Monday, June 10, 2024

Monday June 10 News Updates Lakewood

Weather: 78° Some decrease in clouds later in the day

- Updated:  Revival of Giyus law bill passes by 63 votes for and 57 against  the law will now be referred to committee where they are saying there will be changes from the initial law presented.

- Badatz Eidah Hacharedis publishes letter against any compromise with Giyus bnei hayeahivos.

- Agudath Israel of America presents a compelling new initiative, Torah Perspectives, to provide profound wisdom and valuable insights from gedolei Yisroel and prominent rabbonim, addressing contemporary issues through the timeless lens of Torah, offering guidance, inspiration, and chizuk to the wider Jewish community. 
Inaugural Episode: “A Yid’s Response to the Challenge of AntisemitismToday”
with Hagaon Rav Elya Brudny shlit”a and Hagaon Rav Lipa Geldwerth shlit”a watch HERE 

- Lakewood Township's Planning Board is set next Tuesday, June 18, 2024, to consider Application for 64 duplex units, a shul, and 2 open space tracts, to be located off of the New Hampshire Avenue and Locust street intersection 

- Hachnosas sefer Torah today at Yeahiva Hameor Lyisroel procession  leaving from Seton circle and Hope chapel 5:30 pm

- Shivty sugya for Shavuuos 5784 order Here 
This Shavuos sugya focuses on Birkas Hatorah – specifically, one’s obligation to recite Birkas Hatorah when hearing words of Torah spoken by someone else. According to the Shulchan Aruch, one is not required to make a Bracha before thinking in learning. But under which category does “listening” to Torah fall? Is “listening” a form of thinking, or is it considered actual learning.

- Turnout in Lakewood for the New Jersey primary was just over 7% of all eligible voters.
President Biden received 1,163 votes and former President Trump received 2,622 votes.
"Uncommitted," with the “Justice for Palestine, Permanent Ceasefire Now” slogan, received 69 votes. (Onejerseyschorr

- Giyus Update: The Knesset was expected to vote tonight on whether to approve the revival of a bill from the previous Knesset dealing with the military service of yeshiva students. Monday’s vote is only on renewing the legislative process where it left off, without requiring the bill’s backers to start from scratch in the current session. If eventually approved, the legislation would lower the age of exemption from mandatory service for yeshiva bochurim from the current 26 to 21 and “very slowly” increase the rate of ultra-Orthodox conscription.

- Adirei Hatorah Bussing is no longer available. tickets are available for $180 and $360 

- Ocean county officials announce they will build a park on the property of 56 Drake road in Lakewood that was donated to the county by the owner to be used as open space 

- The annual Shavuos shiur by Rav Efraim Wachsman will take place tonight Monday  8:30pm at yeshiva Sh'or Yashuv Lawrence NY.

-Nichum Aveilim:  R' Eli Ganz shlita will be sitting Shiva for his Mother A"H today from 4pm until 10pm, and tomorrow until 2pm. 613 Madison Ave Lakewood top floor 

- Hunter Biden will not take the stand today They will soon go to closing arguments so the jury could get the case today. The defense will have to continue to make the pretense of a defense while p

- Trump's supporters point to grounds for a mistrial in his Manhattan case after a post alleging juror misconduct was flagged. Trump lawyer Jonathan Turley said , "It is far too early to judge the merits of this allegation," "With the armies of trolls on the Internet, there should not be an assumption of veracity or accuracy until there is confirmation of this source." Lawyer Alan Dershowitz, echoed Turley in an emailed statement to Newsweek on Saturday, stating, "An investigation is warranted to determine authenticity and facts."


  1. Why no list of cheese cakes

  2. They eat Cheese kreplach not Cheese cake.
    Briskeh thing.

  3. Why is adirei tickets so expensive that a youngerman can't bring his kids to the Marmad while balei batim bring their kids to watch them fress in the VIP boxes.
    Isn't the point to be meromem the youngeleit

    1. Because the yungeleit have what to do on that night.
      Only those who have nothing to do otherwise will be there.

  4. Not all “balabatim” get to Fress in boxes, only those that give lots of money to BMG. I agree with you and what’s obvious is this thing has nothing to do with yungeleit it’s all about giving the wealthy balabatim attention. They should stop the whole thing.

  5. If any balabatim want to raise the kollel check by all means but do it yourself and don’t ask me to fund it or come to a party/“maamad” in your honor.

  6. No this has nothing to do with being meromem yungeleit, that’s just what they say. You should know better.

    1. Wow. Quite the bitter bunch we have here. The balabatim should stay home and let the yumgerleit bring their kids to fress all while cursing out the people who make it possible for the yungerleit to sit and learn.

      Not impressive. True bnei Torah don't speak or think this way. For shame.

    2. You have it all wrong
      The youngeleit support the balei batim ארון נושא את נושאיו

  7. Best news by YWN that site is shut

  8. I please no long speeches, disco lights, and tuna bagel bureech atoo performers!!

  9. This whole thing is one big joke. People actually fall for it and think this is about the yungeleit? They almost admit it openly what this is all about.
