Thursday, December 26, 2019

Information and Updates for the Siyum Hashas at Metlife stadium

Buy and Sell Tickets for the Siyum Hashas Here at Dan's Deals Forum.

Weather Intervals of clouds and sunshine. High 43F. Winds 10 to 20 mph.

Siyum Hashas of Daf Hayomi at Metlife stadium  4 Teves, 5780, January 1st, 2020

Keep in mind the Siyum  is a full day event those traveling will be away for about 8-9 hours make sure to charge phones and have food in the car for the trip home. The pre-Siyum program begins at 11:00 am; the Siyum itself will begin with Minchah promptly at 1:00 pm and will conclude with maariv approximately 5:00 pm.
Visit Metlife stadium website for important Siyum event information here
Official Agudah Siyum instructions and information HERE

Weather forecast for metlife stadium: Mostly sunny skies. High 45F. Winds 5 to 10 mph

Transportation:  GPS address 50 Route 120, East Rutherford, NJ 07073
Parking is $40 per car  cash or credit card subject to search by New Jersey State police Make sure to remember where you parked by taking a picture of the parking lot letter. Lots open at 8:00 am.
 see above info websites for public transportation options

-Children up to 34” inches in height may enter MetLife Stadium without their own ticket,
but must share a seat with an accompanying ticketed adult. (Be mindful of weather)

 Tickets will be scanned upon entering. Once you leave the stadium you will not be able to return, even if you still have your ticket.

Food and allowed items
-When you enter the stadium, you’ll receive a bag containing the HaSiyum magazines and a warming package – hand, foot, and body warmers.
-There will be complimentary coffee and other hot drinks available throughout the stadium (while supplies last).
-Pre-packaged kosher food items will be available for purchase at all concession stands
-Food contained in a clear plastic bag 1 gallon ziplock one per person
-Factory-sealed, plastic bottles of water or soft drinks that are 20 oz. or less in size

-Still-photography cameras (not contained in a case) with a lens that is 6" or less
-Tablets (iPad) not contained in a case
-Binoculars not contained in a case
-Rain ponchos, jackets or blankets after being patted down or searched
-Small portable phone chargers (no larger than an iPhone)
-Official national flags that can reasonably be hand-held by a single person and do not obstruct the view of other guests (no sticks or poles)


  1. Rav Yeruchom Olshin is being mesayem

  2. will there be buses to barclay?

  3. Deja Vu all over again you can't pleese all crowds stick to your base.

  4. Why are schools closed? העולם מתקיים מהבל פיהם של תשבײר
    Why did agudah hijack the schools? There are some parents that can't go do to various reasons as well.

  5. אמר רב יהודה אמר רב מאי דכתיב אל תגעו במשיחי ובנביאי אל תרעו אל תגעו במשיחי אלו תינוקות של בית רבן ובנביאי אל תרעו אלו תלמידי חכמים אמר ריש לקיש משום רבי יהודה נשיאה אין העולם מתקיים אלא בשביל הבל תינוקות של בית רבן אמר ליה רב פפא לאביי דידי ודידך מאי אמר ליה אינו דומה הבל שיש בו חטא להבל שאין בו חטא ואמר ריש לקיש משום רבי יהודה נשיאה אין מבטלין תינוקות של בית רבן אפילו לבנין בית המקדש ואמר ריש לקיש לרבי יהודה נשיאה כך מקובלני מאבותי ואמרי לה מאבותיך כל עיר שאין בה תינוקות של בית רבן מחריבין אותה רבינא אמר מחרימין אותה

    Rav Yehuda said that Rav said: What is the meaning of that which is written: “Do not touch My anointed ones and do My prophets no harm” (I Chronicles 16:22)? “Do not touch My anointed ones,” these are the schoolchildren, who are as precious and important as kings and priests (Maharsha); “and do not harm My prophets,” these are Torah scholars. Reish Lakish said in the name of Rabbi Yehuda Nesia: The world only exists because of the breath, i.e., reciting Torah, of schoolchildren. Rav Pappa said to Abaye: My Torah study and yours, what is its status? Why is the Torah study of adults worth less? He said to him: The breath of adults, which is tainted by sin, is not similar to the breath of children, which is not tainted by sin. And Reish Lakish said in the name of Rabbi Yehuda Nesia: One may not interrupt schoolchildren from studying Torah, even in order to build the Temple. And Reish Lakish said to Rabbi Yehuda Nesia: I have received from my ancestors, and some say that he said to him: I have received from your ancestors as follows: Any city in which there are no schoolchildren studying Torah, they destroy it. Ravina said: They leave it desolate.
