Tuesday, January 14, 2020

The Path to a Child's Chinuch Should Not Begin Like This

Its easy to say but its a reality that many have come to face. How long will i have to wait to know if my kids will be in school for next year.The acceptance letters and rejection letters were sent out. You did everything right applying to 4 schools of choice but none have room. What should have been an exciting point for new parents sending for the first time or for a child entering primary, is replaced with rejection, shame, guilt, anger, frustration, failure, doubtfulness, and constant worrying. It occupies your mind every part of the day and affects those around you. You feel embarrassed to socialize or meet people for fear they will ask the dreaded question "where are you sending your kids to school next year?
This is not what you thought would happen, but it did.
Who is to blame? first, the unprecedented growth ka'h, there is a lack of space and the general rules of supply and demand apply. New schools are opening but can not keep up. Once there is no space, that will automatically make it a selection which is where the painful process takes place.
Parents find themselves humiliated, at the mercy of school administrators and askanim pleading for their child to be accepted.
The path to a child's chinuch should not begin like this. This is not just you, but other parents are going through this as well. There will be more rounds of acceptance letters it will take time (maybe until chanuka of next year) but iyh all girls eventually are placed. In the meantime camps have already opened registration  let the kids have  something to look forward to in the summer during this ordeal. For parents each copes with it differently, if only it would be the other way around where schools sought after the parents to get their kids.


  1. can someone thats involved in the system verify that this is the norm or the exception?

  2. The Belzer Gross opened a girls school in Lakewood last year, they take in all girls.
    The Vaad is very upset they are "losing-control" of their Stalinist tactics.
    The Vaad turned this town into Sedom # 2.
