Monday, June 17, 2024

Monday June 17 News Updates Lakewood

Weather: 87° Sun and clouds mixed. High 87F 
heat advisory for tomorrow From Tue 10:00 am until Wed 6:00 am For the Heat Advisory, heat index values up to 96 expected. For the Excessive Heat Watch, dangerously hot conditions with heat index values up to 105 possible.

- A dangerously hot and humid week is ahead in New Jersey with high temperatures reaching the 90s from Tuesday through Saturday, with the potential for 100-degree heat in the later part of the week.

- At the supreme court: The only time Chief Justice Roberts has ordered fences to be put up around the Supreme Court was last year when it was leaked that Roe would be overturned.
Fences just went up again today. Something big is coming.

- George E. Norcross III, one of the most powerful political insiders in New Jersey history, was indicted today on racketeering charges. George E. Norcross III, a formidable and long-feared Democratic powerbroker whose influence stretched across the state, was criminally indicted Monday on wide-ranging corruption charges in a scheme that enabled him to illegally land millions in lucrative real estate deals in the state’s poorest city Camden.

- Lakewood mayor Ray Coles in a interview with Israeli maariv Newspaper 
"I have been working for 8 years, and I always have Jews in the council," said Coles. "The work of the [Lakewood] ultra-Orthodox society in the city is amazing. They help guard the community and have an organization that assists when someone is locked out of their home, if someone has problems with their car, and the like. They even helped me and my children when we were locked out of the house. I really want to visit Israel, but only if there is something meaningful I can do there that will benefit our community."

- Traffic signal on Central Ave Lakewood New Egypt Gudz and Whiteville intersection will go live tomorrow 

- Bde: Petirah of R’ Shloima Yehudah Miller Z”L of Lakewood  Levaya 2 pm at the Bais Olam Shiva at 10 Central Ave

- How many were there at Adirei Hatorah event in Wells Fargo? Israeli media outlets report 35,000 Frumnews has the number at 25k and Kol Haolam says 21,000

- Rav Tzvi Kushelevsky shlita spoke this morning at Kollel boker Ohr Shmuel in Lutzk B"M he will speak tomorrow evening in Lakewood for all girls in shidduchim age at the high school as part of the Nshei Adirei hatorah initiative.

- Farher season for bais medrash age bochurim begins this week

- Zoning board meeting tonight watch livestream Here 
see agenda here  
on the agenda a new 2 story Mikva for Satmar B"M ot E Kennedy and county Line
Yeshiva Gedola of Brick 420 Cross School building with dormitory.
 Squankum Road, Block 169 Lot 21, B-4 zone. To subdivide into one duplex and 3 townhouses, (triplex)

- Rav Elya Ber Wachtfogel shlita said a story yesterday in a video message at the Adirei Hatorah event how during the Yom Kippur war the Skolya rebbe got up early in the morning and told his Hoiz Bachur that he had a remarkable dream that the yishuv in Eretz Yisrael was in imminent danger of getting anihalated this was a few hours before war broke out. He saw in the dream a globe of the world  with all the frum communities where yidden lived from europe to the US when in came to Lakewood he said in the zechus of Torah Mitoch Hadchak that the youngeleit are learning in Lakevood that has saved the yishuv in Eretz Yisrael 

- Adirei Hatorah  Rav Ephraim Wachsman asked that the olam accept upon themselves  not to get too excited about things related to Gashmiyus 
 In a special message to the Bochorim he said thise who are struggling living in a world full of nisyonos  to keep on shteiging and withstand the nisyonos not to give up, the struggle he said is part of the kedusha.

- Adirei Hatorah: The Rosh Hayeshiva Rav Malkiel Kotler shlita was mechabed the Machzikei Adirei Hatorah by visiting some of the suits

 - In a landmark 4-3 ruling, the New Jersey Supreme Court has just upended decades-long standing case law, establishing that all commercial landowners - even of vacant lots - have a duty to maintain public sidewalks and are liable to pedestrians who are injured as a result of their negligent failure to do so. Faa

- Chuck Schumer deleted a post on Twitter with photo of  uncooked cheeseburger on the grill. after he was roasted on social media for pretending to know how to BBQ like the average joe the meat looked like it is spoiled, as a Jew he was called out for cooking cheese and meat together.

