Monday, June 17, 2024

Oif Simchas Monday 11 Sivan

Pruzansky - Ruck Bais Faiga
Goldstein -  Herzl Ne'emas Hachaim
Kamenetsky - Newhouse Fountain Ballroom
Schondorf -  Friedman Kesser Moshe Yehuda
Deutsch - Schachter Cedar Palace
Miller - Dick Ateres Reva Hall
Neuman -  Ausch Lake Terrace
Yakubovsky - Kopilevich Eagle Ridge
Stern - Karmel Addison Park

A Prevalent 'attitude' toward Adirei Hatorah event

 Hashkafa With Reb Gershon Ribber shlita 
Dispersing a prevalent 'attitude' toward adirei hatorah event

Monday June 17 News Updates Lakewood

Weather: 87° Sun and clouds mixed. High 87F 
heat advisory for tomorrow From Tue 10:00 am until Wed 6:00 am For the Heat Advisory, heat index values up to 96 expected. For the Excessive Heat Watch, dangerously hot conditions with heat index values up to 105 possible.

- A dangerously hot and humid week is ahead in New Jersey with high temperatures reaching the 90s from Tuesday through Saturday, with the potential for 100-degree heat in the later part of the week.

- At the supreme court: The only time Chief Justice Roberts has ordered fences to be put up around the Supreme Court was last year when it was leaked that Roe would be overturned.
Fences just went up again today. Something big is coming.

- George E. Norcross III, one of the most powerful political insiders in New Jersey history, was indicted today on racketeering charges. George E. Norcross III, a formidable and long-feared Democratic powerbroker whose influence stretched across the state, was criminally indicted Monday on wide-ranging corruption charges in a scheme that enabled him to illegally land millions in lucrative real estate deals in the state’s poorest city Camden.

- Lakewood mayor Ray Coles in a interview with Israeli maariv Newspaper 
"I have been working for 8 years, and I always have Jews in the council," said Coles. "The work of the [Lakewood] ultra-Orthodox society in the city is amazing. They help guard the community and have an organization that assists when someone is locked out of their home, if someone has problems with their car, and the like. They even helped me and my children when we were locked out of the house. I really want to visit Israel, but only if there is something meaningful I can do there that will benefit our community."

- Traffic signal on Central Ave Lakewood New Egypt Gudz and Whiteville intersection will go live tomorrow 

- Bde: Petirah of R’ Shloima Yehudah Miller Z”L of Lakewood  Levaya 2 pm at the Bais Olam Shiva at 10 Central Ave

- How many were there at Adirei Hatorah event in Wells Fargo? Israeli media outlets report 35,000 Frumnews has the number at 25k and Kol Haolam says 21,000

- Rav Tzvi Kushelevsky shlita spoke this morning at Kollel boker Ohr Shmuel in Lutzk B"M he will speak tomorrow evening in Lakewood for all girls in shidduchim age at the high school as part of the Nshei Adirei hatorah initiative.

- Farher season for bais medrash age bochurim begins this week

- Zoning board meeting tonight watch livestream Here 
see agenda here  
on the agenda a new 2 story Mikva for Satmar B"M ot E Kennedy and county Line
Yeshiva Gedola of Brick 420 Cross School building with dormitory.
 Squankum Road, Block 169 Lot 21, B-4 zone. To subdivide into one duplex and 3 townhouses, (triplex)

- Rav Elya Ber Wachtfogel shlita said a story yesterday in a video message at the Adirei Hatorah event how during the Yom Kippur war the Skolya rebbe got up early in the morning and told his Hoiz Bachur that he had a remarkable dream that the yishuv in Eretz Yisrael was in imminent danger of getting anihalated this was a few hours before war broke out. He saw in the dream a globe of the world  with all the frum communities where yidden lived from europe to the US when in came to Lakewood he said in the zechus of Torah Mitoch Hadchak that the youngeleit are learning in Lakevood that has saved the yishuv in Eretz Yisrael 

- Adirei Hatorah  Rav Ephraim Wachsman asked that the olam accept upon themselves  not to get too excited about things related to Gashmiyus 
 In a special message to the Bochorim he said thise who are struggling living in a world full of nisyonos  to keep on shteiging and withstand the nisyonos not to give up, the struggle he said is part of the kedusha.

- Adirei Hatorah: The Rosh Hayeshiva Rav Malkiel Kotler shlita was mechabed the Machzikei Adirei Hatorah by visiting some of the suits

 - In a landmark 4-3 ruling, the New Jersey Supreme Court has just upended decades-long standing case law, establishing that all commercial landowners - even of vacant lots - have a duty to maintain public sidewalks and are liable to pedestrians who are injured as a result of their negligent failure to do so. Faa

- Chuck Schumer deleted a post on Twitter with photo of  uncooked cheeseburger on the grill. after he was roasted on social media for pretending to know how to BBQ like the average joe the meat looked like it is spoiled, as a Jew he was called out for cooking cheese and meat together.

- Conservative radio talk show host Bill Spadea today announced that he would seek the Republican nomination for Governor of New Jersey in 2025 with a pledge to make the state more affordable, stop indoctrinating kids at school, and prevent Joe Biden from sending those living in the U.S. illegally to New Jersey.
“I’m unapologetically conservative, pro-life, pro-Second Amendment, and pro-Trump,” Spadea said.  “I’m running for governor to fight for you. I’m ready, willing, and able to lead with strength, conviction, and courage to restore common sense to our great state.”

Israel At War Monday June 17

 Israel at war day 255

- A newly surfaced document revealed the IDF had detailed knowledge of Hamas's plan to raid Israel and kidnap 250 people two weeks before the Oct. 7 massacre, but warnings were not acted on due to prevailing security conceptions and possible 

- After Hamas rejects ceasefire, Channel 12 reports that the Biden administration has removed all limits on arms deliveries to Israel.

- IDF says it has dismantled half of Hamas’s forces in Rafah, killed at least 550 gunmen

- The IDF is examining an unusual possibility: "It is possible that Hamas terrorists managed to smuggle hostages out of Rafah." (Israel Hayom)

- Netanyahu officially disbands war cabinet after Gantz’s departure from government
PM tells ministers the small forum created to manage war will not reconvene, with decisions instead made in ad hoc ‘consultations’; far-right’s Ben Gvir had been lobbying to join

Sunday, June 16, 2024

Oif Simchas Sunday 10 Sivan

Chasuna season resumes the busy June season fron Shavuos to Shva Asar BTamuz
Dworetsky -  Donath Kesser Moshe Yehuda
Plutchok - Borenstein Bais Faiga

Livestream Adirei Hatorah Event

 Live stream video hookup of Adirei Hatorah event at Wells Fargo Arena Sunday June 16

Adirei Hatorah 3.0 Event Updates


Replay audio of event on Chayeinu hotline see below 732-301-4043 option 1-2-1

-Livestream video of the event on YouTube HERE starting at 4:30pm

11:30 pm several food establishments open late to accommodate those returning home to Lakewood. Youngeleit and bochurim  seen going to night seder

10:20 pm Caravan of minivans and buses stretching along the 195 from Trenton to Lakewood 

Food situation much more organized and plentiful this year 

9:58 Event concludes  crowds head for the exits

9:34 pm Maariv let  by Rav Dovid Schustal shlita followed by a kapital of Tehillim  for אחינו כל בית ישראל

9:25 Kabolas Ol Malchus shamayim led by Rav Yeruchom Olshin shlita followed by music 

9:10 Music resumes

8:35 pm Rav Ephraim Wachsman shlita speaking in English. Gave a special mention to the nshei Adirei Hatorah  to the youngeleit the tomchei Torah and the many yeahiva Bochurim who are there.

Event running on schedule 

- 8:15 pm Siyum hashas spirited dancing stadium erupts in simchas haTorah with yeshivish Simchas Torah song selection and the famed chabad vesamachta thrown in to the mix 

8:10 Hadran on Shas by Rav Yisroel Neuman shlita Kaddiah recited by Rav Moshe Solomon shlita

7:55 Video of Rav Mattisyahu Solomon ZTL Azkara as siyum has has will be liluy  nishmaso

7:50 Rav Shmuel Kamenetzky shlita enters the arena to singing of ki orech yamim

- 7:30 Rav Moshe Hillel Hirsch delivering remarks in English mentioning the antisemitism going on a  all over the world and the redifas hadas in E"Y as a result of a lack in kavod malchus shamayim but on the other hand the ameilus  and learning by adirei hatorah in Lakewood is producing malchus shamayim that will bring the geulah
7:25 Rav Moshe Hillel Hirsch shlita is introduced and is greeted by song of uvchein tzadikim
7:25 Crowd dances to music

7:20 Video speech by Rav Elya Ber Wachtfogel shlita
RAV Shmuel Kamenetzky shlita on the way

Rav Tzvi Kushelevsky shlita arrived

6:55pm Video presentation 

- 6:28 pm Rav Malkiel Kotler shlita speaking
He announced another raise in the kollel check
He spoke about the romemus of youngeleit and the supporters who called adirei  machzikei hatorah He said over a chazon Ish and the choir followed by singing the words to niggun 

