that the future may prove this piece wrong, still the current  extraordinary situation seems to be text book precise, preordained by the one above who micro manages all that takes place.

Apparently, the אדון הכל is discounting any functional government in Eretz Yisrael for the foreseeable future, as he charts the course of  men and nations in the אחרית הימים.

Can you imagine a coalition with blue & White's choice for שר החינוך, Moshe Yaalon? - when it comes to Judaism, think train wreck!  A seasoned general - chief of staff, would normally serve as minister of Defense or security. Sir, must you turn your gun sights on yeshivos ktanos and Bais Yaakovs?!

Your military and intelligence apparatchiks always brim with bravado that they're two steps ahead of Iran, but the reality is that the borei olam is constant light years ahead of anything that exists in the universe - including Medinas Yisrael.

Here's  great news for klal yisrael from a credible source, within the Israeli Agudah. The number of rigid shomrei Torah joining Tzahal is markedly down from last year, although it isn't clear exactly why.

I wonder how Mishpacha Magazine and  YWN will take this 'Besurah' -  c'mmon guys put on a smile!

Let's hope Hashem will bring a שנת גאולה וישועה  soon in our time. אמן כן יהי רצון.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Lakewood Zmanim שבת פרשת בראשית שבת מברכים חודש מרחשון תש״פ

 חסידים היו אומרים: ״היכן שיהודי מעמיד את עצמו בשבת בראשית - שם הוא יעמוד בכל השנה כולה״

Friday, October 25, 2019 / כ״ו תשרי תש״פ ערב שבת פרשת בראשית

-Candle lighting: 5:45 pm
-Shkia/Sunset: 6:03 pm

-Rosh Chodesh Cheshvan is Tuesday & Wednesday Oct 29-30
-Molad will be · Monday evening, 34 minutes and 6 chalakim after 6:00 pm.

- Weather shabbos day A mix of clouds High 64F

Minhag in some shuls to sell the first Aliya of shabbos Breishis
A story in which the Maharik relates that in his time (fifteenth century), the custom in many shuls in France and Germany was to auction off the first aliyah in Bereishis. Large sums of money would thus be raised, serving to honor the Torah as well as to fund many communal needs. If a non-Kohen bought it, Kohanim would leave the shul. One time, a Kohen refused to leave and demanded to be given the aliyah. The Maharik ruled that the custom was acceptable, and the obstinate Kohen could be ignored (c.f. Beit Yosef, OC 135; Peri Chadash 135:3; MA 135:7).

This Sunday At Evergreen Kosher

Lakewood News Briefs 10/25/19

Taking down sukkah weather  Rain expected late Motzei shabbos through Sunday evening

Yated Ne'eman not printed for this week due to Yom Tov

Lakewood BOE seeking bids for private busing Mandated/ non mandated for this year (LSTA contract for this year to expire November 1?)

Litigation with zoning board over application GL

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Oif Simchas Lakewood October 24, 2019

-Sanders - Lichtenstein at Ateres Chana hall Bais faiga
-Brown - Rosenzweig at Ateres Reva hall
-Grunbaum - Weinman at Ne'emas Hachaim hall
-Vort: Hachosson  Aryeh Leib Falk to Hakalla Miri Weiss  Bas R' Chaim Yitzchok (Staten Island) at west gate simcha hall 100 Ropshitz Lakewood 7:30 pm
-Vort: Hachosson Yanky Lipshitz to Hakalla Breindy Waxler  at Mesoras Avos Hall 23 Congress Lakewood
-Vort: Hachosson Simcha Hoch to Hakallah  Ahuva Pinter at Ner Dovid Hall 1405 Tanglewood Lane Lakewood  7:30PM
-Vort: Hachosson Boruch ber Krupenia to Hakallah Fraidy Yellen Bas R' Eliyohu Zev (Detroit) at Nadvorna hall 415 Monmouth Ave Lakewood 7:00 pm

Watch Live 6:00 pm Toms River General Election Mayoral Debate between Maurice Hill (R) and Johnathan Petro (D) Livestream
discussing over development and Religious zoning

A self Imposed Deadline for 2 Year old Playgroup

In previous years attempts were made to hold off registration until Tu bshvat thanks to Mrs. Ziva Krieger A"H
A girl going to high school may not know which school she is going to until a day before but for 2-3 year old playgroups the deadline to apply is Isru Chag Sukkos 10 months in advance.

