Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Audio: TCN discussing Jackson Twp and Frum Anti Vaxxers

   He was questioned on who he consulted with regarding his activism and taking steps regarding anti semitisim with Jackson township he said that he asked a major Rav from Brooklyn but will not give his name. No mention if any Lakewood area Rabbonim were also consulted.

-Hired a high powered PR firm in NY and filed OPRA requests and exposed what is going on with the Jackson govt, emails documenting reports of surveillance on Orthodox Jews going to pray.
-Lakewood residents who claimed the town was destroyed by developers are called bigots.
-Working to get President Trump to visit Lakewood before the 2020 presidential elections
- The frum anti vaxxers have caused the largest frum chilul Hashem in all of history by far even more than korach since we have social media today there are hundreds of millions who saw these stories.

-Have not found a single gadol who said not to vaccinate who will put in in writing.

-Last question was asked if The Lakewood and Philadelphia Roshei Yeshiva are anti Vaccers Responded that he  dosnt believe that philadelphia RY is a anti  vaxxer since he himself gets vaccinated  "he has to deal with shalom bayis issues thats were he has to keep his tone modulated"

 they are flat out crazy the anti vaxxers denies making money from thispeach magazine has a hotline to call that you can hear nutty lectures from crazy people and you have to listen to a commercial by a nutritional advisorand one of the biggest rebbeim weho the anti vaxxers rely on his family has made money selling nutrient productshas a black belt in martial arts received a black belt from george sullivan not to concerned  is

is true that rav kotler is an anti vaxxer as is reb i dont believe that rsk is a anti  vaccer i know that he himself gets vaccinated  he has to deal with shalom bayis issues thats were he has to keep his tone modulated


  1. בזוי תלמידי חכמים is in the category of the biggest חלול השם this was a public bizayon for Rav Shmuel to blame his position on vaccines by publicly mocking him that he has Shalom bayis issues to deal with.
    And calling the Lakewood Rosh Yeshiva and anti vaxer by implying that he is part of a movement that created the biggest chilul hashem in history.
    Where is the outcry...

  2. Interesting that something that could be potentially dangerous or beneficial for the greater Lakewood area particularly in Jackson has no support or backing of any local rabbonim or rosh yeshivas but instead go gedolim shopping from a major Rabbi on Brooklyn who will remain anonymous.

  3. Let's rezone the entire 14th Street area to allow duplexes with shopping centers if they dare oppose we will call them bigots and anti semites how dare they complain about the growth

  4. התגרות האומות to the nth degree it's all about the Binyomins $$$$$$$$

  5. http://yudelstake.blogspot.com/2019/12/ductor-kasriel-maybe-causing-tremondous.html?m=1

  6. lets take a guess is this about money and development