6:05pm Roshei Yeahiva introduced with grand entrance as crowd stands up and dances to the music welcoming them

5:50pm Tehillim led by Tav Chaim Ginsburg shlita senior Rosh Chabura at BMG

5:45pm Pre recorded video speech by Reb Yossel Mermelstein shlita R"Y Novominsk

5:30pm Mincha

- 5:00pm Band and choir playing slow kumzitz songs

-Lakewood roshei yeshiva have arrived at the arena meeting with donors at VIP lounge and posing for pictures 

- Heavy traffic backup ready along the 195 westbound towards Philly 

Washing Cups for netilas yadayim placed at Wells Fargo sinks

3:00pm Buses have departed from locations in Lakewood and Jackson making their way to Philadelphia 

- Youngeleit with floor seats will get a blue band upon entrance to the arena to get access to the seats

Speakers: Rav Malkiel Kotler shlita
Rav Moshe Hillel Hirsch shlita
Rav Ephraim Wachsman shlita 
There will be a Azkara for the mashgiach Rav Mattisyohu Solomon ZTL with the attendance of his son Rav Moshe from Gatshead who will recite the kaddish to the Hadran

To listen to Adirei Hatorah tonight live. Call into one of the numbers below:
USA: 605-417-0300 or backup number 712-432-2910
UK: +44-3333-661039
Israel: 077-272-3200

Crews prepared over 30,000 deli wraps that will be given out to all attendees.

Neginah will be provided again by R' Meir Adler of Bnei Brak with singer Bentzy Stein from E"Y, Yanky Daskal, Meilech Braunstein, Issac Honog

Dirshu has anounced the test site for the choshen mishpat bechina  taking place tonight will be open tomorrow night to accommodate those going to adirei hatorah event.

-Huge demand for tickets as many are hoping for last minute discounts. Others are selling obstructed view tickets for 250 and more.

There most probably will be a live stream hook up as in the last 2 events

3rd annual Event today at Wells Fargo arena in Philadelphia.Doors open at 4:00pm there will be light refreshments 4:30- 5:30 including deli sandwiches  cake and Fruit under KCL
Mincha 5:30pm program begins at 6:00pm expected to conclude with Maariv at 9:30pm

In order to keep the crowds organized there will be extra security teams with bouncers making sure everyone stays in their designated seating areas. They will not allow access to other areas.

Parking at Wells Fargo is leased out to a 3rd party company. Pre-paid for parking for the June 16th event is $25. Here

Buses will be leaving at 2:30pm and the last bus out is 3:30pm

-Organizers say stadium staff will not allow anyone in without a ticket.

- Rav Moshe Hillel Hirsch shlita has departed from EY and is enroute to the US where he will look to raise over 100 Million dollars for yeshivos in E"Y as the government looks to withhold funding. He will attend the adirei hatorah event

Rav Shmuel Kamenetzky shlita may attend the Maamad at Adirei Hatorah. Rav Tzvi Kushelevsky shlita is also in the US.

Israel At War Sunday June 16

 Israel at war day 254

- The IDF names the eighth soldier killed in Saturday’s blast in southern Gaza’s Rafah.
 Shalom Menachem, 21,  from Beit El.
- Another soldier killed today in Rafah.
Tzur Abraham, 22, from Modi’in.

- Death toll since Gaza operation started is at 312

- Giyus:  This is now a clear need,' Halevi says of haredi draft. IDF Chief of Staff, Herzi Halevi,  spoke of drafting haredim, Israeli media reported on Sunday.  “We want to expand the base as much as possible - of those who come to enlist, I tell you that there is an opportunity for change in the ultra-Orthodox community, (the base) is not broad enough, but there is a desire for change."

Sunday June 16 News Updates Lakewood

Weather: 76° Partly cloudy. High 76F

Heat advisory for this Tuesday 
Heat index values up to 100 expected. Monmouth, Ocean, and Southeastern Burlington Counties. From 10 am - to 10pm

-Thousands gather at the kever of Rav Gershon Edelstein ztl in Bnei Brak on his first yartzeit

- Ruby shoe sale today in Lakewood at estrea hall from 12pm - 6pm only $20 a pair for boys and girls.

-Lakewood cheder Chumash Seuda taking place today for over 350 boys 

- Adirei Hatorah event today in Philadelphia at Wells Fargo

- Watch livestream levaya of  Rebbetzin Tzipora Faiga Alter A"H Here
BDE: Petirah of Rebbetzin Tzipora Faiga Alter A"H at 98 yrs old Almana of the previous Ger Rebbe the Pnei Menachem ztl. Her children are Rav Shaul Alter shlita Rav Yaakov Meir shlita Rav Yitzchok Dovid and Rav Doniel shlita. Levaya in Yerushalayim with kevura at the Sanhedria bais hachaim.

-Traffic signal on Central Ave intersection of Gudz rd and Whiteville in Lakewood will gio live on June 18

- Trump Agrees to CNN Debate Rules: Mics to Be Muted and only turned on when their turn to speak. The request came from the Biden camp saying that Trump tends to talk over Biden.

- Rav Tzvi Kushelevsky shlita spent shabbos in Lakewood and will be speaking Tuesday for girls in shidduchim.

-Hit and run in Lakewood. nvestigators are searching for the driver of white, four-door sedan involved in a hit-and-run accident that left a man in critical condition. The vehicle was traveling north on Route 9 at First Street about 12:30 a.m. when it struck a pedestrian who was attempting to cross at a crosswalk, authorities said app

Saturday, June 15, 2024

Motzei shabbos Naso News Updates Lakewood

 BDE: Petirah of Rebbetzin Tzipora Faiga Alter A"H at 98 yrs old Almana of the previous Ger Rebbe the Pnei Menachem ztl. Her children are Rav Shaul Alter shlita Rav Yaakov Meir shlita Rav Yitzchok Dovid and Rav Doniel shlita. Levaya in Yerushalayim with kevura at the Sanhedria bais hachaim.

-Adirei Hatorah Update:

Huge demand for tickets as many are hoping for last minute discounts.

3rd annual Event tomorrow at Wells Fargo arena in Philadelphia.Doors open at 4:00pm there will be light refreshments 4:30- 5:30 including deli sandwiches under KCL
Moncha 5:30pm program begins at 6:00pm expected to conclude with Maariv at 9:30pm

In order to keep the crowds organized there will be extra security teams with bouncers making sure everyone stays in their designated seating areas. They will not allow access to other areas.

Parking at Wells Fargo is leased out to a 3rd party company. Pre-paid for parking for the June 16th event is $25.

Buses will be leaving at 2:30pm and the last bus out is 3:30pm

-Organizers say stadium staff will not allow anyone in without a ticket.

- Rav Moshe Hillel Hirsch shlita has departed from EY and is enroute to the US where he will look to raise over 100 Million dollars for yeshivos in E"Y as the government looks to withhold funding. He will attend the adirei hatorah event
Rav Shmuel Kamenetzky shlita may attend the Marmaduke at Adirei Hatorah. Rav Tzvi Kushelevsky shlita is also heading to the US.

-Trump campaigns in Detroit: A local pastor told President Trump, I'm so humbled that you would be here. President Obama never came to the hood. President Biden went to the big NAACP dinner but he never came to the hood—so THANK YOU!

-Day of strokes bowling tournament  to benefit yeshiva Nesiv Hatorah taking place tonight at Ocean lanes bowling alley.

-NWS Mt Holly office have confirmed an EF-0 landspout tornado occurred Friday evening in Lawrence Township, Mercer County, NJ. The landspout downed several trees and flipped over a few vehicles in a post office parking lot.

Israel At War Motzei Shabbos Naso

 Israel at war day 253

- IDF: To increase the volume of humanitarian aid entering Gaza and following additional related discussions with the U.N. and international organizations, a local, tactical pause of military activity for humanitarian purposes will take place from 08:00 until 19:00 every day until further notice along the road that leads from the Kerem Shalom Crossing to the Salah al-Din Road and then further north. 

-2 more soldiers killed in North Gaza

Both had served in the 8th Reserve Armored Brigade’s 129th Battalion.

3 of those killed in Rafah blast were talmidim of Yeshivat Sha'alvim
The names of the seven IDF soldiers who fell in battle have been released. The families have been notified. 

- Eitan Koplovich, 28, from Yerushalayim 
- Elon Waiss, 49, from Psagot
- Eliyahu Moshe Zimbalist, 21, from Beit Shemesh
- Itay Amar, 19, from Kokhav Ya'ir-Tzur Yigal
- Stanislav Kostarev, 21, from Ashdod
- Orr Blumovitz, 20, from Pardes Hanna-Karkur
- Oz Yeshaia Gruber, 20, from Tal Menashe
- Wassem Mahmoud, 23

-  8 soldiers were tragically killed Shabbos morning in an explosion in Rafah, southern Gaza, marking the deadliest incident for the IDF in Gaza since January.  Bringing death toll in Gaza to 308.
The troops were killed inside a Namer armored combat engineering vehicle while driving in a convoy following an overnight operation against Hamas. The explosion occurred as the vehicle was heading to a captured building for the troops to rest. The military is investigating whether the blast was caused by a pre-planted bomb, an explosive device placed on the vehicle by Hamas operatives, or explosives stored on the outside of the CEV.  Captain Wassem Mahmoud, 23, was named as one of the victims, while the names of the other 7 soldiers are to be released later.

