Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Wednesday June 19 News Updates Lakewood

Weather: 89° Partly cloudy. High 89F
Heat Advisory Until Fri 6:00 am heat index values up to 100 degrees. For the Excessive Heat Watch, dangerously hot conditions with heat index values up to 105 possible.

- Louisiana becomes 1st U.S. state to require the Ten Commandments be posted in classrooms

- Tehillim for The Kosove Rebbe was taken into the hospital today with high fever and was put on a respirator. Name is  Shraga Feivish ben Malka.

-Toms River Township Board of Education signs an agreement with the LSTA to handle their busing obligation for all nonpublic school students Agudah of NJ reports 

- Gedolei Eretz Yisrael  who  will be arriving in the US on Sunday will be attending a fundraising event in Lakewood on Sunday as they look to raise 100 million for yeshivos in E"Y there will also a be an event on Monday in NYC at the meridian capital offices

- Ishay Ribo Elul concert coming back to Madison Square Garden  on Sep 15 with special guests Idan Raichel and Eviatar Banai.

-The July 4th fireworks in Lakewood will take place on Sunday July 7th at Lake Carasaljo 9:15 pm

-Last night at the Nshei Adirei hatorah event  for girls in the shidduch age the Lakewood Roshei yeshiva graced the dais as Rav Tzvi Kushlevsky and rav Simcha Scheinberg addressed the crowd. there was music as the Roshei yeshiva danced on the stage and Rav Tzvi Kushelevsky held his baby to show  Emunah and Bitachon.

- US Post office banks and federal ofices closed today for Junteenth However, New Jersey state govt offices  will be open for business on today Wednesday because the Garden State will commemorate Juneteenth on Friday. The reason? New Jersey officials recognized the date as a holiday before the federal government did.

- Adirei hatorah officials already looking for a larger venue to host next Event possibly closer to NY now that a chazaka bas been established 

-Russia signs mutual defense alliance with North Korea

-Jack Ciattarelli has 33-point lead, over conservative talk show host Bill Spadea among likely Republican primary voters in next year’s NJ governor’s race, 44%-11%

-The New Jersey Education Association  teachers union PAC has endorsed Sean Spiller, the NJEA president and mayor of Montclair, for the Democratic nomination for governor in 2025.

- Lakewood Township's Planning Board on Tuesday night approved a new 64 duplex unit development off of the New Hampshire Avenue and Locust street intersection.
Engineer Brian Flannery cheerfully assured the Board "the existing trees may cause forest fires, building duplexes is a much better idea!"  The shul, which will contain a kiddush room, warming kitchen, and mikvah in the basement, will receive 67 off- street parking spaces. See more more to this on faanews 

-Bike,Blade & Ball For Bicycle will have bike  Rentals at  Lake Carasaljo
TravelingTykes Marina, LLC. will have Boat Rentals at Lake Carasaljo

 -Lakewood township will be paying more to purchase the property at  220 3rd Street, for parking up from the original agreed price of $1.7 million to $1,85 million 

- Tax increase Lakewood will be increasing up to 3.5% over the previous year’s final appropriations, of 2.5% going from $2,386,409.22 to $3,340,972.91, 

- Lakewood township will be applying a   $74,000 grant  The Local Recreation Improvement Grant (LRIG) to carry out a project to enhance the public community garden located in the John Patrick Sports Complex including installing benches, a permanent shade structure, ADA-compliant paved pathways, elevated garden beds, a storage shed, and rain barrels


  1. The Ribo concert last year was a disgusting display of taaruves with mixed dancing ladies singing along and dancing in front of men in the crowd all that just a few weeks before Roah hashana
    This pritzus event was advertised and pushed in all lakewood media and publications
    It was not just geared for the frum community but had lots of secular attending dressed inappropriately
    Why are they dragging us into this filth

    1. The live stream of adirei on YouTube also exposed people to indecent ads we are mortally bankrupt

    2. Ads on youtube go based on your personal interest and google search, so if I were you, I'd keep quiet!

    3. Not true youTube puts on random ads regardless of your history and they are prust and not tzznius unless you pay to have no ads.
      sadly the roshei yeshiva are not in control of the marketing or know the intricacies of social media and live streaming platforms
      The silence from TAG is deafening as they always call out anyone who puts the public in Sakana of undermining what was established at Citifield

  2. Sadly true. The concert wasn’t designed for Lakewood, and shouldn’t be advertised here.

  3. Why is township spending grant money on Patrick Park wasn't the sale of the old basketball court on 4th st to kikar shabbos supposed to pay for a new sports facility at Patrick park

  4. "The existing trees may cause forest fires...." Thank you for this. I needed a laugh. And duplexes don't catch fires?

