Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Tuition Relief Bill Gets Pulled

The "don't call it a voucher bill!" school voucher bill appears dead, at least for now, after its top sponsor  vin Gopal withdrew it Monday. 

Politico reports: Controversial legislation to channel public money to private schools appears dead, at least for now, after its top Senate sponsor withdrew it from consideration.

State Sen. Vin Gopal, a Monmouth County Democrat, withdrew the bill, NJ S3035 (24R), on Monday — a relatively rare move that demonstrates how politically fraught the topic is.

“There were concerns from stakeholders. So out of respect for continued collaboration, I withdrew the bill,” Gopal said in a phone interview. “I believe New Jersey has a strong partnership between public and non-public schools, and I thought this was a conversation worth having. There might be a better way to have this conversation without actually having legislation out there.”

Assemblyman Avi Schnall campaigned on this bill, as many Lakewood voters were told tuition relief is on the way.

UENJ released a statement today that they were advised to pull the bill and will resubmit at a later date


  1. Now you have a Democrat politician voting for the liberal agenda with nothing in return.
    Thank-you bully askanim

  2. Will the Adirei Torah be canceled now?

  3. Adirei askanim in full panic mode as the olam feels used and betrayed. This bill had no chance but they used the klal to vote their boy in Trenton for favors by dangling false hope with tuition relief.
    Maybe the gezeiras Hachinuch was real and this is a big yeshuah

  4. I heard in phoenix they have the same STO system in place and it really works. It’s worth a try in lakewood

  5. The entire town was fooled by askanim to vote for schnall as they lied about tuition
    This is probably one of the largest cases of gneivass dass harabim

  6. The oilem wasn't fooled.
    For some rea$on, frum people suffer from a proclivity to vote for pro toaiva marriage politicians, as well as anti Israel politicians, who are always democrats.

    1. Little different from the frei,just with more complicated rituals

    2. Devarim 29:18-19
      Well put.
      Possibly while in the needy process of recovering from the holocaust we allowed this back then too much to develop. Phonies is what we became.

  7. בנין נערים סתירה

  8. Schnall voted for the OPRA overhaul bill denying the public right to know and less transparency on government.
    Thank you to all the sheep that were fooled by daas Torah to knock out a long time friendly republican and spit hakoras hatov in the face.

  9. So much foolishness over here. The way you do anything great is to try, fail, see why you failed, and try again. So the first attempt failed. Big deal. He will try again, and BEZ"H he will success next time.

    1. We didn't vote because of a try. We voted because we were promised it's a done deal. But all those who are knowledgeable and loudly proclaimed it's impossible, we told "but daas torah". When the rabbanim are lied to and bullied is that still daas torah?

    2. The Lakewood bully askanim who put schnall in office had nothing to do with tuition relief. The OU and teach NJ have been lobbying for it for the past 10 years, the Lakewood askanim used it to fool everyone into voting for schnall so they can put their boy in Trenton and get back favors from Trenton.

    3. People from Lakewood have been lobbying for longer than 10 years. There was a rally in Trenton over 10 years ago where Lakewood people spoke . But they were not rich askonim just regular people

    4. I challenge any one of you whiners to show proof to this 'done deal'.
      Nobody ever said it was a done deal, and certainly not in the first year.

    5. To ab: Of course we voted for him to try. Anyone sane realizes that is all that he can do. How can anyone know that this is a done deal? Who told them it was done. I never read any election ads saying its a done deal; only that he will try.

  10. You can all cry like little wusses. This whole thing was RETARDED to begin with, to think NJ, the state with the BEST public schools in the nation, would support vouchers, that when I am litigating for billions of dollars to provide a sound financial footing for Lakewood, and every other frum town by example, the state would throw money at private schools for which they a ZERO constitutional responsibility, and probably it would be repugnant to the state constitution. Of course I am going to win long before you get you stupid vouchers.

    Jokes on them. I might have lost my job because of the last election but not a one of them will have their hands in the cookie jar. Still, fame without fortune, is not so geshmach. I don't care, I want out of Lakewood. I am still going lay the foundation of transforming Lakewood into a city, but there will be a lot of self-inflicted casualties, hopefully EVERYONE in office or controlling the vote, along the way.

    Think about how sorry that last sentence is, "controlling the vote." This is America not stinkin Europe. A bunch of greenhorn wheeler dealer, hick, chicken farmers in this town. Nothing has changed. Controlling the vote. HOW COWARDLY. Zero virtue.

  11. There were serious gezeiras chinuch issues with the tuition bill that was NEVER discussed by the moetzes meeting about schnall. When Rav Elya Ber spoke out against it in a private home in Lakewood to a handful of people the bully askanim rushed to have Rav Yitchok Sorotzkin and Rav Dovid Schustal to save their wicked plan and lmaan hashalom Rav Elya Ber kept quiet.
    The truth emerged recently as there were several challenges and law suits to the tuition relief bill from the LGBT community
