Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Property Tax Increase for Lakewood Homeowners Across the Board, more coming

If your paying a monthly mortgage on your home you may not have realized the payments have gone up as did the money kept in escrow, after Lakewood township and the BOE raised taxes this year, The average homeowner of a single house in Lakewood will now pay an additional $550 a year, a townhouse went up $430 a year. 

A Report in the Lakewood shopper shows the breakdown of tax increases. The township municipal increase for a average home homes assessed at $551 is $208 a year after increasing the tax rate from $0.592 to $.0642 per $100 of assesed property value an increase of 8.15% . The Board of Education tax increase went up from $1.012 per $100 of a property'e assessed value to $1.041 a 2.9% increase an increase of $167 for the average single family home.

To make matters worse, the Lakewood  fire district is expected to raise taxes again next week over 1 million dollars for the 3rd consecutive year while previously stating the money was needed for capital improvements.
Finally, NJ natural Gas also raised the rates by $10 a month.


  1. So much for the argument that more housing and development will lower property taxes since they bring more revenue to the tax rolls. At the same time the township hands out tax abatements to profitable business leaving hard working tax payers and kollel youngeleit to shoulder the tax burden while the well connected profit off it.

    1. Who ever said more building will lower taxes? We need to just shut our mouths and keep paying or you can sell your house and move to Timbuktu. Rabboisai Hakoras Hatoiv!!! Maybe T’the new hanhalas Hayeshiva (CEO)will start being machshiv the forgotten yungeliet??

  2. Not a word from the vaad or elected officials as Lakewood gets saddled with these taxes

    1. They said it's a modest increase. Yes that's what the budget guy who makes 6 digits said.
      The mayor said when asked about the tax increase at the township meeting not to believe everything you read on blogs and online, so there you go for all those feeling the pinch on your hard earned money just don't believe that it's happening you will feel much better.

    2. What do you mean 'not a word'? They said to vote for the incumbents. They feel like there's nothing wrong with any of this!! They've spoken loud and clear. Remember, they represent the interests of....

    3. Do vaad members pay property taxes on their homes or are many of them living in exempted properties?

    4. You can check it up online if the VAAD members pay taxes.
      Spoiler alert: they do. If they are doing something wrong, this isn't it.

  3. The BOE doesn't raise taxes. They may have asked the town for money but they have no power to raise the taxes.

    1. They do! The biggest chunk of property taxes is for the school district
      The BOE raise taxes by increasing the Budget. They admitted that it's only a modest increase. The after school programs and salary raises are all paid through tax increases.

  4. Lakewood today... hundreds of taxpayer attend the master plan and planning board and don't get listened but they listen to the 1%.

    Taxpayers get to pay more taxes for the 1%

    Taxpayers get to sit in traffic so the 1% can keep on building so they get $$$ and for now power.
    When are the taxpayers going to wake up and get control of this situation???!

  5. With all the new construction of course the fire dept needs more budget - more buildings = more fires. At least that one is justified, unlike BOE increases.

    1. They are getting more revenue why are they raising taxes again. Oh to pay for the new created jobs at the district
