Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Wednesday June 26 News Updates Lakewood

 Weather: 97° cloudy skies this afternoon. A stray shower or thunderstorm is possible. High 97F.  Winds 10 to 15 mph. Heat advisory in effect until 9pm tonight heat index up to100

There is a possible risk of severe weather today. Wind and hail are possible, but wind is the greatest threat.

- Keren Olam Hatorah the Rachmastrivka rebbe shlita is on his way back to EY

-Belaaz reports In a landmark move, Tzedek Organization’s coalition ‘Americans for IVF’ has officially introduced the bipartisan ‘HOPE with Fertility Services Act’ in Congress this morning, which aims to protect and ensure access to IVF treatments for all, which would require private health insurance plans to cover infertility treatment. Rabbi Moshe Margaretten, Chairman of Americans for IVF, tells Belaaz: “This breakthrough legislation is an exciting milestone, a first ever bipartisan Republican led bill that will finally correct the injustice of couples being forced to pay out-of-pocket for infertility treatment, They are hopeful it will get passed. 

- Most Girls schools and some playgroups off today for summer vacation

- Vacationers heading up to the Catskills New mincha area announced since the usual ocation at Sloatsberg rest stop is still under renovation. The new Mincha area will open at the “Marketplace Mall” in the Village of Spring Valley, NY, off Exit 14 on the NY State Thruway South 1 Spring Valley Market Place, Spring Valley, NY, just a minute’s drive from the exit. The location is situated in an expanded tent in the parking lot.

- Change of routine with the last day of school for the girls today parents have a change of the daily routine which is important to keep in mind if bringing baby to babysitter or playgroup. Cases of forgetting babies in car happen during the transition of school and camp as the morning routine changes.

- Keren Olam Hatorah: Today is the last day of the mission with a fundraiser in Deal, NJ after that the Gedolim will be returning to E"Y.

-Hespedim for Rav Moshe Wolfson ztl will take place tomorrow evening in Lakewood arranged by the khal Emunas Yisroel in Lakewood. It will take place at Yeshiva Ktana hall 9:30 pm divrei hesped by Rav Yeruchom Olshin shlita Rachmastrivka Rebbe of Oak and Vine, Rav Yechezkel Haberfeld shlita rav Emunas Yisroel and a grandson Rav Ephraim Wiedrman 

- Jackson spray park is now open for the summer season

-Presidential debate: Trump social: "Crooked Joe Biden’s “Handlers” are loudly and profusely complaining that there will be no Fact Checkers during the Debate on Thursday. Actually, that is just DISINFORMATION - They could not be happier, because there is nobody that’s as loose with the TRUTH as Crooked Joe"

the Supreme Court, 6-3, ruled in favor of the Biden administration, setting boundaries on how far the federal government can influence social media platforms to regulate content related to topics like COVID-19 and election security, in a case brought by Republican-led states challenging the administration's approach.

Rockland County Legislator Aron Wieder Wins Primary Race for State Assembly

Reaction To Bagatz Giyus Ruling

See below Front pages if the daily frum newspapers inEretz Yisroel

-Rabbi Moshe Maya senior member of the Shas party Moetzes chachamim said he will not take the responsibility to send any bochur to the army which is shmad and even threatened to leave the motzes, in a recording published he said  " Even Those bochurim who do not study in Yeshiva, we will tell them in a clear way that you are not allowed to enlist even if you do not have a framework, you will be secular there, a , it is Shmad גדול המחטיאו יותר מן ההרגו that's it. It's a clear thing. I tell you one thing, I am not changed quickly, especially something I have told you so many times, I say no! I don't care to say "gentlemen, I'm leaving the council"... who can take responsibility for sending a guy to the army?! There is no permission to agree to goals! No compromises! Who allows you to send a Jew to the army?!"

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

The Twentieth Of Sivan The Forgotten Fast Day

The Twentieth of Sivan History of כ' סיון
By Rabbi Kaganoff

“I noticed that the back of my siddur contains a large section devoted to selichos for the 20th of Sivan, yet I have never davened in a shul that observed this day. What does this date commemorate?”


Oif Simchas Tuesday 19 Sivan


Spitz - Rosenbaum Lake Terrace
Florans - Rosenberg  Cedar Palace
Koppenheim -  Pollack Bais Faiga
Fried -  Hass Ne'emas Hachaim 
Bernath - Kanter Kesser Moshe Yehuda 
Littman -  Markin Fountain Ballroom
Schwartzman - Levi Sheraton Eatontown

Tuesday June 25 News Updates Lakewood

 Weather: 91° Plenty of sunshine.

Karen Olam Hatorah: Rav Malkiel Kotler accompanied the gedolim tonight to Toronto Canada to continue fundraising as they hit over 70 Million towards the goal of raising $107 million 

- Shabbos in Trenton Frum assemblyman Avi Schnall and Gary Schaer may have to spend shabbos at the statehouse in Trenton if the budget vote is done over the weekend. Matzav reports, Askanim informed that, unlike previous years, there is no longer a hotel near the Statehouse in Trenton. Consequently, the frum representatives would likely have to sleep at the Statehouse itself. According to the New Jersey Constitution, the state government must shut down if an annual spending bill is not introduced, approved in both houses, and signed into law by the governor by July 1. The electronic vote  can be done by an aid.

- Jamaal Bowman pro Hamas Squad member Loses his reelection to George Latimer in NY 16 Democratic primary 

- Adopt A Kollel Lalewood office responds to Bagatz ruling: After a decade of creating over 500 partnerships to bolster and support the Olam HaTorah in Eretz Yisrael, today’s Bagatz decision to cut all funding brings a real time response at Adopt a Kollel offices, a practical response being crafted to address the looming threat as organizers strategized today on how to help.(Kol Haolam)

- Many 12th graders driving  around after receiving their license today on final day of school year.

- Rav Meir Tzvi Bergman Shlita responded ro the Bagatz ruling that it has nothing to do with us we have the yeshivos and the Torah and what they say or do does not pertain to us.

- Update: Keren Olam Hatorah: Due to flight delays the kabolas Panim scheduled for 5 pm in Toronto has been canceled there will be an event later this evening in Toronto. Tomorrow the gedolim will travel to Deal,NJ for a fundraiser 

- Judge Juan Merchan partially lifted Trump's gag order in hush money case ahead of first presidential debate, letting him talk about witnesses and the jury after his conviction.

- Tehillim for a Young Lakewood women who collapsed after not feeling well and is in critical condition name ids Kreindel Yachat Bas Esther Fruma 

-Badatz Eidah Hacharedis is planning a massive atzeres for this coming Sunday at Kikar Shabbos in Yerushalayim to protest against any compromise by the charedi parties in response to the Gezeiras Giyus by Bagatz who took away the exemption from yeshiva students to serve in the IDF

- Several unconfirmed reports are now circulating that indicate Trump has selected Vivek Ramaswamy for VP..  

- Last day of school for most girls today many have a half day including baby sitters and playgroups

- Kosher west now offering deliveries to the Catskills for $25 to specific bungalow colonies including Tribeca, Tamarack Hills, Greenfield Meadows Alpine Estates, Chestnut Estates.

- Keren Olam Hatorah: Over $60 mullion has been raised so far towards goal of $107 million.
events today in the 5 towns and later this afternoon in Toronto at the Bais Yaakov Elementary School 15 Saranac Blvd 5:00pm

- Daf Yomi finishing Maseches Bava Metizia tomorrow and Begin Bava Basra 

- Trump Lawyer Jonathan Turley The sheer hypocrisy in the media is overwhelming after denouncing any criticism of Judge Juan Merchan in the Manhattan prosecution. For Judge Aileen Cannon,, the federal judge presiding in the Florida case against former President Donald Trump. .  it is nothing short of a press pile-on.There is a torrent of hit pieces and petty attacks on virtually every media platform.

- Gas prices are predicted to keep falling ahead of the July 4 holiday weekend  but could soon stop their decline or even start to rise again as the summer wears on, according to analysts.
The New Jersey statewide average was $3.36 a gallon as of Monday, according to AAA. in Lakewood it is at $3.25

- The NYS Court of Appeals upheld an appellate court ruling that public schools don't have to bus students to religious or other private schools on days public schools are closed, in a setback for the United Jewish Community of Blooming Grove, which sued for such busing.

- B"H The 21-year-old yeshiva bochur who was critically injured Erev Shavuos after he was hit by a car in raintree, has awoken from his coma and is communicating with family. Please continue to daven for Chaim Moshe ben Leah Rivka

- Lakewood fire district admitting to not submitting reviews for major site plan applications! As previously reported here on FAA News, just last week, Lakewood Township's Planning Board approved a new 64 duplex unit development off of the New Hampshire Avenue and Locust street intersection faa

Video: Kabolas Panim event in Lakewood 

Israel At War Tuesday June 25

Israel at war day 263 

-The Hamas leadership is considering relocating from Qatar, where it is currently residing, to Iraq, according to a report in The National in Monday. 

