Sunday, January 19, 2020

Missionaries making noise

Over the last few weeks missionaries have been coming to Lakewood and preaching with loudspeakers at street corners and central locations. Last week they were at the bus station and at Clifton and 9th street. Residents responded with loud music in a attempt to drown them out. Police came to the scene and said everyone is entitled to free speech and let them stay. The officer said the loud music had to be turned off since it was disrupting the traffic in the area. Residents stood at the corner and countered the missionaries with other signs and preaching about local events a police officer stood nearby enforcing that everyone keep to their space and not infer on others. Some residents exchanged in brief debate cars drove by and honked horns, it went on for a while.
 In the end  Rabbi Blumenthal shlita a Rav in Lakewood and noted expert in refuting and debating them came down to the scene and moved the conversation over to the parking lot across the street.