- Hezbollah strikes north in latest revenge attacks for commander killed by Israel
Missiles launched by terror group hit Mount Meron air traffic control base but IDF says ‘no harm to the unit’s capabilities’; Israeli strike targets terror operative in Lebanon

- Naftoli Bennett used the tragic death of 8 soldiers by calling on the army nit to give any deferment to yeshiva bochurim. He was blasted for his remarks.

IDF says rockets launched Friday night from Gaza ‘humanitarian zone’Rockets fired by Hamas at southern Israel last night were launched from the Israeli-designated “humanitarian zone” in the Gaza Strip, the military says. Five rockets were launched in the barrage, two of which crossed the border, impacting open areas near Kibbutz Kissufim. The other three fell short in the Strip.

Friday, June 14, 2024

Lakewood Zmanim עש"ק פר' נשא תשפ"ד אסרו חג שבועות

Friday, June 14, 2024 / ח' סיון תשפ"ד ערב שבת פרשת נשא

candle lighting: 8:09 pm
Shkiah/sunset 8:27 pm 

Pirkei Avos 'פרק א

Weather shabbos day 83° sunny

כה תברכו את בני ישראל אמור להם: יברכך ה' וישמרך, יאר ה' פניו אליך ויחנך, ישא ה' פניו אליך וישם לך שלום ושמו את שמי על בני ישראל ואני אברכם

Parshas Naso is the longest parsha in the Torah with 176 pesukim,  The longest chapter in Tehillim (chapter 119) has 176 Pesukim.The biggest Masechta in the Talmud, Bava Basra, has 176 Blatt. What is the connection between all these?

Carlebach Kabolas Shabbos

 Carlbach Kabolos shabbos Heimish version 

Friday Isru Chag Shavuos 5784 Lakewood News Updates

 Friday, June 14, 2024 / ח׳ סיון תשפ״ד
ערב שבת פרשת נשא אסרו חג
Candle lighting 8:09 pm
Shkiah/Sunset 8:27 pm

Weather: 89° Mostly sunny skies early then heavy thunderstorms developing this afternoon. Gusty winds and small hail are possible. Chance of rain 100%. 1 to 2 inches of rain expected.
There is a marginal risk of severe weather today.

- Adirei hatorah will have a surprise  guest at the event

- Montclair Mayor and NJEA President sean spiller has announced his bid for the Democratic nomination for Governor of New Jersey. (NJ globe)

- Nshei Adirei hatorah will be hosting an event in Lakewood for all girls in shidduchim this Tuesday at the Lakewood high school Rav Tzvi Kushelevsky shlita and Rav Simcha Scheinberg shlita will be traveliong in from erets yisroel especially for this event. All those attending will receive a bracha from the roshei yeshiiva 

-Adirei Hatorah distributed to date $184,687,678 to pay youngeleit. 

- Trump tells House Republicans he's expanding presidential battleground to New Mexico, New Jersey, Minnesota and Virginia 

- Supreme Court rejects bid to restrict access to abortion pill The court found that anti-abortion doctors who questioned the FDA’s easing of access to the pill didn’t have legal standing to sue.

-BDE: Petirah of Rav Avrohom Yaakov Cohen Z"L of Brooklyn/ Lakewood at the age of 55 following an illness he is a son of Ybl"c Rav Nochum Cohen of Yerushalayim the levaya will take place today at the Lakewood bais olam at 2 pm

-Burglars ransacked a home in the Brooklhill neighborhood over yom tov

-Thieves stole catalytic convertors from school buses in Lakewood resulting in a loss of over $20,000

-President Joe Biden appeared to wander off at the G7 summit in Italy, with officials needing to pull him back to focus. As world leaders applauded a parachuting presentation, Biden could be seen trailing off and stepping away from the group, appearing to talk to an officer packing a bag.

- The Township of Lakewood and the County of Ocean are facing legal action over a lawsuit alleging they are liable for a pedestrian crash due to their negligent failure to maintain a crosswalk marking, FAA News has learned.

- Biden tweets: The horrific acts of Antisemitism this week – including a demonstration celebrating the 10/7 attack, vandalism targeting Jewish homes, attacks on Jewish faculty at college campuses, and harassment of subway riders – are abhorrent. Antisemitism doesn't just threaten Jewish Americans. It threatens all Americans, and our fundamental democratic values.

Thursday, June 13, 2024

Motzei Shavuos 5784 Lakewood

- Tomorrow  scattered thunderstorms later in the day. Gusty winds and small hail are possible. High 89F. Chance of rain 60%.

-  Thursday night erev shabbos shopping Gourmet glatt both locations open tonight Madison 12:45 am south 1:15am
Manko open till 12:45 am
All pizza shops open

-  A Beautiful yom tov of shavuos in Lakewood with nice weather and thousands of bochurim learning in their yeshivos first night with the streets packed following vasikin as they carried their gemara back home.  Many new shuls inbthe greater Lakewood area were adorned with flower arrangements. Y"T concluded with a Neelas Hachag at BMG that continues late after the zman with people driving over after Yom Tov to join.

-Faanews report on the Tuition relief bill that was withdrawn: "Epic failure: assemblyman avi schnall's massively assured "free tuition" proposal is down the drain" more 

- Isru Chag Shavuos girls schools are off 

-Adirei Hatorah $180 tickets available on the website

- Continued Tehillim for 21 year old bochur Chaim Moshe ben Leah Rivka who was struck by a car on erev Tom tov near Woodlake yeshiva in Raintree. He is still critical but stable 

-NY Gov. Kathy Hochul said Thursday that she is considering a ban on face masks in the New York City subway system due to concerns about people shielding their identities while committing antisemitic acts.
At at news conference in Albany, the governor said she was moved to act after “a group donning masks took over a subway car, scaring riders and chanting things about Hitler and wiping out Jews” on Monday night.

- Toms River man indicted for attempted murder and weapons offensess in connection with the shooting in westgate in January
Ocean County Prosecutor Bradley D. Billhimer announced that on June 12, 2024, Million Brown-Bey, 47, of Toms River, was indicted by a Grand Jury sitting in Ocean County on charges of Attempted Murder, Possession of a Weapon for an Unlawful Purpose, Unlawful Possession of a Weapon, and being a Certain Person Not to Possess a Firearm.

Motzei Shavuos Israel At War

Israel at war day 251
- Nobody has any idea how many hostages are still alive, top Hamas official admits

- Hezbollah has launched a barrage of at least 215 rockets from Lebanon into northern Israel, on Wednesday Shavuos targeting multiple Israeli military sites. The targeted sites include the Meron air traffic control base, the Amiad camp, and the factory of the Plasan armored vehicle manufacturer in Kibbutz Sasa. 
This attack is in retaliation for the killing of top Hezbollah commander Taleb Abdullah and 3 other operatives in an Israeli strike in southern Lebanon's Jouaiyya.

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Tuition Relief Bill Gets Pulled

The "don't call it a voucher bill!" school voucher bill appears dead, at least for now, after its top sponsor  vin Gopal withdrew it Monday. 

Politico reports: Controversial legislation to channel public money to private schools appears dead, at least for now, after its top Senate sponsor withdrew it from consideration.

State Sen. Vin Gopal, a Monmouth County Democrat, withdrew the bill, NJ S3035 (24R), on Monday — a relatively rare move that demonstrates how politically fraught the topic is.

“There were concerns from stakeholders. So out of respect for continued collaboration, I withdrew the bill,” Gopal said in a phone interview. “I believe New Jersey has a strong partnership between public and non-public schools, and I thought this was a conversation worth having. There might be a better way to have this conversation without actually having legislation out there.”

Assemblyman Avi Schnall campaigned on this bill, as many Lakewood voters were told tuition relief is on the way.

UENJ released a statement today that they were advised to pull the bill and will resubmit at a later date

Zmanim Lakewood Shavuos 5784

חג השבועות תשפ"ד לייקווד 
כד יתבין ישראל ועסקין בשמחת התורה, קודשא בריך הוא אומר לפמליא דיליה חזו בני חביבי דמשכחין לצערא דילהון ועסקין בחדוותא דילי

-Yizkor candle reminder 
- Candle lighting 8:08 pm להדליק נר של יום טוב/שהחיינו
-Shkia 8:26 pm 
-(Maariv 1st night Minhag Hayeshiva to wait 72 minutes 9:39 pm for Temimos) 
-עלות השחר is 3:40 am
-Earliest zman for bracha on Tzizis/Talis  is 4:25 am
-נץ החמה is 5:27 am
-Sof zman Krias shema gra 9:12 am
-Sof zman tefila 10:26 am
- Weather first day yom tov high of 81Second  day high of 86

בעבור אבותינו

 בַּעֲבוּר אֲבוֹתֵינוּ שֶׁבָּטְחוּ בְּךָ וּתְלַמְּדֵם חֻקֵּי חַיִּים, כֵּן תְּחָנֵּנוּ וּתְלַמְּדֵנוּ וְתֵן בְּלִבֵּנוּ לְהָבִין לִלְמֹד וּלְלַמֵּד בְּאַהֲבָה אָבִינוּ אָב הָרַחֲמָן הַמְּרַחֵם רַחֵם עָלֵינוּ

אתה בחרתנו

New for this Shavuos


Shuls Prepare for Kabolas Hatorah

 Mir Yeshiva Yerushalayim 

Kol Aeyeh Lakewood 

Erev Shavuos rour of shuls in Yerushalayim  

Shuls in Bnei Brak

Niggun Kad Yasvin Who Wrote it?

