Sunday, June 9, 2024

תנו רבנן

Tuni Rabunun - Avraham Fried, Hershy Weinberger & Yedidim | תנו רבנן - אברהם פריד, ה
Standing at the cusp of Kabbalas HaTorah, one can feel the profound excitement of renewing our connection with the Torah. The gentle sway of learning and the rhythm of words flowing from the timeless pages draw us closer to Hashem and create an unbroken chain that links us to our heritage. Living a life of Torah and toiling in its studies is the key to preserving our identity and ensuring our continuity as a people, forging a timeless bond with generations past and future.


  1. There we go another tuna bagel tune

    1. Not Tuni Beigel but Tuni Raboonun

    2. Here we go with another very whiny comment about a very nice song

    3. no its egg salad bagel

  2. Please, give me a break, outside of Tanyah what does any lubavicher have to do with learning?

    1. Why do litvaks who's grandparents weren't frum think they have a monopoly on torah, or even the right to make such a comment? Go put on some speedos and bike for chai, or throw a super bowl party with your daf chabura. This is the new haskala, and they have the nerve to criticize. Disgusting. And then they wonder about the OTD crisis.

    2. The song Tanya by Fried is a gemara in Brachos

    3. @ab with your outstanding brand of frumkeit showing, I'll stick with the speedos.

    4. You sound like my tenth grade friends did 30 years ago. As if Lakewood is the only place people sit and learn. Just listen to the Oorahthon and you will know what Lakewood is all about. Feivish summed it up very nicely.

  3. I think ab just outed himself as a Geza Chabadnik. No one else talks or thinks like that

    1. no, most farbissine chasidim talk like that when they try to defend their weird version of modern orthodoxy/ethno-judaism. they've been doing that "litvaks have a tzelem in their heart and moshe rabenu wore a shtreimel" shtick for 200 years.

    2. Never heard that once from a chosid. The problem is there are NO LITVAKS. 75% of yeshivishe are from Heimishe families (Polish, Galician and Hugarian) and the 25% remaining are from Yekish, Oberland and Various Austrian/Hungarian Ashkenazik kehillos.

  4. Is it Dirshu or Adirei new soundtrack?

  5. What's a yeshivishe tuna beigel that sits on hefkervelt called????

  6. BTW a real Litvak would not touch his beard & payos, would wear long every day, say karbonos & tikun chatzos every day, be makpid tvelas ezrah, etc. How many Likvaks do u know like that in BMG if any??
