Monday, January 27, 2020

A Wedding Hosted in Lakewood

LNN -  A Geyoris and a Baal Teshuva were scheduled to get married at a home in Linden, New Jersey and they reached out to Misameach if they can provide music for their special day. When Lipa Schwartz founder of Misameach heard about it, he said let's make their day really special. The wedding was held at the Misameach family center in Lakewood, joined by dozens of musicians and singers making it a wedding to remember! Lakewood News Network see video below



  1. מי כעמך ישראל

    1. That's true but you can day it for the typical hachnosas kallah that goes on everyday but is not newsworthy

    2. I know the people who were supposed to host the wedding in Linden. Really special people.

  2. It was wonderful wedding with wonderful people. Kol hakavod to all the special people that had a hand in this wedding.