If you don't get in quick enough you are told "Sorry We are full."  parents must apply for their 2 year old child 10 months in advance or they will miss the self imposed deadline. The culture of grabbing first only creates a artificial hysteria where parents and even morahs are forced to open registration early because they are scared of loosing out if they wait a few more months. Its not fair for the parents and for the children. So much can change in 5-6 months a child may be held back they may need special services among other factors. We created a panic that only serves the "oischappers" that always look to beat everyone to it, causing a ripple effect that no one gains from.

Lakewood News Briefs 10/24/19

-American Dream, the mega-mall and entertainment complex at the Meadowlands, is scheduled to open tomorrow on Friday it will have a kosher food court section.

-Gourmet Glatt at Seagull Square opening soon.

-A Lakewood man has been charged with murder in the death of another Lakewood man whose body was found lying in the middle of Hurley Pond Road in Howell see more on Patch

-Contaminants Found In Howell, Jackson, Lakewood, brick, Toms River Drinking Water  new study found drinking water is often less safe than what the federal government may deem legal.
Legal limits for contaminants in tap water have not been updated in almost 20 years. report here

-Trader Joe's at Brick Plaza police ticketing cars parked in fire lane which is not noticeable GL

-Lakewood township Public works garbage trucks came around at 5:00 am over Yom Tov  for garbage pick up in residential neighborhoods waking up residents.

General Election Sample Ballot for Lakewood Township

The general elections are on November 5, 2019 2 weeks after Sukkos 7 Cheshvan. Lakewood committeeman R' Issac Akerman is up for reelection.
below 3 candidates running for seats on the BOE

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Oif Simchas Lakewood October 23

Weather tonight Clear skies. Low 42F. tomorrow clear high of 68
Chasuna: Shwarz- Inzelbuch at Fountain Ballroom Lakewood Cheder
Chasuna: Kellner- Scher at Ne'emas Hachaim

-Vort: Hachosson Yehuda Polter to Hakallah Shoshana Jacobowitz Bas R' Yosef Baruch at Bnos Devorah hall 360 Oak street Lakewood 7:00 pm

Shiva Info Nichum Aveilim

-Shiva for Mrs. Rivka Wajsbord, ע"ה, nee kronglass is at at 70 Kew Gardens Drive LakewoodS Shachris 8:00 am / Mincha 1:45 pm /  Maariv  8:00 pm getting up Monday morning

-Shiva for  Rebetzin Shaindel Atlas A"H at 606 9th Lakewood Getting up Tuesday morning

-Shiva for R' Yosef Kohn Z"L  at 170 E. 9th street Lakewood shachris 8:15 am/mincha 5:55 pm/Maariv 7:10 pm getting up Friday morning

-Shiva for R' Philip Shapiro Z"L  at 910 Monmouth Ave Lakewood
Shacharis: 8:00am/Mincha 1:30pm/ Maariv 8:30 pm getting up Monday morning Shiva hours 12:00 - 3:00 pm  5:00 - 9:00 pm.