-In first-ever visit to Israel, Democrat John Fetterman meets with Herzog in Jerusalem

-Senior U.S. officials have issued blunt warnings to Hezbollah, cautioning them not to assume that the U.S. can stop an Israeli invasion of southern Lebanon. They emphasized that if Hezbollah retaliates with a large-scale rocket and missile attack, the U.S. will provide air defense munitions, intelligence, and direct military support to Israel. Members of the Biden administration have acknowledged that an Israeli invasion and full-scale war with Hezbollah is likely imminent, and they are preparing accordingly. (politico)

-Canada on Tuesday urged its citizens in Lebanon to leave “while they can,” warning of the risk of escalating violence between Israel and Hezbollah in the region.

GIYUS Bnei Hayeshivos: High Court Rules All Charedi men Eligible must be Drafted

The High Court in Israel the Bagatz put out the ruling unanimously that all ultra-Orthodox men eligible for service must be drafted to the IDF. All 60,000 of them at the current state absent a draft law.

The nine-judge panel of the High Court of Justice on Tuesday ordered a full draft of charedim into the IDF and the freezing of all funds for institutions that do not comply starting April 1. Meaning funding to yeshivos and kollelim will stop this August 8 at the end of the current school year.

Practically speaking the Bagatz left it up to the govt and IDF to work out a Giyus law. For this year, the army said it can only absorb the conscription of up to 3000 charedim. Therefore even if there's no giyus law voted on, the government can survive by pushing it off for another year and the funding will continue for another year for the tens of thousands of young men that the army says it cannot accept.

 Despite tough talk of the frum knesset members, none of them threatened to bolt from the coalition and bring down the government.

The blockbuster ruling could lead to new elections or, if not, a change in the political landscape on the issue of haredim in the IDF.

Nine Supreme Court judges unanimously ruled that there is no legal framework that makes it possible for the State to avoid drafting bnei yeshivos and therefore must act in accordance with the provisions of the Security Service Law. in the absence of a legal framework for exempting bnei yeshivos, funds to yeshivos and kollelim for students eligible for the draft cannot be transferred.

Charedi pundits explain, In the situation created after the ruling, it is better for the ultra-Orthodox to pass a conscription law, so they can determine the number of yeshiva members who will be conscripted, according to the IDF's ability to absorb them.

The interesting question is about the funding. After all, if the IDF is prepared to recruit only 3,000 ultra-Orthodox, apparently it will be possible to continue budgeting for the tens of thousands of young men that the army says it cannot accept.

It should be noted that even if the conscription law is not approved in the end, the ultra-Orthodox will be able to live in the coming year with the conscription of 3,000 yeshiva students, and the meaning is that from a political point of view, the crisis regarding conscription seems to have been postponed.

Another potential financial blow is the subsidies to Avreichin for childcare at 1500 shekel per child which would be terminated. Moreover, the Attorney-General has stated that several other budgets for charedim could be stopped as well, including municipal subsidies for poorer families and child care subsidies for families where the male is studying Torah. (Though they could be prevented if the Shas ministers in charge of the Interior Ministry and Labor and Social Affairs Ministry change the criteria for receiving subsidies to refer only to families where the wife works irrespective of the husband’s other activities.)

The ועד הישיבות responds to the ruling:

הישיבות הקדושות שמימיהם של אבותינו לא פרשו מהם ותלמידיהם השוקדים על תלמודם - זהו סוד קיום אומתנו לדורות והינם למגן וצינה לעם היושב בציון. בהיותנו אמונים על דברי חכמינו ז"ל שבשעה שהקול קול יעקב אין הידים ידי עשו, הרי שדוקא בשעה שעת צרה היא ליעקב ראוי היה לחזק את מבצרי התורה - הישיבות הקדושות ולסייעם להשמיע ביתר שאת ועוז את קולו של יעקב. 

מובטחנו בסייעתא דשמיא שקול התורה הנשמע בהיכלות התורה ימשיך בכל עוז כי היא חיינו ונשמת אפינו.

Another point, the court carefully worded the ruling that only yeshiva students who received a deferment in the past will be cut funding,this was to spare all Arabs leftists and other draft dodgers from the ruling. Ironically political commentators point out that yeshiva students associated with peleg yerushalayim who followed the rulings of the leaders not to go and get a deferment, will technically still be eligible for funding.

Rav Dov Landau spoke harshly against the Bagatz yesterday at a fundraising dinner in Manhattan 

"We came from Eretz Yisrael, the situation of the Torah students is terrible and terrible! The reshaim there and the authorities took the budgets that the yeshiva and kollel had, and the yeshiva are in a situation where they have no possibility to continue, some kollels have already closed The yeshiva leaders say they can't continue any longer, and it's all because of the convictions of the authorities there."

This was reported today in the Washington Post lauding the ruling and attacking the charedim.

Israeli Supreme Court rules ultra-Orthodox must serve in the military The decision could result in ultra-Orthodox lawmakers pulling out of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s coalition and collapsing it. "The ultra-Orthodox, also known as Haredim, are Israel’s fastest-growing minority. They receive government subsidies for privately run schools and religious and social organizations. For years, there has been a movement of lawmakers to cut them off, condemning the systems that allow their quasi-autonomous societies to exist within Israel, all while eschewing taxes (because few work) or military service (because few enlist)."

Monday, June 24, 2024

Oif Simchas Monday night 19 Sivan

Borenstein - Waxman Fountain Ballroom
Gastwirth - Schiff Lake Terrace
Pilchick - Stark Kesser Moshe Yehuda
Naiman - Dicker Ateres Reva 
Reisman  - Krausz Ne'emas Hachaim

-Hashkafa in the workplace Q&A with Rav Elya Brudny shlita at Torah Links 9pm

At the Keren Olam Hatorah dinner at Meridian

Vizhnitzer Rebbe speaks

Monday June 24 News Updates Lakewood

weather: 82° Wind increasing. Lots of sunshine Humidity
Heat wave finally breaks today, but it’ll be brief as temperatures return to the 90s on Tuesday and Wednesday.

- Over $50 Million was raised as of this afternoon for the Keren Olam Hatorah.

- Trump: drug test for crooked joe biden??? i would, also, immediately agree to one!!!

- Keren Olam Hatorah: Rav Malkiel Kotler and Vizhnitz rebbe Reb Yisroel joined the Delegation of gedolim at a fundraising event in Manhattan at Meridian capital offices.

- BDE: Petirah of Mrs. Toba Rabinowitz A"H 
 (nee Lieder) following an illness. Her husband Rav Ephraim Rabinowitz zt"l, was niftar suddenly less than a year ago. She leaves behind four children. The Levaya is tomorrow morning at the Lakewood chapel off 7th st @9:45am

- WikiLeaks' Julian Assange to be freed after pleading guilty to US Espionage Act charge
(Reuters) -WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange is due to plead guilty this week to violating U.S. espionage law, in a deal that will end his imprisonment in Britain and allow him to return home to Australia, ending a long legal odyssey.

- Biden will be in Red Bank NJ this Saturday June 28 for a fundraiser hosted by New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy which is expected to raise over $1 million.

- Agudas Israel: yesterday the world saw terrifying images of an antisemitic mob violently attacking a large crowd of Jews in front of a synagogue in Los Angeles. Agudath Israel of America appreciates that many elected officials including @Mayor Of LA Gavin Newsom , and even POTUS spoke out unequivocally to condemn the actions of the rioters and called out the antisemitism by name. However, identifying the incident correctly is only the first step to solving the problem. Action is imperative.

- Phil Murphy: Today marks two long years since the U.S. Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade and took away a woman’s constitutional right to choose. In New Jersey, we codified reproductive freedom in state law and continue leading the way on expanding access to reproductive health care.

- Assemblyman Avi Schnall sponsors a bill that Prohibits certain use of emergency communications receivers for monetary value 

- Last full day of school for girls tomorrow most have a half day

Today marks the 3rd year since the collapse of the tower in surfside FL,  the hebrew Yartzeit is 4 Tamuz 

- Rav Moshe Sternbuch  was maspid at the levaya of Rav Moahe Wolfson ztl in Yerushalayim

- Today 18 Sivan is the Yartzeit of Habachur Chaim Rosenberg Z"L (Kenny) He was niftar 9 years ago at the age of 36 while learning in BMG please learn l’illui nishmas Chaim Yitzchok ben Yaakov z”l.

- Mark R. Levin on the antisemitism in LA: Where’s Garland and the DOJ?  A synagogue was targeted by the Marxist-Islamist mob, they blocked the parishioners from going to Temple, they physically attacked them, and desecrated the building. And most of the media ignore it. Instead, they relentlessly propagandize about Trump and MAGA being a threat to democracy. No, it’s Biden and his mobsters.

