Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Audio: Rav Ephraim Wachsman Song For Shavuos תשפ"ד

Annual pre Shavuos Drasha and niggun at yeshiva Sh'or Yashuv Far Rockaway NY by Rav Ephraim Wachsman shlita erev shavuos 5784/2024 (To listen by phone dial the Chayeinu hotline 732-301-4043 press 1-5-7-2 drasha 110 song 109)

First part is the shiur, the song starts at minute 51:00
Please consider donating $18 dollars or more to Rabbi Wachsman's yeshiva. All donations are appreciated. Yeshivas Meor Yitzchak HERE or quickpay, at Info@meoryitzchok.org
The shiur is also available 

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