-Shiva for R' Yisrael Holzberg Z"L at 1571 Alamitos Drive Lakewood Rain tree area

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Chol Hamoed/Simchas Bais Hashoeva Sukkos 5780 Lakewood

Shmini Atzeres Simchas Torah

-Candle lighting 5:52 pm
-Shkiah/Sunset 6:10 pm
Weather shmini Atzeres night 90% chance of rain

Simchas Torah night at BMG Bais Aaron
Drashsa by Rav Yeruchom Olshin shlita 6:05
Dancing with the Sifrei Torah 6:50 Maariv 7:05 first Hakafa 8:05 krias Hatorah 12:05 am
Day: Shachris 8:30 am first Hakafa 10:35 7th Hakafa 2:30

 Hoshaana  Rabba 5780
-Motzei Shabbos Hoshanna Raba Sichas Musar by Rav Mattisyahu Solomon Shlita at BMG Beren hall 10:00 pm
-Shiur/Drasha by Harav Yitzchok Sorotzkin shlita at Lutzk B"M 11:00 pm
Mishna Torah:
Somerset walk 9:00 pm
Albert Nachlas Divide 9:15pm
Hoshanos at BMG shuk
At Bingo for 1.99 a set open to 12:00 am
Gourmet Glatt open till 12:30 am
Seasons open to 12:30 am
Evergreen kosher open till 1:00 am

   חשה למהר ביאת שבת הושענא

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Lakewood Zmanim Erev Succos 5780 ערב סוכות

Erev Succos 14 Tishrei 5780/October 13, 2018/ י״ד תשרי תש''פ

-Candle lighting 6:02 pm
-Shkiah 6:20 pm

Rain in the forecast for the first night expected to begin at 9:00 pm to 1 am according to sefer shiurei Halacha by Rav Felder shlita  there are אחרונים that say you don't have to wait until חצות for the rain to stop in order to eat
                 ופרוש עלינו סוכת שלומך
-Simchas Bais Hashoeva BMG Thursday night in Bais Aaron 9:00pm

From Lakewood To Slabodka

Ami Magazine Sukkos issue article excerpt "from Lakewood to Slabodka".

On a recent visit to Eretz Yisrael I had the great privilege to pay a visit to Rav Moshe Hillel Hirsch, the esteemed rosh yeshivah of Yeshivas Slabodka in Bnei Brak, one of the most prestigious yeshivos in the world. A native of New York, Rav Hirsch learned for many years in Beth Medrash Govoha of Lakewood under the tutelage of Rav Aharon Kotler.
Rav Moshe Hillel is the son-in-law of Rav Mordechai Shulman, whom he succeeded as rosh yeshivah in Yeshivas Slabodka and who was the son-in-law of Rav Isaac Sher, the son-in-law of the Alter of Slabodka. During our wide-ranging conversation we discussed the roshei yeshivah of Lakewood whom he knew very well, the significance of the Slabodka Yeshivah, weighty questions about chinuch, and divrei Torah on Sukkos. It is worthwhile to listen in.

If the Rosh Yeshivah doesn’t mind, let’s talk about Rav Shneuer Kotler, your rebbe’s son, for a moment. I learned by Rav Shneur Kotler in Lakewood, and I also had the opportunity to have a very interesting conversation with his rebbetzin, Rishel. She told me about the war years in Shanghai, and how after the war she lived in Rav Aharon’s home in Boro Park while her chasan, Rav Shneur, was in Eretz Yisrael. What was Rav Shneur’s position in the yeshivah during Rav Aharon’s lifetime?

Sukkos Weather forecast for Lakewood NJ 5780

-Sunday Erev Sukkos: partly cloudy with possible showers later in the day. High 67F. Chance of rain 20%.
-First night Yom Tov: Showers with a possible thunderstorm in the evening, then variable clouds overnight with still a chance of showers. Low 53F.  Chance of rain 50%.
-Monday 1st Day Yom Tov: Partly cloudy skies. High 72F.   20% chance of Rain
-Monday night 2nd night YT: A few clouds overnight. Low 47F. 10% chance of Rain
-Tuesday 2nd day Yom Tov: Partly cloudy skies. High 66F.  No rain Night: clear low 54f
-Wednesday 1st day Chol Hamoed: rain showers. High 67F.  Chance of rain 100%. Night: Low 46F.
-Thursday 2nd day Chol Hamoed: Plentiful sunshine. High 61F.  Night: Clear. Low 43F.
-Friday 3rd day Chol Hamoed : mainly sunny. High 63F. clear night low 48 clear
-Shabbos Chol Hamoed abundant sunshine. High near 65F.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Motzei Shabbos Erev Sukkos 5780 Lakewood

