Sunday, December 29, 2019

Tehillim: Stabbing in Monsey

10:30 am: “Inexplicable,” Cuomo said of the bloodshed. "Nothing said, just hate. Hate and violence, that’s all it was
 Suspect Charged with 5 counts of attempted murder, lives a half hour away from Monsey in Greenwood lake  with his father.

Sunday morning update: 8:30 am
 The suspect a black male is in police custody and was transported back to Rockland county from NYC, no motive was given at this time. He has been identified as 37 yr old  Thomas Grafon from Greenwood Lake, NY a half hour west of Monsey on the NY/NJ border by Harriman state park.

Governor Cuomo has come to Monsey and visited Rabbi Rotenberg in his home and called it an "act of domestic terrorism."
 R' Yosef ben Perel undergoing a 2nd surgery this morning situation is critical.

Watch ABC news report HERE
Hamodia Report HERE

 Names for Tehillim 2 still critical
Yosef ben Perel having open heart surgery a gabbai tzedaka who distributes to those in need.
Shlomo ben Vittel
All others  stabbed are expected to be ok including one of the Rebbe's sons.

12:00 am Perp arrested by NYPD in Harlem 144th street after spotting the car and were alerted from a CCTV camera on the George washington Bridge that read the license plate.

4-5 people were stabbed at Rabbi Rotberg's house the kosson rebbe in Forshay area of Monsey at about 9:45 pm as a mesibas Chanukah was taking place
A Black suspect(s)entered the shul/house with a machete and began stabbing people, one was said to be in critical condition. Shuls in Monsey are in lockdown until all clear is given. Police are asking everyone to lock their doors.
 Perp tried entering the shul but it was locked.  A Bachur fought back by throwing a table  and chased them away. Witnesses saw suspect leave in a silver car a Nissan Sentra.
Following the attack, the Rebbe  conducted his weekly Melava Malka Tish while he was getting updates on the conditions of those stabbed. see photos below
The Rebbe asked those in attendance to thank Hashem as a zechus for a yeshuah to those that are in the hospital.
1:00 am The FBI has arrived on the scene reports-  that a tall African-American wearing gloves and a scarf covering his face exited a gray Nissan Sentra 4 door sedan on Orchard Street and entered Rav Rottenberg’s house where people had gathered to participate in his hadlakas neiros. Approximately 50 to 60 people remained in the house, and the perpetrator walked right up to the house and began slashing people with his knife.

The perpetrator then followed a person who ran into the kitchen and attacked him there, stabbing him several times and severely injuring him.

While the remaining people were lead out the back door, someone overturned a coat rack to slow the attacker, and Elya Glick, who attended the hadlakas neiros of the Rebbe, threw a table at the perpetrator and chased him out of the house.

The perpetrator then tried to enter the shul, but a person standing near the doorway with his child ran quickly into the shul and locked door, and alerted others inside to lock all the doors, which prevented the suspect from entering the shul.

As the suspect ran outside, he was pursued by a person from the shul who pelted him with rocks, but he entered his car to make his getaway. Elya Glick was able to write down their plate number [HPT-5757] and hand it to the police. The car has been traced to the Greenwood Lake area, which is in Orange County bordering New Jersey.

Hatzalah evacuated five injured people to Good Samaritan Hospital in Suffern and Westchester Medical Center in Valhalla. One was slashed in the arm, one in his foot, and several of victims were critically injured. A sixth victim was hit with the blunt end of the knife and was slightly injured with a cut.

Police have cordoned off the Forshay area in Rockland County, and most of the store in Monsey have closed as a precautionary measure.

Latest reports have the victims stabilized and out of surgery. Later in the evening, Rav Rottenberg gathered with the members of his kehillah to offer thanks to the Ribono Shel Olam for preventing a more serious tragedy from happening

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