    1. You don't seem to understand how forest fires spread. Trees particularly dead ones explode and shoot burning embers everywhere. Duplexes even when they do catch fire rarely spread to the next one. There are fire walls in between them and the fire department usually gets there a lot quicker than to a tree on fire in a forest.

  5. Why don't they make Aderim next year at blue claws, have all the Yungerlite on the field?

  6. There's no future development for litvishe anymore in Lakewood all the new big projects are only for chasidim

    1. What a false statement thats pushed by self hating litvaks. Massachusetts/Chestnut, Cross/Prospect, Prospect/Massachusetts are some of the up and coming that's not for chasidim. Between these there are close to 700 homes planned.

    2. Do you think if the litvish purchased land in Kiryas Yoel with plans for developments for litvish only, they would be welcomed with open hands?

    3. ab, you’re missing the point. Lakewood is a litvishe town. Built by and for yeshivaleit. In the last few years however greedy developers sold us out to Chasidim who ruined the entire market. Virtually all new developments that went up in the last 5 years were exclusively for Chasidim. They refused to sell to regular Lakewood people. So just because there are some new developments that are not necessarily exclusively for Chasidim, they still control the market. Homes are unaffordable because of them. This is a fact. On the other hand, I’ve never seen Litvaks moving to Linden, KJ or Willamsburg, I wonder why…

    4. really?! what are the prices? Affordable for litvish?

    5. The influx of chasidim started when Stamford meadows was built and no one from Lakewood wanted it. The developer had no choice but decided to try and reach chasidim.
      Prices have gone up everywhere. Even areas of Jackson that are exclusive Litvaks, like Brookwood 1/2/3 have doubled in price the last 3 years. Stop making judgements without the facts and math to back it.
      Aguda had a project planned in between Monsey and Monroe for the yeshiva oilam and no one was interested. Rabbi Leifer had a project in Staten Island for years, and no one came.

    6. ab knows what he;s saying is lies but apparently feels like he is the tb spokesman so he has to spin it... influx of chasidim started when azb and his friends started going to brooklyn and begging them to buy here so that prices would go up and certain yechidim could make more money. because lakewood went up - in a deliberate way - all surrounding areas naturally went up too. how come no one else ever heard of agudah's plan to build in monroe for "litvish"? sorry. never existed.

    7. Yup, it’s pretty crazy. That developments now are not focused on the non- chasidshe.

      All of the litvaks Are going to Manchester like sheep. Seriously if I’m gonna move to Baltimore, I may as well pay Baltimore prices.

  7. That's utterly crazy. Those roads are already a parking lot

  8. Litvaks in Lakewood are going extinct

  9. Lakewood becoming the tuna bagel capital of the world!!!

  10. 140 townhouses coming near Jackson Manchester border starting at 600k with basements

    1. Information? Who's the broker and builder?

  11. You mean the basements are starting at 600k?

  12. Don’t forget to thank one guy and his realty group for bringing the chassidim here and destroying the real estate market for everyone.

  13. You got it all wrong it's 600k for the lot.

  14. It was way before Stamford meadows it was Apple street. Advertised and sold exclusively in Brooklyn to chassidim. They jumped the price from 300k to 400k overnight.

  15. First of all let's define the word a litvak. It does NOT mean somebody who shaves, eats cholev stam stam etc, that is somebody who is MODERN, A REAL LITVAK, ones not shave, le5s his payos grow, says karbonos and tiken chatzos , makpid On tvilas Ezrah, etc etc

    1. Some & some.& many in between. It's the attitude & the gait

  16. All the townhouse/ duplexes look like fromm a army base. All cheap crap

  17. Funny thing is he is trying to sell to the oilam that this a metzia. 600k in yehupitz. of course a great oilam...
