Thursday, January 16, 2020

Anti Vaxx Group Condemns Forgery but asks why is Agudah silent on HPV Bill

Signs placed all over Boro Park and Flatbush a few days ago  in the name of Agudah urging residents to call lawmakers to prevent a law requiring girls from getting HPV shots. The bills would add HPV to the list of immunizations required for children.

 Agudah says they know nothing about it and called it a complete forgery. The state of NY is mulling a law that would require  Mandatory HPV Vaccine For School Children born after 2009 to take the Gardasil 9  an HPV vaccine that can be used for both girls and boys. This vaccine can prevent most cases of cervical cancer if given before a girl or woman is exposed to the virus from STD's.

Agudah statement: "These memos are Complete Forgeries and Agudath Israel disavows any association with them,” Any authentic letters are posted on and tweeted @AgudahNews.“Any misuse of the Agudah name is illegal, and, of course, contrary to Halacha,” says the statement."

The Peach Group an anti Vaxxer organization tweeted in response:
"While we, as an organization condemn any sort of forgery in the strongest terms, the question remains, where IS your statement about the HPV bill? Agudah has been noticeably absent to the plight of thousands of our brethren.: see full tweet below


  1. why do you think aguda has an opinion on complex medical issues?

    1. PEACH obviously does not understand that point. If someone without a medical degree has no business offering medical opinions, PEACH is out of business.

  2. Agudah goes against it's own moetzes members on vaccines. Why should anyone else listen when they ignore their own.

  3. Without going into details most pediatricians and obgyn in the drum community recommend this because of the unfortunate spread of STD even in our community.

    1. Paul Offit himself said that our community has no need for this vaccine. At his speech in a Baltimore shul I guess he does have a scientific credentials. But its no brainer that you dont do invasive medical interventions unnecessarily according to Halacha.
