Sunday, January 12, 2020

A הנהגה in גלות

 Last week In פרשת וישלח we read about יעקב and עשו what the הנהגה לדורות should be pertaining to the ongoing מלחמה throughout our גלות. It seems that some have ignored long held practices how to פיר זיך in host countries  and have taken a different approach. A combative מהלך  in your face with  JDL like tactics using media and other venues by stoking  and inciting with  threats and public humiliation. This has no doubt caused harm to the  safety of the klal and to many yechidim בגוף ובממון   On a national level  some have attacked a sitting president not taking into account any potential נקמה that can cause harm to אחינו בני ישראל.

While  kehillos worked very hard in building relationships and have formed close ties with local  politicians  it was pulled out from under the rug by the actions and approaches of outsiders. Without questioning  if the motives and נגיעות behind this hisgarus  even if it's intentions are לשם שמים to help, the results are that someone is paying a price for this.

אחד מבני החבורה


  1. Light your menorah indoors.

  2. Bingo. Especcially this disgusting #mejew thing.

  3. STOP BUILDING those outrageous huge homes....
    STOP riding around in those ultra fancy cars.....
    stop showing off your assets......

    Maybe maybe the non-yehudim will comb down somewhat.
    They will always hate you (us) but maybe they wont come after us..

  4. The fake frum news media

  5. פנו לכם צפונה

  6. Basic judaism teaches "Hatznei Haleches Im Hashem Elokecha"
    WE need to remember this in EVERYTHING
