Monday, June 3, 2024

Israel At War Monday June 3

 Israel at war day 241

- update Netanyahu office  clarifies that speech will NOT take place on Shavuos. 
Netanyahu to speak in congress on 2nd day of Shavuos Thursday June 13.

- Fires continue to rage in northern Israel as a result of rocket and drone attacks from Lebanon. A number of homes are reported on fire in Kiryat Shmona, with fire teams spread throughout the mostly evacuated city to control the flames.

- Massive fire burns out of control in Kiryat Simona from Hezbollah rockets that landed in the  city

- Army announces deaths of four Israeli hostages in Hamas captivity
Chaim Peri, 79, Amiram Cooper, 84, Yoram Metzger, 80, and Nadav Popplewell, 51, were all believed held together in Khan Younis and died together several months ago

- Netanyahu: We will destroy Hamas, Biden’s version of hostage deal ‘incomplete’ PM says claims Israel will stop fighting before Hamas is toppled and hostages are freed are ‘incorrect’; official says proposal didn’t originate with Israel

- Some reports that Netanyahu is seeking to accept the ceasefire deal and go to early elections.

- Shin Bet says it foiled Hamas plot for suicide bombing in Israel, directed from Turkey

- Some 30 rockets were launched from Lebanon at the northern Golan Heights earlier, according to the military.

- Netanyahu tells Knesset committee Gaza war won’t end before Hamas is dismantled

-Giyus update: During Sunday’s arguments, government lawyers told the judges that forcing Charedi men to enlist would “tear Israeli society apart.” The court suggested a target of enlisting 3,000 Charedi men a year – more than double the current levels but still less than 25% of their overall numbers. Govt has until June 30 to respond.

- The IDF spokesperson announced on Monday morning that the remains of Dolev Yehud, H”yd, 35, were located on Kibbutz Nir Oz. Yehud, H’yd, a resident of the kibbutz, served as a volunteer paramedic for Hatzalah and MDA. After the Hamas assault began on October 7th, he left his house to help save lives but was murdered by Hamas terrorists.

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