The stirring song is sung on several occasions in the Jewish calendar most prominently on Shavuos and Simchas Torah there is great debate on who composed the niggun and where the lyrics come from some attribute it to the Chazon Ish, Rav Meir Shapira, others say the vilna gaon, click HERE for more. Article in Mishpacha Magazine HERE the story behind the song. Watch this video for a different niggun sung by Benny Frieman to the words of Kad Yasvun. כד יתבין ישראל ועסקין בשמחת התורה, קודשא בריך הוא אומר לפמליא דיליה חזו בני חביבי דמשכחין בצערא דילהון ועסקין בחדוותא דילי

Hilchos Uminhagei Shavuos

Hilchos uminhagei Shavuos 5784 (For reference only)

- On Shavuos at night the minhag is to wait until it is night (Tzeis Hakochavim) to daven Maariv in order to have 49 complete days. Shulchan Aruch w/Mishnah Brurah 494:1. BMG davens at 72 most shuls daven earlier 50 0r 60

(some poskim say that  women should wait until it is night to light candles and say Shehechiyanu on Shavuos night. Luach R' Yechiel Michel Tukatchinsky, Piskei Tshuvos 494:2)

Erev Shavuos Lakewood 5784 Updates

Tuesday, June 11, 2024 / ה׳ סיון תשפ״ד
ערב שבועות
-Candle lighting 8:08
-Shkiah 8:26
-Weather:73° Partly to mostly cloudy. A stray shower or thunderstorm is possible. 
First night cloudy 57
Both days of Shavuos no rain 1st day hi of 81 2nd day YT high of 86 

 - מתן תורה on Har Sinai was 3,336 years ago in the year 2448

- Remember to buy Yizkor Lecht if needed.

- Tuition relief bill pulled in Trenton by State senator Vin Gopal who sponsored the bill. Assemblyman Avi Schnal campaigned on bringing tuition relief via tax credits, the bill that didn't go anywhere has now been pulled.

- 6pm update 
Tehillim: A yeshiva bochur was hit by a car in Raintree area and is in critical condition name is Chaim Moshe ben Leah Rivka

- PSA: Star K alert those with thankless  water heaters that have an electronic ignition can not be turned on during Yom Tov. It is like turning on a car. Some systems come with a reserve just for YT

-Ami magazine shavuos issue $12 Mishpacha $12, Yated printed before shabbos

- Adirei Hatorah tickets selling for 150 no cheaper option yet. People holding out for last minute sale.

- Russian warships clash with US, Canadian ships near Florida Keys: In an unexpected and tense development, Russian warships have sailed into the Atlantic and are currently involved in a standoff with American and Canadian ships near Key Largo, Florida.

- Packed crowds at Trader Joe's buying flowers
-Watermelon at Aldi $4.65

- Jury finds Hunter Biden guilty in gun trial and is convicted of all 3 felony charges could face 10 yeqrs Joe Bidwn said will not pardon him.

-Donald Trump's Liquor Licenses At NJ Golf Clubs In Jeopardy The NJ Attorney General's Division of Alcoholic Beverage Control is reviewing Trump's liquor licenses following his 34-count conviction. Pper NJ law "no license of any class shall be issued to any person under the age of 18 years or to any person who has been convicted of a crime involving moral turpitude."

-Royal Grove kehilla in Jackson will move into the new beautiful bais medrash on Shavuos

- Ocean county completes the construction installing pedestrian islands  on Cedarbridge Ave with repaving the road and removing the construction cones.

- Shavuos at BMG Bais Medrash Ateres Bracha will be open all night for children in Memory of Rav Kolman Krohn ZTL Program will begin 12:00 am until 15 minutes before shachris Vasikin there will be 3 breaks throughout the evening.
The Lakewood roshei yeshiva will deliver 6 shiurim over Shavuos at various botei medrashim of BMG.

Flowers for Shavuos
Pearl Blau flowers will be available at NPGS Flowers at Gourmet Glatt
- Floral Shop at Shop Rite Howell, Brick 
- 10th street and Madison parking lot across Aisle 9
- Aisle 9 in Jackson 
Trader Joe's, Aldi, Global flowers Ave of the states

- There is a segula for one that wants to have a son to separate 91 perutahs on Erev Shavuos and then add more till he gets to 104, the gematria of 2 times בן , and then give it to a humble, worthy talmid chacham. (R’ Yaakov Falagi, Father of R’ Chaim Falagi) Shevuos is a good time to daven for barren woman. It is brought down from mekubolim that when the Mishna in Roshana says that we are judged on fruits of the RoseaBarrens it refers to children, because man is called a 2h and the fruits are the children.

- 1st night Yom Tov Maariv Minhag Hayeshiva to wait 72 minutes 9:39 pm for Temimos

- Water and drinks on their front lawns for the Tzibbur to enjoy. Dark areas near walking paths will be lit up  up for those going to learn shavuos night. There will also be extra security over the days of  yom Tov. Lakewood Chaveirim and put up lighting at the Eastern pedestrian bridge over Lake Carasaljo between  N. Lake and S. Lake drives.

 סגולה לרפואה – בעת קריאת התורה של עשרת הדיברות מושפע על העולם שפע עצום, כשם שהושפע על העולם לפני כ-3,335 שנה, בעת מתן תורה בהר סיני. כשם שבעת מתן תורה, נרפאו כל החולים, כך בכל שנה ושנה ניתן לזכות לישועות ורפואות, גם למחלות שבדרך 

Audio: Rav Ephraim Wachsman Song For Shavuos תשפ"ד

Annual pre Shavuos Drasha and niggun at yeshiva Sh'or Yashuv Far Rockaway NY by Rav Ephraim Wachsman shlita erev shavuos 5784/2024 (To listen by phone dial the Chayeinu hotline 732-301-4043 press 1-5-7-2 drasha 110 song 109)

First part is the shiur, the song starts at minute 51:00
Please consider donating $18 dollars or more to Rabbi Wachsman's yeshiva. All donations are

Monday, June 10, 2024

Israel At War Tuesday Erev Shavuos

 Israel at war day 249

- Israel assassinated the terror leader of the Hezbollah Nasr Unit, known as Abu Talib, in an Israeli airstrike on a house in the town of Jouaiya near Nabatieh in the last hour. He is the highest-ranking military leader to be assassinated so far.

-Reports: Israeli official says Hamas has rejected the ceasefire and hostage deal proposed by President Biden - Axios

- Hamas has Delivered a Response to both Qatar and Egypt regarding the U.S-Israeli Hostage and Ceasefire Proposal, with certain Amendments said to have been made which call for a Total Israeli Withdrawal from the Gaza Strip before any Hostages are Released.

-50 rockets fired at northern Israel after IDF struck Hezbollah site deep in Lebanon 

- Wall Street Journal reports Hamas terror leader  Sinwar recently wrote to Hamas officials negotiating a hostage deal, “We have the Israelis right where we want them.”

-Sirens sound in Chaifa after interceptor mistakenly fired

- All 4 rescued hostages sent home from hospital after going through Health check.

- Blinken says Hamas reaction to Gaza ceasefire resolution is a ‘hopeful sign’

IDF’s 98th Division exits Gaza after taking part in anti-terror raids, hostage rescue op

-Another 4 soldiers killed in Gaza after entering a booby trapped building  in Rafah causing it to collapse on others another 5 soldiers were seriously injured. The death toll in Gaza since the ground operation began is now at 295.

The slain soldiers are named as:
Tal Pshebilski Shaulov, 24, from Gedera
Eitan Karlsbrun, 20, from Modiin
Almog Shalom, 19, from Hamadia
Yair Levin, 19, from Givat Harel

According to an initial IDF probe, the troops had thrown an explosive inside a suspicious home in Rafah's Shaboura neighborhood, in an attempt to trigger any possible traps, and entered after there was no immediate blast. As two soldiers entered the three-story building, it exploded, causing part of it to collapse on some of the soldiers. Inside the home, the IDF later found a tunnel shaft, indicating the building likely belonged to a Hamas operative.

