Saturday, June 22, 2024

Motzei Shabbos Behaloscha News Updates Lakewood

The National Weather Service extended its excessive heat warning and heat advisory through 8 p.m. Sunday for most of New Jersey, plus elevated the risk of severe weather Sunday afternoon for much of the state.
An increasing chance for showers and thunderstorms, along with damaging winds, was elevated to a level 2 out of 5 for parts of New Jersey Sunday afternoon and evening. The biggest threats are for the northern, central and western parts of the state.

- There were power outages in Lakewood on erev shabbos whole most places had poere back on before shabbos some areas went into shabbos with no electricity as lights forst went on at 1:30am Friday night.

- BDE: Petirah of Mrs. Rochel Ginsburg A"H (nee Kalatzky) of Lakewood at the age of 43 after an illness. Her  Husband is Rav Yitzchok shlita of Pine River son of Rav Chaim Ginsburg shlita of BMG.  Daughter of Rav Yosef Kalatzky shlita of Monsey. Levaya is tomorrow Sunday 10:00am at the Lakewood chapel off 7th st. She leaves behind a mishpacha of children. Kevura is in EY Ponobvzh Bais Hachaim in Bnei Brak.

-Preparations underway for historic kabolas panim welcoming gedolei Eretz Yisroel to the US as they embark on a campaign to raise $100 Million  there will be 7 fundraiding events over the span of 3 days with a central welcoming asifa tomorrow evening in Lakewood at BMG 10th st and Clifton Ave. With 20,000 expected

- All vehicles are to be removed tonight 12am from the parking lots at 10th and Clifton as crews set up for the event

- The Vizhnitzer rebbe of Bnei Brak Reb Srultche shlita will be joining along with the other 6 Gedolim

-2 private planes left E"Y tonight one plane with Rav Dov Landau shlita another with Tav Don Segal Rav Yaakov Hillel and the Rachmastrivka  rebbe shlita 

- Trump says he has made a choice for his VP pick and will disclose it during the debate on Thursday 

- Trump holds rally in Philadelphia this event Temple university 

-Sunday in Lakewood  many high school gtadutions tomorrow  Lakewood cheder Dinner


  1. Which Vishnitz from BB?

  2. Why couldn't they fly on a commercial jet?

    1. Why couldn’t they fly together on the same private jet?

    2. Because somebody offered them a ride .

  3. Why couldn't they fly together??

  4. Will there be food??

    1. There's plenty of food down the block on Clifton.

      It's 7PM, you can eat before.
      It's over at 9, you can eat again later

  5. How do they plan to keep the oilam safe at the asifa?? Too hot to stand outside with you hat and Jacket.

  6. Who's doing the sound?

  7. Will there be music with a 讬诪讬诐 introduction by Daskal

  8. Maybe the olam shouldn't wear the hats at the maamad

  9. Lakewood already has at least 3 Vishnitz Rebbes and 2 Rachmastrifke, why bring more????

  10. Why can't they have a normal uungerman sing, why these tuna bagel performers?????

    1. You have got to come up with a better line then your go-to juvenile "tuna bagels".

  11. 100 million is a lot of money to collect will there be enough left for American yeshivos

  12. Yungeleit don’t sing. They learn

  13. The “askanim” are not happy the oilam is talking about traffic and the weather because this is a once in a lifetime opportunity. True but why is talking about the fact that it will be 100 degrees a stira?

    1. Because they don't like that they're not exclusively controlling the narrative
      If you can question the weather you may question the whole initiative. If they're setting up a keren who will control it? If the yearly shortfall is 107 million, they need to raise 1 billion. If American gevirim can support that then why are so many local families suffering? Why is there no 1 billion dollar fund in America? But questions aren't allowed.

    2. Questions are definitely allowed. You asked very good questions.

      Some of the answers to your questions are as follows:

      The keren is being set up by Rav Moshe Hillel Hirsch together with other Gedolim in Eretz Yisroel. He will appoint Gabaim to run the keren.

      The keren will give the money to the exact same yeshivos that were getting the funds until now from the Israeli government, in the exact same amounts that the Israeli government just cut. To be clear, the list of Yeshivos that had budget cuts is known, and the amounts that were cut are known, so it will be fairly easy and simple to give out the funds.

      The amount that was cut is known - $107M per year. The aim of the keren is to raise $107M per year. Gvirim are expected to commit to giving $XXX amount EVERY year until the current gzeirah is rescinded.

      If everything goes according to plan, the Gedolim will not need to come back to America every year. The gevirim will commit to donating the same amount each year. (These gevirim will probably have direct access to the gedolim every time they go to Eretz Yisroel with their families.)

