Monday, December 9, 2019

Letter to Stop Bill that Will Remove Religious Vaccine Exemption

This week Thursday, Dec. 12 there will be a hearing at the NJ  Statehouse annex on eliminating the religious exemption for childhood vaccinations. in a letter dated July 23, 2019 BMG Roshei Yeshiva and poskim  ask the NJ  legislators to halt New Jersey bill S-2173, which aims at removing religious vaccine exemptions.

They write "The decision whether to vaccinate is truly a religious one a orthodox jew should have should retain the right to consult with a Rabbi whether to vaccinate as per his unique situation just as he is allowed to regarding any other medical procedure. The right to act based upon our sacred beliefs, is protected by the constitution we humbly request that you do everything in your power to ensure that there remains a religious exemption in regard to the law of vaccination.


  1. Why is Rav Yeruchom Signature missing

    1. Because he thinks for himself and doesn't just sign whatever the former CEO tells him to sign :)

    2. Did former CEO issue an official statement

    3. probably out of town or out of state(s)

  2. They are not sacred beliefs... i looked at all of them deliberately