- Possible Supreme Court decision on Trump immunity this week

- Keren Olam Hatorah Monday, June 24 fundraising event at Meridian capital NYC office 5 pm
tomorrow Rachmastrivka Rebbe, Rav Don SDegal, Rav Moshe HIllel Hirsch, Rav Yaakov HIllel will travel to Toronto Canada for a event at the bais Yaakov 

- For  those high school girls getting their license starting today  please check with insurance about adding to policy as some companies can drop coverage for a household driver not insured.

- Shuls in New Jersey will be required to submit “emergency mapping data” which includes an aerial image of the building; a geospatially referenced floor plan or building schematic; site specific labeling of rooms, suite numbers, and key features; This information is to be verified for accuracy by a person and provided to public safety officials electronically and in a printable format. Faanews 

- Shiva for Mrs. Rochel Leah Ginsberg ע"ה. is at 3 Juniper Lane  Lakewood, until Friday afternoon.  Shachris: 8:00 Mincha 1:45 Maariv 9:20

- Troubling student behavior at Lakewood Middle School has sparked a new policy of mandatory virtual learning for anyone involved .Superintendent Laura Winters took action last month with a message to parents declaring that anyone found fighting will be sent home for online-only classes. “Effective immediately, any student involved in a physical altercation will be placed on remote

- CA Gov: "The violent clashes outside the Adas Torah synagogue in Los Angeles are appalling. 
There is no excuse for targeting a house of worship. Such antisemitic hatred has no place in California."

LA Mayor: Today’s violence in the Pico-Robertson neighborhood today was abhorrent, and blocking access to a place of worship is unacceptable. I’ve called on LAPD to provide additional patrols in the Pico-Robertson community as well as outside of houses of worship throughout the city. I’ll be meeting with Chief Choi tomorrow to further discuss the safety of Angelenos.
I want to be clear that Los Angeles will not be a harbor for antisemitism and violence. Those responsible for either will be found and held accountable. 

Israel At War Monday June 24

Israel at war day 262 

- The IDF is advancing resources north toward Lebanon. The movement of military vehicles has been taking place for more than 48 consecutive hours

- The United States likely would not be able to help Israel defend itself against a broader war with Hezbollah in the way it did when Iran launched a barrage of missiles in April, Air Force Gen. Charles Q. Brown noted that it is harder to repel the shorter-range rockets from Lebanon, Associated Press reported.

- In an interview with Channel 14, Israeli PM Netanyahu said that the intense phase of conflict with Hamas is nearing its conclusion, and Israel's military will soon redirect its focus and resources to the northern border with Lebanon.

An anti-Israel protest at a Los Angeles synagogue on Sunday devolved into brawls, the spraying of counter-protesters and journalists with bear mace, and vandalism of Jewish institutions, according to eyewitnesses and pro-Palestinian groups.
The demonstrations at Adas Torah synagogue in the Pico-Robertson neighborhood were organized by Palestinian Youth Movement LA and Code Pink LA against an Israeli real estate event.

 PM says open to partial pause and hostage deal but war won’t end until Hamas destroyed
Netanyahu later says ‘Hamas is the one opposing the deal, not Israel,’ as hostage families accuse him of ‘walking back’ offer in his 1st interview with a Hebrew outlet since Oct. 7

Israeli Minister of Defense, Yoav Gallant met in Washington earlier today with Key Republican Senator, Lindsey Graham who promised to make to make sure that Israel has all of the Weapons it needs to Defend itself while Fighting against Iranian Proxies across the Region.

Two members of Metula security team injured in Hezbollah missile attack Sunday

Senior Israeli Officials have reportedly stated during High-Level Meetings in Washington, that if Full-Scale War with Hezbollah does occur they may be forced to utilized Weapons that they have never used before to Halt the launch of Missiles and Rockets towards Cities in Israel

בד"ה הגאון המשגיח הרב משה וואלפסון זצ"ל

Watch livestream levaya in Eretz Yisroel HERE

   הגואן הצדיק רבי משה וולפסון זצוק"ל זקן המשגיחים בארה"ב ורב קהילת 'אמונת ישראל' ומשגיח ישיבת 'תורה ודעת' שהסתלק לבית עולמו בגיל 99. אבל כבד בכל עולם

Sunday, June 23, 2024

Video Replay of Kabolas Panim in Lakewood for Gedolei Eretz Yisrael

 watch video of Kabolas Panim event in Lakewood  for Gedolei Eretz Yisroel at Bais MedrashbGoviha 10th street Camput attended by approximately 20,000

Watch on YouTube HERE

Oif Simchas Sunday 13 Suvan

Weather heavy thunderstorms moving through the area 10:15pm
Wainbrand - Dick Bais Faiga
Menzer - Langzam Neemas Hachaim 

Lakewood Cheder dinner at Fountain Ballroom/ Kesser Moshe Yehuda 

Kabolas Panim In Lakewood For Gedolei Eretz Yisroel

Updates refresh 

9:10 event concludes. (Band announces minyan maariv)

9:00 pm Music going strong and thousands dancing to the tunes giving kavod Hatorah

8:50 pm   תנו כבוד  לתורה  Isshouted as Music plays Sisu vesimcha and leibidig music. Crowds form large circles in the parking lots screens display the dancing all over the area  Clifton Ave like Simchas Torah with thousands dancing together 

Updated: Reports of a serious injury to a kid

8:46 Rachmastrivka rebbe shlita leads the crowd with Kabolas Ol Malchus Shamayim 

Rebbe welcomed with chasidishe niggun Kol Rena veyeshuah

Adirei Hatorah logo displayed on sign above dais

845 pm people leaving due to rain

8:40 music plays Ra7v Don Segals niggun Tattaleh kum shoin aheim dais dances crowds dance again in the streets as rain starts to pour

8:31 Rav Don Segal  shlita speaks in Yiddish Hashem should have rachmamus on us 

- Perimeter of event surrounded by DPW trucks for security with swat teams on location 

8:18 Harav Yaakov Hille welcomed with music and dancing. Speaks in English about the sinas Hatorah of the Israeli government as the Brisker Rav Said 60 years ago. He said the Torah dosent need us to support ut ut supports us and when we are mechabed we have the zchus as ארון נושא את נושאיו. Today in EY and US you have 5 Kollelim in every street with thousands upon thousands of bnei Torah in this day and age. The funding cut is a serious blow but we need not worry the Torah will support us. The bracha that the Israeli govt had all these years for hachzokas Hatorah will now go-to the American Balei batim supporting Torah. We have to be mischazek how lucky we are to raisevour children as the olam Hatorah keeps on growing.

Organizers keep yelling at crowd to move back as it is sakanas  nefashos pikuach nefesh

8:12 Rav Moshe Hillel Hirsch shlita speaks in Yidddish about the mesiras nefesh in America on behalf of the yeshivos in EY will be a zechus for the Torahbin EY through that kavod shamayim

8:08 Rav Dov Landau speaks  welcomed with music he started speaking in Hebrew and was asked to speak in Yiddish thanking everyone for contributing 

8:00pm Rav Malkiel Kotler speaks and welcomes the Gedolei Torah from EY .He said the Gezeiras Giyus and redifas hadas is the core of what the Israeli government wants to attack the yeshivos and we here in America will do whatever it takes to help the bnei yeshiva in EY

7:55 Crowd urged to move back before program begins rain coming down hard with thunder.

7:40 : Music playsbCrowd dances in the streets as the gedolim enter the dais while rain trickles down

7:30 pm thousands on hand men women and children all dressed in white shirts awaiting the program to begin. Lakewood roshei yeshiva enter on dais

7:25 Music plays  and choir begin singing Rav Dovid Scustal shlita sitting on Dais that is partially covered by a tent

7:20 Rain slows down crowds making their way outside to thr parking lots 

7:15pm Motorcade arrived with gedolim as event is postponed due ti rain. Thousands waiting under overhangs and inside hallways of yeshiv. Botei medrash are full while the olam waits. The temperature has cooled down .

 7pm severe thunderstorms watch crowds gathering in BMG buildings as thunderstorms hit the area.

85% Rain at 7pm

6:00pm Thosudands of chairs set up, scrwwns ans sound systems  as crowds begin to trickle in. The bnei hayeshiva  will walk over feom all locations after 2nd seder at 7pm. Thousands of water bottles on hand 

5:00pm Private event in Lakewood ateres Malka hall with gedolei Eretz Yisrael and Lakewood Roshei yeshiva with the attendance of gwvirim at 50,000 a plate. RAV uri Deutsch shlita spoke.

4:30pm Clifton Ave shut bet 11th st -9th st Ocean county sherif on scene 

70% chance of thunderstorms at 7:00pm

-Torah Tteasures will close today at 7pm in honor of the maamad

Map of area and instructions released by Adireinu as the yeshiva will be hosting the kabolas panim.