-IDF says it shoots down ‘suspicious aerial target’ near Chaifa

Video: Tripping Kosher - Pride Of The Farm Chalav Yisrael Milk

See how all that milk in your fridge is made.
In Honor Of  Shavuos, Learn About Pride Of The Farm Chalav Yisrael Milk Production With Chaim Silverberg of Tripping Kosher & Star-K 

Video: Getting Ready For Shavuos

Farkash Bakery in Lakewood with a variety of Cheese cakes including the Satmar  rebbetzins recepie 

ספירת העומר

 ...ברוך אתה
היום תשעה  וארבעים יום שהם שבעה שבועות     בעומר/לעומר
הרחמן הוא יחזיר לנו עבודת בית המקדש למקומה במהרה בימינו אמן סלה

Kiddush Levana opportunity 

- Video counting the עומר tonight in Belz Yerushalayim with thousands of guests who came for Yom Tov

Knesset Votes to Continue Giyus Bill

 The Knesset voted 63-57 to apply “continuity”to a bill from the previous Knesset dealing with the military service of yeshiva students, reviving the contentious legislation amid the ongoing war in Gaza. All frum Knesset members from Agudah Degel and Shas voted for the bill.

Monday June 10 News Updates Lakewood

Weather: 78° Some decrease in clouds later in the day

- Updated:  Revival of Giyus law bill passes by 63 votes for and 57 against  the law will now be referred to committee where they are saying there will be changes from the initial law presented.

- Badatz Eidah Hacharedis publishes letter against any compromise with Giyus bnei hayeahivos.

- Agudath Israel of America presents a compelling new initiative, Torah Perspectives, to provide profound wisdom and valuable insights from gedolei Yisroel and prominent rabbonim, addressing contemporary issues through the timeless lens of Torah, offering guidance, inspiration, and chizuk to the wider Jewish community. 
Inaugural Episode: “A Yid’s Response to the Challenge of AntisemitismToday”
with Hagaon Rav Elya Brudny shlit”a and Hagaon Rav Lipa Geldwerth shlit”a watch HERE 

- Lakewood Township's Planning Board is set next Tuesday, June 18, 2024, to consider Application for 64 duplex units, a shul, and 2 open space tracts, to be located off of the New Hampshire Avenue and Locust street intersection 

- Hachnosas sefer Torah today at Yeahiva Hameor Lyisroel procession  leaving from Seton circle and Hope chapel 5:30 pm

- Shivty sugya for Shavuuos 5784 order Here 
This Shavuos sugya focuses on Birkas Hatorah – specifically, one’s obligation to recite Birkas Hatorah when hearing words of Torah spoken by someone else. According to the Shulchan Aruch, one is not required to make a Bracha before thinking in learning. But under which category does “listening” to Torah fall? Is “listening” a form of thinking, or is it considered actual learning.

- Turnout in Lakewood for the New Jersey primary was just over 7% of all eligible voters.
President Biden received 1,163 votes and former President Trump received 2,622 votes.
"Uncommitted," with the “Justice for Palestine, Permanent Ceasefire Now” slogan, received 69 votes. (Onejerseyschorr

- Giyus Update: The Knesset was expected to vote tonight on whether to approve the revival of a bill from the previous Knesset dealing with the military service of yeshiva students. Monday’s vote is only on renewing the legislative process where it left off, without requiring the bill’s backers to start from scratch in the current session. If eventually approved, the legislation would lower the age of exemption from mandatory service for yeshiva bochurim from the current 26 to 21 and “very slowly” increase the rate of ultra-Orthodox conscription.

- Adirei Hatorah Bussing is no longer available. tickets are available for $180 and $360 

- Ocean county officials announce they will build a park on the property of 56 Drake road in Lakewood that was donated to the county by the owner to be used as open space 

- The annual Shavuos shiur by Rav Efraim Wachsman will take place tonight Monday  8:30pm at yeshiva Sh'or Yashuv Lawrence NY.

-Nichum Aveilim:  R' Eli Ganz shlita will be sitting Shiva for his Mother A"H today from 4pm until 10pm, and tomorrow until 2pm. 613 Madison Ave Lakewood top floor 

- Hunter Biden will not take the stand today They will soon go to closing arguments so the jury could get the case today. The defense will have to continue to make the pretense of a defense while p

- Trump's supporters point to grounds for a mistrial in his Manhattan case after a post alleging juror misconduct was flagged. Trump lawyer Jonathan Turley said , "It is far too early to judge the merits of this allegation," "With the armies of trolls on the Internet, there should not be an assumption of veracity or accuracy until there is confirmation of this source." Lawyer Alan Dershowitz, echoed Turley in an emailed statement to Newsweek on Saturday, stating, "An investigation is warranted to determine authenticity and facts."

Israel At War Monday June 10

Israel at war day 248

- In 14-0 vote, UN  Security Council adopts US motion backing Israeli hostage-truce deal

- Lebanese media are reporting Israeli airstrikes in the Hermel District of northeastern Lebanon, in what appears to be a response to numerous Hezbollah attacks on northern Israel over the past day, and the terror group downing an IDF drone. It also potentially marks the deepest IDF strike in Lebanon amid the war, as Hermel is some 130 kilometers (80 miles) from the Israeli border.

- Report: Israel’s full proposal includes ‘permanent’ truce before all hostages return

- US in unilateral talks with Hamas on release of  5 American hostages from Gaza, the negotiations would be held via Qatari mediators and would not include Israel.

- Incident in Gaza: Building collapses on soldiers in Rafa after hit by RPG  several casualties reported by media, IDF yet to acknowledge 

-Blinken urges regional leaders to ‘press Hamas to say yes’ to Gaza deal

- NYT: Hamas has orders to kill hostages if they fear that the IDF nears

-Anti-tank guided missiles launched by Hezbollah from Lebanon at the northern border community of Yir'on caused damage to a home, authorities say. Hezbollah has increased rocket attacks going deeper into Israel with interceptions today over Tzfas. 

- Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich excoriates National Unity party leader Benny Gantz over his party’s exit from the coalition last night, calling it “the least statesmanlike act” possible and accusing him and his allies Gadi Eisenkot and Chili Tropper of placing “personal and political considerations over the national consideration.”

Sunday, June 9, 2024

Oif Simchas Sunday night 4 Sivan

...ברוך אתה
היום שמונה  וארבעים יום שהם ששה שבועות  וששה ימים  בעומר/לעומר
הרחמן הוא יחזיר לנו עבודת בית המקדש למקומה במהרה בימינו אמן סלה

Deutsch- Handler Cedar Palace

Bingo open until 12am

Dirshu Siyum event Livestream

 Dirshu siyum at Prudential Center in Newark,NJ

Israel At War Sunday June 9

 Israel at war day 247

- Kamala Harris mourns death of Palestinians in raid that rescued 4 Israeli hostages - Fox News

-IDF: Journalist” Abdallah Aljamal was a Hamas terrorist holding Almog, Andrey and Shlomi hostage in his family’s home in Nuseirat. 
No press vest can make him innocent of the crimes he has committed. @AlJazeera
 what’s this terrorist doing on your website?

- Benny Gantz quits coalition and urges early elections, accusing PM of botching war effort
 Netanyahu is preventing us from moving forward to a real victory," said Gantz in a press conference. "And so today we are leaving the emergency government with a heavy heart, but with our whole heart." Gantz called for elections to be held in the fall, urging Netanyahu to set an agreed-on date for them to occur.
National Security Minister Otzma Yehudit head Itamar Ben Gvir immediately demanded to be added to the war cabinet. "It is time to make brave decisions, to get real deterrence, and to bring security to the South, the North, and all of Israel," he said.

-Netanyahu to Gantz: Benny this is not the time to abandon the campaign — this is the time to join forces.”

- Hezbollah launched anti-aircraft missiles at Israeli fighter jets over southern Lebanon earlier today, the military says.

-The Biden administration slams the “repugnant” rhetoric voiced at yesterday’s anti-Israel protests outside the White House, during which Pro-Hamas and pro-Hezbollah demonstrators called for “jihad” and for the killing of Zionists.

-IDF confirms Abdallah Aljamal, Hamas terrorist and news contributor, was holding 3 hostages in his home in Nuseirat alongside his family

- The commander of the IDF’s Gaza Division, Brig. Gen. Avi Rosenfeld, announces that he is resigning from the military over his involvement in the failures that led to Hamas’s October 7 terror onslaught. “on October 7, I failed in my life’s mission to protect the [Gaza border communities].”

תנו רבנן

Tuni Rabunun - Avraham Fried, Hershy Weinberger & Yedidim | תנו רבנן - אברהם פריד, ה
Standing at the cusp of Kabbalas HaTorah, one can feel the profound excitement of renewing our connection with the Torah. The gentle sway of learning and the rhythm of words flowing from the timeless pages draw us closer to Hashem and create an unbroken chain that links us to our heritage. Living a life of Torah and toiling in its studies is the key to preserving our identity and ensuring our continuity as a people, forging a timeless bond with generations past and future.

Sunday June 9 News Updates Lakewood

 Weather: 81° Chance of a morning shower. Cloudy skies early, followed by partial clearing. High 81F. 

President Macron dissolves French parliament and calls snap election after exit polls show his party is set for crushing loss to the far right: 

- Adirei Hatorah: Only available tickets are from $360 and up as all cheaper options are sold out. 

- The annual cost to raise a child in New Jersey is $26,870, according to a new SmartAsset study. That includes $13,674 for childcare, $4,054 in additional housing and $2,068 for food. The total cost also includes medical care, transportation and other necessities.

