Today Lakewood has over 15 pizza shops alone, upscale eateries high-end Cafe's and restaurant's and special for Chanukah, donuts for $14.
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Today Lakewood has......
ReplyDeleteHowever, in accordance to Harav Wachtfogel Zatzal , you wont catch any Yeshiva people in these establishmnets. If fact, if one does go there you can automatically infer that he is NOT a Yeshivah Mahn. Period.
You see how far we've come. In 2019's LAkewood, the "Kehilla"'website runs articles saying $14 donuts are what the Torah is all about.
ReplyDeleteהולכים לאור רבותינו... א' אהרון ור' שניאור, רק פעם בשנה שומעים מהם, ביום השנה שלהם.
ReplyDeleteeach dor has its nisyonos & markers ( TV ,VCR...)its 30 plus years since the letter and although there has been a yeridas hador by a hisgabrus hataave ubefrat in " taaves achilah however a pizza shop today DOES NOT mean nor represent what it symbolised then. rav miller zatzl said that this is why the sar shel esov asked yakov avinu " lamah tishal es shmee" - the name is the essense so yakov asked mah shmecho and he answered there is no ONE NAME its constantly changing. today pizza is just a quick bite in this insanely fast paced world
ReplyDeleteSo much hate. It has become accepted now that people like you made it the norm. Now halivai pizza shops would be the prob.
ReplyDeleteThere are more than 100 food establishments in Lalewood there are at least 40 to 50 places one can purchase fresh sushi
ReplyDeleteThere are thousands of Youngeleit that are learning bemesiras nefesh and alot if this gashmiyus means nothing to them. Yet it is a struggle and a nisayon since it's all here and in your face. The youngeleit are the crown Jewels of Lakewood but unfortunately it's not how they are looked at. The media pushes others as heros
ReplyDeleteThe end of that story is, most followed the ruling of the mashgiach and in under a year the establishment shut down. - there were additional problems there, the vibe, music etc. We're not so appropriate for Lakewood at the time.
ReplyDeleteIt is time for BMG to open a Secluded campus in Jackson or Plumstead, away from the whole Hoopahola and 3 ring circus
ReplyDeleteI remember that. A lot of townspeople (the no longer exist) were angry. Mark (I forgot his last name), a Viet Nam vet, opened that shop. He is still around working in XXXX. I believe it was not even in Lakewood but at Grebow's in Howell.
ReplyDeleteFrom 0ne Extreme to the other Extreme,not much of a Middle Rd
ReplyDeleteAfter it closed because the yeShiva asured it another pizza shop opened by a yeshivisheh guy with ‘no sit down’ that was very successful. Of course the seats came in a few months later and no one said boo. A good friend of mine lost a lot of money on the one in howel. Marks last name is wartenberg. The hashgacha was given by harav Yitzchok Abadi Shlita.
ReplyDeleteIf r aaron zatzal would ahve seen lakewood today he would have moved the yeshiva at least 300 miles to the north or south.
ReplyDeleteDont try to convince the world that this is the lakewood r aaron established. Its a bizayon for r aaron to say such a thing
I fully agree. How will we justify such gashmius to our children in 20 years time????
ReplyDeleteYou can start by explaining the word, "litter" to your kids, not to rip up papers and throw them out of the windows in their yeshivas because they want to see the confetti fly, not to crumble styrofoam on the street because it becomes a million piece, not to keep the floors of their classroom an inch deep in garbage. There are so many worse problems that restaurants, where I do not spend my money. I do see the garbage everywhere, especially in and around the mosdos.
DeleteYou are all worried about the gashmyos. NO, NO, NO!
ReplyDeleteThe problem is the corruption. People do not care. There is no accountability.
People expect someone that tries to promote the public interest will be punished.
No, who cares about the gashmyos? You can take it or leave it.
However, when there is no public spirit, no sense of civic duty, when garbage is carelessly put out and thrown out in the streets, garbage all over town, when it is okay to hire an attorney for $700,000 who is not much more than a court jester in my opinion, and a superintendent is hired not because of her vision, innovation or leadership, but because she looks the other way, AND you cry about gashmeos?
There are MUCH worse problems in our civic duties. And those problems do not come from gashyos but from the way people run their business........
A Lang
It will be a lot easier to explain gashmiyus to our kids than to explain hiring lawyers to fight Shuls...
ReplyDeleteAl our so called Leaders are compromised with Greed and Arrogance,and the wise ones say there is No Cure for Arrogance.Come gather round and watch all that R Aaron built up be swallowed up by a billboard with thick juicy steaks
ReplyDeleteSo sad to see not one comment from the Uber Boss on the plight of the little people in Lakewood.Just keep on milking every penny out of us.Oh ,I forgot ,you don't pay property tax or sit in endless traffic jams just to move a few blocks.Sounds like your Comfortably NUMB to the plight of the many residents of Lakewood Go full steam ahead,cut every tree,turn every St. Into a parking lot,and destroy anyone that stands in your way
ReplyDeleteOh great wise ones explain the Math to me,the overcrowded rental across from me generates $9000.a year in property tax.There are 11 children from this one home that go to public school.It costs $20,000 to educate a child in Lakewood,so this one little house,many like this in Lakewood costs us,$220,000 with only $9000 coming in,on top of paying a Clown,$700,000 for legal work.Yes folks,we are truly Fools,year after year of blatant corruption
ReplyDeleteMore Chumros=more Hypocracy