Historic Ma'amad Kabolas Ponim for the Gedolei Yisroel מעמד קבלת פנים היסטורי  

Date: Sunday, June 23, 2024  
Time: 7:00 PM – 8:00 PM

Parking: Please Park in downtown parking lots and walk to the area. 
Women & Girls please enter from 10th and Lexington08
There will be parking at the Clifton Ave school and parking at the Lakewood middle school with shuttle buses available 

Important Note: The weather is expected to be very hot. Please bring water bottles.Parking: Please Park in downtown parking lots and walk to the area.

Photo credits to the photographers

Sunday June 23 News Updates Lakewood

There is a possible risk of severe weather today. Wind is the greatest threat.

Weather: 98° Mixed clouds and sun with scattered thunderstorms. High 98F. Winds at 15 to 25 mph. Chance of rain 50%.
Dangerously hot conditions with daytime heat index values up to 107. Until 8 PM EDT this evening.

Air quality alert in effect code orange air quality alert Sunday for Ocean and Southeastern Burlington Counties.
air pollution concentrations within the region may become unhealthy for sensitive groups. Sensitive groups include children...people suffering from asthma... heart disease or other lung diseases...and the elderly. 

At the Lakewood Cheder dinner tonight Rav Tzvi Kushelevsky spoke to the men and his Rebbetzin spoke for the ladies.

Update about  South American meat from Yudelstake According to the latest from Israeli Rabbanut sources Here

- Kabolas panim in Lakewood for the Kaliver rebbe shlita at the Rachmasteivka B"M Oak and Vine 9pm

- Russia: 7 dead including 2 police officers and a priest, and several others injured after gunmen opened fire at a synagogue in Derbent, Russia. Two attackers were killed. The city's law enforcement agencies have been placed on high alert.

-Gourmet Glatt location in Catskills will be opening soon in Kiamishe at the former Koliamisha lanes bowling  alley on rt 42 

New leader appointed to Khal Emunas Yisroel following the petirah of Rav Moshe Wolfson zatzal. Rav Shmuel Yehuda Silber, eldest son of Rav Mottel zilber the Stutchin Rebbe and son in law of Rav Chaim Leib Katz Serdaheli Rav will lead the kehilla in Boro Park. He served as Dayan Emunas Yisroel. The son Reb Avrum Yitzchock Wolfson will lead the Kehilla in Monsey

- Updates for Historic Kabolas Panim maamad
מעמד קבלת פנים היסטורי  
Time: 7:00 PM – 8:30 PM  at The BMG parking lot 10th and Clifton in front of Bais Aaron 
  Important Note: The weather is expected to be very hot. Please bring water bottles. 
Parking: Please Park in downtown parking lots and walk to the area. 
Women & Girls please enter from 10th and Lexington
There will be parking at the Clifton Ave school and parking at the Lakewood middle school with shuttle buses available 

-High school Graduations today across Lakewood today

Rav Dov Landau and Rav Don Segal arrived in Monsey starting off a week of fundraising for yeshivos in Eretz Yisroel

-Thousands in Skver at a rally for Rep Mike Lawler with house speaker Mike Johnson.

- Pashkevillin about Giyus drafting after yeshiva bochurim scattered around the yeshiva area in Lakewood this morning.

-Thousand without power in Monmouth county

Shiva for Mrs. Rochel Leah Ginsburg A"H at 3 Juniper Lakewood (Pine River)

Israel At War Sunday June 23

 Israel at war day 361

- There has been a steep drop in American weapons shipments to the Israel Defense Forces, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Sunday, days after accusing Washington of withholding military aid.

-Another soldier killed in Gaza bringing death toll to 315
Malkia Gross, 25 from Sussya student atv Har Etzyon yeshiva

- Lebanon's Air Transport Union: Reports of weapons at Beirut airport are mere rumors aimed at endangering the airport and its staff

Thousands of fighters from Iran-backed groups in the Middle East are ready to come to Lebanon to join with the militant Hezbollah group in its battle with Israel if the simmering conflict escalates into a full-blown war, officials with Iran-backed factions and analysts say.(AP)

-IDF soldier seriously hurt as Hezbollah swarms north with attack drones

- Israel said it had killed a top Hamas operative in Lebanon, as global fears of a war in Lebanon mounted.

- CNN reported that in meetings with Israeli officials in recent days, senior US officials said Washington would fully support Israel in case of a full-blown war

Saturday, June 22, 2024

Motzei Shabbos Behaloscha News Updates Lakewood

The National Weather Service extended its excessive heat warning and heat advisory through 8 p.m. Sunday for most of New Jersey, plus elevated the risk of severe weather Sunday afternoon for much of the state.
An increasing chance for showers and thunderstorms, along with damaging winds, was elevated to a level 2 out of 5 for parts of New Jersey Sunday afternoon and evening. The biggest threats are for the northern, central and western parts of the state.

- There were power outages in Lakewood on erev shabbos whole most places had poere back on before shabbos some areas went into shabbos with no electricity as lights forst went on at 1:30am Friday night.

- BDE: Petirah of Mrs. Rochel Ginsburg A"H (nee Kalatzky) of Lakewood at the age of 43 after an illness. Her  Husband is Rav Yitzchok shlita of Pine River son of Rav Chaim Ginsburg shlita of BMG.  Daughter of Rav Yosef Kalatzky shlita of Monsey. Levaya is tomorrow Sunday 10:00am at the Lakewood chapel off 7th st. She leaves behind a mishpacha of children. Kevura is in EY Ponobvzh Bais Hachaim in Bnei Brak.

-Preparations underway for historic kabolas panim welcoming gedolei Eretz Yisroel to the US as they embark on a campaign to raise $100 Million  there will be 7 fundraiding events over the span of 3 days with a central welcoming asifa tomorrow evening in Lakewood at BMG 10th st and Clifton Ave. With 20,000 expected

- All vehicles are to be removed tonight 12am from the parking lots at 10th and Clifton as crews set up for the event

- The Vizhnitzer rebbe of Bnei Brak Reb Srultche shlita will be joining along with the other 6 Gedolim

-2 private planes left E"Y tonight one plane with Rav Dov Landau shlita another with Tav Don Segal Rav Yaakov Hillel and the Rachmastrivka  rebbe shlita 

- Trump says he has made a choice for his VP pick and will disclose it during the debate on Thursday 

- Trump holds rally in Philadelphia this event Temple university 

-Sunday in Lakewood  many high school gtadutions tomorrow  Lakewood cheder Dinner

Friday, June 21, 2024

Lakewood Zmanim עש"ק פרשת בהעלותך תשפ"ד

Friday, June 21, 2024 / ט"ו סיון תשפ״ד ערב שבת פרשת בהעלותך

- Candle lighting 8:11
- Shkia/Sunset  8:29 pm

Weather Shabbos day 95° Sunny some scattered thunderstorms later in the day. Near record high temperatures.Chance of rain 40%.

Picked Avos פרק ב
Sadigira rebbe spending shabbos in Lakewood 
-Shiur on the פרשה ויהי בנסוע and נ הפוכות by Rav Moshe Shapiro zatzal Here

ויעש כן אהרון אל מול פני המנורה העלה נרותיה כאשר

Friday June 21 News Updates Lakewood

 Friday, June 21, 2024 / ט״ו סיון תשפ״ד ערב שבת פרשת בהעלותך
candle lighting 8:11 pm
Shkiah/sunset  8:29 pm 
Weather: 95° Sunny. Hot. High near 95F
Shabbos day 95° Sunny some scattered thunderstorms later in the day. Near record high temperatures.Chance of rain 40%.

- 6:30pm update power back on Black outs and power outages in Lakewood Central New Central area. 

Canada plans to evacuate 40,000 citizens from Lebenan as fear of war breaking out

- Speaker Mike Johnson will be in New Square this Sunday to attend a rally on behalf of Mike Lawler the hanhalas Hakehillabis calling on the community to come out and welcome him 

- Sadigura rebbe shlita of Bnei Brak will be spending this shabbos in Lakewood at the B"M 53 Holy Street  Friday night kiddush will be right after davening There will be Havdala followed by zemiros on Motzei shabbos.

- The Supreme Court has upheld a federal gun control law that’s intended to protect domestic violence victims. The justices ruled 8-1 Friday in favor of a 1994 ban on firearms for people under restraining orders to stay away from their spouses or partners.

-NJ state senator Declan O'Scanlon  totally unacceptable delays and cancellations of NJ Transit trains. Things have gone from bad to worse under the Murphy administration. Withhold payments to Amtrack. Light a fire under the Biden administration..  FIX THIS MESS!!

- NJ Transit says rail service is suspended into and out of Penn Station New York this morning due to Amtrak overhead wire issues

- Yated Neeman has Adirei Hatorah event on front page yet Lakewood local weekly publications did not feature it as a front page story

- Junteenth celebrated today in New Jersey State govt offices closed federal offices and mail open

The Supreme Court ruled 6-3 that U.S. citizens do not have a constitutional right to have their non-citizen spouses granted entry into the country. The three liberal justices dissented from the majority opinion.