- Conservative radio talk show host Bill Spadea today announced that he would seek the Republican nomination for Governor of New Jersey in 2025 with a pledge to make the state more affordable, stop indoctrinating kids at school, and prevent Joe Biden from sending those living in the U.S. illegally to New Jersey.
“I’m unapologetically conservative, pro-life, pro-Second Amendment, and pro-Trump,” Spadea said.  “I’m running for governor to fight for you. I’m ready, willing, and able to lead with strength, conviction, and courage to restore common sense to our great state.”


  1. Give us some space pleaseJune 17, 2024 at 9:52 AM

    So, a developer wants to turn the old Picnic store property into a row of 5 townhouses with basements?? Squankum is already overdeveloped as it is. The proposal is just too much for the densely populated neighborhood.

    1. Totally fits in with the rest of the block

    2. Anon 12:37,
      That’s not true. That long stretch consists of mostly detached single homes. There’s only one other row of townhouses near there. And that was a huge mistake. That street is so overcrowded, that it’s ridiculous. There’s also almost zero street parking available there - especially with it being so close to the very busy Kol Shimshon minyan factory. This proposal will make the situation much worse.

  2. Putting a Mikva smack in middle of residential houses not proper

    1. Really?! Have them walk to route 70?

    2. When you'll be old enough to understand what it's for, you'll understand this location also

    3. Agreed. They should find a more private location. This is not the right place.

    4. Says you! Based on which mesorah?

    5. The mesorah brought in shulcha aruch of hatznea leches.

    6. It's a men's mikvah.
      Privacy is for women's mikvah

    7. If it's only a men's mikvah, then why would it require a 2 floor building with 16,000 square feet plus an additional basement?? What's really going on there?

  3. When do we start talking about girls high school crisis? There are about 50 girls still not in school. Bais Kaila and Aderes both cut down a class, so the numbers don't work this year (yet again).

    1. So had people wanted to be more open to different schools and those 2 schools would have not cut down a class ,there would have been plenty of place . So what exactly can the other totally full schools do about it ? By the boys, people know they have to decide in 2 hours or they sit home with no mesivta . Why do we allow the girls parents to sit ot out till other schools have to stuff 50 kids in a class because these patents don't want go go to schools that have room ?

    2. The numbers will never work as long as parents can dictate which schools they are willing to go to and thereby leave some schools losing classes .

    3. Anon 8:43 - do you really find it strange that parents should be the ones to decide where their children go to school? Because I find your opinion quite off the wall, if that is the case.

    4. I'm somewhat confused. You sound like you are saying that parents of girls have the right to dictate that schools stuff their classes to double the normal size because they don't want to send to schools that have room. Of course parents can try to send their girls to the schools they choose , but if they don't get in , then they have to go where there is place. Why by mesivta boys does every parent know that they have to hassle and give answers and why aren't they told that they can get into whatever Mesivta d they want to because the parent knows best ?

    5. Why don't you find it off the wall that all ementary school boys and girls and all mesivta boys , the parents only get in to a school that accepts them abd if not they go running to a school that has place .

    6. Interesting comment. Why is there even an application process in any school if every parent has the right to decide where their children go to school ? In public schools you don't apply. You just register because it's your right to do so.

  4. Did the machzieki Aderey Torah shut off the movies they were watching before the Rosh Yeshiva came to visit them??

  5. He should more appropriately be grilling cheese with cheese and a burger with another one

  6. Wow he didn't put the fire under so he wasn't oiver lo sevashel, maybe he had a hirhur tshuva? who knows?

  7. Maybe it was cooked for adrogenes

  8. fence around scotus is fake news

  9. It is a nashim Mikva proposal plus second floor not disclosed for what purpose

  10. schumer was called out "as a Jew". called out by whom? anonymous twitter geeks?
