Friday, January 17, 2020

Lakewood News Briefs

Atlantic farms and petting Zoo in Wall township announced they will be closing after 32 years of service. Atlantic Farms will no longer be in operation. the rescued farm animals  have found new homes on private farms and other petting farms..

-Snow accumulations snow accumulation of less than a half inch is possible. after 12 p.m shabbos day mixing with rain  after 4 p.m. High near 40.

-First Amendment Activist Facebook page has been offline.

-Lakewood township live stream and video of meeting not working on township website.

-HH on Twitter "The people responsible for setting all the baseless hatred into motion are now decrying anti semitism? If they hadn't allowed all the irresponsible growth and favoritism we wouldn't have RUOC to deal with. shame on all of them. it's all their fault."

-Yesodos Bais Yaakov girls school announces they will be closing for next year, girls need to apply to new schools for next year.

- 4 way stop sign coming to the intersection of Clifton Avenue and 10th street


  1. I submitted my reply to the state's summation brief on Friday:'%20Reply%20to%20Respondents'%20Summation.pdf

    Participant Professor Tractenberg also submitted his summation:

    Participant Lakewood Board of Education did not submit a summation.

    On November 7, 2019, the parties were informed that Judge Scarola granted Respondents' request for "additional time to submit their post-hearing summation in the above referenced matter. She is granting respondents additional time until December 31, 2019. As such, participant[s] will have until January 17, 2020 to submit their post-hearing summation. Petitioner’s reply to respondent’s summation will also be due on January 17, 2020. In addition, should respondent need to submit a reply to participant’s summation, it should be submitted no later than February 7, 2020."

    It is unclear if we need to wait until February 7 for the 45 days to begin before the Court renders its decision.

    Aaron Lang

    1. Mr Lang, I'm a former student of yours in Belmar. I love the work you're doing. Attempting to tackle a problem that others should, and getting flack for it. Keep up the great work. We love you.