      We're not talking about $1B. We're talking about $107M every year, until things change.

      Hopefully, things will change as the government works to overturn the budget cuts which were imposed on it by the Israeli Supreme Court. But until that happens, it will be $107M per year.

      The reason the gevirim will happily donate $107M per year is because this is an historic trip by many gedolim of Eretz Yisroel at one time. Such a historic trip will have the effect of making an tremendous impact on the gevirim, and will cause them to open their wallets.

      The gedolim are here just to collect from the gevirim. But as a courtesy to poor people of Klal Yisroel, they will be making a kabalas panim today near BMG. Its a favor to us, so we can bring our children and see the gedolim. If you don't want to come, its your choice. No one cares.

      The big question: Why don't the gevirim open their wallets for us in the USA. Answer: they do. Alot. And yes they can do more. But to bash them would be unfair. These gevirim give hundreds of millions every year to all kinds of tzedakos in America.

      Can they give more? Of course! We all can probably give more. And if the gedolim would come to your house personally , and ask you for a special donation of $1,000 to Tomchei Shabbos, you'd probably give it on the spot in honor of the gedolim. So why don't you give that $1,000 to Tomchei Shabbos today instead of waiting for the gedolim to come to your house? Is it because you need the push of the gedolim? You won't do it on your own? So why do you expect the gevirim to give even more without a slight push from the gedolim?

      Good questions though! Keep asking the questions!

  14. For whatever its worth, my opinion is that the Asifa should be at Blue Claws parking lot.

  15. Will there be cc machines there?

    1. They're not here for your $180 cc contribution. They're here to meet the big donors

  16. If the website you usually visit for your news is not covering this historic event you should question your patronage of said website

  17. Why are the askanim so offended that people are talking about the weather?

  18. Nobdy is questioning the fact that huge mega millions of tzedaka is given out by lakewood gvirim every year. The question is as to why many local mosdos get very little of these tzedokoh funds. Especially girls mosdos where there is an attitude that every parent should just pay a few hundred more every year in tuition and it will be fine . It is not considered shtatty to give money to local mosdos but it's considered very mechubefig to support Torah and kollel I'm especially in Eretz Yisroel. The same people who pledged millions for this keren and for Adirei , will only given maybe 1,800 to their children or grandchildren girls school. But you cam not force people as to where they should give their tzedokoh money. It's their choice .

    1. Mosdos spent millions on buildings, and now stuck with large interest rates on their mortgages.

    2. The reason gvirim don't give more money to mosdos in Lakewood is because they read comments on hefkervelt and realized how terrible the roshei mosdos are. So they decided they'd rather give their money to EY.

    3. That's fine. The mosdos are not the ones who need the money. It's the parents whose tuitions will go up ,that need it. Put this in perspective. This 107 million keren is to cover a shortfall that was paying about 125 a month per bochur. So everybody understands that parents can not be expected to pay 125 per month in tuition fir their bochurim . But here in Lakewood , because of the inflation in salaries and everything else and the high intetest rates and loss of income to the schools ,every yeshiva man parent will eventually have to pay more than 125 per month extra in tuition to cover the deficits . And there will be no keren created to help . So the prevailing thought is that Lakewood parents can afford increased tuition . Which for some of the wealthier types of parents is true . But the old Lakewood yeshivaleit are being priced out of affordable chinuch in Lakewood the same way they are priced out of affordable real estate and affordable rentals for their married children .

    4. Why would you expect anybody to donate money to a private Enterprise that is not willing to open their books and show you what they're doing with the money.

    5. Oh. And I'm really sure that this keren will have open books and that every EY mosad thar raises millions here has open books .

  19. If they would have flown 1st class on el al they already would have saved a few million instead of wasting it on private planes

    1. A private plane, round trip, for 14 people, starts at about $340,000. Not millions at all.

  20. They flew on a Gulfstream aircraft, of which one of the gvirim has fractional ownership/timeshare. So they have an alloted hours of travel per year. Cost to charter private jet stam is about $9,000-$10,000 an hour for each hour the engine is on, so it's max $130k per way. The gedolim came each with their gabbaim, and because of their shmiryas enayim, they would not want to fly El Al.

  21. 1. El Al doesn't have first class.
    2. El Al has business class, but motzei shabbos flights were all sold out.

  22. Nah gevirim don’t read hv. It’s for a few bored yungeleit and wg guys to complain about their shul and curse their neighbors.

    1. Hey, we haven't heard about WG for some time. What happened there?

    2. Be surprised.More come on here (remaining in the background)than you can dream
