Friday, June 7, 2024

Friday Rosh Chodesh Sivan 5784 News Updates Lakewood

 Friday, June 7, 2024 / א׳ סיון תשפ״ד
ערב שבת פרשת במדבר ראש חודש סיון
Candle lighting 8:06 pm
Shkiah/Sunset 8:24pm

-NY Supreme Court alerts Judge Merchan of potential poisoned jury after comment on court's Facebook page by juror's alleged cousin revealed outcome of verdict day before announcement in Trump trial.
 #mistrial trending on social media

- Putin sending nuclear ships to Cuba
A group of Russian naval ships, including a nuclear-powered submarine, will visit Cuba next week as part of “historically friendly relations,” Cuba’s government said Thursday.
The Russian “frigate Gorshkov, the nuclear-powered submarine Kazan, the fleet oil tanker Pashin, and the rescue tug Nikolai Chiker” will visit the port of Havana between June 12 and 17, according to the Cuban Revolutionary Armed Forces in a statement published by the Foreign Ministry.

Cuba says none of the ships carry nuclear weapons and insists their stopover does not represent a threat to the region 

- New elementary girls school opening this coming September for the greater Lakewood area for info call 732-677-9297

- Hundreds attendes A vasikin minyan for Rosh chodeh with a musical hallel outdoors in Beooklyn under the Manhattan skyline leading the davening was Mordechai Shapiro.

- The annual Shavuos shiur by Rav Efraim Wachsman will take place this Monday night at yeshiva Shaar Yashuv Lawrence NY

-The rest of the story the founding of Hatzolah in Lakewood By R' Yudel Shain Here

- Gourmet Glatt both locations will be open Motzei shabbos

-Shiva info for R' Shuey Rhine ZL Mishpachas Rhine: and siblings will be sitting shiva at 22 Noam Lane, Lakewood NJ through Monday night. 8am-10pm shachris 8am / Mincha 7pm maariv 9:30pm

- In an extremely controversial move, and a blow to transparency and accountability for New Jersey residents, Democrat Governor Phil Murphy today signed into law legislation that will take some information that’s currently public and shield it from view. While most Republicans voted adamantly against the bill, Senator Robert Singer and Assemblyman Sean Kean who represent Lakewood, voted in Committee and on the floor in favor of the bill. Democrat Assemblyman Avi Schnall also voted strongly in favor of the bill. 

Primary elections in Lakewood had a 7% turnout. Trump got 2619 votes Biden 1163


  1. How does one vote "adamantly" or "strongly"? Isn't it just "Yea" or "Nay"?

  2. Strange that Hefkervelt keeps refering to Avi Schnall's vote on the bill as voted "strongly". Maybe he voted "weakly"? Perhaps just "voted"?

    1. He was actively working the halls of power to get others to vote for it. That's what makes it strongly.

    2. Source that "He was actively working the halls of power to get others to vote for it."

    3. Some of us actually know what's going on, and we're witness to it personally. So I have it as first hand witnessed.

  3. What time is r' wachsman shiur on Monday night?

  4. Although it may be an uplifting experience, the Mishna Berura does pasken that davening with musical instruments is forbidden.
    I am not aware of any credible disagreement. His source is the Chasam Sofer, who explains it well.

    This is on weekdays. Shabbos is another issur.

    1. Location of MB?

    2. Where is this Mishna berurah?

    3. The chasam sofer was a takana made due to events at the time, which may no longer be applicable. I don't see anyone going to church to enjoy the music, which was prevailing at the time. The bais hamikdash had musical hallel.

    4. If you only heard about the Chasam Sofer on a tape about Jewish history, you can make the mistake 'Not Shapiro' made. However, if you learn the Chasam Sofer inside, you will know that it was a Halacha, not a Takanah. And the Beis Hamikdash has nothing to do with the issue. Learn the Chasam Sofer inside, and see the Mishna Berura, who was living in different times.

  5. maybe this pidyoin shevuyim?