- Following a letter signed by 100 Rabbonim against a new EMS service in the Lakewood area, there has been a number of prank calls made to the emergency line of the new EMS  by children and adults quoting the signed letter. Some of these calls have been uploaded to YouTube in one case it seems authorities were notified after tracing the calls.

- BDE: Petirah of Rav Avrohom Pollack ZTL mashgiach at Slabodka yeshiva for 70 years. Be was considered the zkan hamashgichim at the age of 95 a talmid of Rav Eizik Sherr ztl. Levaya took place today in Bnei Brak at Slabodka yeshiva

- Many Hachnosas sifrei Torah today Westgate  Toms River R Turin shul. B"M Shemen Lmincha Brookville, Yeshiva Toras Moshe Belvue and Newport 4pm

- Busy erev Shavuos shopping day at the stores sales, flower tents, cheese cakes etc..

- Final day moving sale at Toys For Thought 30% off all items. 3rd and Clifton Lakewood 

- At Dirshu event tonight the Stutchin rebbe of Boro Park will lead the Tehillim on behalf of a refuah sheleima for the Kossover rebbe shlita. The Skulen rebbe will be honored with kabolas ol malchus shamayim. The event will be livestreed watch HERE 5:30 pm

-The mayor of Highland town NJ Elsie Foster made sure tobspread the news tobthe Jewish residents and went around on shabbos notifying all the shuls about the hostage rescue operation

-Most Americans think they will be financially better off with Donald Trump in office than with Jos Biden. CBS poll

Saturday, June 8, 2024

Motzei Shabbos Bamidbar News Updates Lakewood

...ברוך אתה
היום שבעה  וארבעים יום שהם ששה שבועות  וחמשה ימים  בעומר/לעומר
הרחמן הוא יחזיר לנו עבודת בית המקדש למקומה במהרה בימינו אמן סלה

 שלשת ימי הגבלה

Open tonight Gourmet Glatt both locations until 1:00am South 1:30am
Evergreen until 1:00am
Aisle 9 open

- Limited tickets still available for Dirshu siyum tomorrow 

- Huge crowd in support of Donald Trump in Florida today

Israel At War Motzei Shabbos Bamidbar

 Israel at war day 246

- Four Israeli hostages were rescued alive from Hamas captivity Saturday in a daring daylight operation in the central Gaza Strip, the military announced.
Noa Argamani, 26, Almog Meir Jan, 21, Andrey Kozlov, 27, and Shlomi Ziv, 40, had been abducted from the Supernova music festival near the community of Re’im on the morning of October 7.

Officers of police’s elite Yamam counter-terrorism unit, along with Shin Bet agents, simultaneously raided two Hamas-controlled multi-story buildings in the heart of central Gaza’s Nuseirat, a joint statement said. Argamani was rescued at one site, while Meir Jan, Kozlov, and Ziv were at the second location.

Yamam Chief Inspector Arnon Zamora, who commanded the rescue team at the building where three hostages were being held, was critically wounded by Hamas fire. He was brought to an Israeli hospital, but died shortly after. The Hamas guards were killed in the operation 

The rescued hostages, who had been in Hamas captivity for eight months, were all in good condition, according to initial medical assessments. They were taken by helicopters from the Strip to hospitals in Israel for further evaluation.

Reports of 200 Hamas  terrorists killed during the rescue.

-The vehicle in which three of the abductees were being evacuated broke down during the operation due to a technical fault, while it was still in the heart of Nuseirat.  IDF’s 98th Division fought a fierce battle against the Palestinian terrorists who attacked the rescue vehicle, while the hostages and our fighters were inside.

-US denies Gaza aid pier used in hostage rescue raid, but said to have provided intel

- Father of rescued hostage Almog Meir died earlier tonight and did not get to see his son.

Friday, June 7, 2024

Lakewood Zmanim עש"ק פר' במדבר ר"ח סיון תשפ'ד

 Friday, June 7, 2024 / א סיון תשפ"ד ערב שבת פרשת במדבר  יום המיוחס  ב' סיון

Candle lighting: 8:06 pm
Shkia/Sunset  8:24 pm
Sof zman krias shema 9:11 am
weather: Shabbos day   Plentiful sunshine. High 83.
Pirkei Avos 'פרק ו 
No צדקתך צדק
No ויהי נועם on Motzei Shabbos

ב' סיון יום המיוחס

This shabbos parshas Bamidbar
- Yom HaMeyuchas - The Second Day of Sivan And Its Special Yichus. No Tachnun is said
The second day of Sivan is called Yom HaMeyuchas.  The Taamei HaMinhagim brings a number of reasons for this.  This is the day that Hashem told Bnei Yisroel "V'Atem Tihiyu Li Mamleches Kohanim", you will be to me a kingdom of Kohanim (Yisro 19:6).  This is the day we received our special Yichus setting us apart from the rest of the nations.

Another explanation he brings is that according to the Yalkut, when the other nations questioned why Bnei Yisroel received the Torah, Hashem told them to bring their Sefer Yuchasim, to see if their pedigree stands up to the level of Bnei Yisroel's whose forefather's included Avrohom, Yitzchok, and Yaakov.
Rav Shlomo Kluger says in HaElef Licha Shlomo (also brought in Taamei HaMinhagim) that since this day is between two special days it also is considered special.  The day before is Rosh Chodesh and the day after starts the Shloshes Yimei Hagbala, the final preparation for Kabalas HaTorah.

Friday Rosh Chodesh Sivan 5784 News Updates Lakewood

 Friday, June 7, 2024 / א׳ סיון תשפ״ד
ערב שבת פרשת במדבר ראש חודש סיון
Candle lighting 8:06 pm
Shkiah/Sunset 8:24pm

-NY Supreme Court alerts Judge Merchan of potential poisoned jury after comment on court's Facebook page by juror's alleged cousin revealed outcome of verdict day before announcement in Trump trial.
 #mistrial trending on social media

- Putin sending nuclear ships to Cuba
A group of Russian naval ships, including a nuclear-powered submarine, will visit Cuba next week as part of “historically friendly relations,” Cuba’s government said Thursday.
The Russian “frigate Gorshkov, the nuclear-powered submarine Kazan, the fleet oil tanker Pashin, and the rescue tug Nikolai Chiker” will visit the port of Havana between June 12 and 17, according to the Cuban Revolutionary Armed Forces in a statement published by the Foreign Ministry.

Cuba says none of the ships carry nuclear weapons and insists their stopover does not represent a threat to the region 

- New elementary girls school opening this coming September for the greater Lakewood area for info call 732-677-9297

- Hundreds attendes A vasikin minyan for Rosh chodeh with a musical hallel outdoors in Beooklyn under the Manhattan skyline leading the davening was Mordechai Shapiro.

- The annual Shavuos shiur by Rav Efraim Wachsman will take place this Monday night at yeshiva Shaar Yashuv Lawrence NY

-The rest of the story the founding of Hatzolah in Lakewood By R' Yudel Shain Here

- Gourmet Glatt both locations will be open Motzei shabbos

-Shiva info for R' Shuey Rhine ZL Mishpachas Rhine: and siblings will be sitting shiva at 22 Noam Lane, Lakewood NJ through Monday night. 8am-10pm shachris 8am / Mincha 7pm maariv 9:30pm

- In an extremely controversial move, and a blow to transparency and accountability for New Jersey residents, Democrat Governor Phil Murphy today signed into law legislation that will take some information that’s currently public and shield it from view. While most Republicans voted adamantly against the bill, Senator Robert Singer and Assemblyman Sean Kean who represent Lakewood, voted in Committee and on the floor in favor of the bill. Democrat Assemblyman Avi Schnall also voted strongly in favor of the bill. 

Primary elections in Lakewood had a 7% turnout. Trump got 2619 votes Biden 1163

Israel At War Friday June 7

 Israel at war day 245

-Hezbollah drone launched from Lebanon strikes near Nazareth deepest inside Israel  as iron dome fails to intercept 

- Blinken to visit Israel next week as US awaits Hamas response to ceasefire deal 

- United Airlines resumes flights to Israel, Delta follows suit for first time since Oct 7

- The IDF says it has killed dozens of terror operatives amid an ongoing operation in east Buriej and east Deir al-Balah in the central Gaza Strip.

-Qatar to Hamas: Accept deal or face expulsion from Doha - report

-Gaza health ministry says 77 terrorists killed on last 24 hours 

Thursday, June 6, 2024

Oif Simchas Thursday Night Rosh Chodesh Sivan

...ברוך אתה
היום חמשה וארבעים יום שהם ששה שבועות  ושלשה ימים  בעומר/לעומר
הרחמן הוא יחזיר לנו עבודת בית המקדש למקומה במהרה בימינו אמן סלה

יעלה ויבא

Brea -  Goodman Ateres Reva 
Fishman -  Segal Bais Faiga
Starshefsky -  Brecher Fountain Ballroom
Gordon -  Rosenshein Cedar Palace
Wulliger -  Leiser Kesser Moshe Yehuda

- Rosh Chodesh Seuda at Mordys Shteibel 10pm

- Chumash Shiur by Harav Yeruchom Olshin shlita 11:30 pm at B"M Ateres Bracha live 646-726-9977

Thursday June 6 News Updates Lakewood

weather: 86°  scattered thunderstorms developing this afternoon. Gusty winds and small hail are possible. Chance of rain 60% There is a marginal risk of severe weather today.

