Monday, June 24, 2024

Monday June 24 News Updates Lakewood

weather: 82° Wind increasing. Lots of sunshine Humidity
Heat wave finally breaks today, but it’ll be brief as temperatures return to the 90s on Tuesday and Wednesday.

- Over $50 Million was raised as of this afternoon for the Keren Olam Hatorah.

- Trump: drug test for crooked joe biden??? i would, also, immediately agree to one!!!

- Keren Olam Hatorah: Rav Malkiel Kotler and Vizhnitz rebbe Reb Yisroel joined the Delegation of gedolim at a fundraising event in Manhattan at Meridian capital offices.

- BDE: Petirah of Mrs. Toba Rabinowitz A"H 
 (nee Lieder) following an illness. Her husband Rav Ephraim Rabinowitz zt"l, was niftar suddenly less than a year ago. She leaves behind four children. The Levaya is tomorrow morning at the Lakewood chapel off 7th st @9:45am

- WikiLeaks' Julian Assange to be freed after pleading guilty to US Espionage Act charge
(Reuters) -WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange is due to plead guilty this week to violating U.S. espionage law, in a deal that will end his imprisonment in Britain and allow him to return home to Australia, ending a long legal odyssey.

- Biden will be in Red Bank NJ this Saturday June 28 for a fundraiser hosted by New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy which is expected to raise over $1 million.

- Agudas Israel: yesterday the world saw terrifying images of an antisemitic mob violently attacking a large crowd of Jews in front of a synagogue in Los Angeles. Agudath Israel of America appreciates that many elected officials including @Mayor Of LA Gavin Newsom , and even POTUS spoke out unequivocally to condemn the actions of the rioters and called out the antisemitism by name. However, identifying the incident correctly is only the first step to solving the problem. Action is imperative.

- Phil Murphy: Today marks two long years since the U.S. Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade and took away a woman’s constitutional right to choose. In New Jersey, we codified reproductive freedom in state law and continue leading the way on expanding access to reproductive health care.

- Assemblyman Avi Schnall sponsors a bill that Prohibits certain use of emergency communications receivers for monetary value 

- Last full day of school for girls tomorrow most have a half day

Today marks the 3rd year since the collapse of the tower in surfside FL,  the hebrew Yartzeit is 4 Tamuz 

- Rav Moshe Sternbuch  was maspid at the levaya of Rav Moahe Wolfson ztl in Yerushalayim

- Today 18 Sivan is the Yartzeit of Habachur Chaim Rosenberg Z"L (Kenny) He was niftar 9 years ago at the age of 36 while learning in BMG please learn l’illui nishmas Chaim Yitzchok ben Yaakov z”l.

- Mark R. Levin on the antisemitism in LA: Where’s Garland and the DOJ?  A synagogue was targeted by the Marxist-Islamist mob, they blocked the parishioners from going to Temple, they physically attacked them, and desecrated the building. And most of the media ignore it. Instead, they relentlessly propagandize about Trump and MAGA being a threat to democracy. No, it’s Biden and his mobsters.

- Possible Supreme Court decision on Trump immunity this week

- Keren Olam Hatorah Monday, June 24 fundraising event at Meridian capital NYC office 5 pm
tomorrow Rachmastrivka Rebbe, Rav Don SDegal, Rav Moshe HIllel Hirsch, Rav Yaakov HIllel will travel to Toronto Canada for a event at the bais Yaakov 

- For  those high school girls getting their license starting today  please check with insurance about adding to policy as some companies can drop coverage for a household driver not insured.

- Shuls in New Jersey will be required to submit “emergency mapping data” which includes an aerial image of the building; a geospatially referenced floor plan or building schematic; site specific labeling of rooms, suite numbers, and key features; This information is to be verified for accuracy by a person and provided to public safety officials electronically and in a printable format. Faanews 

- Shiva for Mrs. Rochel Leah Ginsberg ע"ה. is at 3 Juniper Lane  Lakewood, until Friday afternoon.  Shachris: 8:00 Mincha 1:45 Maariv 9:20

- Troubling student behavior at Lakewood Middle School has sparked a new policy of mandatory virtual learning for anyone involved .Superintendent Laura Winters took action last month with a message to parents declaring that anyone found fighting will be sent home for online-only classes. “Effective immediately, any student involved in a physical altercation will be placed on remote

- CA Gov: "The violent clashes outside the Adas Torah synagogue in Los Angeles are appalling. 
There is no excuse for targeting a house of worship. Such antisemitic hatred has no place in California."

LA Mayor: Today’s violence in the Pico-Robertson neighborhood today was abhorrent, and blocking access to a place of worship is unacceptable. I’ve called on LAPD to provide additional patrols in the Pico-Robertson community as well as outside of houses of worship throughout the city. I’ll be meeting with Chief Choi tomorrow to further discuss the safety of Angelenos.
I want to be clear that Los Angeles will not be a harbor for antisemitism and violence. Those responsible for either will be found and held accountable. 


  1. Was Lot without guilt for choosing where he ended up?Whatever happens in California belongs there. & deserved for those who chose to be there

    1. What a disgusting thing to say. There are a lot more than 10 (or 50z) tzaddikim in California. חזור בך

    2. Shvach.whatever may have the case in Sodom,the fact they stay in California without protesting in a big stain against them( naturally there are a few valorous exceptions)

    3. What is your definition of protesting? Each situation is a different protest.

      The biggest protest is to live a life of kedusha, taharah - a true Torah life - even in CA. That's the biggest protest.

  2. I don’t live in NJ but my daughter lives there with her family and this article makes very nervous. IMO, this sounds very tyrannical. I hope rabbonim fight back against these so-called public ‘safety’ officials. They should not comply.

  3. The rain yesterday at the asifa was a cleansing by Hashem as the pasuk says Vezorakti Aleichem Mayim Tehorim

    1. Please do tell us Reb 1:41pm.
      What exactly was the mayim tehorim cleansing?

    2. Biden is smart. Or maybe his handlers are. Imagine if he would show up in redbank on a weekday and the whole Lakewood came to greet him all waving trump flags

    3. Lakewood has its fair share of problems, but I don't think the tzibbur is that stupid and obsessed with shtusim to spend a day insulting our president.

      I would hope that the vast majority of our town is of a higher intelligence level than that.

    4. He is insulting us.
      He deserves being insulted.
      Of course, our askanim are making millions off these government grants President Biden is giving out.

  4. Same thing happened in Teaneck last month
    Is the County Prosecutor pressing charges, or is Governor Murphy holding back, cause President Biden's $upporters?

  5. This latest Schnall bill will put people in jail did he consult with daas Torah on this potential mesirah and imprisonment of people?????
    BTW where's the tuition

  6. Which powerful askanim put schnall up to this bill
    does it have anything to do with the hatzolas nefashos
    Is this targeting other frum yiddin Chas veshalom

    1. It has nothing to do with Hatzola, they are going digital and anyways can't be listened to.
      Also, Hatzalas Nefashos doesn't bill, so they can still technically "buff" the calls, as it's only for financial gain that's being outlawed. The only people affected would be Lakewood First Aid coming to Hatzola calls.

  7. Tell the Agudah they can keep their dumb statements to themselves, as nobody is interested in what they have to say!

  8. Why did the retards of NK USA comé to the Kabbalos Panim on Sunday? What the hell did they want?