-BMG shuk open till 2:00 am
-Daled Minim shuk open at 1000 cross street till 2:00am
-Center of town open till 1am
-Seasons kosher till 12:30 am
-Kosher West open late
-Gourmet Glatt 2:00 am
-Bingo open till 1:00 am
-Evergreen open till 1:00 am
-Sukka outlet open 12 Teaberry/32 Cross

Friday, October 11, 2019

Lakewood Zmanim ערב שבת פרשת האזינו תש״פ

                                                         תהא שְׁנַת פְּרִי בִטְנֵֽנוּ  וּפְרִי אַדְמָתֵֽנוּ תְּבָרֵךְ
                             A year in which our offspring and the fruit of our land will be blessed.

Friday, October 11, 2019 / י״ב תשרי תש״פ ערב שבת פרשת האזינו

-Candle lighting 6:05
-Shkia/Sunset 6:23

-Weather Shabbos day: clouds and sunshine. High 72F.

משה ממשיל את יחסי הקב״ה ועמו לנשר וילדיו
 ״כנשר יעיר קנו על גוזליו ירחף יפרוס כנפיו יקחהו ישאהו על אברתו. ה׳ בדד ינחנו ואין עמו א-ל נכר״.

This Shabbos: Siyum Hashas commemorating שלשים of Rav Gissinger זצ''ל

A Sukka Decoration poster

 Available for purchase at KZY for $8

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Oif Simchas/ Events Lakewood י''ב תשרי תש''פ October 10

Kiddush Levana 🌕 moon in and out of Clouds
-Weather cloudy skies late Slight chance of a rain shower. Low 53F.  Coastal flood warning issued at the Jersey shore  until 1 am Saturday.

-Vort: Hachosson Yitzy Rubin to Hakallah Esti Siegfried  (Cleveland) at 30 Ashford Rd Jackson  7:00 pm -10:00 pm
-Vort: Hachosson  Rotberg to Hakalkah Bas R' Aaron Shlomo Svei at B"M Ishei Yisrael 110 Miller Rd Lakewood 8:00 pm

-Tehillim- The olam is asked to daven for Harav Yaakov Busel shlits Rosh yeshiva of Edison yeshiva who is in need of Rachmei Shamayim. Name for tehillim is Yaakov Ben Faiga.
There will be atzeres tefilla in Lakewood tonight at Rabbi Goldblatt's Yeshiva, 613 Route 9, beginning with Maariv at 7:45.Rav  Yisroel Newman shlita and Rav Yitzchok Sorotzkin shlita  will speak briefly following Maariv and Tehillim 

-Emergency Parlor Meeting for a neighbor whose house burned down on Erev Yom Kippur in Lakewood. Will take place at  714 South Lake Drive 8:00 pm

Daled Minim:
-shuk at BMG 7th street campus 
-Shuk at 1000 Cross street Lakewood/Jackson  across Neiman rd 
-Shuk at 978 River avenue opening Friday

Lakewood News Briefs

-Orthodox Jewish Chamber of commerce on Twitter:  "Outrageous 911 operator hangs up Twice on Heroic 16 year old girl pleading for help as she saves her younger siblings from a second floor blaze yesterday in Lakewood NJ!!" The blaze happened on Erev Yom Kippur a few hours before Yom Tov there will be several parlor meetings tonight to help the family during this difficult time.

-Lakewood to repay HUD $1.4 million after it didnt follow the rules and made rental payments to a non profit using grant money.  The agency is reviewing the conflict of interest question, whether Committeeman had a conflict because his company manages the building where the township paid rent. (APP)

-Serious Car accident took place Erev YK at the busy intersection of Route 9 and Cushman by the shopping Plaza

-Cops arrest driver they say struck, killed 15-year-old Lakewood boy and drove away (

-Video Kaporos photos go viral on social media. Proprietor defends the minhag (Nj12)

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Erev Yom Kippur 5780 Lakewood Zmanim, Info

                                    יַעֲלֶה תַחֲנוּנֵנוּ מֵעֶרֶב וְיָבוֹא שַׁוְעָתֵנוּ מִבֹּקֶר וְיֵרָאֶה רִנּוּנֵנוּ עַד עָרֶב.

