Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Motzei Asarah B' Teves 5780 Lakewood

Weather: Rain showers possible at 5:30 pm chance of snow/Rain  at 10:00 pm

-Rav Amnon Yitzchak shlita will be  speaking in Lakewood  today at yeshiva Orchos Chaim 410 Oberlin avenue Event begins at 8:00 pm open for men and Women Watch live stream HERE

-Yeshiva Bais Hatalmud Lakewood reception at Yeshiva Ohr Torah 780 Vasser Avenue  Shmues by Rav Yisrael Ehrlich shlita at 5:00 pm followed by Maariv 5:47 pm and Milchig buffet. Guest speaker Rav Michel Handelsman shlita

-Parlor Meeting for Mishpacha of Rav Nissan Kaplan shlita at 100 White street Lakewood at 6:00 pm

-Sinai Academy Parlor meeting at 203 Columbus Avenue South 8:00 pm Divrei Bracha Harav Yehuda Svei shlita, Divrei Chizuk Harav Abba Brudny shlita

-Daf Hashavua Inaugural parlor meeting 1 Capital lane Lakewood 7:30 pm Guest speaker R' Eytan Kobre, Milchig buffet by Circa

-Mesibas Lechaim at Skulen B"M siyum masechtes Chagiga hascholas masechtes Megilla 8:00 pm


  1. Is the livestream for Rav Amnon Yitzhak shlita only available via whatsapp? That's disappointing. I hope we can hear it afterwards.

  2. https://shofar.tv/live