-A group of nine bochurim from Telshe Yeshiva in Cleveland miraculously escaped serious injury yesterday after their van overturned in an accident on I-80 in  Pennsylvania en route to Monsey, when it overturned around 4:30 am. The father of one of the bochurim  attributed the bochurim’s safety to their decision to guard their eyes by taking the long journey home from Cleveland instead of flying  which they could have potentially been exposed to inappropriate sights and scenes.“Shmiras Einayim, that’s what saved these bochurim today, news reports 

- Assemblyman Avi Schnall says school choice is not dead despite setbacks of having to withdraw the legislation in an interview with Tvol Schnall says that recent developments have contributed to having it pulled such as the change of the county line  on the democrat ballot means not everyone will get Unnion support and severe budget issues making things more complicated. 

- Toms River school board agreed to raise taxes 9.9%, but only if the state provides about $12.4 million in additional aid to balance the budget.
- Lakewood planning board Faa reports In quite some shocking developments a  Lakewood Planning Board member, was called out by an attorney for allegedly colluding with developers to attempt to nudge the Board to withdraw from appealing the Superior Court’s ruling in the Besadar Holdings application, FAA News has learned. More

Drasha Of Rav Malkiel Kotler at Adirei Hatorah and Song

Drasha of the Rosh Yeshiva Harav Aryeh Malkiel Kotler Shlita at the Ma'amad Adirei Hatorah 3.0. Following the Drasha, a song was sung by the choir based on a letter from the Chazon Ish that the R"Y mentioned
וְאָמְנָם הָאִישׁ הַזּוֹכֶה לִידִיעַת הַתּוֹרָה

מילות השיר: וְאָמְנָם הָאִישׁ הַזּוֹכֶה לִידִיעַת הַתּוֹרָה, הוּא הוֹלֵךְ בֵּין אֲנָשִׁים וְנִדְמֶה כְּבֶן אָדָם. אֲבָל בֶּאֱמֶת הוּא מַלְאַךְ הֲדַר עִם בְּנֵי תְּמוּתָה, וְחַי חַיֵּי אֲצִילוּת וּמְרוֹמָם עַל כָּל תְּהִלָּה.

Back to Business at Lakewood Township Committee

 It was back to business as usual at the monthly 10 minute virtual township committee meeting with the township raising some taxes on the budget  and vacating streets. Committee members sat silently throughout and didn't address any of the issues or make any comments to the public. 

Yesterday's meeting went a bit longer than the usual 10 minute meetings as attorneys called in regarding a liquor license renewal for Lake Terrace. 

At the public comment section several residents emailed the committee about issues around town
The rent control board  that was demolished 8 years ago came up again following the litigation of Prime Apts. Mayor Coles indicated that the township has no plans to bring back the rent control board and the STEPs organization has been doing a fantastic job settling disputes bet renters and landlords. The Mayor boasted that Lakewwood has the least landlord - tenant issues 

 An Albert area resident  complained about streets lights that have been out for over a year despite calls to township officials and JCP&L the mayor was quick to put the blame on jcp&L 

Another resident reached out  about the road closures during busy times such as yomim tovim and Chanukah when Drake rd was closed. The mayor again deflected any criticism and said they work hard to have construction projects done when roads are not busy but sometimes emergencies come up.

A resident emailed about the many accidents at the corner of Hope chapel and  W County LIne rd with a suggestion to help avoid the daily mash ups the mayor had engineering take a look and reach out to the county

On the consent agenda committeeman Lichtenstein recused himself from voting on several items due to conflict of interest. 

FAA news reports on some of the unseemingly items voted on  was tax cuts for friends  as lakewood township officials pull out all the stops to secure lucrative tax breaks for two office buildings on Pine st, despite the Planning Board previously rejecting this proposal, and despite there being some annoying red tape at the State level full story Here

Israel At War Friday June 21

Israel at war day 259

-Multiple reports that Canada is preparing a massive evacuation of 45,000 citizens from Lebanon. Canadian FM: “We are getting ready for an emergency evacuation operation of our citizens from Lebanon.”

- Two more soldiers killed in Gaza bringing death toll to 314
Omer Smadga, 25, from Ganot Hadar
Saadia Yaakov Dery, 27, from Tel Aviv

Qatar’s foreign minister says some progress has been made in negotiations over a Gaza ceasefire deal but gaps remain between Israel and Hamas.

Armenia recognizes Palestinian statehood; Israel summons ambassador for reproach

Israel unprepared for full-blown war with Hezbollah — senior electricity official
Head of company responsible for planning country’s electrical systems says Israel would be uninhabitable after 72 hours without power; after furor, claims he misspoke

Thursday, June 20, 2024

Atzeres Planned for Lakewood With Gedolei Eretz Yisrael

 Update: The Kabolas panim is officially hosted by BMG as the Yeshiva put out a letter notifying of the Kabolas Panim for gedolei Eretz Yisroel who are traveling to the US to establish a Keren on behalf of supporting the yeshivos in E"Y with a goal of raising $100 Million. Taking place this Sunday 7:00pm. The location is in the courtyard of the Bais Shalom and Bais Aaton Botei Medrash of BMG 10th st Corner Clifton Av

Prior to the public event, a private fundraiser will take place in Lakewood  at Ateres Malka hall @4pm hosted by local gevirim.

Israel media reports a Large Kinus  gathering is planned for this Sunday evening in Lakewood on behalf of Keren Olam Hatotah welcoming the gedolim from Eretz Yisro as they come to the US to raise 100 Million dollars for yeshivis following budget cuts by the Israeli govt. Deatails have yet to be announced but reports say the public will gather in the Streets of Lakewood with thousands in attendance to see and hear from thr gedolim. Including Rav Dov Landau Rav Moshe Hillel Hirsch, Rav Yaakov Hillel, Rav Don Segal, and the Rachmastrivker Rebbe shlita. 

Oif Simchas Thurs 14 Sivan

Goldstein -  Oseroff Lake Terrace
Hirsch - Fischer Cedar Palace
Ginzberg - Taun Me'emas Hachaim
Spira - Blum Kesser Moshe Yehuda
Schwartz - Moskovits Ateres Reva 
Farkas - Levin Fountain Ballroom
Brickman - Furst Bais Faiga

- Coventry community Parlor meeting for Tomchei Shabbos o Lakewood with BBQ Mixologist and Kumzits at Coventry park

- Chumash Shiur by Harav Yeruchom Olshin shlita 11:30 pm at B"M Ateres Bracha live 646-726-9977

Thursday June 20 News Updates Lakewood

 Weather: 93° Sunny to partly cloudy.
Heat advisory remains in effect untillb6am Shabbos morning  For the Heat Advisory, heat index values up to 98. For the Excessive Heat Watch, dangerously hot conditions with heat index values up to 107 possible.

- The atzeres in Lakewood for Keren Olam Hatorah will take place Sunday June 23 @7pm in the municipal lot 9th st and Clifton  Ave.

-  Jackson Board of Education say they have no choice butvwill have to make drastic budget cuts includung eliminating  courtesy busing  district wide and curring 18 million aftervthe state cut funding and they are under the state monitor conteol. They released a letter saying that they will be proposing a budget that cuts $18 million in expenses  cutting 70 jobs no more after school programs and will have to sell the Rosenauer Elementary School building.

-Keren Olam Hatorah Update: Sefardi Rosh Yeshiva Rav Avrohom Salim Shlita will be joining the Delegation of gedolim leaving to the US on Motzei shabbos.
Rav Dovid Cohen shlita R"Y Chevron spoke at a meeting  with Rav Div Landau wishing much Hatzlocha in the campaign to raise funds and that he should continue to guide the yeshiva world. 

- Gedolei yisroel continue to be Menachem avel at the Shiva for Rebbetzin Tzipora Faiga Alter A'H almana of the Pnei Menachem of Ger. Rav Moshe Hillel Hirsch sent a condolence letter to her son Rav Shaul Alter shlita.

- The 2024 polling average for New York has Biden up by just 7.5%. 

- Supreme Court rules in support of Trump Era tax that taxpayers who own shares in foreign corporations can be constitutionally required to pay a one-time tax on their share of the corporation’s earnings...

- Bde:Petirah of Hagaon Harav Avraham Noach Garbuz Zatzal, Machaber of Sefer Minchas Avraham at the age of 91 his son is Rav Itamar Garbuz, Rosh Yeshivah of Orchos Torah son in law of Rav Gershon Eidelstein ztl. Levaya tonight in Yerushalayim, Kevura on Har Hamenuchos.