שנה טובה, גמר חתימה טובה,  וצום קל – שיתקבלו תפילותיכם לרצון לפני אדון כל
Tuesday, October 8, 2019  Lakewood, NJ/  ט׳ תשרי תש״פ ערב יום כיפור לייקווד

-Chatzos 12:44 pm
-Gourmet Glatt open till 2 pm, Evergreen till 3 pm, NPGS 3 pm, Bingo 12 pm, Picnic 4 pm Judaica plaza 2 pm
-Candle lighting 6:10
-Shkiah/sunset 6:28 pm
What time is fast over? -Yom Kippur ends at 7:39 pm (72 minutes) October 9
-Weather: Erev YK Cloudy skies. Slight chance of a rain shower. High 66F
 Yom Kippur:Periods of rain. High around 60F. Winds at 10 to 20 mph. Chance of rain 80%. Rainfall near a quarter of an inch.

Time Release capsule Tylenol, Advil, Aspirin & Caffeine Pills for Yom Kippur.

Monday, October 7, 2019

Slichos Erev Yom Kippur at the Kosel

                                                  והביאותים אל הר קדשי ושמחתים בבית תפלתי

Laws of fasting on Yom Kippur for expectant women

אבינו מלכנו חמול עלינו ועל עוללנו וטפנו

Update Erev Yom kippur 5780: There is approximately up to 30 girls still not in school as of Erev Yom Kippur. These girls are of high school age and elementary. How would the holy Rav Levi Yitzchok of Barditchev go into Yom Kippur knowing that these girls are suffering??

עשרת ימי תשובה and family girls still not in high  school.  Makes no different if its anyone's fault not a time to play the blame game. If nothing is done before  שבת  it will be pushed off until after sukkos. Just something to keep in mind as we daven every  day from now to Yom Kippur there are children who did not start the school year yet.

Sunday, October 6, 2019

Oif Simchas/Events Lakewood 7 Tishrei 5780

-Vort: Hachosson Ezriel Kempler to   Hakallah Chashi Mermelstein at Ateres Yeshaya hall 908 E. County line Lakewood 5:00pm-8:00pm
-vort: Hachosson Shamshon Pinter to Hakallah Esti Werblowsky bas R' Yaakov at Zichron Shneur hall 282 Oak Knoll drive Lakewood 6:00 pm- 9:00 pm

-Parlor meeting to benefit yeshiva Bais Yehuda of Bnei Brak with the  participation of Hagaon Harav  Dovid Feinstein shlita and Hagaon Harav  Reuvein Feinstein Shlita at 12 Tori Court Lakewood 8:00 pm - 9:45 pm followed by Maariv

-Kabolas Panim Admor M'Spink Harav Naftali Tzvi Weiss shlita at 77 Whispering Pines 6:00 pm -10:30 pm

-Chazaq Kinus Hisoirerus with Rav Dovid Goldwasser at B"M Bais Aaron 41 Clearstream 8:00 pm for men and Women

-Yeshiva Bell Harbor Lakewood parlor metting  At 1538 Rockaway Rd,
Glat Bite catering 8:00 pm

LPD Seeks info on hit and Run Friday Night

Update: The suspect vehicle in Friday night's fatal MVC has been located at a Toms River home However, the investigation is still ongoing.

Lang Lawsuit: Summation Brief to the Court

R' Arthur Lang a Lawyer and  a Public school math teacher in Lakewood filed a  Lawsuit Alcantara  v. Hespe against the state NJDOE for not providing a fair Thorough and Efficient Education with the funding formula to Lakewood schools. The case is to be ruled on by the end of the year here is a conclusion read the full summation brief to Court HERE

Lakewood Public School District is underfunded by $35 to $40 million because the SFRA(school funding reform act) does not acknowledge the mandated costs of serving a nonpublic population of 31,000.

