Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Israel At War Wed June 26

 Israel at war day 264

-The White House spokesman, John Kirby, called on all American citizens in Lebanon to prepare for a possible evacuation from Lebanon

- At the Israeli border with Lebanon. There's a massive buildup of forces, equipment and vehicles. European countries are calling on citizens to evacuate Lebanon.

-IDF tanks have moved into the heart of Rafah and seized control, with intense clashes underway.

-Despite Defense Minister Yoav Gallant declaring “significant progress” in resolving the US weapons holdup issue, an American official told The Times of Israel that the one shipment of heavy bombs that has been withheld will remain on hold for the time being.

-Minister of Defense Yoav Gallant said that during his meeting with the US National Security Advisor 'the obstacles were removed, to advance the issues at hand, including the issue of the equipment and munitions.'

- In a groundbreaking move, the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) is set to establish a gender-specific combat unit exclusively for religious girls. This initiative, developed with the support of the Military Rabbinate and guided by religious advisers, aims to provide a supportive environment that addresses the unique halachic (Jewish law) and spiritual challenges faced by religious female soldiers. According to a report by Makor Rishon newspaper, the decision followed a notable trend among religious girls, with approximately 3,500 enlisting this year. Remarkably, about 10 percent of these enlistees, equating to 350 girls, are choosing combat roles.


  1. Yahrog Veal yaavor for women to enlist even to say tehillim a whole day as gedolim from previous generations paskened.

  2. Re: poor israeli waiter
    How are there in Israel are so many billionares

    If charedim are guilty it is by helping the rich take advantage of the lower overworked half of israeli society(all for the sake of our nation a la Animal Farm.)Start by pushing the perennial topic: Giving a Sunday off once a month.

  3. Re: girls. Harog V"Y On this there wasn't any argument

  4. It's Yehareg V'al Ya'avor for girls to go to the army because its not tznius.
    It's yehareg v'al ya'avor for boys to go to the army because it'll make them not frum (says a lot about the chareidi educational system if they can't trust their students to keep shabbos the minute they leave yeshiva).
    Who exactly is supposed to go to the army, then? Are we supposed to just let the Arabs kill us, then?

    1. The ones that established the state, weren't the bnei yeshivas. The old yishuv and chareidim lived in the area for hundreds of years without a state. It's the establishment of the state that is causing these wars, so those that established it should go defend it, not those that were against it.

    2. It wouldn't be a such a problem for most for our boys to go to the IDF if they would get rid of all the females-who don't belong there anyway-
      Certainly it is far removed from any H Va"Y
      Ben Gurion privately put it: Even if the IDF would be better off without CHE"N (chayil nashim) we insist on having them.-& it's worse now than then all the way up to the top.
      Anybody who holds decent values gets kicked out before they could rise up
      cf. Ofer Winter,Avichai Ronsky,Effie Eitam

    3. None of those who established the state are still alive to be telling them to defend it. The anti Zionist logic of "we lived in peace with the Arabs before the state" aside for not being completely true makes as about as much sense as the Nazi apologetics saying "Jews lived in peace in Germany for so long before... "

    4. Well put.However much the media tries to hype them,the female units were a collapsed disaster on 10/7.

    5. Saying the female units were a collapsed disaster on 10/7 can easily be used as a reason for why they need to draft Yeshiva bochurim.

    6. So Get Rid Of Them&make a normal decent jewish oriented ( even if less than fully religious) armed forces

      Instead they just made another female commander of an Air base.

  5. (says a lot about the chareidi educational system if they can't trust their students to keep shabbos the minute they leave yeshiva)

    I was unaware that submitting yourself to be completely controlled by anti-torah commanders - who can court-martial you for the slightest deviation of their nonsensical and sedomite whims - means leaving Yeshiva.

    It wasn't the army who killed Raisi.

    The mere suggestion that Hashem's children should put these type of people in charge of them sounds rebellious.

  6. I haven't heard John Kirby or the Europeans call on Hizbulla to NOT attack Israel
    But a very expensive media play during election year, he does do

  7. And no one has heard him calling Israel not to attack the Hezbollah, when everybody realizes how fool hardy and endless this campaign will be and how much Jewish blood will be spilt HY. No objective no plan no solution...... Where are we going??

  8. It’s obvious that the IDF is not an ideal place for frum people. That being said, if someone chooses to sign up, it’s their decision.

    1. and it;s the wrong decision

    2. Heeding the meraglim was their decision.

  9. There is a mass mailing in Lakewood a CD from someone called Tom cantor born a jew. Who is a missionary It looks extremely benign made to think you can just pop it into your computer but it's missionary propaganda beware!
