The Daf Yomi cycle concludes this motzei Shabbos and the next cycle begins on Sunday. There will be many siyumim public and private taking place in Lakewood.
-Lakewood Community wide Siyum Hashas for Lomdei Daf Yomi at Fountain Ballroom Lakewood Cheder Guest speaker Rav Aharon Dovid Dunner Zemiros at the event will be led by Shloime Daskal and Shira Choir. The formal seudah will be followed by an extended rekidah shel mitzvah and musical program, with a full smorgasbord served, open to all bnei Torah.
-Siyum Hashas Motzei shabbos at Bais Madrash of Pine River L"zecher Nishmas Harav Nosson Herzka zt"l at the Pine River Bais medrash 500 River Avenue 8:15 pm, Drasha by Rav Nosson Levine shlita rav of Somerset Walk
-Siyum Hashas and Melava malka for ther Breslov shul of Lakewood commemorating the Yartzeit of Rav Nosson of breslov at KBT simcha hall Monmouth and 3rd
-Lakewood fellowship Hascholas Gemara 8:15 pm at BMG Bais Yitzchok public is invited to learn with chavrusos followed by Grand Siyum Meleva Malka at Lake Terrace hall 10:30 pm
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