The well known facts that Respondents have not answered, the data, the public statements of the state monitors of Lakewood having a revenue rather than spending problem, the sheer impossibility of balancing the Lakewood budget despite the presence of up the three state fiscal monitors, the
necessity of loans just to maintain a bare-bones program, all prove that the formula must be fixed.
Respondents brought testimony of accounting deficiencies prior to the appointment of the state monitors, but since their appointment in 2014, Respondents have loaned LPSD increasing in amounts, necessary for T&E, from $4.5 million to $5.6 million to $8.5 million to $28.2 million to most recently $36 million. They failed to present testimony that the SFRA was adequate as applied to LPSD, or of a plan or “end game” to the necessity of the ever-increasing loans.

Petitioners respectfully request the Court to determine:
1) That the SFRA as applied to the LPSD does not provide sufficient funding to enable the school district to deliver 34 the New Jersey Student Learning Standards and extracurricular
and cocurricular activities necessary for a thorough and efficient education.

Erev Yom Tov Shopping Lakewood

-GG Flash sale till 1:00 pm Plastic Extra Heavy plastic table covers $3.99, Chocalate leben famiy pack 6.99, 1 dozen eggs for  .38 limit 5, Super special till 5:00 pm Powerade 32 oz for .50 limit 8
-The Suit Scene men's suits for $179 boys dress pants 2 for $38 575 Prospect street Lakewood suite 240 Excel Business park go straight to the end entrance on left open 11:am -11:00 pm this week.
-Man with the truck at Westgate Simcha hall 2:00 pm -7:30 pm
-Evergreen Case 9x13 foil pans extra heavy $12.99 Royal gefilta fish $3.99 Grape Juice 96 oz $4.49
-Toys for Thought 25% on items
-Aisle 9 7 oz cups 480 ct $3.99
Daled Minim sukkos schach:
Bais Faiga  1:55- 5:30 pm 7:45- 11:15 pm
Schach at 51 Turin Oak and Vine
Gratter building 2:00 pm -10:00 pm Daled Minim 2 rabbnim on premises
Sukkah Depot at Westgate plaza/ Seagull Square 10:am -10:00 pm
Sukkah and Schach at Satmar forest Avenue 2:00 pm- 10:00 pm
Sukkah outlet 12 Teaberry south Lakewood location 32 Cross street 11:00 am- 10:00 pm
Sukka center at Shloimys Kosher world 10:00 am -10:00 pm

News Briefs

-Weather for Lakewood high of 71, 10% chance of rain.
-Selichos Nusach Morocco ברב עם Tomorrow morning 7:00 AM at sons of Israel 6th and Madison Lakewood followed by shiurim.
- Tehillim : Urgent Tefillos for Hagaon Nissim Karelitz, shlita, who has been hospitalized  the Rav’s condition has taken a turn for the worse. Name for Tehillimis  Shmaryahu Yosef Nissim ben Basyah לרפואה שלמה.
-BDE: R' Shlomo Dov Deutsch z"l of BP recently moved to the enclave development in Lakewood he was 63. Levaya 12 pm at the Lakewood bais olam on 7th Street.

-Lakewood FD fire prevention day 11:00 am - 4:00 pm at 800 Monmouth Avenue

Friday, October 4, 2019

Lakewood Zmanim שבת קודש פרשת וילך שבת שובה תש׳׳פ

Friday, October 4, 2019 /Shabbos Shuva 5780 ה׳ תשרי תש״פ ערב שבת פרשת וילך
-Candle lighting: 6:16 pm
-Shkia/sunset: 6:34 pm