-No respect for Lakewood residents as Planning board keeps them waiting up to an hour before meeting. FAA News reports "Following exposure here on FAA News that the Lakewood Planning Board was planning to change their earlier vote which denied a controversial application, numerous neighbors rushed down to urge the Board to not change their vote. The Board adjourned the matter due to lack of a quorum - but only after keeping the neighbors waiting for over an hour! Full story at Faanews

- Huge recall on Chug Chass Sofer Bnei Brak. Numerous imported items from Europe erroneously were without supervision and may not be kosher at all. The hechsher is advising consumers to discard the items. Submitted 

- Recordings of the Nshei Adirei Hatorah event on Chayeinu hotline
Press 2-2 for Rav Tzvi Kushelevsky 408 Rav Simcha Scheinberg 407 Rebbetzin Kushelevsky 406

- Dirshu apologizes to the Skulener rebbe of Boro Park for not holding up an  agreement they had to stop the  livestreaming of the siyum event when the rebbe came, unfortunately the entire event was livestreamed without interruption and they publicly placed ads apologizing for it and to prevent it from happening in the future. 

- No confirmation yet on israel media report of Kabolas panim in Lakewood for gedolei Eretz Yisroel

- Lakewood township committee meeting today virtual only watch livestream Here see agenda Here 5:30 pm
Public comment available by email during meeting Please include your name and address for
the record. On the agenda more street vacations,
Bikes and boating coming to Lake Carasaljo
 -Lakewood township will be paying more to purchase the property at 220 3rd Street, for parking up from the original agreed price of $1.7 million to $1,85 million
- Tax increase Lakewood will be increasing up to 3.5% over the previous year’s final appropriations, of 2.5% going from $2,386,409.22 to $3,340,972.91,
- Lakewood township will be applying a $74,000 grant The Local Recreation Improvement Grant (LRIG) to carry out a project to enhance the public community garden located in the John Patrick Sports Complex 

- The New Jersey state Senate State Government committee will hold part two of its marathon hearing on a bill today that would adopt the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) definition of antisemitism within the state of New Jersey. The hearing will be held on Zoom. (Sschorr)

- Chaveirim of central jersey gets  new mobile EV charging unit  to refill enough battery to give 15 miles in approximately 15 minutes for cars stuck on the road.

- In  an article published today in the Hebrew mishpacha  magazine the medical consultant Rabbi Shimon Ragubi, chairman of Mazur, comes out strongly against those involved with getting appointments by doctors.'Not everyone that can cut the line for an MRI has the experience or know how to make a recommendation for a patient with a complex head tumor, which type of treatment is recommended and which doctor is more suitable.``

- Trump advisor Stephen Miller predicts that Biden will be heavily medicated for next week’s presidential debate. “He is refusing to take a drug test. This is a fundamental matter of National Security — to have the current occupant of the Oval Office on drugs.”

- Since Biden took office, gas prices have skyrocketed by over 50%, as have groceries and rent by over 20%

Israel At War Thursday June 20

 Israel at war day 258

- Mark Levin tweets: Biden and his regime are lying anti-Semitic... after reports that 
Biden Quietly Stopped Fast Tracking US Arms to Israel After Pressure from Anti-Israel Democrats, SenTom Cotton Reveals -- New probe will expose how Admin 'engaged in bureaucratic sleight-of-hand to withhold this crucial aid to Israel'

- Leaked findings from the Israeli military's investigation into the October 7 conflict with Hamas reveal friendly fire incidents, hesitation to engage the enemy, and questionable command decisions, Channel 12 reports

-Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in Response to the White House: "I am willing to absorb personal attacks if that is what it takes for Israel to get the arms and ammunition it needs in its war for survival."

- Marco Rubio: As I have been warning about for months because of Hezbollah & the regime in Iran the threat of a very dangerous war is brewing in the Middle East

- US officials have serious concerns that in the event of a full-blown war between Israel and Hezbollah, the Iran-backed militant group could overwhelm Israel’s air defenses in the north — including the much-vaunted Iron Dome air defense system, three US officials told CNN.

- US officials said to estimate number of living hostages could be as low as 50. Wall Street Journal says estimation based on US, Israeli intelligence 

- A barrage of some 25 rockets was launched from Lebanon at the Western Galilee an hour ago, the military says. There were no injuries in the attack.

- The US military floating pier in Gaza was expected to resume operations today, the pier had been re-attached to the shore on Wednesday after being temporarily removed last Friday due to poor sea conditions.

-Hezbollah plans to attack Haifa if Israel expands the fighting and, in the next stage, additional cities, including Tel Aviv.

- Palestinian sources are reporting heavy fighting in southern Gaza in Rafah as well as in Tulkarem east of Netanya in Samaria.

- Israel Channel 14 is reporting: In Lebanon, the voices fearing a broad confrontation with Israel are increasing • Lebanese Member of Parliament: "Israel is capable of returning Lebanon to the Stone Age." 

- Ynet is reporting that the Biden admin ICE department is giving Israelis a hard time in the process of applying for a Visa or Green Card. The requests of Israelis to receive a "green card" are delayed due to an in-depth investigation regarding their military service: "The interviewer was inquisitive about my skills with weapons and wanted to know details about the reserves in Gaza; I travel so much to the USA, I have never experienced such bullying, The feeling is as if questions were copied from the Office of the Chief Prosecutor in The Hague."

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Yahrtzeit Tribute of Hagaon Rav Gershon Edelstein zt"l-

Special Yahrtzeit Tribute of Hagaon Rav Gershon Edelstein zt"l-10 Sivan 5784-Horav Michoel Sorotzkin

Oif Simchas Wed 13 Sivan

Kagan - Ungarischer Bais Faiga
Meyer - Herzog Ateres Reva
Reidel -  Sternbuch Kesser Moshe Yehuda
Slater - Blank Eagle Ridge 
Gestetner -  Scheinerman Lake Terrace
Matyas - Grossman Fountain Ballroom
Bordansky - Silber Ne'emas Hachaim

Israel At War Wednesday Ne 19

 Israel at war day 257

- USS aircraft carrier Ford and its strike group are heading into the port of Chaifa, Israel 

- Nasrallah warns ‘no place’ in Israel will be safe in war, threatens to target Cyprus “The enemy knows well that we have prepared ourselves for the worst… and that no place… will be spared our rockets.” Nasrallah also threatens Cyprus for the first time, saying Hezbollah could consider it “a part of the war” and hit targets there if it allows the IDF to use logistical infrastructure in the country in case of a war.

- Gallant huddles with IDF generals, reiterating heightened war preparedness “We are completing the ground and air readiness, strengthening the intelligence systems, and preparing for any possibility,” Gallant is quoted as saying in a ministry statement.

Wednesday June 19 News Updates Lakewood

Weather: 89° Partly cloudy. High 89F
Heat Advisory Until Fri 6:00 am heat index values up to 100 degrees. For the Excessive Heat Watch, dangerously hot conditions with heat index values up to 105 possible.

- Louisiana becomes 1st U.S. state to require the Ten Commandments be posted in classrooms

- Tehillim for The Kosove Rebbe was taken into the hospital today with high fever and was put on a respirator. Name is  Shraga Feivish ben Malka.

-Toms River Township Board of Education signs an agreement with the LSTA to handle their busing obligation for all nonpublic school students Agudah of NJ reports 

- Gedolei Eretz Yisrael  who  will be arriving in the US on Sunday will be attending a fundraising event in Lakewood on Sunday as they look to raise 100 million for yeshivos in E"Y there will also a be an event on Monday in NYC at the meridian capital offices

- Ishay Ribo Elul concert coming back to Madison Square Garden  on Sep 15 with special guests Idan Raichel and Eviatar Banai.

-The July 4th fireworks in Lakewood will take place on Sunday July 7th at Lake Carasaljo 9:15 pm

-Last night at the Nshei Adirei hatorah event  for girls in the shidduch age the Lakewood Roshei yeshiva graced the dais as Rav Tzvi Kushlevsky and rav Simcha Scheinberg addressed the crowd. there was music as the Roshei yeshiva danced on the stage and Rav Tzvi Kushelevsky held his baby to show  Emunah and Bitachon.

- US Post office banks and federal ofices closed today for Junteenth However, New Jersey state govt offices  will be open for business on today Wednesday because the Garden State will commemorate Juneteenth on Friday. The reason? New Jersey officials recognized the date as a holiday before the federal government did.

- Adirei hatorah officials already looking for a larger venue to host next Event possibly closer to NY now that a chazaka bas been established 

-Russia signs mutual defense alliance with North Korea

-Jack Ciattarelli has 33-point lead, over conservative talk show host Bill Spadea among likely Republican primary voters in next year’s NJ governor’s race, 44%-11%

-The New Jersey Education Association  teachers union PAC has endorsed Sean Spiller, the NJEA president and mayor of Montclair, for the Democratic nomination for governor in 2025.