NWS: Severe Thunderstorm Watch is in effect. Prepare to take shelter if necessary. Today's outlook: There is a marginal risk of severe weather. Until 9pm

- Kayleigh McEnany: The White House is reportedly "seething" (Politico) at the 45-source Wall Street Journal piece about Biden "slipping." Per Politico, the White House tried humor, embrace, and now fury to address what is a real issue to American voters. 
WSJ reported Participants in meetings said the 81-year-old president performed poorly at times. The White House said Biden is sharp and his critics are playing partisan politics.

- Judge tosses lawsuit seeking to overturn Bais Yaakov of Jackson site plan approval for a 4-building school campus on East Veterans Highway. Full story on faanews 

- Giyus Update: The high court is expected to issue the ruling about drafting yeshiva bochurim and charedim in the coming days.

- BDE: Petirah of R' Shuey Rhine  Z"L a 48 year old father from Lakewood  who suffered  a  aneurysm on chol hamoed Pesach  
רפאל יהושע בן-ציון  ז''ל בן יהודה לייב ז''ל He is survived by his wife Mrs. Chavi Rhine (Nee Siver) and 3  children. The Levaya will be today 4:30 pm at Khal Ateres Yeshaya 908 E County Line Road. Kevura at the Lakewood bais olam Brook Rd. Shiva 22  Noam ln.
 Livestream of Levaya HERE 

- Gedolei Eretz Yisrael coming to America on a $100 million campaign to raise funds for yeshivos in E"Y as Govt cuts funding. Rav Moshe HIllel Hirsch will lead the delegation, starting with the Adirei hatorah event. Rav Dan Segal shlita, Rav Tzvi Kushelevsky shkita is also rumored to join the campaign.

- Jill Biden makes hasty exit with Joe leaving the Veteran ceremony in France on The 80th anniversary of D- Day.

- Asbury Park Press article on closing of Toys for thought Lakewood 'go-to' toy store closing after two decades “The toy business in general is sad, it is Amazon, it is very simple,” he said about the cause of retail demise in many places. “I don’t care how gorgeous your store looks, how inviting it is, there is nothing like being able to order a toy and having it delivered the next day.” Herskowitz also blames some Downtown Lakewood issues, claiming it has not been a good retail space for years due to parking and needed improvements.“I believe in a downtown and it is kind of a black eye for Lakewood, our downtown,” he said. “It is a shame. I kept it open all these years without making money.”
There's a 30% off sale going on until Sunday.

- Adirei Hatorah shul seating sold out. You can by a obstructed view ticket for $75 or partially obstructed for $150

- The median home in Ocean County listed for $599,000 in May, up 4.4% from the previous month's $573,725, an analysis of data from shows.

- Faanews update after letter by rabbonim about new EMS servecing Lakewood area. 
"Since its inception two years ago, Hatzulas Nefashos now boasts a membership of approximately fifty, including five paramedics, and a fleet of eight ambulances. Hatzulas Nefashos has transported 150 patients in the past three months alone, indicating recognition and acceptance within the community. More  
There's a recording released of kids pranking the dispatchers after the rabbonim letter was released.

- Thousands of New Jersey Democrats voiced their frustration Tuesday with President Joe Biden  by voting “uncommitted” on their presidential primary ballot to protest the war in Gaza. As of Wednesday afternoon,  more than 41,000 voters registered a protest vote against Biden .

Minyanim Mincha/Yom Kippur Koton ער"ח סיון תשפ"ד Lakewood

 Minyanim: Mincha/Yom Kippur Koton ער"ח סיון תשפ"ד Lakewood Thursday, June 6, 2024 / כ״ט אייר תשפ״ד

Today תפלת השל"ה TefilS Hashla HERE
Please post additional minyanim or corrections in the comments section.

See more zmanim HERE

- Satmar Forest ave  1:40, 2:30, 3:30, 4:30, 5:30, 6:30 7:30

Israel At War Thursday June 6

 Israel at war day 244

- Netanyahu will address a joint session of Congress on July 24. The original date of June 13 was canceled because of Shavuos.

- Trump: "Israel has to finish that job. They have to finish it quickly, strongly, and they have to get back to life again."

- Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar has rejected the Biden Administration's ceasefire proposal, vowing that the terrorist organization will keep its weapons, the Wall Street Journal reported.
According to the report, Sinwar told Arab mediators, “Hamas will not surrender its guns or sign a proposal that asks for that.” He further stated that the only ceasefire Hamas would accept is a permanent one that ends Israel's military operations in Gaza for good.

- Hamas rejects latest ceasefire proposal claiming it only temporarily restricts the IDF from Gaza 

- Another soldier killed in Gaza  during a gun battle with Hamas terrorists who attempted to infiltrate into Israel from Rafah early this morning using fog cover. A gun battle ensued where 3 terrorists were killed and a soldier died from  the battle.
 Zeed Mazarib, 34,from Zarzir.

- IDF offensive on the Nuseirat UNRWA school where terrorists have regrouped. IDF launched an airstrike on the compound  before dawn reports of over 50 terrorists killed. Some of whom participated in the October 7 onslaught, were gathered.

- A reservist soldier was killed in yesterday's Hezbollah drone attack on northern Israel, the military announced.Refael Kauders, 39, from Tzur Hadassah. Another soldier was seriously wounded and eight more troops were lightly injured in the explosive-laden drone attack near Hurfeish.

- Hamas still has a fighting force of 12,000 terrorists and are getting arms smuggled  into Gaza or using unexploded Israeli weapons.

-IDF northern command chief: Military ready for potential all-out war against Hezbollah

-IDF reveals 2 km Hamas tunnel running adjacent to Egypt border crossing in Rafah
Now-demolished underground passage was allegedly used to smuggle weapons into Gaza;

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Oif Simchas ער"ח סיון תשפ"ד Wed Night

....ברוך אתה
היום ארבעה וארבעים יום שהם ששה שבועות ושני ימים בעומר

           תפילת השל"ה ערב  ראש  חודש סיון

Thunderstorms this evening, cloudy with rain likely overnight. Low 68F. Chance of rain 100%.

Zarinmanesh - Lansky Fountain Ballroom
Brog - Shenker Toras Menachem 
Cohen - Dorfman Kesser Moshe Yehuda 

Wednesday June 5 News Updates Lakewood

 Weather: 82° Cloudy. High 82F

-  Rav Moshe Hillel Hirsh shlita delivered a pre Shavuos shmuess at Mir Yerushalayim to thousands.

- Georgia's Court of Appeals has just halted ALL proceedings in President Trump's Georgia trial until it reaches a decision on whether to disqualify Fani Willis for hiring her unqualified secret lover as lead prosecutor in the case.

- WHO warns a "new strain" of bird flu "has jumped" to humans with "potential for high public health impact." — Daily Mail

- House committees issued criminal referrals to the Justice Department concerning Hunter Biden’s and James Biden’s alleged “false statements to Congress” about key aspects of the impeachment inquiry of President Joe Biden.

- Gov. Hochul is considering delaying the state’s pending congestion pricing plan, out of concern that its June 30 implementation would hurt Democrats in competitive House races this year. (Politico)

- The Adirei hatorah gift in the BP Weekly is a promotion for community solar where people can lower their electric bills without having solar panels, the card says it is not affiliated with

- Rabbonim in Boro Park have called for a yom Tefillah tomorrow erev Rosh Chodesh Sivan to be mispalel for the Admor M'Kosov shlita who is in need of rachmei Shamayim

- Shavuos sales Bingo 56oz Mehadrin ice cream for $5.99, 32 Oz shredded cheese $7.99 canola oil 96oz $4.99
At GG JJ cream cheese $2.99 limit 5 from 6/5 -6/8
Kosher west J&J cream cheese $2.99

- Adirei Hatorah: tickets are at 87% sold out  free gift included with the BP Weekly this week. There will also be buses leaving from Jackson liberty high school. A special program will feature divrei zikaron for the mashgiach arav Mattisyahu Solomon ztl. Rav Tzvi Kushelevsjy shlita is said to attend.

