Thursday, December 12, 2019

Oif Simchas Lakewood 15 Kislev 5780/ December 12

Levin - Bursztyn at  Ne'emas Chaim Hall
Rothstein - Gutterman  at Ateres Chana Hall - Bais Faiga
Einhorn -  Kushner at Lake Terrace hall
Vort: Hachosson  Avraham Semah - to Hakallah Bas R' Shlomo Malka at Ohel Shulamit  38 Spruce Street Lakewood 7:30 pm

Vort: Hachosson  Yehuda Lubin to Hakallah Miriam Wiener (LA) at Madison Manor Simcha hall  401 Madison Ave, Lakewood,

-Dor Yesharim Mass screening at Yeshiva Ktana hall 6-9 pm 120 second street  apecial screening for $200
-Kvias Mezuzzah for Khal Chakal Yitzchok Sopink  under the leadership of Rav Meir Yitzchok issac Weiss shlita at 615 Bergen Avenue Lakewood with the participation of his father  the Spinka  Rebbe shlita at 8:00 pm

- Shedlitz Yartzeit seuda at Khal yeshuos Dovid of shedlitz  2 Kew Gardens Lakewood after 10:00 pm Maariv