Saturday, June 29, 2024

Motzei Shabbos Shelach News Updates Lakewood

Weather: 74° Rain showers early with scattered thunderstorms arriving overnight

- NBC: Biden was described by 1 person familiar w/his mood as humiliated, devoid of confidence & painfully aware that the physical images of him…eyes staring into the distance, mouth agape—will live beyond his presidency, along with a performance that at times was meandering, incoherent”

- Tefillos for 12 year old Lakewood girl Batsheva Esther bas Dina Zehava  who was hit by a car Thursday at Chestnut st and rt 9. She underwent several surgeries and is in need of a yeshuah.

- Joe Biden will be heading to Camp David tonight to discuss the future of his re-election campaign with his family, according to NBC.

-BDE: petirah of Hamekubal Rav Shalom Shmueli ZTL of Yerushalayim at the age of 106

- NYT editorial board called on President Joe Buden to leave the presidential race

- Tens of thousands expected tomorrow at a atzeres in Yerushalayim at Kikar shabbos called by the Badatz Eidah Hacheredis following the Bagatz ruling exempting military deferment from yeshiva bochurim and potential compromises by a new Giyus law. The gathering will be on kikar shabbod with thousands marching to recover Sorei Yisroel.

- The DNC had an emergency call with their members today as Joe Biden campaigns in New Jersey. The emergency call comes after top Democrat donors and advisors met with 
JoenBiden and Jill Biden last night and told Biden to step down. 

-Mark Levin: How much do you want to bet Hillary is scheming to replace Joe. Another power-hungry maniac.

- The U.S. National Hurricane Center said on Saturday that tropical storm Beryl (yes, you read that right) has intensified into a hurricane in the Atlantic Ocean.

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