- Lakewood Township's Planning Board on Tuesday night approved a new 64 duplex unit development off of the New Hampshire Avenue and Locust street intersection.
Engineer Brian Flannery cheerfully assured the Board "the existing trees may cause forest fires, building duplexes is a much better idea!"  The shul, which will contain a kiddush room, warming kitchen, and mikvah in the basement, will receive 67 off- street parking spaces. See more more to this on faanews 

-Bike,Blade & Ball For Bicycle will have bike  Rentals at  Lake Carasaljo
TravelingTykes Marina, LLC. will have Boat Rentals at Lake Carasaljo

 -Lakewood township will be paying more to purchase the property at  220 3rd Street, for parking up from the original agreed price of $1.7 million to $1,85 million 

- Tax increase Lakewood will be increasing up to 3.5% over the previous year’s final appropriations, of 2.5% going from $2,386,409.22 to $3,340,972.91, 

- Lakewood township will be applying a   $74,000 grant  The Local Recreation Improvement Grant (LRIG) to carry out a project to enhance the public community garden located in the John Patrick Sports Complex including installing benches, a permanent shade structure, ADA-compliant paved pathways, elevated garden beds, a storage shed, and rain barrels

Oif Simchas Tuesday 12 Sivan

Busel - Reich Bais Faiga
March - Brim Ne'emas Hachaim
Feit - Tamar Silver Eagle Ridge 
Levin -  Drebin Ateres Reva
Pickholtz - Abbott Fountain Ballroom
Friedman -  Wolhendler Lake Terrace
Kovalenko - Steiner  Cedar Palace

Tonight: Nshei Adirei hatorah will be hosting an event in Lakewood for all girls in shidduchim at the Lakewood high school on Somerset Ave. Rav Tzvi Kushelevsky shlita and Rav Simcha Scheinberg shlita will be traveliong in from eretz yisroel especially for this event. All those attending will receive a bracha from the roshei yeshiiva 

Israel At War Tuesday June 18

 Israel at war day 256

- Top Israeli generals approve battle plans for Lebanon offensive, army says

- NY Times: US Gaza aid pier may be dismantled soon, after little success
The aid pier built by the US for some $200 million may soon be dismantled, having so far completed a total of 10 days of actual operations, The New York Times reports

- In open threat, Hezbollah publishes drone footage of sites in northern Israel
Terror group posts nearly 10 minutes of video, including shots of Haifa bay and sensitive military locations

- The United States does not want to see a wider regional war in the Middle East, the Pentagon says.

Tuesday June 18 News Updates Lakewood

 Weather: 89° Abundant sunshine. High 89F
Heat advisory today from 10am to 6 pm or the Heat Advisory, heat index values up to 95 degrees expected. For the Excessive Heat Watch, dangerously hot conditions with heat index values up to 104 possible.

- Tonight at the Nshei Adirei Hatorah event 
Rav Tzvi Kushulevsky Shlita  brought his little baby boy Eliyohu and was dancing  holding him.

- New traffic signal on Central Ave Gudz/Whiteville intersection went live today, traffic was backed up to the entrance of Westgate and also opposite direction due to the new light.

- JFood kosher food expo taking place today at NJ Expo center in Edison,NJ with hundreds of kosher vendors open until 8pm

The Lakewood Branch of the Ocean county library will remain closed Tuesday, June 18th, for maintenance. The branch will have an 11am delayed opening Wednesday, June 19th.

- Russian President Vladimir Putin arrived tonight at Pyongyang International Airport in the Capital of North Korea, where he was met by Supreme Leader Kim Jong-un

- Banks and post offices will be closed tomorrow Wednesday, June 19 in observance of Juneteenth, however major grocery and retail store chains will remain open on the holiday

- Delegation of Gedolim from Eretz Yisrael will be coming to the US this coming motzei shabbos in an effort to raise 100 million for yeshivos  among those coming are Rav Dov Landau shlita  Rav Don Segal shlita Rav Yaakov Hillel shlita The Rachmastrivka rebbe shlita  they will join up with Rav MOshe HIllel HIrsch who is already in the US the schedule and itinerary has not been released yet but they are expected to visit Lakewood 

- Now open in Deal, Abu laffa restaurant lamb shawarma chicken shawarma , shish kabab , falafel 116 Norwood ave deal 732-686-1409 under JSOR
Bubi Bagels wave resort at Pier Village Long branch under JSOR

- Rav Shmuel Kamenetzky shlita was in Lakewood last night at the wedding of a  einikel the night before he was at the Adirei Hatorah event

-Over 50 girls still not accepted to high school as camp starts in 2 weeks 

- Tonight: Nshei Adirei hatorah will be hosting an event in Lakewood for all girls in shidduchim at the Lakewood high school  Rav Tzvi Kushelevsky shlita and Rav Simcha Scheinberg shlita  will be traveliong in from erets yisroel especially for this event. All those attending will receive a bracha from the roshei yeshiiva 

- Lakewood planning board wants to change their vote and approve a previously denied Chestnut street project FAAnews reports It is anticipated that a large crowd of area residents will rush to the next Board hearing  tonight at 6:00pm to urge the Board not to change the vote. Faa

-Tefillos for the akossover rebbe shlita of BP whose condition has worsened  שרגא פייבוש בן מלכה

- Lakewood planning board meeting tonight 6:00 pm watch live stream Here  see agenda here
There will be a closed session for Besadar Holdings application of culdesac off 14th street Other items on the agenda
Chestnut Holdings NJ LLC reconsideration of Preliminary and Final Major Subdivision to create 27 lots
Yeshiva Ber Hatalmud 1860 Lanes Mill Road Change of Use/Site Plan Exemption to convert a house into a school
Warren Avenue LLC 2A Edgewood Court Block 415, Lot 22 Minor Subdivision to create three lots
Solar Ave LLC  Locust Street Preliminary and Final Major Subdivision to create 67 lots

- On Monday night, Jackson Township's Planning Board held yet another contentious hearing on an application for 4 schools with 2,500 students off Chandler Road. Neighbors of the proposed campus have retained Attorney Ron Gasiorowski to represent their opposition to the application. Faanews

- New development going up in Toms River PALM Estates  lot prices starting at $625k with a choice of several model homes or build your own

- Avocado shortage after The United States paused safety inspections for avocados and mangos from a top-producing Mexican state due to a security incident involving U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) staff, a spokesperson for the agency said on Monday.

Monday, June 17, 2024

Oif Simchas Monday 11 Sivan

Pruzansky - Ruck Bais Faiga
Goldstein -  Herzl Ne'emas Hachaim
Kamenetsky - Newhouse Fountain Ballroom
Schondorf -  Friedman Kesser Moshe Yehuda
Deutsch - Schachter Cedar Palace
Miller - Dick Ateres Reva Hall
Neuman -  Ausch Lake Terrace
Yakubovsky - Kopilevich Eagle Ridge
Stern - Karmel Addison Park

A Prevalent 'attitude' toward Adirei Hatorah event

 Hashkafa With Reb Gershon Ribber shlita 
Dispersing a prevalent 'attitude' toward adirei hatorah event

Monday June 17 News Updates Lakewood

Weather: 87° Sun and clouds mixed. High 87F 
heat advisory for tomorrow From Tue 10:00 am until Wed 6:00 am For the Heat Advisory, heat index values up to 96 expected. For the Excessive Heat Watch, dangerously hot conditions with heat index values up to 105 possible.

- A dangerously hot and humid week is ahead in New Jersey with high temperatures reaching the 90s from Tuesday through Saturday, with the potential for 100-degree heat in the later part of the week.

- At the supreme court: The only time Chief Justice Roberts has ordered fences to be put up around the Supreme Court was last year when it was leaked that Roe would be overturned.
Fences just went up again today. Something big is coming.

- George E. Norcross III, one of the most powerful political insiders in New Jersey history, was indicted today on racketeering charges. George E. Norcross III, a formidable and long-feared Democratic powerbroker whose influence stretched across the state, was criminally indicted Monday on wide-ranging corruption charges in a scheme that enabled him to illegally land millions in lucrative real estate deals in the state’s poorest city Camden.

- Lakewood mayor Ray Coles in a interview with Israeli maariv Newspaper 
"I have been working for 8 years, and I always have Jews in the council," said Coles. "The work of the [Lakewood] ultra-Orthodox society in the city is amazing. They help guard the community and have an organization that assists when someone is locked out of their home, if someone has problems with their car, and the like. They even helped me and my children when we were locked out of the house. I really want to visit Israel, but only if there is something meaningful I can do there that will benefit our community."

- Traffic signal on Central Ave Lakewood New Egypt Gudz and Whiteville intersection will go live tomorrow 

- Bde: Petirah of R’ Shloima Yehudah Miller Z”L of Lakewood  Levaya 2 pm at the Bais Olam Shiva at 10 Central Ave

- How many were there at Adirei Hatorah event in Wells Fargo? Israeli media outlets report 35,000 Frumnews has the number at 25k and Kol Haolam says 21,000

- Rav Tzvi Kushelevsky shlita spoke this morning at Kollel boker Ohr Shmuel in Lutzk B"M he will speak tomorrow evening in Lakewood for all girls in shidduchim age at the high school as part of the Nshei Adirei hatorah initiative.

