Friday, January 10, 2020

Lakewood News Briefs

-Warm Weather over shabbos high of 65

- Khal Ruzhin opens Bais Medrash in Lakewood this shabbos at 1132 E. County Line Rd under the leadership of Rav Mordechai Shalom Yosef Scharf shlita

-Flu and Strep throat going around

-LIC Meeting at the Lakewood Industrial commission another group made a propodal for the 13 acre parcel of property at airport rd near the GSP, the same parcel of land that BMG requested to build apartments and a research facility. Board members ordered an appraisal be done at the property on tax payers expense to get the value even though an appraisal was done a few years ago.
At the meeting a member of the public scolded the board for their actions regarding development which cause anti antisemitism to Lakewood residents.

-Rav Micha Cohen shlita appointed as Rav of Oakley Hills community in Jackson

-LNN - Mesibas LeChaim held last night in honor of the appointment of Harav Naftula Yakov Padva as dayan in the Bais Hora'ah of Toms River under the leadership of Harav Yechiel Malik shlita.

-Thousands protested in Trenton on Thursday on a bill that would remove religious exemptions from vaccinations, the state is expected to pass the bill.

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