-Weather: Friday night low of 46, Shabbos Day:  sunny skies. High 61F

יָשׁוּב יְרַחֲמֵנוּ  יִכְבֹּשׁ עֲו‍ֹנֹתֵינוּ וְתַשְׁלִיךְ בִּמְצֻלוֹת יָם כָּל חַטֹּאותָם תִּתֵּן אֱמֶת לְיַעֲקֹב חֶסֶד לְאַבְרָהָם אֲשֶׁר נִשְׁבַּעְתָּ לַאֲבֹתֵינוּ מִימֵי קֶדֶם
שבת שלום, גמר חתימה טובה

Shabbos Shuva Drashos:

LPD Statement

The Lakewood Police Department is investigating the allegation regrading the abuse of a kitten by local students.

While we realize the frustration felt by many in the delay in updated information, however, the Lakewood Police Department makes every effort to gather and investigate facts so that we can make an informed and intelligent release in conjunction with conducting a thorough investigation.

To date, we have spoken with one of the two Good Samaritans who discovered the injured kitten while walking down Laurel Avenue approximately four days ago.

Thursday, October 3, 2019

Lakewood News Briefs

-Bikur Cholim of Lakewood Sukkos Raffle only $10 Enter HERE
-Vort: Hachosson Asher Rosenblum to Hakallah Gittel Rosenblum bas R' Shimon at B"M Zichron Yoel 1014 Lawrence Avenue Lakewood 8:00 pm

-Edison Yeshiva Lakewood parlor meeting 641 Fifth Street 8:00 PM.
-Long Beach Yeshiva Asifa at the Bais Horaah 8:15 pm
-Passaic Yeshiva Palror meeting at 85 Shady Lane Lakewood 8:30 pm
-Atzeres tefillah for Redifas Hadas in E"Y at BMG Ateres Esther 10:30 pm Drasha by Harav Yisroel Neuman shllita
-Kabolas kahal Admor Bluzhev Ribatitch shlita at 1440 Kimberly Drive Lakewood 7:45 pm
-LNN: Man responsible for last week's burglary in the Harmony Park development has been arrested.
-Gourmet Glatt launches Track your order service Receive an ETA time for your delivery a text 5 minutes before and when  delivery has been dropped off.
-Lakewood Police: No report  filed in Kitten abuse allegation (Patch)
-Off  Duty  Barnegat police officer died while working a second job in Lakewood.(Source)

Lakewood Township Committee Meeting Today Early start time

Lakewood township committee meeting Today Thursday October 3, 2019 new time meeting begins at  5:30 pm
-Watch Live stream HERE 5:30 pm
-see Agenda HERE

-The Procurement Of IT Related Equipment
-Granting An Exemption And Cancellation Of Taxes For Lot 2 Block 172.01 For 2018

Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Tzom Gedalya Lakewood 5780

צום גדליה תש''פ Lakewood  Weather  High of 93 Sunshine and Hot
Shkia 6:37 fast is over 7:18 (41 minutes after shkia)

- Bingo Kaporos today only $3.99. sukkos sale Folding tables 6 feet $24.99, 8 ft $39.99

-Members against animal cruelty meeting at W Kennedy and rt 9 at 4 pm visiting kaporos locations

Daled Minim one day sales:
-Esrogei Soloveitchick At Orchos Chaim 410 Oberlin3:30 7 pm
-Gratter Building 100 Park Avenue 2 - 10 pm 50% -70% 0ff
-Bais Faiga 1:55 pm - 6:00 pm and 8:15 - 11
-Prospect Vines simcha hall Westgate Simcha hall 1 day sale 50% off 2-6 pm 8- 12 pm
-Tiferes bais Yaakov hall 613 oak , R Blech shul 1250 Madison poskim on hand 2-6 8:30 -11pm
-Bnos Devora hall 1- 6;30 pm 8:00 pm - 11:30
-Ateres Yeshaya 6:00 pm - Maariv

BMG Evening of Chizuk for Women at Lake terrace hall 8:45 pm Rav Malkiel Kotler shlita, Rav Moshe Sheinerman shlita, Rebbetzin Reena Tarshish