- Farher season for bais medrash age bochurim begins this week

- Zoning board meeting tonight watch livestream Here 
see agenda here  
on the agenda a new 2 story Mikva for Satmar B"M ot E Kennedy and county Line
Yeshiva Gedola of Brick 420 Cross School building with dormitory.
 Squankum Road, Block 169 Lot 21, B-4 zone. To subdivide into one duplex and 3 townhouses, (triplex)

- Rav Elya Ber Wachtfogel shlita said a story yesterday in a video message at the Adirei Hatorah event how during the Yom Kippur war the Skolya rebbe got up early in the morning and told his Hoiz Bachur that he had a remarkable dream that the yishuv in Eretz Yisrael was in imminent danger of getting anihalated this was a few hours before war broke out. He saw in the dream a globe of the world  with all the frum communities where yidden lived from europe to the US when in came to Lakewood he said in the zechus of Torah Mitoch Hadchak that the youngeleit are learning in Lakevood that has saved the yishuv in Eretz Yisrael 

- Adirei Hatorah  Rav Ephraim Wachsman asked that the olam accept upon themselves  not to get too excited about things related to Gashmiyus 
 In a special message to the Bochorim he said thise who are struggling living in a world full of nisyonos  to keep on shteiging and withstand the nisyonos not to give up, the struggle he said is part of the kedusha.

- Adirei Hatorah: The Rosh Hayeshiva Rav Malkiel Kotler shlita was mechabed the Machzikei Adirei Hatorah by visiting some of the suits

 - In a landmark 4-3 ruling, the New Jersey Supreme Court has just upended decades-long standing case law, establishing that all commercial landowners - even of vacant lots - have a duty to maintain public sidewalks and are liable to pedestrians who are injured as a result of their negligent failure to do so. Faa

- Chuck Schumer deleted a post on Twitter with photo of  uncooked cheeseburger on the grill. after he was roasted on social media for pretending to know how to BBQ like the average joe the meat looked like it is spoiled, as a Jew he was called out for cooking cheese and meat together.

- Conservative radio talk show host Bill Spadea today announced that he would seek the Republican nomination for Governor of New Jersey in 2025 with a pledge to make the state more affordable, stop indoctrinating kids at school, and prevent Joe Biden from sending those living in the U.S. illegally to New Jersey.
“I’m unapologetically conservative, pro-life, pro-Second Amendment, and pro-Trump,” Spadea said.  “I’m running for governor to fight for you. I’m ready, willing, and able to lead with strength, conviction, and courage to restore common sense to our great state.”

Israel At War Monday June 17

 Israel at war day 255

- A newly surfaced document revealed the IDF had detailed knowledge of Hamas's plan to raid Israel and kidnap 250 people two weeks before the Oct. 7 massacre, but warnings were not acted on due to prevailing security conceptions and possible 

- After Hamas rejects ceasefire, Channel 12 reports that the Biden administration has removed all limits on arms deliveries to Israel.

- IDF says it has dismantled half of Hamas’s forces in Rafah, killed at least 550 gunmen

- The IDF is examining an unusual possibility: "It is possible that Hamas terrorists managed to smuggle hostages out of Rafah." (Israel Hayom)

- Netanyahu officially disbands war cabinet after Gantz’s departure from government
PM tells ministers the small forum created to manage war will not reconvene, with decisions instead made in ad hoc ‘consultations’; far-right’s Ben Gvir had been lobbying to join

Sunday, June 16, 2024

Oif Simchas Sunday 10 Sivan

Chasuna season resumes the busy June season fron Shavuos to Shva Asar BTamuz
Dworetsky -  Donath Kesser Moshe Yehuda
Plutchok - Borenstein Bais Faiga

Livestream Adirei Hatorah Event

 Live stream video hookup of Adirei Hatorah event at Wells Fargo Arena Sunday June 16

Adirei Hatorah 3.0 Event Updates


Replay audio of event on Chayeinu hotline see below 732-301-4043 option 1-2-1

-Livestream video of the event on YouTube HERE starting at 4:30pm

11:30 pm several food establishments open late to accommodate those returning home to Lakewood. Youngeleit and bochurim  seen going to night seder

10:20 pm Caravan of minivans and buses stretching along the 195 from Trenton to Lakewood 

Food situation much more organized and plentiful this year 

9:58 Event concludes  crowds head for the exits

9:34 pm Maariv let  by Rav Dovid Schustal shlita followed by a kapital of Tehillim  for אחינו כל בית ישראל

9:25 Kabolas Ol Malchus shamayim led by Rav Yeruchom Olshin shlita followed by music 

9:10 Music resumes

8:35 pm Rav Ephraim Wachsman shlita speaking in English. Gave a special mention to the nshei Adirei Hatorah  to the youngeleit the tomchei Torah and the many yeahiva Bochurim who are there.

Event running on schedule 

- 8:15 pm Siyum hashas spirited dancing stadium erupts in simchas haTorah with yeshivish Simchas Torah song selection and the famed chabad vesamachta thrown in to the mix 

8:10 Hadran on Shas by Rav Yisroel Neuman shlita Kaddiah recited by Rav Moshe Solomon shlita

7:55 Video of Rav Mattisyahu Solomon ZTL Azkara as siyum has has will be liluy  nishmaso

7:50 Rav Shmuel Kamenetzky shlita enters the arena to singing of ki orech yamim

- 7:30 Rav Moshe Hillel Hirsch delivering remarks in English mentioning the antisemitism going on a  all over the world and the redifas hadas in E"Y as a result of a lack in kavod malchus shamayim but on the other hand the ameilus  and learning by adirei hatorah in Lakewood is producing malchus shamayim that will bring the geulah
7:25 Rav Moshe Hillel Hirsch shlita is introduced and is greeted by song of uvchein tzadikim
7:25 Crowd dances to music

7:20 Video speech by Rav Elya Ber Wachtfogel shlita
RAV Shmuel Kamenetzky shlita on the way

Rav Tzvi Kushelevsky shlita arrived

6:55pm Video presentation 

- 6:28 pm Rav Malkiel Kotler shlita speaking
He announced another raise in the kollel check
He spoke about the romemus of youngeleit and the supporters who called adirei  machzikei hatorah He said over a chazon Ish and the choir followed by singing the words to niggun 

6:05pm Roshei Yeahiva introduced with grand entrance as crowd stands up and dances to the music welcoming them

5:50pm Tehillim led by Tav Chaim Ginsburg shlita senior Rosh Chabura at BMG

5:45pm Pre recorded video speech by Reb Yossel Mermelstein shlita R"Y Novominsk

5:30pm Mincha

- 5:00pm Band and choir playing slow kumzitz songs

-Lakewood roshei yeshiva have arrived at the arena meeting with donors at VIP lounge and posing for pictures 

- Heavy traffic backup ready along the 195 westbound towards Philly 

Washing Cups for netilas yadayim placed at Wells Fargo sinks

3:00pm Buses have departed from locations in Lakewood and Jackson making their way to Philadelphia 

- Youngeleit with floor seats will get a blue band upon entrance to the arena to get access to the seats

Speakers: Rav Malkiel Kotler shlita
Rav Moshe Hillel Hirsch shlita
Rav Ephraim Wachsman shlita 
There will be a Azkara for the mashgiach Rav Mattisyohu Solomon ZTL with the attendance of his son Rav Moshe from Gatshead who will recite the kaddish to the Hadran

To listen to Adirei Hatorah tonight live. Call into one of the numbers below:
USA: 605-417-0300 or backup number 712-432-2910
UK: +44-3333-661039
Israel: 077-272-3200

Crews prepared over 30,000 deli wraps that will be given out to all attendees.

Neginah will be provided again by R' Meir Adler of Bnei Brak with singer Bentzy Stein from E"Y, Yanky Daskal, Meilech Braunstein, Issac Honog

Dirshu has anounced the test site for the choshen mishpat bechina  taking place tonight will be open tomorrow night to accommodate those going to adirei hatorah event.

-Huge demand for tickets as many are hoping for last minute discounts. Others are selling obstructed view tickets for 250 and more.

There most probably will be a live stream hook up as in the last 2 events

3rd annual Event today at Wells Fargo arena in Philadelphia.Doors open at 4:00pm there will be light refreshments 4:30- 5:30 including deli sandwiches  cake and Fruit under KCL
Mincha 5:30pm program begins at 6:00pm expected to conclude with Maariv at 9:30pm

In order to keep the crowds organized there will be extra security teams with bouncers making sure everyone stays in their designated seating areas. They will not allow access to other areas.

Parking at Wells Fargo is leased out to a 3rd party company. Pre-paid for parking for the June 16th event is $25. Here

Buses will be leaving at 2:30pm and the last bus out is 3:30pm

-Organizers say stadium staff will not allow anyone in without a ticket.

- Rav Moshe Hillel Hirsch shlita has departed from EY and is enroute to the US where he will look to raise over 100 Million dollars for yeshivos in E"Y as the government looks to withhold funding. He will attend the adirei hatorah event

Rav Shmuel Kamenetzky shlita may attend the Maamad at Adirei Hatorah. Rav Tzvi Kushelevsky shlita is also in the US.