- Tonight asifas zikaron commemorating the first Yartzeit of Rav Velvel Finkelstein ZTL Nasie of Bayonne Yeshiva. at 8:30 pm at Esther Gerber auditorium 5th and Madison Lakewood divrei zikaron by Rav Avrohom Schorr shlita Rav Chaim Yehoushua Hoberman shlita Rav Avrohom Yeshaya Savitz shlita

- Hashkafa in the workplace event preparing for Shavuos followed by Q&A with Rav Avrohom Schorr shlita at Torah links1301 Central Ave 8:00 pm

- Free legal advice event today by the National Chap[lains association at 199 Oceran Ave Lakewood 12:00pm- 4:30 pm

- A letter signed by Lakewood Roshei Yeshiva and 100 rabbonim in support of Hatzolah of Central Jersey and calls out a new hatzolah EMS that has begun operating in the greater Lakewood area that it has the potential to undermine Hatzolah of central jersey and their ability to deliver high quality emergency medical care they believe that this unsanctioned action can ultimately lead to pikuach nefesh the letter concludes ny individual that affiliates themselves with this new organization or becomes a member of this new organization is doing so against Daas Torah 

- Agudah CEO: we're all trying to walk a tightrope these days, finding the balance between the realization that we cannot be in galus much longer and living within the practical reality in which we find ourselves, not knowing how long these days of Ikvesa d'Meshicha might take. For some, it means making preparations for the upcoming summer season, or a simcha a few months away - for us, at Agudah headquarters, it means discussions about an event scheduled for a full three years away, the 14th Siyum Hashas, be'H, slated for this very time of year.

- Rep. Jeff Van Drew (R-Dennis) will need to wait until at least Friday to know who won the Democratic primary to oppose him in New Jersey’s 2nd district after the race ended election night too close to call.Judge won’t decide until at least Friday whether to count 1,803 ballots that were opened too early

- Toms River police are urging residents to double-check that their vehicles are locked after wallets, sunglasses and more were stolen from vehicles during a recent string of break-ins.

- Turnout in Ocean county primary election was at 13.37% 61,947 ballots were cast out of 
463,218 Registered Voters
Biden received 19,347 votes 
Trump received 35,801 votes
lichtenstein 908 votes
Miller 2332

- A week after Miron Israeli police once again clashed with mispalelim at the kever Shmuel Hanavi on his yahrzeit. police closed the kever for several hours. Officials said “the same scenes as Meron repeated themselves at Shmuel Hanavi.” there were safety plans agreed to that would have the inside area closed and everyone could daven outside without crowding and pushing. “Unfortunately a senior police officer decided to work in contravention of regulations and opened the tomb to the public and within half an hour everything collapsed.

 - A Shabbos goy in New Square was let go after it was discovered that he is Jewish when he mentioned to someone about his Jewish grandmother.

Israel At War Wed June 5

 Israel at war day 243

- Iran's top military commander, General Hossein Salami, has vowed to retaliate with "bloodshed" against Israel's recent airstrike near Aleppo, Syria, which killed high-ranking IRGC officer Saeed Abyar. Salami.

 NYT: Israel secretly ran an influence campaign targeting US lawmakers with pro-Israel messaging on the Gaza war, using fake social media accounts to urge funding for Israel's military.

- Smotrich calls for war with Hezbollah

- 11 said injured in possible explosive-laden drone hit in Hurfeish, northern Israel

-Netanyahu warns: We’re ready with ‘extremely powerful’ response to Hezbollah attacks

-Far-right National Security Minister Itamar Ben Gvir announces his Otzma Yehudit party will not vote with the coalition in the Knesset until Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu reveals details of an Israeli ceasefire-hostage deal proposal.

-Yerushalayim braces for nationalist Flag March amid tensions over Gaza war. Organizers expect tens of thousands to attend contentious parade through flashpoint areas of the Old City, as Ben Gvir calls on revelers to visit Temple Mount

-Nine soldiers wounded following explosion at IDF base in Israel's South there is speculation that a grenade exploded at the end of a training exercise. 

-IRGC threatens Israel after alleged Israeli strike kills Iranian military adviser 

-The government is expected to approve the expansion of number of IDF reservists for enlistment by 50,000, Israeli media reported on Wednesday. This brings the total number of reserves to 350,000. 

Toys For Thought Final Mobing

 Toys For Thought final sale 30% off. Store closing This Sunday June 9 located at 3rd street and Clifton Ave Lakewood 

Tuesday, June 4, 2024

New Jersey Primary Election Results

NJ primary election results 2024

Oif Simchas Tuesday Night 28 Iyar

... ברוך  אתה
  היום שלשה וארבעים יום שהם ששה שבועות ויום אחד   בעומר/לעומר

Levi -  Holtz  Ne'emas Hachaim
Azarfar -  Mapari Toras Menachem
Feinzeig -  Katzman Ateres Reva 
Blaney -  Dorfman Fountain Ballroom
Hakoun -  Franco Kesser Moshe Yehuda
Naiman -  Dicker Ateres Reva 

Tuesday June 4 News Updates Lakewood

 Weather: 79° Sunshine and a few clouds

- BlackRock and Citadel Securities fund plans to start a new national stock exchange in Texas to "take on" the New York Stock Exchange — WSJ

- NJ primary Andy Kim wins democratic senate primary Bashaw wins republican primary, Chris Smith wins Trump and Biden win
Rep. Bill Pascrell (D-Paterson) has won renomination in the 9th congressional district, the New Jersey Globe projects, beating back a Palestine-focused Democratic primary challenge from Prospect Park Mayor Mohamed Khairullah.

- AT&T reports that a nationwide outage is currently preventing its customers from making calls to users on other networks, while the company works to resolve the issue.

- Mark Levin: Biden is now pretending to secure the border after he destroyed our immigration system and sovereignty. He’s a liar, again.

- Trump: Large scale mounting evidence that all of the unprecedented number of lawsuits brought against me, the Witch Hunt, are conceived of, and coordinated by, the White House and the DOJ. Such a disgrace. All done to illegally help Crooked Joe Biden fight his Political Opponent, ME! 

- In an open letter to the greater Lakewood community R' Yaakov Wenger says he's officially dropping out from running for a seat on the Lakewood township committee.He pointed several instances where the current leadership is not in touch with the l residents and there's no system of involvement or direct communication especially the township committee meetings held on zoom denying a large part of lakewood residents from interacting with the elected officials especially in Lakewood where many don't have online access. he concludes "Having said all this, I have decided against running for Lakewood Township Committee in this year’s election. While I seriously considered this option, I concluded that I am not looking to be involved in a lashon hara spree. I am not interested in taking part in an acrimonious battle, and I definitely do not want to get dragged into months of incivility. While I am very passionate about our hometown and strongly desire to do all I can to rectify the problems and flaws that exist, running against candidates who have held their positions for many years would inevitably have led to an abundance of negativity and hostility, which is why I ultimately chose to stand down".

- Tehillim : Updated: Two 14 year old girls in Critical Condition After Bus Crashes Near Monsey  names are Sarah bat Rita
 and Simcha bat Neima
- A Monsey trails bus with girls from Sharei Torah girls school in Flatbush has been involved in an accident in West Milford, New Jersey after a tree reportedly fell on the bus and it lost control. Reports of  2 air lifted to Hackensack medical center and several minor injuries, Hatzolah of Monsey and KJ are on scene

- Bde: Petirah of  Rabbi Moshe Kotlarsky, OBM, of Crown Heights Chairman of the International Kinus Hashluchim of Chabad institutions, he was 74.

- New Jersey Tax Court Judge has just rejected Yeshiva Kol Torah's claims that they deserve a property tax exemption on wooded property they own adjacent to the school because they operate a "wilderness survival, wild and edible plants, wildlife tracking, outdoor leadership and sustainable living skills" program for their students on the land, FAA News reports more

- Baltimore community announce Tuition relief The Parent Tuition Rebate Program Baltimore parents  will receive a rebate corresponding to 3.5% of their total tuition payments (not including dormitory, food program, special education or other fees). For this initial year, our community’s 10 largest schools have been included in the rebate program.  he foundation of the program is the creation of a central funding source benefitting all of our community’s schools (and thereby all of our community’s families), donations to which do not impact these donors’ other direct support to individual schools. BJL

- Tuesday Primary election day in New Jersey Polls close at 8pm only registered republicans or democrat voters can vote for the respective nominations. Polling places  in Lakewood are empty. Over 337k  have cast ballots in early voting
Demmocrat voters  have an option to vote  “Uncommitted,”  for president  by a pro-Palestinian attempt to rebuke Joe Biden’s general support for Israel.
Local askanim endorse Albert Harshaw for senate for registered republicans 

- Voters now will be given a paper ballot to insert in the nmachine and it will print out your selections prior to casting the vote. a message appears on the screen after the vote is cast stating I voted  with an image of an American flag.  

- Adirei Hatorah updates: The program will beging at 6 pm and conclude with Maariv at 9:15 pm Due to limitations imposed by the stadium, light fleishig food and cold drinks will be served.
ads say 85% of tickets have been sold and there will be a gift inserted in this weeks issue of the BP weekly for all of Lakewood

-Traffic signal at Vine st and cedarbridge to go live today Vine street may open today to connecting Cedarbridge to PIne street

- Kabolas panim for vizhnitz rebbe of Kiamisha, Ny today 10:oo pm at 1002 W Kennedy the rebbe will spend the day in Lakewood tomorrow

Tax dollars: LDC meeting today giving $90,000 to LCSC for advertising and business directory 

- Application for day care center at Spruce and Vine st back on the agenda for the planing board meeting June 18. By 118 Ocean Ave LLC.

- Shavuos cheesecake advertised  for $395 
Gilded Butterfly Gift Set with Keepsake Floral Arrangement (pre-order) Regular price$395.00 USD