Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Food at the Siyum Hashas

Those traveling to the Siyum Hashas at Metlife stadium will have options to bring or buy  kosher food.
Interestingly, The mishna in Berachos says there is a special nusach that you say for bentching with a zimun at a seuda of over  10,000 people
ברבוא, אומר, נברך ליי אלהינו אלהי ישראל אלהי הצבאות יושב הכרובים על המזון שאכלנו.
ברבוא והוא, אומר ברכו.
-There will be complimentary coffee and other hot drinks available throughout the stadium (while supplies last).
-Pre-packaged kosher food items will be available for purchase at all concession stands
-Food contained in a clear plastic bag 1 gallon ziplock one per person
-Factory-sealed, plastic bottles of water or soft drinks that are 20 oz. or less in size

⁠Chikies Kosher will have a food truck be at the American Dream mall Today , December 31st and Wednesday, January 1st, 2020. From 12:00 pm to 7 PM. Located by court A, right near the big snow


  1. There's a big tailgate party

  2. The VIP Boxes will have fully catered food

  3. http://yudelstake.blogspot.com/2019/12/agudas-siyum-hashas-venue-may-one-eat.html?m=1
